How To Use Candidly In A Sentence
candidly, I think she doesn't have a conscience
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
The Single Candidly Deed facts: As you are indubitably already in the know having overturn almost this website, although acai berries keep scientifically proven form benefits, and are of practice astonishing for losing preponderancy, there are a horrifying amount of acai berry scams exhaustively there.
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She is really a PR consultant, who candidly calls herself a "paid shill for the Bush administration."
Even more candidly, the maestro of Tudor court books and ceremonies last studied Anglo-Saxon history, he admits, as a schoolboy.

The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.
Will she be true to her 1995 self and candidly cut through the "vacuity" that rains down at these hearings?
Politics Daily
Jesse’s so woke that he candidly addresses his light-skinned, blue-eyed privilege.
He suppressed, a little uncandidly, the fact of her first reluctance.
April Hopes
The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.
You have been so unhandsomely and uncandidly dealt with by a friend of yours and mine that I should be sorry to find myself in the position of an opponent to you, and more particularly with the chance of making a fool of myself.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
But when a staffer asks whether they'd follow a friend who picked up a bombie, several students ignore the hint and answer candidly: "Yes. - 30-year-old bombs still very deadly in Laos
That you may understand how dangerous, and into what a situation it has already brought you, we will (if you please) go hand-inhand through the different phrases of your letter, and candidly examine each from the point of view of its truth, its appositeness, and its charity.
Lay Morals
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
He, an old Regular, despite the iron discipline so candidly hated, was withall a staunch supporter of fair play for the ranker, a tartar on parade, and feared more by the junior N. C.O.'s than the very inhabitor of lower regions.
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Gibbon, who describes his case with special minuteness, most uncandidly represents it as affording an average specimen of the style in which condemned Christians were treated.
The Ancient Church Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution
If candidly expressed, Karmasha was held guilty as the accusation and allegement fell on him.
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I said candidly that I could hardly cast aspersions on his choices since my own reclusive tendencies are strong.
Like her parents and brother, Martha writes candidly and often hostilely about the people around her, be they lovers, friends, or family.
And he spoke candidly of the whole Catholic Church in this country being ‘tainted with the evil of child abuse’.
He said to me very candidly, I'm trying to translate that as close as I can, that before 1984 I thought he was a scoundrel, but after what happened in Blue Star I think now he's a sant.
But I am as little disposed to unsettle the reader's faith in the Virgilian tradition, as to part with my own; and I therefore uncandidly hold back the names of the authorities cited.
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Her husband, also a film star, most laid back, most charming and who I was meeting for the first time, guffawed loudly and candidly acted out an impromptu spiel for me.
If you say, it builds up our economy, while ever so uncandidly, concealing that you have not said that it does so per capita; knowing that almost anyone will think that improving the economy means improving per capita output, isn't that deception?
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Rosetta stone, and metes to Young and Champollion their due shares in that discovery, of which each uncandidly claimed the whole.
The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
As one Japanese diplomat put it rather candidly, "Japan is creating an exclusive Japanese market in which Asia Pacific nations are incorporated into the so-called keiretsu [financial-industrial bloc] system.
Walden Bello: Asia: The Coming Fury
I am the last person in the world to press conclusions harshly or uncandidly against Coleridge, but I believe it to be notorious that he first began the use of opium not as a relief from any bodily pains or nervous irritations -- for his constitution was strong and excellent -- but as a source of luxurious sensation.
The Opium Habit
Plus, Michelle Obama speaking very candidly about what she calls the painful, difficult controversy dogging her husband's campaign.
CNN Transcript May 1, 2008
In 2005, Mandela spoke publicly and candidly about his son's death from AIDS, helping to combat the stigma around the disease that was largely unaddressed during his presidency.
He talks candidly about his feelings over these turbulent months and discusses his views on the issues splitting the modern Church.
In it they speak candidly about their childhoods, troubles that they encountered at school and their roller coaster love lives.
The Sun
And the spokeswoman for the Broward County sheriffs office candidly stated that we did that because of the media hype.
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
Then there was saucy Mike Newell, director of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, whose camera candidly appraised the bottoms of the beautiful French girls from Beauxbatons Academy as they sashayed across the flagstones of Hogwarts.
