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How To Use Candela In A Sentence

  • There were electric lamps around the edges of the room, but in the space at the front of the church there was a huge candelabrum.
  • Coastal wetlands are also characteristic of this ecoregion, and near the first foothills of the western range there are some arid, rocky scrublands with abrupt relief, where columnar, candelabra and opuntia cacti typically grow. Sechura desert
  • Flashbangs produced an incredibly bright light—approximately two million candela, which even with eyes closed would cause a bleaching of the rhodopsin, the visual purple in the eye, creating the spots and temporary blindness most people have experienced and referred to as the flashbulb effect. State of the Union
  • This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three-piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Article Feed
  • Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris. Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
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  • Jillian and Graham sat on either side of a silver-plated candelabrum, its twin red candles dripping wax onto the paper tablecloth, empty coffee cups in front of them.
  • Another table design consisted of two-tiered crystal candelabras overflowing with white trumpet calla lilies and crystal embellishments. My Fair Wedding
  • All the original furniture, fittings and candelabra are in place and only the marble floor is covered by a carpet.
  • Some of the largest pieces are currently on exhibit, including a large candelabrum that holds more than two dozen candles and two large oil parlor lamps made of silver.
  • He was gazing idly at the baroque Italian candelabra in the painted dome above his head and reflecting how much more jolly it would have been if the posturing Loves and gilded amoretti had been replaced by lifelike models of the Board of Directors, when a subdued feminine voice in his ear startled him to attention. Sweet Danger
  • Two candelabra, with four candles each, lighted up festally the room which had waited so many years for the wandering nephew. A Personal Record
  • Hybrid creatures, such as sphinxes, harpies, sirens, griffons and centaurs, carved on Roman sarcophagi, candelabras, altars and temple friezes, were a direct source of artistic inspiration.
  • He also worked on virtually every form of vessel, large and small, from salts and cruets to beakers to candelabra, and from tureens to rose water sprinklers.
  • He lit a candelabrum at the wooden table Lin sat at.
  • The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
  • SI (Système Internationale d' Unites) uses seven different fundamental units, the meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole.
  • He lit the five beeswax candles in the brass candelabra sitting on the corner of the desk, and threw open the topmost book as he seated himself.
  • Not even the decorated candelabra had been lit, it was late afternoon too and the day was cloudy again.
  • Numerous candelabra protruded from the walls at regular intervals; these were unlit and the sun did not shine in the windows.
  • In 1807 Pall Mall became the first street in the capital to be lit by gas, spreading to 213 streets by 1823, but indoors candlesticks and candelabra still ruled.
  • To encourage wildlife, they planted cotoneaster to provide winter fruit for birds, while the pond, edged with bamboos, sedges, grasses, astilbes, hostas and candelabra primulas, attracts both insects and birds.
  • The silken singsong voice, the candelabrum, the welded dimples and fluty presence, the references to his sainted mother Frances, all made him a figure of fun - the Gorgeous George of mid-cult music.
  • Lichens are extreme examples [104]: the moist thalli of such species as Xanthoria candelaria and Rhizoplaca melanophthalma fully tolerated gradual or rapid freezing to -196 °C, and even after being stored for up to several years, almost immediately resumed normal photosynthetic rates when warmed and wetted. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • *Putz ebreething awn teh ellee gant tablol wif snowee whyte damask cloth an gleeming silbur candelabra wif 15 lit candlols. Intervention Kitteh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In the corners of the alcove are two candle-stands but with no candelabra on them.
  • Two candelabra with four candles each lighted up festally the room which had waited so many years for the wandering nephew. Some Reminiscences
  • The decor is unremarkable - flickering oil lights and faux candelabra, prints of Paris, and nicely set tables with proper linen and big generous balloon glasses.
  • Last Thursday was the group's last meeting -- program staff call meeting "huddles" -- before they present their project to a panel this week at The Grove that will include New Haven State Rep. Juan Candelaria and former Alderwoman Lindy Gold. The Full Feed from
  • Candelabras and aromatherapy candles are lit in the evening and reflect spectacularly in the large Venetian mirror.
  • Candela develops medical laser systems and is establishing a chain of cosmetic clinics based on the lasers.
