How To Use Candid In A Sentence

  • Two more debates are scheduled in the coming weeks, one debate dealing with education and health will be held in Irbid next week and the final week before elections the southern city of Karak will witness a candidates debate on agriculture and development. Daoud Kuttab: Jordanian Candidate Uses Debate to Call for Curtailing King's Powers
  • There has to be a standard, a level where the candidacy is based on merit rather than on luck.
  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Before anyone says that this was going to happen anyway, remember that political pros were saying two years ago that Napolitano was a one term fluke, early this year Republicans were salivating about a possible 2/3 majority House and Senate, and it took some foresight to see that a decent candidate could be recruited to take out J. Archive 2006-12-01
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  • an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics.
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • So far, this scribe detects two "fortissimo" candidates -- people palpably impatient to get in office and shake things up. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • He has always been candid about his reasons for joining the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the Democrats manage to lose the seat in November, they might consider blaming an election system that is quite literally designed to stimy "majority rule" save in races where there are only two candidates. Balkinization
  • Amid it all stands Mitt Romney, not the high-flying investment lots of Republicans yearned to put their money on, but the unspectacular Treasury bill of Republican candidates, a man whose emphasis on jobs and the economy makes him a safe enough bet at a time like this. GOP 'Flight to Safety' Benefits Romney
  • Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements.
  • This candidate is clearly superior.
  • In fact, areas where the outdoor temperature routinely falls to about 15 degrees are not good candidates for heat pumps.
  • The outcome of the analysis phase is a metaclass model that describes candidate services, their role stereotypes, and their operations.
  • Secret ballot enables the voters to express their free will on the candidates without any restriction.
  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
  • But any candidate who does not reach 15 percent in a given precinct is deemed ‘not viable,’ and his supporters will then pick another.
  • Whole lions at £5,000 a head, antelopes, porcupines, goats, cane rats and large, live snails - all from West Africa - were also candidates for the dinner table.
  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
  • He was left in limbo by Scottish Labour's Executive, which refused to endorse his candidacy until Fife police concluded their investigations into the case.
  • This candidate is vastly more experienced than the others.
  • He was, in fact, a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene.
  • Corporate recruiters and large companies maintain their own databases of job candidates, including unstructured data such as interview notes.
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • Florida's Democratic candidate for governor, Alex Sink, said Monday she will begin airing a rare two-minute-long TV ad attacking Republican opponent Rick Scott for the massive fraud scandal that occurred on his watch at his former hospital company. Alex Sink Attack Ad RIPS Rick Scott Over Massive Medicare Fraud (VIDEO)
  • Nevertheless, incumbent officeholders, candidates, and aspirants are pragmatic to a fault, and their main concern is with winning elections.
  • He has expressed his pleasure with the leading U.S. presidential candidates 'views on immigration reform and the amnesty they support and his displeasure to "The New York Times" about what he calls immigrant bashing in America. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2008
  • The two candidates then contest the general election.
  • She has always been candid and honest. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sort of immense architectonical precision does not stop the piece from revealing candid airs here and there. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • With a Labour candidate in place they won by a mile.
  • Zurawik asks “Is Obama the first ‘cybergenic’ candidate?” Daily Digest: OMG BRK OBMA TXTS 4 VP
  • • Liz Chatterjee is a DPhil candidate in international development at the University of Oxford Time to acknowledge the dirty truth behind community-led sanitation
  • In afflictions, relatives and opponents combine with the ease-loving heart itself in flatteries, which it needs strong faith to overcome. yourselves know -- We always candidly told you so (1Th 3: 4; Ac 14: 22). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Let me be quite candid with you: your work is not good enough.
  • All the candidates won places on the ruling council.
  • At this point in the economic cycle, they are piling up like used tires: debt-sacked college kids who can't get jobs, foreclosed homeowners, failed small-business owners, pink-slipped employees, millions suddenly ejected from the middle class and now a couple Republican candidates who won't be our next president. Occupy Mitt Romney!
  • Congressional nominees are selected in party conventions, unless no candidate gets more than 60 percent of the vote there.
  • All staff, from Stilwell to the summer interns who answered phones and restocked supply shelves, were assembled and scattered among the desks in the largest space in the headquarters, where partitions had been removed to give them an unobstructed view of their candidate. O: A Presidential Novel
  • One name seemed to leap off the page from the list of candidates.
