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How To Use Cambria In A Sentence

  • Note that several Cambrian and early Ordovician mass extinctions are not shown here.
  • Well-preserved Late Cambrian radiolarian faunas were recovered from carbonate rocks of the Cow Head Group of the Great Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland, Canada.
  • The effects of UV on microorganisms growing under conditions prevalent during the early Precambrian Aeon are examined.
  • Certainly the Cambrian record is deeply biased in favour of shelly fossils, as revealed by the exceptionally preserved Burgess Shale and Chengjiang biotas, where the vast majority of taxa and individuals were non-biomineralizing.
  • Meysman et al. also assign a "revolutionary" position to bioturbation in the grand scheme of evolution: "Benthic fauna had to adapt to the newly emerging bioturbated sediment conditions, thereby fuelling the 'Cambrian explosion'". Bioturbation all around you
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  • Since two of the primitive calymenides, Pharostomina and Bavarilla, had natant hypostomes it seems very likely that the Cambrian sister taxon would also be natant.
  • The Cambrian fossil record suggests that many metazoans were macroscopic and adapted for life in the macrobenthos.
  • Cambria was the Latin name for Wales, and the Ordovices and Silures were two Welsh Celtic tribes. Paleozoic
  • Paleobotany: Sedimentary rocks show pollen in very deep, "Precambrian" strata. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The small fleet of 37's used on the Cambrian is being dispersed to Petroleum and other sectors.
  • Among these, we will take up the Cambrian explosion and its relation to paleontology and systematics.
  • Some Late Precambrian Ediacaran fossils bear strong resemblances to colonial coelenterates called sea pens.
  • A few weeks before departing from England, while in London, I was careful to purchase a ticket, and secure a berth for returning home, in the "Cambria" -- the steamer in which I left the United States -- paying therefor the round sum of forty pounds and nineteen shillings sterling. My Bondage and My Freedom. By Frederick Douglass. With and Introduction. By James M`Cune Smith.
  • And while jawless vertebrates were present in the Cambrian, it was not until the Ordovician that armored fish became common enough to leave a rich fossil record.
  • They consist of willemite and zincite, together with large amounts of franklinite (an iron-manganese oxide) and silicates, in a pre-Cambrian white crystalline limestone near its contact with a coarse-grained granite-gneiss. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The mountain ranges (sky islands) are a geologic mix of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive granitic rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary layers, and some Precambrian granitic plutonic rocks. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • Archaean and Proterozoic basement terranes are commonly dissected by swarms of Precambrian mafic dykes.
  • They suggest that fish are very rare in Cambrian and Ordovician rocks because they were active swimmers and could generally escape from the underwater avalanches.
  • Knoll and Carroll think there was a mass extinction event at the Proterozoic-Cambrian border. Continuation…
  • The assembly and regulatory diversification of the genetic toolkit for animal development undoubtedly underpin Proterozoic and Cambrian evolution … Continuation…
  • Although Lower Cambrian stratigraphy remains in a state of some uncertainty, therefore, it is possible at present to present a provisional view of the sequence of events in at least some areas of the world.
  • For the fossil record of the Cambrian Explosion does not reveal the gradual development of life forms as Darwin posited in his work, but a period in which compound eyes, articulated limbs, sophisticated sensory organs and skeletal frames burst into existence seemingly out of nowhere. Darwin's Dilemna Premiering
  • I know it's not as well understood - but what is the approximate time frame over which carbon dioxide values returned to normal after the catastrophic deglaciations in the late Precambrian?
  • Substrate here consists largely of hard, slow-weathering Precambrian quartzose rocks. Tasmanian temperate rain forests
  • And while jawless vertebrates were present in the Cambrian, it was not until the Ordovician that armored fish became common enough to leave a rich fossil record.
  • At the foot of Hance Rapid, the river leaves Marble Canyon; its regular and stately sandstones, shales, limestones, and quartzites tower higher and higher above, while the river quickly incises itself a thousand feet into the black and pegmatite-veined Precambrian schists of the Inner Gorge. President Garfield's "spine, removed during autopsy, was passed around to jurors during the trial of his assassin."
