How To Use Candelabrum In A Sentence
There was a candelabrum with soft, red coloured candles in the middle of the elegant, circular table, its flames dancing jovially and lighting Eliza's lovely face in its warm splendor.
The Russian candelabrum of lapis lazuli and gilt bronze shown in Plate V (one of a pair) is an example of the fine work of Russian lapidaries.
At one of the ends was a silver candelabrum with five branches - all holding lit candles save for the one in the middle.
The same goes for James Whale's Frankenstein (1931), which, in any case, doesn't hold a cobwebbed candelabrum to Mel Brooks's classic Young Frankenstein (1974).
Stefan Beck: Wrap Party: Freund's The Mummy and Baba Ghanoush
As the Berditchever stretches forth his hand to light the hanukiah holiday candelabrum, he reminds his flock that this sacred act is itself emblematic of the Divine-human partnership: God provides the original light and we must channel it through our actions.
Rabbi Or Rose: Divine Light And Human Hands: A Mystical Teaching On Hanukkah

Jillian and Graham sat on either side of a silver-plated candelabrum, its twin red candles dripping wax onto the paper tablecloth, empty coffee cups in front of them.
A candelabrum hung from the wall, next to a pair of dueling rapiers.
Frau Trubl had insisted on that and on the large candelabrum and the best silver.
Illustrated here is a spectacular candelabrum from one of his most ambitious product lines - objects that combined ormolu and stone.
the most sought-after item was the silver candelabrum
The table complete with an ornate silver candelabrum was set beyond the columns, so that it seemed to be outdoors, yet in.
There were electric lamps around the edges of the room, but in the space at the front of the church there was a huge candelabrum.
Sir Timothy said he believes that the rendering is of a seven-branched candelabrum in the form of a menorah and that the drawing which indicates the completed object was to be at least 6ft tall relates to the Medici tombs project.
Cane cactus (Opuntia arborescens) — Cane or whip cactus (also known as cholla, candelabrum cactus, prickly pear, etc.) is scattered over the entire Chaco area.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
A rough, wooden, two-stick candelabrum graced one table, while the other sported a heavy glass oil lamp.
They went into the living room and sat down under the spreading curved limbs and the skew yellow bulbs of the candelabrum.
The silken singsong voice, the candelabrum, the welded dimples and fluty presence, the references to his sainted mother Frances, all made him a figure of fun - the Gorgeous George of mid-cult music.
The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
He lit a candelabrum at the wooden table Lin sat at.
Some of the largest pieces are currently on exhibit, including a large candelabrum that holds more than two dozen candles and two large oil parlor lamps made of silver.
Jillian and Graham sat on either side of a silver-plated candelabrum, its twin red candles dripping wax onto the paper tablecloth, empty coffee cups in front of them.
Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris.
Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War