  • Risk managers are charged with an important function within financial institutions, and to attract calibre candidates, salary levels tend to be competitive.
  • (Sadly, Jesse Jackson, Jr., though he appears to not have been involved in corruption, is now too tainted in the public memory as candidate #6 or whatever to have a viable chance at filling the seat.) Matthew Yglesias » Darrel Thompson Sure Can Quit Burris
  • Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
  • Personally, I think it is very fortuitous that this kind of hankering back and forth and subtle "adjustments" of positions this earrly is good for th candidates. McCain And Obama Battle It Out Over Supreme Court Handgun Decision
  • The daft governor of Massachusetts, Mitch Romney, apparently is still thinking that the wingnuts will somehow allow a northeasterner to be a serious presidential candidate so he completely wimped out (and sucked up to the wingnuts) by leaving it to his spokesman. 07/14/2005
  • Akbar said the House's endorsement of the 45 candidates was a three-stage process, including a plenary session of the legislative body.
  • He is honest and has moire integrity then what we have seen from other candidates. Obama, Clinton court Puerto Rico's voters
  • Moreover, candidacy for technical membership has to be proposed and endorsed by council members.
  • Democrats ran candidates in every subcircuit seat, and won most of those they contested. ILLINOIZE
  • One ship sinks, many sailors die, and Martin points out to Candide that the gruesome affair further proves his point.
  • The candidates were delighted that the public came to cheer them on and present leis of flowers to wish them luck.
  • Tis really doing Injustice to the Country to impute to it such [illegible] uncandid, illiberal [illegible] Productions, but no Wonder these John Adams diary 7, 21 March - 18 October 1761
  • The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense
  • The moderator can then select the questions to be asked and call on the individuals who submitted them to actually pose the questions to the candidates.
  • She is seeking nomination as a candidate in the elections.
  • On the death of Leo there were two main candidates for nomination as his replacement.
  • Then whyever would one expect them to vote for the Republican candidate over Obama, who will then be the clearly more populist, combative candidate with working class concerns at heart? Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • The physical geography section provided the key topics that candidates would have focussed on, such as landform development. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • So, they were asked to evaluate the candidates based on nothing else except their appearance, and the more attractive candidates were deemed... wait for it.... *more attractive*! One reason you might vote for Sarah Palin
  • While there may be those who claim to be hazzanim or less than desirable candidates, that does not justify the diminished quality of prayer in such lay-led congregations.
  • A sumptuous garniture, we learn, was commissioned by Charles V to make his son Philip look more plausible as a candidate for emperor in 1550. Armor as Wearable Sculpture
  • The two candidates went on television to put their ideas on record.
  • After the lapse of a fortnight, Hepburn, candidate for congressman-at-large, declined to accept because "it is quite apparent that a very large portion of the Republicans, owing to the unfortunate circumstances which have come to light since the adjournment of the convention, are not disposed to accept its conclusion as an authoritative utterance of the party." [ A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • There is a lot he can do to make life difficult for a candidate he has deliberately chosen to lobby against.
  • [2] Categorise into yeast (eg. cryptococcus), yeast-like form (eg. candida), mold (eg. trichophyton), and dimorphic (eg. blastomyces, histoplasma, paracoccidioides). Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • I made it known that I was a candidate and nobody thought it worthwhile to oppose me.…
  • Cooperative communication and cognitive radio are the key candidates for the future mobile communication technologies.
  • This is particularly so since he is now putting himself forward as a candidate for national office as the champion of the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
  • Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
  • It isn't going to take a fighter, it's going to take someone that will get house and senators elected in Nov. Obama seems better equipt at that. 3 weeks ago both Obama and Hillary polled better than McCain, now McCain is in the lead, this is tearing down both candidates. Poll: Hillary Up By 18 Points In Pennsylvania Primary
  • Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.
  • For a player regularly accused of taking the circuitous route rather too often on the pitch, he is compulsively candid off it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ideal candidate should hold a doctoral degree in computational biology, biomathematics, computer science, electrical or mechanical engineering, or related fields with no more than 5 years of prior postdoctoral research experience. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • He seems a most unlikely candidate for the job.
  • Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.
  • Put a cross beside the name of the candidate you wish to vote for.