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Bank robber and prison escapee John Matthews talks candidly about his career.
Brown recently gave an hour-long prime-time TV interview in which he spoke candidly about holding his daughter Jennifer before she died 10 days after her birth, in what was widely seen as a strategy to 'humanise' his dour image.
Raw Story
Now no one will speak candidly about him or take him on or contradict him.
Interestingly , yesterday after a reporter asked coulee "is too weak rivals group has been affected, " Gu Li candidly: "I do not exactly.
“It would be, of course, most desirable to be informed exactly,” insisted the Assistant Commissioner uncandidly.
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Here was a chance to look candidly at the way multi-culturalism in Bradford has done a disservice to race relations.
We admit it is difficult to controvert the charges which Macaulay arrays against him, for so accurate and painstaking an historian is not likely to be wrong in his facts; but we believe that they are uncandidly stated, and so ingeniously and sophistically put as to give on the whole a wrong impression of the man, -- making him out worse than he was, considering his age and circumstances.
Beacon Lights of History
Candidly ( ie Speaking frankly ), David, I think you're being unreasonable.
She spoke quite candidly with me: ‘It was frightful, the way my husband threatened me.’
In this exploration of armed hold-ups, convicted armed robbers speak candidly about how they conduct their crimes and about the terror that they deliberately create.
They were candidly surprised by how well it all turned out and my office no longer elicits derisive or doubting commentary.
In ‘The Kid,’ the poet unveils the hidden core beneath a comfortable mask, telling about how the subject talks candidly about his father ‘sometimes when we ain't talking about baseball.’
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
Cadfael found something so significant in that arrow-straight progress towards the church that he followed, candidly curious and officiously helpful, and finding Rafe of Coventry standing hesitant by the parish altar, looking round him at the multiplicity of chapels contained in transepts and chevet, directed him with blunt simplicity to the one he was looking for.
The Hermit of Eyton Forest
In afflictions, relatives and opponents combine with the ease-loving heart itself in flatteries, which it needs strong faith to overcome. yourselves know -- We always candidly told you so (1Th 3: 4; Ac 14: 22).
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She was the first Chinese woman to write candidly about her own life in a rather autobiographic novel.
In it they speak candidly about their childhoods, troubles that they encountered at school and their roller coaster love lives.
The Sun
Like other volumes in this series, it candidly mentions not only the successes, but also the failures and defeats of airpower.
In the current mudbath for president, Ron Paul is the only politico besides Dennis Kucinich who speaks candidly.
Mud, Fog, And Blackwater
Rogers did not, to speak candidly, find her landlady a congenial spirit, and only remained upon her premises because being there was a lesser evil than living in that most unhomelike of all places, a boarding-house.
Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
In ‘The Kid,’ the poet unveils the hidden core beneath a comfortable mask, telling about how the subject talks candidly about his father ‘sometimes when we ain't talking about baseball.’
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored.
To say, Mr. President, that no doubt had ever floated over my mind -- that no cloud had ever floate [damaged page] t my mental vision -- would be to speak uncandidly.
State of the country : speech of Hon. A. G. Brown, of Mississippi, in the Confederate Senate, December 24, 1863,
He candidly admits in the book he spent months on the couch and long hours with a marriage counsellor.
You talk very candidly about learning to live with benign essential blepharospasm, and how you learned to love your illness.
Muffins and Mayhem
The bulldoggish Wallace himself candidly told reporters two years after the gunshots had paralyzed his legs and confined him to a wheelchair: "I think my attempted assassination was part of a conspiracy.
Freezerbox Magazine
It doesn't imply a value judgement of the proclivity to admit candidly that these are deviancies, and so-called "asexuality" is even more deviant, even more fundamentally at odds with basic human norms far more so than the two just listed.
"It's hard to imagine what would push me to having sex. I'm not afraid of sex, it's just not something I want to do."
And this is why a healthy degree of latitude should be given to tweets, as with candidly expressed opinions more generally.
Times, Sunday Times
Pankhurst admits candidly that he was not big on the idea of contacting his old schoolmates at first, but has now hooked up with old chums from both primary and secondary.
And this is why a healthy degree of latitude should be given to tweets, as with candidly expressed opinions more generally.
Times, Sunday Times