  • They went into the living room and sat down under the spreading curved limbs and the skew yellow bulbs of the candelabrum. COUP D'ETAT
  • The candelabra had gone out several minutes ago, due to the drafty nature of the tunnels.
  • Nits are also a measure of luminance, in so many candela per square metre.
  • He is not a bad dancer - his sweeping candelabra arms and rapid footwork bring nuggets of pleasure - but at times he is oddly graceless, his long arms and toned torso mismatched by a pair of surprisingly stubby wee legs.
  • Knox created a wide range of functional items for the home, including trays, biscuit barrels, plates, picture frames, vases, candlesticks, chamber sticks and candelabra.
  • This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela. Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
  • Mirrors reflect burnished silver candelabras, enhancing the pleasure of jaded diners who've tasted it all.
  • :Ecodesign: come riscaldarsi con una candela in ufficio durante queste grigie e umide giornate d'inverno::. Turn a Candle Into a Radiator
  • Once Candela had learned of the very limited power restrictions that Calvary Chapel's architect was dealing with, they knew that the new DL fixture was the only option for providing the church with near perfect color house lighting, while still meeting, and even exceeding, these stringent foot-candle code requirements. Latest Press Releases
  • Immense vases and candelabras of alabaster were placed at different distances on the table, and hundreds of porcelain dishes were filled with sweetmeats and fruits – sweetmeats of every description, from the little meringue called "mouthful for a queen," to the blancmanger made of suprême de volaille and milk. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela. Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
  • A rough, wooden, two-stick candelabrum graced one table, while the other sported a heavy glass oil lamp.
  • Then you have the table with the 1960s chrome candelabra. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fifteen years have passed away, and these old people, no doubt, have joined their ancestors; but I can see them still sitting in that _salle à manger_; the _buffets en vieux chêne_; the opulent candelabra _en style d'empire_; the waiter lighting the gas in the pale Parisian evening. Confessions of a Young Man
  • A circular table was laden with silver, candelabra and flowers, and place-cards in ivory holders correctly identified each guest.
  • Unit of luminous intensity candela The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. International System of Units (SI)
  • It was used to coat jugs and bowls, candlesticks, candelabra, and ciboria. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Nits are also a measure of luminance, in so many candela per square metre.
  • The place was totally black, with loads of gold upholstery and candelabras and fake fires burning and crisply pleated black curtains.
  • For example, from string-theoretic considerations, Candelas, de la Ossa, Green, and Parkes conjectured the correct formula for the number of degree d rational curves in a Calabi-Yau quintic. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The hall was lit by elaborate pendant candelabra, with shades of Venetian glass, many of which were brought to Bhuj by Ram Singh himself.
  • Above, Herman and Candelaria Zapp pose with baby Pampa in Alaska as they finish the first leg of their journey around the world in 2002.
  • The sacristy is a jumble of wooden equipment crates, tall gold candelabras, cables and paints that conservator Naoko Fukumaru mixes and holds up in swatches to the original to ensure the color, depth and finish are true to life. The Art of Replicating Masterpieces
  • Although now largely empty, the public rooms were originally decorated to impress, with many console tables supporting candelabra.
  • Thank you!!! yorke w watch gold antique kiq cn76000 watchbands black sheets cal king einstein moomjy leons appraising antique persian rugs antique persian rug seiko candelabras pocket auguste reymond bulova poljot fine antique persian rugs old newbury crafters couzon ladies wrist watches chase durer bovision - 2006-08-19 06: 25: 50 Wah!
  • More formally, a candela is the intensity of a source that puts out yellow light at 1/683 watt per steradian of solid angle. BBC News - Home
  • A British friend had asked me to lunch at Wasp heaven, the Brook Club, where members and their guests forgather at a majestic mahogany dining table gleaming with gigantic silver candelabra. The Battle for Mrs. Astor
  • She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candlesnuffer which (we assumed) had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified. Orphans of Chaos
  • An avenue of candelabra further narrowed the central aisle. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Then she bade take away the tables and they did so and fetched the lavatory gear; and they washed their hands, after which she ordered her women to bring the candlesticks, and they set on candelabra and candles therein of camphorated wax. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It has deep, plum walls, floral candelabras and a narrow bench laden with plump cushions.