  • Cadfael found something so significant in that arrow-straight progress towards the church that he followed, candidly curious and officiously helpful, and finding Rafe of Coventry standing hesitant by the parish altar, looking round him at the multiplicity of chapels contained in transepts and chevet, directed him with blunt simplicity to the one he was looking for. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • He is the only candidate running who had the judgment to do so from the outstart. Gerth/Van Natta Publisher Promoting Disputed Point As Book's Top Revelation
  • Candidates are selected by in-person interviews only.
  • All three losing candidates appealed against the election results, alleging massive fraud by the government.
  • The party intends to field / put up a candidate in the next general election.
  • Having watched reasonably moderate candidates lose the last two presidential elections in heartbreaking fashion, and feeling further frustrated by the steady failure to win either house of Congress, Democrats have made it an article of faith that they lack the political and policy mechanisms to compete with their Republican counterparts. Take Two: Hillary's Choice
  • Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.
  • Twelve political parties and three coalitions are fielding candidates in the election, organised just six months after a bloodless coup toppled the president.
  • These days, Benson said, the same position would require candidates with at least three years of online experience.
  • China is not a natural candidate for a fixed exchange rate against the dollar.
  • The second problem is that there is no way to police if the teams are just interviewing these minorities as token candidates to fit under the guidelines.
  • This perception did not happen overnight, and can not be changed overnight by candidates or wives.
  • The in-flight movie was the remake of The Manchurian Candidate, about a politician who receives instructions whispered into his ear by outside manipulators.
  • Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president. Embracing the crazy
  • In this election, as in the last, almost every female candidate would have to be elected for the assembly to reach proportional representation.
  • The president candidate drooled the reform measures.
  • There are candidates qualified and experienced to hold the reins of this office, from within the ranks of the organisation.
  • I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.
  • Anyone vain and foolish enough to have himself or herself injected with a deadly toxin to remove so-called frown lines is a good candidate for a silicone brain implant as well," suggested another. What's Wrong With Wrinkles?
  • KNOXVILLE - A new Mason-Dixon poll shows Republican gubernatorial candidate and Knoxville Nashville Scene
  • The socialist candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry.
  • These are the privileged few who had intimate meetings with the candidates in corporate suites and the private dens of the super rich.
  • He and I dissented from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.
  • The Italian, widely considered the other top candidate for the job, also has a natural contingency among neighboring countries whose needs could go unfavored by a central bank in German hands. Weber
  • Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
  • New biocomputing methods allowed first author Martina I. Lefterova, a PhD candidate in the Lazar lab, to discover roughly 5,300 additional sites that PPAR gamma targets in fat-cell DNA. Emaxhealth
  • Thousands of homes across York are to receive a pre-election video from the city's Tory candidate in the May poll.
  • The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.
  • In my estimation, he's the more suitable candidate.
  • The committee winkled out the unqualified candidates
  • The most common type is a yeast infection called candida, which is the same germ that causes thrush.
  • Boehner said he feels a certain kinship with the outsider candidates, who remind him of himself 20 years ago. The rise, fall and rise of John Boehner
  • It's pretty much a rule of politics that when a party has been out of power for a while it is willing to tolerate a decent amount of ideological impurity in its presidential candidate.
  • Voters appreciate some interest from candidates on environmental issues, but they are wary of candidates who are perceived as being too narrowly focused on environmentalism.
  • He said the minister's stipulation that independent candidates must have the signatures of fifteen assenters in the local elections was a slur on the integrity of non-party candidates.
  • It was the last national convention that required more than a single ballot to nominate a presidential candidate.
  • Candidates from government, commerce or academic backgrounds are invited to apply.
  • Obtaining a certificate in forensic science will make them more suitable, attractive candidates, expand their horizons and broaden their knowledge.
  • Because of its size, tasty meat, valuable leather, and rapid reproduction, the capybara is a candidate for both ranching and intensive husbandry throughout the hot and humid lowland tropical regions of Latin America. 15 Agouti
  • The task of the tallyman is to get a tally of the votes for each candidate from each polling station.
  • Something for all to ponder is this …. that no matter which "party" one is supposedly affiliated, we live in a democracy (at least last time I checked) and we have the ability to vote for whoever we feel is the best candidate that will represent our ideals. Schneider: A clear rift in the party exists
  • Opinion polls put his likely score at 12%, which makes him the ‘third man’ - the candidate who could end up acting as a power broker between the two heavyweights.