  • The first extinction of the Precambrian, which largely affected stromatolites and acritarchs, has been correlated with a large glaciation event that occurred about 600 million years ago.
  • The early Cambrian fossil record is characterized by unique skeletal assemblages that include the spongelike archaeocyathans and a number of mostly problematic small skeletal elements, known collectively as small shelly fossils.
  • Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South Africa and, to a lesser extent, Western Australia.
  • •In New Jersey, Cambrian-age limestone is extensive, and often interbedded with other rocks including shale, thereby promoting topographic and soil diversity. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • The bedrock is an ancient, heavily eroded Cambrian metamorphic plateau dramatically punctuated by a chain of isolated flat-topped mountains. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • Precambrian metamorphism and migmatization and the wide spectrum of mainly Alpine mica ages provide clear evidence for such a polyphase geological history.
  • The Cambro-Ordovician boundary is now radiometrically dated at 490 Ma and so only rocks and fossils of late Cambrian age are included in this part of our survey.
  • The Grenadiers consist of upthrusted blocks of Precambrian Quartzite and slate.
  • Is it realistic to talk of a multiplicity of body plans in the Cambrian, far exceeding that of the present day?
  • One widely-mooted suggestion is that planktotrophic larvae, typified by the annelidan trochophore and echinoid pluteus, existed long before the metazoan radiations evident in the Cambrian fossil record.
  • The ancient Brazilian shield underlying the forest presents a gently undulating plain framed by scenic quartzitic ridges and mountains of Precambrian origin aligned in a generally NW to SE direction. Chiquitano dry forests
  • The up-to-date stratigraphy and earlier radiometric dates on these and other Late Precambrian rocks of this area are given in Pharaoh & Gibbons.
  • While all of the phyla but one were established during the Cambrian explosion, taxonomic increases during the Ordovician were manifest at lower taxonomic levels although ordinal level diversity doubled.
  • Creationists love to bring up the Cambrian ‘explosion’, but they frequently misstate the evidence considerably.
  • These are some quail I photographed in Cambria, CA. Field & Stream
  • It is based on the present writers' achievements of study and mapping of quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography of the Cambrian and Ordovician in North China, South China and Northwest China.
  • In fact, there are fossil microbes known from throughout the Precambrian, but here a second problem surfaces - how do you distinguish fossil archaeans from fossil bacteria?
  • He also cites the puzzling Cambrian explosion, a spectacular sunburst of marine animals 540m years ago that laid the foundations of all subsequent evolution.
  • A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
  • Notably, the oldest known Early Cambrian chordate Yunnanozoon had its metameric muscular units located dorsally of the notochord, although its body was laterally compressed.
  • Bivalves first appeared during the early Cambrian as part of a shallow infauna.
  • It was Sederholm's task to try to elucidate the complex rocks of the Finnish Precambrian basement.
  • Under the assumption of uniform geological process rates Darwin estimated that ~300-million years had elapsed from the base of the Cambrian to the present. Dawkins on the OOL
  • Then there's Eveningside Vineyards, the Biehl family's micro-winery in Cambria, NY. Bryan Calandrelli
  • •Cambrian-age limestone is extensive, and is often interbedded with other rocks including shale, thereby promoting topographic and soil diversity. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
  • If a single mammalian fossil were found in situ in precambrian rock strata, evolution would be falsified.
  • All of these Cambrian forms differed from living onychophorans in being marine.
  • The latter itself is too young to denote the original age of the tuff, on the basis of its Early Cambrian biostratigraphy and independent ages for the Early Cambrian elsewhere.
  • Much is now known about the stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of this biota through current interest in the definition of the base of the Cambrian System.
  • The Serra do Mar Mountain Chain is made up of ore-Cambrian granite porphyries and gneiss magma. Southeast Atlantic Forest Reserves, Brazil
  • This fauna and those described previously from older Utah strata document the biodiversification of the Cambrian-Ordovician lingulate brachiopods and demonstrate their potential for regional and intercontinental correlation.
  • The spherules in South Greenland are the first distal impact ejecta recognized in mid-Precambrian strata.
