How To Use Campaign In A Sentence
A lot was said during that divisive leadership campaign which cannot be unsaid.
They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major discount supermarkets in the area.
I was proud to be involved in the campaign for a maternity unit for Moray.
Helen Hunt Jackson was a known activist who campaigned for the rights of the Native American Indians.
Adding to my trepidation is this primary poll from Survey USA, which confirms Roulstone's campaign doesn't yet have the profile it needs.
Sound Politics: Roulstone Update

The ensuing grassroots campaign failed to save "embrangle" (to confuse or entangle) and "caliginosity" (dimness, darkness).
a persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine
Politicians, academics and campaigners today routinely frame public issues in emotional terms.
She is facing some criticism about going to Hollywood to raise money for her reelection campaign.
Doubtless his friends and family were working on his behalf and might well be involved with Peggy Say's campaign.
He is the one who pushed for campaign spending limits in this race; he rather insisted on them.
Contact your local council to campaign for pedestrian schemes in residential areas.
Mr Smith hopes that his campaign will attract the support of all organisations for the elderly or those on low incomes.
He gives an amusing account of the vigorous campaign against his hospital closure programme.
Times, Sunday Times
For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.
This scenario was as unsubstantial as most of the claims made by campaign groups about the potential danger that anthrax could be easily used as a bio-weapon.
I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
It was this conviction that made the intrigues at OKH, the disregard and "mislaying" of unwelcome instructions, such a personal affair in the first summer's campaign.
On the promotion campaign across 11 cities, the Dew Adventure Games with daredevil feats by international skate boarders and BMX bike riders drew huge crowds.
Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
Another of his campaigns is aimed at removing fences and railings from London's parks.
Times, Sunday Times
The tension has been telling on both sides as campaign strategists struggle to identify potential winning themes, not to mention winning voters, in their headlong sprint to the finish.
In their pursuit of their rights, including to marry, they have been determined but have made their campaign fun, lively, colorful and open to others.
Why, I'm sure that Saint John the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Populist's votes had nothing to do with the corporate interests in North Carolina that he might find necessary to court later (or pay back for an earlier campaign donation).
Tonight: The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
That has been a principal source of the rise in the polls of the Yes campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
He said the fact that more people are using buses should be a cause for celebration among green campaigners.
UK gov/Scotland Office are spending £1.5M on their public info campaign on new devo powers.
Meantime, the challenges of being Rector of Dundee should not daunt Kelly, with her empathetic skills, campaigning experience and endless enthusiasm.
So before they ship out, the Marines are undertaking what amounts to a massive deprogramming campaign for their own troops.
The whole area of politics and campaigning is infuriating at times.
Anti-speed campaigners in Guiseley have been rewarding careful drivers with a smile.
He said the campaign fully supported the legislation and would be lobbying for the United Nations and the African Union to encourage governments in programmes to demilitarise society.
ANC Daily News Briefing
I am compelled to add my personal plea to the current campaign for all young adults to receive the Salk vaccine.
The thrust of the campaign is to ensure that coming generations too experience Sabarimala just like their forefathers did.
Your first campaign stop after the convention is the capital of the Confederacy.
Op-Ed: Conservatism Does Not Equal Racism
It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
Years later, after their defeat, they finally understood how far from international norms they were and saw a change in the youngest element of their society, so they began a counterpropaganda campaign.
The Coming Revolution
There are obvious logistical problems involved in protesting outside such a facility, and it was clear from the outset that the protest was not going to reach the giddy heights of previous campaigns.
After a promising start, the campaign fizzled out in the summer when the full Co-operative Congress refused to back it.
He has acted as one of the campaign's unofficial advisers, according to an insider.
Times, Sunday Times
But the mood has been building for several years, diffused through a host of single issue campaigns, through numerous signs of dissent and discontentment.
In 1974 campaigners occupied the office building to protest about it being left empty during a housing crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days.
Will loan term easements and principal reductions become standard campaign issues?
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The reaction to what was seen as Hodgson's rather skewed perspective contributed to the campaign to have the manager defenestrated.
Oh, we've been very diplomatic but in the face of a deliberate and concerted political campaign the issues get muddied.
German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
Some critics will accuse Duffy of acting as apologist for a campaign of violent repression, but this would scarcely be fair: “confronted by the sanctified savageries of the Tudor age, it would be a hard heart that withheld pity from the victims or felt no indignation against the perpetrators”.