  • To qualify, candidates must get at least 10% of the votes cast.
  • The sports star will do TV advertisements for the candidate.
  • The onetime Republican power broker faces up to 99 years in prison on felony charges that he orchestrated an illegal plan to funnel campaign cash to state GOP candidates who, after being elected, redrew congressional districts to favor their party. DeLay Corruption Trial Starts
  • Plenty of distraught candidates have gone to court accusing the voting machines of miscounting their votes, but to little avail.
  • Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.
  • The candidate could use a touch sensitive screen to choose from the following options.
  • But it also is true that neither candidate came from a wealthy, politically influential family or a powerful political machine.
  • Candidates are required to present a dissertation of between 8,000 and 12,000 words.
  • Fox was busy soliciting funds for radical right candidates who hid from the public. Stu Kreisman: A Letter From a Progressive to President Obama
  • Managers for the candidates raced around the floor trying to pry delegates away from their opponents, and to keep those already on their side from defecting.
  • Times did not consider religion in examining or endorsing candidates nor did we consider previous or current status in the Robert Davenport
  • She identified the most likely candidate as Leach, who, she said, had agreed to accept her nomination.
  • For the first ballot each voter will indicate one choice from the candidates listed. 12.
  • Next, we found candidate images for each landmark using these sources and Google Image Search, which we then "pruned" using efficient image matching and unsupervised clustering techniques. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Instead of voting immediately, he suggested, regional groups should meet to choose the best qualified candidates.
  • As we mentioned, McCain spending this week campaigning in what he calls the forgotten areas of America, trying to convince voters he's a different kind of Republican candidate. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2008
  • If the lowest ruffian may stab your good name with impunity in England, will you be so uncandid as to exclaim against Italy for the practice of common assassination? The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The presidential candidate is expected to announce his choice for a running mate Saturday in his native Russell, Kan.
  • I'd like to propose my own candidate for the most loathsome display of demagoguery in the past 25 years.
  • Candidates and officials of the neighbourhood community jointly organize the meetings.
  • London Olympics with gusto, Meadows is candid about her fear of the Games and the countdown to what she calls "doomsday". Evening Standard - Home
  • Hillary Clinton and John Edwards caught making comments about getting rid of other candidates in debate the ones who quote, "trivialize" debates. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2007
  • He was an unsuccessful candidate in the general election and he came knocking at my door for my vote.
  • But according to the insta-polls, the electorate, as opposed to what I once called the expectorate, seems to have concluded fairly clearly that Biden "won," possibly because what the electorate was expecting was a debate between two candidates for Vice-President, not the raw materials for some arcane calculation of who exceeded whose expectations. The Richmond Democrat
  • Without co-listers, many high-profile borough mayor candidates could find themselves swiftly saying bye-bye to their political careers.
  • I'll recap my recap: Brown was a minor mayoral candidate who was a nonfactor in last September's Democratic primary, but he made some waves on the campaign trail by reliably bashing Adrian Fenty and lauding victor Vincent C. DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 25, 2011
  • Tancredo told the Denver Post Monday morning that he expects to launch his candidacy at noon Mountain Time. Tancredo to make third-party bid for Colorado governor
  • In 1969, he applied for Officer Candidate School and earned a commission as an Infantry officer.
  • As Senator John McCain chills in his home state today, his local paper analyzes how a candidate’s facial structure impacts voters and assesses the visages of Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama. The Early Word: Pie in the Big Sky? - The Caucus Blog -
  • Candidates in the categories of piano, oboe and bassoon must include a recording of their own playing on either a cassette tape or DAT cassette.
  • The two candidates can each make a case that he or she is the most electable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.
  • The Tory member could face a battle to deselect him as the party's candidate at the general election.
  • A runoff is to take place between the two top vote getters as no candidate gained more than 50 percent of the votes, needed to secure an electoral victory.
  • The Democrat candidate is the favorite to win election.
  • It was held in abeyance last year, as no candidate was considered sufficiently unoriginal. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Removal expenses and travelling expenses in connection with the move to Oxford of the successful candidate are generally paid in full in appropriate cases.
  • No Sin Left Behind yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'No Sin Left Behind'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Public interrogations of piety and faith, such as undergone by the Democratic candidates earlier this week, amount to a sort of religious litmus test for public office. No Sin Left Behind
  • Although each election is unique, the incumbency or challenger status of candidates will influence the balance of stories written.