  • They're the modern version of a candelabra. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, from string-theoretic considerations, Candelas, de la Ossa, Green, and Parks conjectured the correct formula for the number of degree d rational curves in a Calabi-Yau quintic. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • A pair of candelabra stood either side of the epergne, their light setting the five or six crystal decanters and the silver serving dishes aglitter. Soul
  • I worked on the candela, a not-too-fancy move that I've nevertheless had persistent trouble with, and seem to have it down: Google and Self-flagellation
  • Ramirez thumped his fist on the table; candelabra leapt into the air, fruit spilled from the baskets and soup spilt onto the dark table.
  • Here we must mention first of all the numerous baptismal fonts of bronze, which are decorated on their outer sheathing with representations in relief and architectural ornament, next the seven-armed candelabra, door-knobs, water-vessels (aquamanile), lecterns, especially the beautiful eagle-lecterns. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Cane cactus (Opuntia arborescens) — Cane or whip cactus (also known as cholla, candelabrum cactus, prickly pear, etc.) is scattered over the entire Chaco area. Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • The candelabra had gone out several minutes ago, due to the drafty nature of the tunnels.
  • Above a tea light candelabra is a skylight ideal for stargazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gigantic vegetables of the most different families intermix their branches; five-leaved bignonias grow by the side of bonduc-trees; cassias shed their yellow blossoms upon the rich fronds of arborescent ferns; myrtles and eugenias, with their thousand arms, contrast with the elegant simplicity of palms; and among the airy foliage of the mimosa the ceropia elevates its giant leaves and heavy candelabra-shaped branches. We and the World, Part I A Book for Boys
  • Auricula primroses are very different from the Candelabra and Polyanthus primroses.
  • The rich, dark, walnut surface gleamed like glass, the china and silver twinkling in the light cast from two huge candelabra.
  • There were marble craters (mixing bowls) and candelabra, statuary, busts, reliefs, column capitals and bases, and 60 to 70 marble column shafts.
  • There is a profusion of swagging, pillars, columns, chandeliers, candelabras, clocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above the fireplace there were two bronze candelabra depicting the flames of love. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's enormous, with gilt metal chandeliers, wall candelabra, a ceiling painted with clouds and cherubs and a golden statue of some old man with a three-pronged fork - Neptune, I suppose.
  • Sir Timothy said he believes that the rendering is of a seven-branched candelabrum in the form of a menorah and that the drawing which indicates the completed object was to be at least 6ft tall relates to the Medici tombs project.
  • There was a candelabrum with soft, red coloured candles in the middle of the elegant, circular table, its flames dancing jovially and lighting Eliza's lovely face in its warm splendor.
  • The table complete with an ornate silver candelabrum was set beyond the columns, so that it seemed to be outdoors, yet in. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Opulent Persian weavings smoldered on the floor, and there was a festoonery of incense burners and candelabra. Another Roadside Attraction
  • A suite of four 19th-century 12-light candelabras are also a monumental feature from the Grand Hall, with classical women in flowing, dark ormolu robes standing on a green marble base, balancing the golden candle holders on their heads estimate: €200,000-€300,000. The Soul of a French Palace
  • More formally, a candela is the intensity of a source that puts out yellow light at 1/683 watt per steradian of solid angle. BBC News - Home
  • As well as the candelabra, there were the elaborate costumes. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's Lumiere, a candelabra with the pizzazz of Maurice Chevalier; Cogsworth (David Ogden Stiers), an overwound mantle clock with a taste for puns ( "If it's not baroque, don't fix it"); a warm English teapot (Angela Lansbury) and her baby cup, Chip. Just The Way Walt Made 'Em
  • the most sought-after item was the silver candelabrum
  • True, his working environment is near-Victorian, with polished walnut desk, silver candelabra and a porcelain phrenological head.
  • A nit is a unit of measurement used to describe screen brightness; one nit equals one candela per square meter and the more nits, the brighter the display. - News
  • There, lit by the glow of braziers and ‘towers of light’, or candelabras, were Richard, his partner Pam, their snuffling pugs Bijou and Ioda, and a quartet of soignée French guests.
