
  1. any of several plants of the genus Camassia; North and South America
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How To Use camass In A Sentence

  • For the piece de résistance, set all within a naturalized sea of camassia bulbs with their tall greenish spires and soft blue florets that bloom for weeks on end in late spring.
  • There is stately eremurus; the foxtail lily, perfect for the back of the border; camassia, ideal for woodland plus anemones, hyacinth, iris, bluebell and cyclamen.
  • The Camassia and Cotinus, both grown here, were a superb combo and need to be tried. Sissinghurst Part One « Fairegarden
  • Desiderio Camassa thought he uncovering a bronze leg as he cleared sand from a new discovery.
  • For the piece de résistance, set all within a naturalized sea of camassia bulbs with their tall greenish spires and soft blue florets that bloom for weeks on end in late spring.
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