  • Meyer asserts that the Cambrian explosion represented an actual sudden origin of higher taxa; that these taxa such as phyla are “real” and not an artifact of human retrospective classification; and that morphological disparity coincides with phyletic categories. The Panda's Thumb: MustRead Archives
  • The prominent basement rocks of the Brumado area are Precambrian in age and consist dominantly of gneisses, schists, and amphibolite.
  • Rock weathering must have been very different in the early Precambrian because iron is soluble in such water and can easily be transported.
  • But whenever I read it it calls forth for me an image that surely was nothing at all like what Eliot had in mind: that silent sea is, for me, the paleozoic one of the Cambrian or Silurian period of four hundred million years ago, and the owner of that pair of ragged claws is the curious mud-crawling creature known as a _eurypterid, _ a vaguely lobsterish thing that reached lengths of eight feet and more. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • To do so requires a careful look at the many current problems presented by Cambrian fossils, including those stemming from systematics, taphonomy and dating.
  • Although foraminiferans are known for certain since the earliest Cambrian, their diversity and variability during the Cambrian is limited to a few agglutinated unilocular genera.
  • SHRIMP U-Pb dating of recurrent Cryogenian and Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician alkalic magmatism in central Idaho: Implications for Rodinian rift tectonics EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • From the diminutive to the rather large, something for fans of invertebrates, Hurdia victoria, a half-meter long predatory arthropod from the famous Cambrian-aged Burgess Shale of British Columbia. "So lose some sleep and say you tried."
  • PS I mapped a few thousand sq miles of late Precambrian in the Richtersveld, just inside South Africa years ago, which was older than the Nama and included the Numees tillite in which I found a stromatolite in associated dolomite, and also a dropstone and varves. The Cambrian as an evolutionary exemplar - The Panda's Thumb
  • Amid cheers that rent the welkin, responded to by answering cheers from a big muster of henchmen on the distant Cambrian and Caledonian hills, the mastodontic pleasureship slowly moved away saluted by a final floral tribute from the representatives of the fair sex who were present in large numbers while, as it proceeded down the river, escorted by a flotilla of barges, the flags of the Ballast office and Custom House were dipped in salute as were also those of the electrical power station at the Ulysses
  • Areas of lower elevation largely consist of post Carboniferous sediments overlying a basement of Cambrian rocks, with significant intrusions of Jurassic dolerite. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • Here, along the southern border of Virginia, the Blue Ridge overthrust belt forced rocks to the east up and over younger rocks to the west; the area is underlain by the Cambrian Rome Formation that is composed of shale, limestone, siltstone, and dolomite (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, 1993). Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • They first evolved in the earlier Cambrian period, as part of the great radiation of coelomate animals that occurred at that time.
  • Though their long history from the early Cambrian to the present different groups of articulate brachiopods rose to prominence only to decline.
  • Thousands of soft-bodied animal fossils paint us a picture of Cambrian marine life.
  • Another important difference is that the basement of one of the Menderes nappes (dine nappe, see below) is of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian age.
  • They consist of willemite and zincite, together with large amounts of franklinite (an iron-manganese oxide) and silicates, in a pre-Cambrian white crystalline limestone near its contact with a coarse-grained granite-gneiss. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The persistent lack of resolution of the relationships of the three major clades of coelomate animals, for example, arguably reflects rapid diversification of the "Cambrian Explosion. Evolution News & Views
  • Plutonic action would be very general, and volcanic mud, ash, and sand would be ejected and spread far and wide, which, sinking to the bottom of the water, may possibly be the origin of what we now designate the azoic or metamorphic slates and schists, as also the early Cambrian and Silurian strata. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Because of this, clay becomes progressively less common in older geological periods and is almost never found in Precambrian formations.
  • The surroundings are low heavily glaciated PreCambrian gneiss and amphibolite rocks extending some 50 km inland to the ice cap with flanking lateral moraines and ice-dammed lakes; also lakelets, glacial striations, roches moutonées, and perched erratics typical of glaciated landscapes. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Nevertheless, particularly for the study trace fossils at the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian, I find it preferable to look for similarities, and to critically evaluate the taphonomy of each morphological feature.