  • The room was filled with hothouse flowers, twinkling electric lights, gilded candelabra, potted palms and crystal and ormolu chandeliers hung with pink roses and asparagus vines. The Bradley-Martin Ball | Edwardian Promenade
  • The show will feature exquisite items from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century, including silver, giltwood and crystal chandeliers, sconces and girandoles, candelabra and candlesticks.
  • Illustrated here is a spectacular candelabrum from one of his most ambitious product lines - objects that combined ormolu and stone.
  • These types of detectors should be calibrated in lumens/amps, which allows easy calculation of candela values.
  • The show will feature exquisite items from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century, including silver, giltwood and crystal chandeliers, sconces and girandoles, candelabra and candlesticks.
  • Most of the decorating theft will come from Mr. Gili's own country house and studio in Piedmont: threadbare American flags as makeshift slipcovers, wall-mounted marlins next to Italian candelabras, starfish glued to marble mantels, grass-green window frames against blue walls, pillows tied with silk scarves. Looking at Rooms as Love Affairs
  • Shelves sag with elaborate candelabra, shabby rugs overlap on the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • pitahaya" (_Cereus giganteus_), with columnar shafts and straight upright arms, like the branches of gigantic candelabra; the echino-cacti, too -- those huge mammals of the vegetable world, resting their globular or egg-shaped forms, without trunk or stalk, upon the surface of the earth. The Rifle Rangers
  • French defender Vincent Candela, signed in the transfer window from Roma, made his debut in the reserves this week and could figure.
  • Unit of luminous intensity candela The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. International System of Units (SI)
  • I certainly didn't want to spend my time polishing candlesticks and candelabra.
  • A silver candelabra covered with long strands of pearls, white feathers, and calla lilies adorned another set of tables. My Fair Wedding
  • In later years insurance companies forced the removal of the old candelabras and these were replaced with little electric lights, lighted by a button.
  • Frau Trubl had insisted on that and on the large candelabrum and the best silver. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela. Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
  • This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • There were marble craters (mixing bowls) and candelabra, statuary, busts, reliefs, column capitals and bases, and 60 to 70 marble column shafts.
  • Small touches add to the surrealism: a cheap looking miniature in the opening shot to represent Pepa's apartment block, Candela's weird coffeepot-shaped earrings, a pompadoured cab driver whose taxi is decked out with a Mambo theme.
  • The likes of the earl of Stamford and the Prince of Wales are known to have owned examples of these candelabra.
  • A candelabrum hung from the wall, next to a pair of dueling rapiers.
  • Couriers brought wedding presents by the score—silver candelabras from the Astors, a diamond-studded warming pan from the father of the groom, an immense silver punchbowl from Andrew Carnegie, three table services, and, according to Henry Adams, “pitchers, pots and plates enough to supply the Walkyrie and Valhalla.” The Five of Hearts
  • Towns like Patamban and its green stoneware and delicate fine dishes, Capula and its pointelle and sometimes ornate designs of its pots, casseroles, and dishes, Tzintzuntzan and its pots and serving pieces, Santa Fe de la Laguna and its traditional black incense burners and candelabra decorated with tiny drops, San Jose de Gracia and its famous pineapples, Zinapécuaro and its dip-glazed pieces, and Santo Tomás and Huáncito -- all are dedicated to glazed pottery. The artesanias of Michoacan - an introduction
  • Five ancient and rust spotted iron candelabras held six lit, midway burned taper candles in black.
  • Flashbangs produced an incredibly bright light—approximately two million candela, which even with eyes closed would cause a bleaching of the rhodopsin, the visual purple in the eye, creating the spots and temporary blindness most people have experienced and referred to as the flashbulb effect. State of the Union
  • Some held boxes from which dangled strings of jewels, while others held ornate and begemmed candelabras, or single golden candlesticks, and yet others garments across outstretched hands-garments of the finest silks and cloth of gold, into which had been set rubies and emeralds, or scores of tiny brilliants, or thousands of tiny round, gold-veined mirrors. Fortress Of Frost And Fire
  • It contained eight cabinets containing chiefly silver-gilt objects: 24 basins, 20 ewers, 215 tureens and bowls, 819 plates of different sizes, 231 spoons and forks, 78 saltcellars, 59 candelabra, and 145 drinking vessels.
