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How To Use Camphorate In A Sentence

  • No over-the top aquatics or camphorated woods or overdoses of “musk” here. Manly, Yes, But I like It Too: Sashka For Him
  • ~ -- Nobel's powder, known as ballistite, originally consisted of a camphorated blasting gelatine, and was made of 10 parts of camphor in Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Our chests were rubbed with camphorated oil, and we were forced to swallow Scott's Emulsion.
  • If the mediaeval Mrs. Burton liked to illuminate the day with lamps or camphorated tapers, that, he said, was her business; adding that the light of the sun was good enough for him. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Rub spot lightly with a soft lintless cloth moistened with camphorated oil.
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  • If you want to stop flies dirtying your bulbs, smear them with camphorated oil. GOODBYE CURATE
  • I had a bit of camphorated bear grease in my saddlebag, but I was sure he wouldn't let me anoint him in public. The Fiery Cross
  • Apply camphorated oil or spirits on the chest and back and a eucalyptus ointment such as Vicks to give further relief. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • They likewise indulge in chamomile tea and such – like compounds, and rub themselves on the slightest provocation with camphorated spirits and other lotions applicable to mumps, sore – throat, rheumatism, or lumbago. Sketches by Boz
  • They rubbed his hump with camphorated grease, placed there for twenty minutes a mustard poultice, then covered it over with diachylum, and, in order to make sure of his coming back, gave him his breakfast. Bouvard and Pécuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life
  • The shutters were closed and the drapes were drawn too, so the room, which smelled strongly of something like camphorated oil, was lit only by a lamp at the side of the bed. The Count's Blackmail Bargain
  • Then she bade take away the tables and they did so and fetched the lavatory gear; and they washed their hands, after which she ordered her women to bring the candlesticks, and they set on candelabra and candles therein of camphorated wax. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A teaspoonful of the _Camphor tincture_ may be put into a tumbler of cold water, ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until it becomes clear, giving a teaspoonful of this camphorated _cold_ water as An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Containing the New Discoveries and Improvements to the Present Time
  • John Brown's donkey's got an india-rubber tail, An 'he rubbed it with camphorated oil! followed by: THE NUMBERS
  • camphorated oil
  • If the entire surface is affected, rub with a damp cloth dipped in turpentine or camphorated oil.
  • We report an 82-year-old woman who intentionally ingested about 300 ml of camphorated oil and developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mortality.
  • Paregoric, added to some cough drops, originally referred to a camphorated opium compound, now reduced to a harmless flavouring.
  • In between, rub camphorated oil, eucalyptus oil, or balm on the affected side of the chest or back. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE

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