  • Above all, the appearance of diverse chordates and agnathans greatly expands our knowledge of the Cambrian explosion.
  • Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South Africa and, to a lesser extent, Western Australia.
  • Some of the molecular data supports an early divergence, and there are known pre-Cambrian trace fossils and fossils—the phosphatized embryos of the Doushantuo formation, about 600 million years old, are a good example. A signature of a radiation in metazoan evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • The rugged, steeply sloping mountains are composed of Precambrian amphibolite and gneiss. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
  • Dolostone is the main rock type of the Cambrian in this area.
  • This formation has been interpreted to represent deposits that accumulated on or immediately seaward of an Early Cambrian shelf.
  • Originally there were only two eons, the Precambrian and the Phanerozoic.
  • It is biogeochemistry that lends substance to the hypothesis that Ediacaran and Cambrian faunas are separated by mass extinction.
  • This is strikingly similar to the Company's "Mockingbird" Gold Property geology, where the gold is also hosted in lower plate Precambrian gneiss, and is frequently associated spatially with lamprophyre dikes. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • In recent years Cambrian trilobites and brachiopods have been discovered in Bhutan, close to the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya.
  • On shore, 5 m sand dunes and alluvial sands and gravels overlie relatively recent sedimentary, Tertiary clastic and PreCambrian crystalline rocks. Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
  • These unsegmented worms have been found in Cambrian rocks, such as the legendary Burgess Shale.
  • That means the rocks are quite a bit older than the Cambrian and Ordovician slate and phyllite at Beavertail, two miles to the southwest. Of Books and the Sea
  • To the southwest of the inlier is an area of calcareous earths derived from the Cambrian Georgina Limestone, one of only two such occurrences in northern Australia. Mitchell grass downs
  • However, the Cambrian was nonetheless a time of great evolutionary innovation, with many major groups of organisms appearing within a span of only forty million years.
  • The mountains are comprised of acid plutonic and volcanic rocks belonging to the Precambrian basement complex of the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea Nubo-Sindian tropical desert and semi-desert
  • I've learnt a huge amount from Geoff since we contested the Cambrian Rally and I'm very positive that we can have an excellent year.
  • Both the tillite and the rock surface are demonstrably Pre-Cambrian.
  • In the Jerome or Verde district of central Arizona, folded pre-Cambrian greenstones and sediments were invaded by masses of quartz-porphyry, and after further deformation, rendering many of the rocks schistose, were intruded by an augite-diorite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The oldest known fossil zoantharian corals are from the Lower Cambrian; they are common fossils in rocks of every subsequent geologic period because of their easily preserved skeletons.
  • It has a similar strike but steeper dip and extends to anticipated Precambrian basement depths.
  • The mountains show a relief with extensive outcropping of Precambrian, acidic rocks.
  • In an 1872 paper, he identified the circular imprints as "small ovate fossils" of some unknown Precambrian organism - perhaps a kind of mollusk - and sketched a picture of the find. Music briefs
  • The tectonic events began with the Penobscottian orogeny in the Cambrian Period that affected northwestern to north-central Maine.
  • The Brachiopoda for example, was present, but greatest diversity was shown by inarticulate brachiopods (like the one in the upper middle, from the Upper Cambrian of Iowa).
  • In addition to the dominant Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks, there are small deposits of Mesozoic rocks on the island as well.
  • The Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean are often collectively referred to as Precambrian Time, and sometimes also as the Cryptozoic. Table of geologic time - The Panda's Thumb
  • The remaining part of the Cambrian sequence represents a complete marine transgressive cycle, which follows terrestrial deposition of the basal sequence.
  • It records a mixed polarity pattern that corresponds to the mixed nature of the Early Cambrian geomagnetic field.
  • For example, Hughes said of the Cambrian arthropod Burgessia: ‘what is apparent from this restudy is that Burgessia did possess a mixture of characters… many of which are to be found in modern arthropods of various groups’.
  • This proposed synonymy meant that the species has a long range that extends through the middle Middle Cambrian to the top of the Chamberlain's Brook Formation in New Brunswick and southeastern Newfoundland.
  • This contradiction cannot be resolved at present due to a lack of Cambrian radiolarian studies, which are needed to provide chronostratigraphic corroboration.