  • Above a tea light candelabra is a skylight ideal for stargazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before shops had invaded its ground-floor, and advertisements had defaced the exquisite line of carvings just above, the Rez de chaussée had seven low arcades whose pilasters and windows were carved with medallions, candelabra, and "grotesques" in low relief. The Story of Rouen
  • Then, somewhat unchivalrously, he shoved the candelabra into her grasp and muttered, Here. Pirates
  • Bruno, when confronted with the lapides of his church, chooses to ignore the more obvious reference used in the Duodecim candelae and prefers to see them as signifying the Church which is built from living stones (vivis lapidibus aedificatur) joined and united by charity. 30 The Lapis altaris is Christ and all his limbs and so it is appropriate to put relics in the altar. 31 Hamilton: "A Liturgy of Reform"
  • With a steady and deliberate pace, a figure wearing a hooded cloak came into view, holding a candelabra in one hand and a blanket of some kind in the other.
  • There were a multitude of candelabra wicks ignited within the pantry, and the smell of food made her salivate.
  • Jillian and Graham sat on either side of a silver-plated candelabrum, its twin red candles dripping wax onto the paper tablecloth, empty coffee cups in front of them.
  • It was the tallest tree, and June and July saw its waxy flowers bold as a candelabra.
  • We have a 15-inch demo and a 50-inch demo, and have achieved 600 candelas per square meter generating 1 millimetre sized pixels.
  • The decor is unremarkable - flickering oil lights and faux candelabra, prints of Paris, and nicely set tables with proper linen and big generous balloon glasses.
  • By the way, If a menorah is ever called a holiday candelabra, I will take back everything I ever said about just Christmas being censored. Think Progress » President Bush’s War on Christmas
  • Silver candelabras glowed every few feet, throwing a romantic air over the ornate silverware and fine blue and white china.
  • As the Berditchever stretches forth his hand to light the hanukiah holiday candelabrum, he reminds his flock that this sacred act is itself emblematic of the Divine-human partnership: God provides the original light and we must channel it through our actions. Rabbi Or Rose: Divine Light And Human Hands: A Mystical Teaching On Hanukkah
  • Unfortunately, it wasn't - and after much searching the title of the track is 'candela' by Da Madd Dominikans (in case anyone else needs to find it). Amazon Online News and Classifieds
  • Umbrella thorn and clumps of candelabra where Masai cattle grazed on the unenclosed land. WHITE LIES
  • Umbrella thorn and clumps of candelabra where Masai cattle grazed on the unenclosed land. WHITE LIES
  • Following an international inquiry by the BIPM, which began in 1948, the 10th CGPM, in 1954, approved the introduction of the ampere, the kelvin and the candela as base units, respectively, for electric current, thermodynamic temperature and luminous intensity. International System of Units (SI)
  • According to the spec sheet, the FP231W is supposed to deliver about 250 candelas / square-meter of brightness.
  • That night the dining room was magnificent, with new, freshly cleaned drapes on the windows and beautiful candelabra shedding soft light everywhere.
  • The same goes for James Whale's Frankenstein (1931), which, in any case, doesn't hold a cobwebbed candelabrum to Mel Brooks's classic Young Frankenstein (1974). Stefan Beck: Wrap Party: Freund's The Mummy and Baba Ghanoush
  • A centrepiece will be a 6ft candelabra with crystals, orchids and giant candles. The Sun
  • As a comparison, the efficacy of a Philips 100 watt incandescent bulb is about 14 lm/watt, but only gives off 120 candelas for a lifespace of about 750-1000 hours. PHILIPS SPECIAL EDITION LUMIBLADE NOW AVAILABLE | Inhabitat
  • A few Belgian glass lamps are dumped at the first floor of the synagogue and a multitude of metal hooks hang from the ceiling waiting for lamps and candelabra to be re-hung.
  • At one of the ends was a silver candelabrum with five branches - all holding lit candles save for the one in the middle.
  • The Russian candelabrum of lapis lazuli and gilt bronze shown in Plate V (one of a pair) is an example of the fine work of Russian lapidaries.

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