Canary Islands

  1. a group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces
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How To Use Canary Islands In A Sentence

  • This image was created the 0.8 - meter IAC 80 telescope on the Canary Islands of Spain.
  • My trip, which included Madeira and a whistle-stop tour of the Canary Islands, was filled with a controlled whirl of almost non-stop activities and fun.
  • The club whose players were once shipwrecked off the coast of Spain on their way to a series of friendlies in the Canary Islands needs lifesavers again.
  • Last Tuesday, we posted a piece on the illegal immigration crisis on the Canary Islands, retailing how more than 1,400 immigrant had arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the previous week, making 2,000 landing in the month, mostly from Senegal and Mali. To our eternal shame
  • Madeira it passed to the Canary Islands, where it was entirely unknown; for the ferulae of Juba, quae expressae liquorem fundunt potui ucundum, are euphorbias (the Tabayba dulce), and not, as has been recently asserted, * sugar-canes. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For example, the La Palma giant lizard of the Canary Islands was classified as extinct in 2006, before a series of sightings and photographs elevated the creature to critically endangered status. Scientists work hard to avoid declaring a species extinct
  • Lazy beach holidays to destinations such as the Canary Islands and the Balearics are the Undefined
  • Teide is the highest mountain in Spain, an impressive stratovolcano in the center of the island of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, a chain formed like the Hawaiian Islands by the passing of the under-lying lithospheric plate across a magma plume. Teide National Park, Spain
  • Teyde, home of the gods and devils as well as of the aboriginal Guanches of the Canary Islands. A Tramp's Notebook
  • The Canary Islands' production of tobacco and bananas is important, as is that of esparto grass on the eastern meseta for the manufacture of traditional footgear and other items.
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