A Not so Bloody Mary ?
But his infamy was sealed by the government's all-out campaign against his hapless sidekicks, falsely portrayed as part of a vast Confederate plot.
We are appealing for financial support to produce flyers, posters, election advertising and other materials and for donations towards our campaign fund of €10,000.
Detectives have launched a massive poster campaign to help in the search for the two killers.
A number have taken to waging campaigns of harassment against individuals.
Times, Sunday Times
To join our campaign, simply fill in the petition form on this page and post it to our offices.
The Sun
For example, a condom campaign in India in the 1970s involved renaming the product Nirodh from a Sanskritic word meaning “protection”.
Diffusion of Innovations
Andy Nichols, who led the campaign for Prop 204, says the state is working out details on implementation.
In fact, it took a highly deceptive sales campaign to get Americans to support the invasion, and even so, voters were never as solidly behind the war as America's political and pundit elite.
Residents said since the murder was discovered, police paramilitaries had been conducting an aggressive campaign to check identities in a search for vagrants, who are the prime suspects.
She is campaigning for what she calls ‘sensible’ gun control, advocating trigger locks, childproof guns and mandatory background checks at gun shows.
A campaign to curb speeders on one of the area's most notorious roads has been given a boost.
Five challengers have launched campaigns to deny Jacob a second four-year term at the helm of the diverse district.
Debenhams, a British department store that has consistently combatted various techniques employed by the media, banned airbrushing in its 2010 swim and lingerie campaigns.
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This preceded the national campaign in the United Kingdom, which began in November 1991.
And here, in the Ramesseum, I found campaniform, or lotus-flower capitals on the columns -- here where Rameses once perhaps dreamed of his Syrian campaigns, or of that famous combat when, "like
The Spell of Egypt
Sir Robert Mark's campaign to root out corruption in the Metropolitan Police is well known.
Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.
He did so by rubbishing the only viable goal of any Liberal Democrat election campaign - a hung parliament.
The 1968 campaign had been divisive as it was fought in the shadow of the Vietnam War.
A forest of party flags and posters hung over Ankara as campaign buses rumbled about broadcasting music and speeches.
Times, Sunday Times
The train hurries on through a sunny afternoon, and I look through some notes sent me by an expert in the great campaign.
England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend
Any campaign pushing for a name change has to begin with our own media, officials and the people on the street.
The result should be on-the-fly brand research that enables you to re-craft your messaging mid-campaign as well as giving you a tool to focus the keyword lexicon, or banner and display spend. News
Committed campaigning on progressive policies is a vehicle to unite people in opposition and for change.
What began in 1968 as a Beltway junkie's labor of love has turned into an authoritative collection of whistle-stopping campaign slogans and vicious slings and arrows of partisan attacks that stretches all the way back to the Founding Fathers (who came up with terms like "electioneer" and the party "ticket").
How to Sound Presidential
Now Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) is tapping into that vast market with an aggressive advertising campaign for Abilify (aripiprazole), its blockbuster antipsychotic medication.
AdWatch: Abilify finds lucrative new audience
The DPJ has campaigned almost exclusively on bread-and-butter economic issues, appealing to voters who feel the LDP has lost touch with average families.
Cynics are not surprised that politicians say one thing when they are campaigning and another when they are in power.
The Sun
The bomb attack on the capital could signal the start of a pre-election terror campaign.
The organisation also campaigns to raise awareness and understanding of mental health conditions and improve services.
The Sun
Effective buzz aligns advertising campaigns with local market influencers, trendsetters, and tastemakers.
Family campaigners said they were disappointed that the public thought cohabiting and marriage were the same.
Times, Sunday Times
Sir Leon lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday.
Both forces used earth and logs to fortify their defensive fighting positions while fighting the 1864 Overland Campaign.
Campaigners hope this will lead to a revival of river swimming clubs.
Times, Sunday Times
The airline admitted being involved in a dirty tricks campaign to win customers from their rival.
Though Cook was a seasoned campaigner known for beating the odds, he could not overcome a severe loss in public confidence at the end of a quarrelsome and often hostile primary campaign.
If the Yes campaign is successful, it is more likely to be a case of companies straddling both sides.