  • Even when black Democratic politicians stumble and engage in borderline corrupt and self-serving feather their own nest antics, they are still regarded as better bets than Republican candidates to be more responsive to black needs. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Black Republicans Peddle Fantasy of Ousting Democrats in November
  • A future presidential candidate might have participated in harrowing door-to-door sweeps during the bloody fight for Fallujah last month. December 2004
  • Bourbons, damasks, albas, gallicas, mosses and rugosas are all likely groups of roses to choose from for fragrance - the difficulty is narrowing down the candidates.
  • The bad news for his rivals, however, is that protest candidates have proved very effective at indelibly soiling whatever image the party is trying to convey at the moment.
  • Typically, these candidates are originally from Dublin, but were driven out by unaffordable property prices.
  • Some firms prefer candidates with business backgrounds because business courses emphasize quantitative analytical skills.
  • You list candidates in order of preference.
  • On election day, the regime brought contingents of troops into the city to vote for its candidates.
  • All this accounts for the nervousness of MPs, even those in ultra-safe seats, who may miss their chance in government because of one slipshod campaign or a knucklehead candidate.
  • In this case the voters' opinions are highly polarized, and the candidates are uncompromising.
  • Parents keep pushing suitable candidates forward and then wonder why their children don't like them.
  • He was an excellent candidate for the Baptist ministry.
  • Cars with power steering, air conditioning and automatic transmissions are not good candidates.
  • His articulate grasp of issues and willingness to say risky things will favorably contrast him with the overcautious candidates who parse every poll-tested word.
  • Add to this theme positive appraisals as a manager through the internal appraisal system and you have a strong candidate.
  • In lieu of using polls to determine a candidate's strength among the voters, prudent observers will watch how the campaign teams shuffle their money.
  • That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause.
  • How electable is a candidate when a good percentage of their votes come from the opposing team? Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?
  • Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a rising GOP star who is often mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate, isn't convinced that immigration restrictionism is a political winner for Republicans. How to Talk About Immigration
  • a candid photograph
  • Our organization is putting up five candidates in the elections.
  • Kay Kirkham, the Liberal Democray candidate, believes the Government's economic record will undoubtedly cost them the seat.
  • They knew they were trying to ride a very weak and handicapped candidate to victory, and he went down to a much worse defeat than they had anticipated and so I think right now a lot of Democrats are stunned.
  • The University, which claims to have ‘rigorous methods of distinguishing between very able candidates’, also quashed suggestions that they would introduce a lottery system for oversubscribed courses.
  • That is why Hayward and his cadres imposed mandatory reselection on parliamentary candidates and attempted (only just failing) to remove from the parliamentary leadership any say in compiling the election manifesto. How my party was betrayed by KGB boot-lickers
  • The former Vice-Presidential candidate retorted his claim.
  • The Arizonan is a sort of new Bob Dole; a tough but likeable old fellow who gets trounced by a younger, seemingly youthful candidate, he said. Will Mari: Mike Huckabee Supporter Ready To Get Behind McCain
  • The candidate concluded his recitation with an abbreviated recapitulation of the subdivisions of the five principal topics.
  • Similarly, persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are susceptible to systemic candidal infection.
  • The sense that a candidate is tanking - or on a roll - can make the difference between a potential donor making a contribution or keeping his checkbook in his pocket.
  • Fungal infections such as candidiasis and aspergillosis are more commonly found in BMT recipients than PBSCT recipients because BMT patients have longer periods of neutropenia.
  • But the whiff of being a "carpetbagger" - an insulting term for candidates with no local connections who are parachuted into winnable seats - persists. BBC News - Home
  • By putting the candidate whom you least want to see elected at the bottom of your ranking, you are helping to defeat him/her.
  • the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates
  • The shakeup could be the big push that conservative candidate Doug Hoffman needs to come out on top. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2009
  • Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored. 
  • Half of them prefer party nominees to independent candidates.
  • Meanwhile for marketing we continue to attract growing numbers of candidates.
  • Recently, the layered cobalt oxides have been extensively investigated as a promising candidate for a thermoelectric material because of their excellent thermoelectric properties.
  • In the primary, registered voters can only select candidates from their own party, except in the cases of judges and school board members, who can cross-file. The Herald-Mail Online

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