  • CAMBRIA PINES LODGE: 2905 Burton Drive, Cambria, 927-4200 or cambriapineslodge. com. New Times News
  • It is Meyer's opinion (as mentioned in other articles) that the "Cambrian Explosion" is the time when "40 separate major groups of organisms or" phyla "(including all the basic body plans of modern animals) emerged suddenly without clear precursors.". ID Research, Look to the Example
  • The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
  • The first 3 eons are part of a time interval known as Precambrian time  4 billion-year interval with very few fossils. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We can tell from examination of rock strata that certain layers of rock were laid down at certain periods of time the Pleiocene, the Cambrian and so on, and in those strata there are fossils of all sorts of different life-forms. SOL #1.2: the claim of evolution
  • Niagara Landing in Cambria, Schulze Vineyards & Winery in Burt and Leonard Oakes Winery in Medina all had crews out last week collecting either Vidal or Catawba grapes. The Ice Wine Cometh
  • The Pre-Cambrian granite bedrock is exposed at higher elevations as outcrops or low cliffs.
  • Turquoise here was found as vein fillings and nodules in weathered Precambrian granite.
  • The Northern Inner Piedmont (45e) is characteristically underlain by highly deformed and deeply weathered Cambrian and Proterozoic feldspathic gneiss, schist, and melange. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary rock formed during the Ordovician, Precambrian granite and - Business News
  • The recent discovery of the Cambrian craniate Haikouichthys has confused matters somewhat.
  • Cambria was generously given the weather end of the line but as the signal was given the wind changed and made her the most leewardly boat, resulting in a poor start.
  • A few mineralized animal fossils, including sponge spicules and probable worm tubes, are known from the Vendian period immediately preceding the Cambrian.
  • Mick Fitzgerald, who notched his first Catterick success yesterday on Cambrian Dawn, has the mount.
  • This was accompanied by the multistage emplacement of large intrusive bodies in the Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian periods.
  • Darwin predicted that precursors to the trilobite would be found in pre-Silurian rocks … Similarly, Darwin predicted that Precambrian fossils would be found. Blast From the Past
  • All of these sites have yielded remarkably preserved Cambrian fossils, in large part due to rapid burial.
  • The Canadian Shield (aka the Precambrian Shield, or Laurentian Shield) is the Precambrian rock that covers about 8 million square kilometers of Eastern and Central Canada. 2009 July « Mudpuddle
  • Ecoregion 66c is underlain by Precambrian metamorphic rock, including quartzite, graywacke, and conglomerate of the Lynchburg Formation. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • (551-2500 million yrs BP) Also known as Precambrian Eukaryotic cell organisms develop. Geologic time
  • A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
  • If this occurrence of a true hexapod insect from the Middle Silurian be really established, taken in connection with the well-defined Coleoptera from the Carboniferous, the origin of the entire group of terrestrial arthropoda is necessarily thrown back into the Cambrian epoch, if not earlier. Darwinism (1889)
  • The geological period known as the Cambrian is marked by the rather sudden appearance of all the basic forms of animals now in existence.
  • The thick Thunderhead Sandstone (Upper Precambrian Great Smoky Group) in the Great Smoky Mountains along the Tennessee/North Carolina border was deformed and regionally metamorphosed during formation of the Appalachian Highlands, beginning in the so-called Devonian (that is, early in the Flood year).12-14 With increasing temperatures and pressures from northwest to southeast, the regional metamorphism produced in these sandstone layers a series of chemically and mineralogically distinct zones of schists and gneisses.15 These zones are named according to the first appearance of the distinctive metamorphic minerals which characterize them as the intensity of the metamorphism increased laterally—the biotite, garnet, staurolite, and kyanite zones. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
  • Even worse, Quammen ignores the Cambrian explosion, in which many of the major groups ( "phyla") of animals appeared in a geologically short time with no fossil evidence of common ancestry -- a fact that Darwin himself considered a "serious" problem that Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Similarly, Darwin predicted that Precambrian fossils would be found. Blast From the Past
  • Similarly, there are no rich fossil deposits before the Cambrian era about 550 million years ago.