Times, Sunday Times
Unions campaigning for changes that benefit all workers - organized and unorganized - will demonstrate in a new way the value of unions to the broader population.
Mr. Romney drew first when his campaign had Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, a semirural stretch of Arizona, record automated calls to Iowa voters last month calling Mr. Perry "part of the illegal-immigration problem.
High Noon on Immigration; Toss-Up on the Prairie
This was only one aspect of their disinformation campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
It must be remembered that in examining the results of this campaign attention must first be paid, not to the gross totals, but to the percentages.
Times, Sunday Times
An advertising campaign has been launched to raise awareness of domestic violence in teenage relationships.
The magic word Literacy campaigns push back the boundaries of ignorance and give people more chance of controlling their own destiny.
As an aside to its fundraising campaign, the Sussex Archaeological Society is inviting the 1960s diggers to a reunion on 22 May - all 800 of them.
In fact, the British flacks have used their facade of congeniality and cooperation to spread some of the most blatant falsifications of the campaign.
Former detainees still campaigning for justice have also been singled out.
Times, Sunday Times
He said that the party had proved its ability to do well without mounting a conventional campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
It has already been explained that the Papal rescript condemning the plan of campaign and the practice of boycotting is not an utterance ex cathedra.
The final days of the mayoral campaign find mayoress Kathy Baildon in a familiar pose: in the campaign office, surrounded by charts and calendars, phone glued to her ear.
Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.
However, Jenkins said demands for reburial were now coming from minority groups in Britain, including pagans and druids, while Manchester consulted the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, which campaigns for reburial of pre-Christian British remains, before removing the Worsley Man head.
Museums avoid displaying human remains 'out of respect'
OK, it's just a dopey article about some numbnuts, muttonheaded celebrity campaigning for today's top liberal jerk.
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The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
It's a relatively new political tack for the former plastics and packaging salesman from Ohio, who has exceeded all other House members in collections from Wall Street - with more than $2.9 million - and also ranks at or near the top of members favored by large health insurers, oil firms, student lenders, drug manufacturers, and food and beverage companies, according to tallies of campaign disclosures.
Boehner reaches out to the tea party
It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain's iniquitous campaign.
Now had also launched a campaign which was seeking to lobby senators both in their home states and in the Senate itself.
Troopergate was about a dangerous renegade brother-in-law; Walt Monegan was "insubordinate;" Charlie Gibson's interview was full of "gotcha" questions; Katie Couric was just mean and condescending; the shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" at her rallies were the fault of Bill Ayers; Wardrobegate was the fault of the McCain Campaign; losing the election wasn't her fault, it was George W. Bush and the economy.
Shannyn Moore: Gobble Gobblegate
The party chairman accused the opposition of dirty tricks in their election campaign.
The 22-year-old has often flattered to deceive during the opening phase of the campaign.
The Sun
There have been missteps, as there are with any presidential campaign, but a lot of top Democrats are now talking privately and some publicly about changes.
His black cloak had seen service; the waistcoat of grey plaid bore yet stronger marks of having encountered more than one campaign; his third piece of dress was an absolute veteran compared to the others; his shoes were so loaded with mud as showed his journey must have been pedestrian; and a grey maud, which fluttered around his wasted limbs, completed such an equipment as, since
Count Robert of Paris
A group of British tabloid journalists were pelted with eggs by a French campaigner yesterday and pursued across the camp.
Times, Sunday Times
Crazy Shelly has a host of pet preachers who have campaigned from the pulpit on her behalf.
Think Progress » Despite Claiming That She Never Called Obama ‘Anti-American,’ Bachmann Now Brags About How She Did
Architects, like generals, tend to refight old campaigns.
Globe and Mail
A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages.
Sneak Attack
She was also a vegetarian and campaigner for animal rights.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, the governor would require simply that elected officials disclose fully and completely all contributions to their campaigns.
Nowadays saturation campaigns are a necessity to push the product and make sure it scores big on the all-important opening weekend.
The picture adorns at least two book covers and launched a racing campaign to make the jockey a wider hero.
Times, Sunday Times
Planning an ongoing marketing campaign ensures a steady stream of new business leads.
It has accepted sizeable donations from the financier as the party has campaigned heavily against the privatisation of the British health service.
