How To Use Canada balsam In A Sentence

  • Natural, edible oil-soluble gums suitable for use in balancing natural and synthetic flavor oils and neutral edible oils include damar, colophony, Canada balsam, elemi, copaiba, galbanum, labdanum, myrrh, oliganum, opopanax, Peruvian balsam, sandarac, storax, tolu balsam and mastic.
  • Take unsized paper and apply a coat of varnish made of equal parts of Canada balsam and oil of turpentine. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • Canada balsam may be substituted for balsam of copaiba where the smell of the latter is objectionable, but the ink then dries very quickly. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • Purkinje was the first to make glass slide mounts with Canada balsam.
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