
camera angle

  1. the point of view of a camera

How To Use camera angle In A Sentence

  • Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle.
  • Future stadiums might also include more interactive technology in suites, such as voice-activated features or the ability to choose from different camera angles, adds Jonathan Knight, a principal at HOK. Upgraded technology aids stadium viewing
  • Despite the expressionistic framing and fancy camera angles, the film feels remarkably flat and prosaic.
  • Some of this can be alleviated by changing the camera angle - the overhead view being the most useful.
  • Spielberg is presumably attempting to infuse his film with a fairytale, fabular quality – but all he does is provide it with a directorial straitjacket, with the audience instructed through insistent camera angles, nagging music, and strategised lighting exactly what it's supposed to be feeling at any given moment. War Horse – review
  • I don't enjoy those programmes with wonky camera angles and pop music.
  • Management multiplied the camera angles, narrowed the strike zone, sodded the diamonds and the gridirons with AstroTurf, enlarged the jumbotrons, shortened the distance to the outfield fences, strengthened the golf clubs, adjusted the rules and the clocks to allow more time for the beer and truck commercials, bulked up the salaries paid to players bulked up to resemble the designated hitters in World of Warcraft. Lewis Lapham: Field of Dreams: The CIA and Me and Other Adventures in American Sports
  • Additionally, aiming is much more interactive, thanks to an over-the-shoulder camera angle which is activated every time you aim your weapon.
  • The series uses a lot of very similar camera angles, but they're relatively unique to it and they work really well.
  • The game uses both first- and third-person camera angles to view the action.
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