Times, Sunday Times
On the other hand, this latest reunion is for a HomeAway ad campaign which is set to launch during the Super Bowl on February 7, 2010.
Chevy Chase And Beverly D’Angelo To Take Another ‘Vacation’… Sort Of » MTV Movies Blog
The Civic Trust launched a campaign last month asking the public to rail against the redevelopment and had 6,000 proforma objections printed.
We met while I was transitioning out of a long-term relationship that had ended in disaster, and I was on a serious antiman campaign.
No Strings Attached
I hope his 2012 campaign ads avoid racial incitement by only saying “reelect the incumbent.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking ObamaCare Challenges Seriously
He's running what NPR's Frank James has characterized as a "kudzu campaign.
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THERE'S a golden rule behind the new $300,000 campaign to rid Logan of its rough-as-guts image - don't mention the word "bogan". | Top Stories
The infighting within his bloated campaign attracted as much, if not more, ink and airtime than his policy ideas.
The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops.
Quackenbush, 43, has not announced a reelection bid but has formed a campaign committee.
But the principle is central to Brown's personal election campaign.
Irish exporters, shipping companies and road hauliers have campaigned for the height restriction to be lifted to accommodate all trucks entering the country through Dublin Port.
The Government also reaffirmed its commitment to introduce a national bowel cancer screening programme, meeting a key demand by campaigners.
Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
Grammy Award Winner Rob Thomas, VH1 and Rhapsody Partner on Multi-Platform Campaign to Bring Thomas 'New Album' cradlesong 'to Fans Everywhere advertising campaign featuring Thomas to debut on June 16th - VH1 and Rhapsody streaming new - Articles related to 'Mum, can't we have a happy meal instead?' Victoria Beckham drags her boys to Nobu ...
Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years.
Times, Sunday Times
What's instructive is to look at how the Obama campaign responded: challenge the facticity and factiousness of the ACORN story -- and get it explained about how ridiculous it is, and let the pictures of the McCain/Palin supporters diffuse themselves across the i-net.
Colin Powell Endorses Obama
Cosby and his new series are likely to be at the center of a very different advertising campaign come September.
Tokyo Metro's monthly Manner Manner Poster campaign utilizes bold, cartoon-like depictions of a certain antisocial behavior subway riders should avoid doing ... on the subway, at least.
Japanese Subway Manner Posters
They gather nominating petition signatures for lawmakers, raise money for them and sometimes even run their re-election campaigns.
For the media it is a conflict conducted in a series of military campaigns.
Peace campaigners today chained themselves to gates at Menwith Hill in an effort to shut down the North Yorkshire spy base.
It was a welcome return to the big stage for Parkinson after injury wrecked his campaign last year.
We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.
Inspired by prohibition in the US, his campaign soon gathered momentum and the Alliance became a political force to be reckoned with.
Physical exhaustion and the resulting benumbment of a mind that depended much on sleep probably are the basic explanation for Jackson's inability to meet the demands of the campaign.
The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease.
In some ways she does not need a new idea or a cause or a unifying theme to campaign on.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud.
For instance, Matt argues thatThe Democratic Party is awash in secretiveness, and while there have been Kerry emails which explain a bit of polling, one is mostly kept in the dark as to the strategic direction of the campaign.
Sometimes the first thought...
Digitas supported the site with traditional brochures, direct mailers and a magazine campaign with a strong direct component.
Smallpox, caused by a virus called variola, was declared eliminated in 1980 after a global vaccination campaign.
Cancer Pill may fight Small Pox | Impact Lab
Slick, ultraviolent advertising campaigns and an energetic presence on social media have added to the group's allure.
Times, Sunday Times
Obama was hawkish about Afghanistan during the campaign, despite well-aired fears that Afghanistan is a quagmire-in-waiting.
War: Politics and Power
Anti-fluoride campaigners say there is no conclusive evidence that fluoridation is safe or prevents decay.
In the case of the anti-deficit campaign, flaccid fiscal management was a weakness to be strenuously avoided.
I have, since it was first threatened with closure, been a staunch campaigner both locally and in Parliament to save the maternity unit.
Mr. Wyden has been campaigning for such a reform for years from the Democratic backbenches.
The Wyden-Ryan Breakthrough
Mark Sanford continues his campaign to prove that he is as dumb as a fencepost.