  • Cryic soils developed on the mixed geology of mostly Tertiary volcanics and Tertiary intrusives, with only minor areas of Precambrian rocks in the Black Range. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
  • From Cambrian times onwards temperatures had been alternating between warm, moderate and glacial.
  • In addition to typical Ediacaran taxa, such as the cosmopolitan Pteridinium, the shelly fossil Cloudina first appears slightly below the earliest Ediacaran fossils, extends throughout the Ediacaran range, and into the Cambrian.
  • Precambrian divisions such as the Proterozoic and the Archean were conventionally eras but are now often referred to as eons.
  • Amid cheers that rent the welkin, responded to by answering cheers from a big muster of henchmen on the distant Cambrian and Caledonian hills, the mastodontic pleasureship slowly moved away saluted by a final floral tribute from the representatives of the fair sex who were present in large numbers while, as it proceeded down the river, escorted by a flotilla of barges, the flags of the Ballast office and Custom Ulysses
  • One widely-mooted suggestion is that planktotrophic larvae, typified by the annelidan trochophore and echinoid pluteus, existed long before the metazoan radiations evident in the Cambrian fossil record.
  • Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
  • But this is not meant to belittle the magnitude of the adaptive radiations that took place in the Vendian and Cambrian periods.
  • As for the name Cambria, there is also a town in California by that name, and I know of a couple of young ladies that have that name, and they love it. What's Black & White & Wrecked All Over?
  • The Black Hills are a maturely dissected domal uplift with an exposed core of Precambrian rocks; encircling hogbacks, enclosed hogbacks, and enclosed strike valleys rim the province. Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province (Bailey)
  • Their principal outcrops constitute the great Precambrian shields of continental crust upon which later formations were deposited.
  • The only modern phylum with an adequate fossil record to appear after the Cambrian was the phylum Bryozoa, which is not known before the early Ordovician. Continuation…
  • The Cambrian Explosion, for example, is the first time we are able to distinguish a chordate from an arthropod.
  • The Mount Nimba range is a 40 km-long narrow ridge running southwest to northeast, part of a Guinean mountain backbone bordering Sierra Leone and Liberia, of Precambrian basement rock, predominantly granites. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Apparently, taconite is a Precambrian sedimentary rock—whatever that means—which is usually made up of about 25 to 30 percent iron ore. Heaven’s Fury
  • Interestingly, the authors state that the earliest (Pre-Cambrian to Early Cambrian) conodonts, known as the Protoconodonta, are probably unrelated.
  • One of the classical Late Pre-Cambrian tillites is the Bigganjargga tillite of northern Norway.
  • Leiocoryphe gemma may be a paedomorphic species derived from some Upper Cambrian trilobite with an effaced cephalon.
  • Nor thofe, by Vaga's ftream, from ruins rais'd Of ancient Ariconium; nor lefs pleas'd With Salop's various fcenes; and that foft trad Of Cambria, deep-embay'd Dimetian land. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • Like most of us, however, I was too distracted or polite to point out that the Precambrian, as the Smithsonian admitted in a letter to Stufflebeam, denotes not a specific era but a "dimensionless unit of time, which embraces all the time between the origin of Earth and the beginning of the Cambrian Period of geologic time. Thursday Breakfast Bender
  • This type of ornamentation is often found in crustaceans including Daphnia, many species of ostracodes, and other Cambrian bivalved arthropods such as Isoxys.
  • That has led many to posit that the ‘cambrian explosion’ is more likely an artifact of the differential fossilization of animals with hard parts, particularly exo-skeletons, than of a real explosion.
  • A number of fossils from the Cambrian have been described which look more or less like onychophorans.
  • The suspicion began to arise that perhaps the Cambrian trilobites may not be really any older than the big dinosaurs, and the latter may not have been all killed off when the big elephants and megatheriums roamed around over America and Europe.
  • They used "clowning" as a way to bring a lighter side to the protests and publish a local newsletter called the Cambrian Snooze. REPORT ON SPEAKING TOUR TO ENGLAND, WALES, AND SCOTLAND
  • Scattered outcrops of very basic serpentinite also occur. formations predominate and Precambrian gneisses are common in the east. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • First, there are no late Cambrian rocks in many areas: they are represented by unconformities.