Short Takes
If the Clinton campaign is finally accepting this reality too, however grudgingly, that is some progress.
Obama Campaign Calls For 50-50 Split Of Michigan Delegates
Campaigners will step up their fight to dual the A120 after reflecting on alarming new figures.
Which is why he is going on the campaign trail this season.
Times, Sunday Times
In the third year of the campaign, small stores offered special deals and promotions.
Times, Sunday Times
Newsweek's editor was targeted this spring by an internet campaign that used surreptitiously recorded footage showing him, as well as opposition politicians, in compromising situations.
Publisher Shuts Russian Weekly
We have performed side-by-side comparative measurements of solar-UV radiation with spore dosimetry and spectral photometry in several campaigns held at four sites in Japan and Europe.
On the whole, I think that this campaign tends toward the latter at the expense of the former.
A huge campaign will attempt to sweep away litter and graffiti in a fresh war on crime which is expected to run for a year.
In the video version of the ad campaign, Simpoo charts his mouth-watering diet: He starts his day with aloo de parantha and mango aachar and later dines on aloo gobhi and sarsong ka saag.
Full-page ads in The New York Times and The Washington Post are now standard weapons for enviro campaigns, but no one had thought of using advertising as a cannonade before Brower.
The Prince of Wales shivered in the chill of an unheated theatre yesterday as he launched a campaign to help one million children to become involved in the arts over the next five years.
How the next U.S. president would seize that opportunity should be a defining issue of the presidential campaign.
Even at this stage of the campaign, labelling this a 'six-pointer' did not represent an exaggeration.
Times, Sunday Times
Barring miracle remission on a continental scale, only aggressive, coordinated medical relief, public health programs and public information campaigns squelch epidemics.
Reminding the glossily appareled Jeremiah Cummings, the head of the Worldwide International Campaign for Christ, that Saint Paul traveled with only the shirt on his back, he asks, “Should I assume that this is the only $2,000 suit you own?”
An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
They had campaigned vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament .
He has come back for this campaign seemingly a changed man.
The Sun
The argument is in some ways similar to the one President Bush made in 2004, when he campaigned on what he described as his proven leadership in the aftermath of the 2001 attacks and said the terrorist threat called for keeping him in the job.
Report: Hillary Campaign Plans Closing Argument Centered On National Security And The 1990s
You are encouraged to help identify flotsam sources, get involved in local beach clean-ups and campaign for responsible disposal of waste by marine industries.
The papers have begun to give greater publicity to the campaign against GM food.
Since independence the term indigenous, widely used in an affirmative action campaign, has applied almost exclusively to blacks and left out whites and other minorities born in the southern African nation - some the descendants of several generations of settlers.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers.
Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
It is a smear campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
During the national election campaign, Mr. Klein boasted he'd open more private clinics and begin a tax deduction based on income to raise more revenue.
The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.
It is hard to see what more could be done other than a punitive and probably ineffectual bombing campaign.
The small target, defensive quality of so much of the campaign has wearied me to the point of querying the worth of the democratic process.
And since most of his donors have not yet contributed the $2,000 legal maximum, they can likely give and give again as the primary campaign heats up.
He is still likely to miss at least four months but not the whole campaign.
The Sun
She believes she is the victim of a smear campaign by former inmates of residential institutions.
She gave fresh momentum to the campaign.
McDonnell campaign spokesman Tucker Martin brushed off the Democratic criticism.
Democrats thump Pawlenty for Virginia appearance
Back in Japan, Nakamura first heard of words like cocaine and psychotropics on television, and later she was impressed with a campaign against drug abuse that was started in her school.
The campaign warns people not to let the caller in if they are suspicious, or to be pressured into a hasty decision and pay any money up front.
A few weeks later at a campaign rally in El Dorado, a south Arkansas oil town that was a hotbed of racism and pro-Wallace sentiment, Fulbright was asked what was the biggest problem facing America.
The onetime Republican power broker faces up to 99 years in prison on felony charges that he orchestrated an illegal plan to funnel campaign cash to state GOP candidates who, after being elected, redrew congressional districts to favor their party.
DeLay Corruption Trial Starts
Campaign advisers say they hope a withdrawal would take place within two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Campaigners insist all banks must offer branch services.
The Sun
Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes.
Exercise is an important ally in your campaign to lose weight.