  • There are a few Precambrian fossils that have been found, so the “explosion” in the Cambrian period has been exaggerated by Creationists to decieve people. hoary puccoon Well that was interesting - The Panda's Thumb
  • The oldest anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the Vendian (late Precambrian).
  • There are many belts of greenstone (highly contorted, Precambrian volcanics and sediments) throughout the Canadian Shield.
  • The Cambrian rifting event defined the outline shape of the southern part of Gondwana, and can be regarded as the initiation of the supercontinent stage, which lasted until Jurassic break-up.
  • Around 110 km north of Arming there is a series of further outcrops of Lower Cambrian rocks.
  • This reasoning is used here to hypothesize about the body plans of the oldest animals, which were not represented in the Ediacaran biota or among the earliest Cambrian ‘small shelly fossils.’
  • Some studies that dealt mostly with Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician trilobites included descriptions of brachiopods.
  • However, a range of volcanic ages from Lower Cambrian to Early Devonian is suggested on biostratrigraphic grounds.
  • Afterward, global large-scale massive volcanic activity in Permian Period generally brought about metamorphism whole middle Cambrian Period volcanic sediment rock in research area.
  • Lower Cambrian and subordinate Precambrian strata are mainly metamorphic marine clastic deposits and underlie parts of the western section of the county.
  • A variety of sedimentological criteria, including petrography, texture, lithology and sedimentary structures, must be applied in the environmental analysis of Precambrian arenites.
  • Western Utah is the home of one of the best-known Cambrian fossil localities in the world.
  • In contrast, the Cambrian clastic rocks are characterized by a paucity of these zircons, suggesting a significant difference between Neoproterozoic and Cambrian drainage systems.
  • Geologically, the ecoregion overlies a mixture of Precambrian basement rocks, and a number of post-Jurassic sedimentary basins. East Sudanian savanna
  • Since the Cambrian period, we have only die-off and no new groups coming about, ever.
  • In summary, examples of deviation from regular tight coiling during late shell stages and the development of a free gerontic whorl may be found in all known Cambrian-Devonian gastropod subclasses.
  • Preservation of non-biomineralized tissues within concretions occurs through most of the Phanerozoic, from the Upper Cambrian to the Recent.
  • Despite our lack of knowledge, or perhaps because of it, researchers have divided the Precambrian into three time periods called eons.
  • This earthenware eyebath was made at the Cambrian Pottery c.1795.
  • Northern Finland is part of the Precambrian Fennoscandian shield.
  • Despite our lack of knowledge, or perhaps because of it, researchers have divided the Precambrian into three time periods called eons.
  • Furthermore, trilobite faunas in the Early Cambrian were already differentiated biogeographically.
  • If these fluctuations are gradual and restricted, then the boundaries of the Cambrian stages and series cannot be isochronous levels at a global scale.
  • Subordinate rocks include thin units of dolomite, evaporite, Varangerian tillite and Precambrian crystalline rocks.
  • Vertebrates were once the only major animal group not found fossilised in the Cambrian system of rocks.
  • A few tens of millions of years later, in the Cambrian period, the first mineralized coral-like organisms appeared.
  • The earliest Cambrian clayish sediment surface was relatively firm and its penetration required much energy.
  • But Darwin knew that the major animal groups-which modern biologists call "phyla" - appeared fully formed in what were at the time the earliest known fossil-bearing rocks, deposited during a geological period known as the Cambrian. Evolution News & Views
  • But already in the playground off Cambria Bridge Road bottle tops, cigarette ends, chip wrappers and sweet papers surround the teen shelter, a sight that some people think will worsen.
  • The main effect of the orogeny in southeastern Utah was to uplift the Uncompahgre High, a horst composed of Precambrian strata, which is bound on its southwestern flank by a major reverse fault.
  • The boundary between the Cambrian and the Ordovician is marked by the appearance of planktic dictyonemid graptolites.
  • The team will be heading to the Cambrian Mountains in Wales in June for the four-day event, which will test their strength, stamina and brainpower.

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