
How To Use Calypso In A Sentence

  • Here you can snorkel or simply relax with a beer and enjoy the sounds of Neville's calypso and reggae music.
  • After I bought the machine, I used to go around recording calypsos at different nightclubs, and eventually had the records made in England.
  • It's easy to perceive the Super Furries as too ambitious for their own good, as they cavort guilelessly from West Coast rock to nosebleed techno, from mariachi to calypso.
  • The group showed its appreciation of Mr. Haden by playing his tunes, which unrolled like scenes in a classic film: The bright and optimistic "Hello My Lovely" could have underscored a scene of boy-meets-girl; the romping calypso "Child's Play" belonged under a dance sequence; and the excruciatingly haunting ballad "First Song" clearly represented a moment of heartbreak. Getting Down to Brass Tacks
  • My parents are from St Lucia, so there was a lot of calypso and reggae in the house.
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  • Last year, it was critically acclaimed as one of the best calypso shows staged.
  • He wore his royal robes with dignity and gave a huge lift to the wider acceptance of the calypso, as a legitimate cultural medium of social commentary, picong and musical delight. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • The steel pan is our gift to the world as is our calypso music.
  • Other facilities include two swimming pools and nightly entertainment featuring steel bands, limbo dancing and calypso music.
  • The Caribbean has given the world a remarkable potpourri of popular music - everything from calypso to salsa, from ska to zouk, from meringue to soca.
  • He was awarded the Trinity Cross in 1978, his portrait adorned two postage stamps and six calypso songs were penned to commemorate his triumph.
  • She was riding her calypso rhythm and I started toasting, and she was like ‘Yo man, that's tight,’ so she become an Elephant fan as she like how I ride the rhythms.
  • She's fashioned an album of salsa, calypso, habanera, mambo, meringue and other Caribbean rhythms.
  • The steel drums used in calypso music are made from these 55-gallon containers.
  • They come here to hear calypso and eat pelau, callaloo, roti and dasheen.
  • For the past 34 years, Toronto has played host to Caribana, a dazzling carnival overflowing with pulsating steelband, calypso, and breathtaking costume displays.
  • Release at least one anthology of calypso and soca hits every year.
  • They had been arrested together for singing calypsos on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain and though their careers had taken decidedly different paths, there was an intimacy to their relationship that was truly profound.
  • The sound of soft calypso music drifts down from another deck as, below her, waves lap at the side of the ship.
  • The project has formed a band which fuses reggae, African rhythm, calypso, rhumba and rock.
  • One of the dreams I had is that it would inspire the interest of the media and bring about a renaissance of calypso.
  • Extravagantly costumed masquerade troupes shimmied down the streets as trucks with speakers piled high blasted out calypso and soul.
  • Learn how to put a brown sugar glaze on pork for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • The reader is introduced to tropical dishes like ackee and saltfish, thirst quenchers like rum punch and is entertained by reggae, calypso and a week long carnival celebration.
  • The song traces calypso history with flawless research and in unexaggerated terms.
  • Calypso inhaled in a deep breath of ocean air, feeling the salty tang penetrate her nostrils.
  • The calypso, reggae, and steel band music of Trinidad and Jamaica are also very popular.
  • While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo, a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
  • London Festival The "Notting Hill Carnival" will bring a million people, over 100 colorful floats and a variety of music ranging from soca to calypso, funk, house and dub onto the streets of London in celebration of Europe's biggest carnival. What's On Around Europe
  • Not many local calypsos have as long lasting effects as Nash's did.
  • In addition to American and British music, reggae, calypso, and Zairian music are popular.
  • But whereas calypso now only rarely contains a political message reggae almost always does.
  • Ian's eyes opened lethargically, Susan said nothing and Geneva did not cease gawking at him, Calypso jumped from her arms after Geneva stopped petting her.
  • Actually, most calypsonians expressly avoid e-mail, thinking ownership of mobile phones a cure-all, even though their numbers are almost invariably unlisted.
  • Calypso and soca music sway the body of festive dancers to a mixture of Afro-Caribbean rhythms with witty lyrics and heavy metal or finely tuned steel drums.
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • On her latest album, ‘Oyaya,’ Kidjo fuses African root beats with such disparate genres as meringue, salsa, calypso, bolero and ska.
  • Hollis Liverpool wrote his first calypsos in 1954, when he was a pupil at St Mary's College in Port of Spain, and turned professional in the late 60s.
  • Taking us through ska, Calypso, meringue, and salsa - among other island genres - Kidjo entrances with swirling grooves, pulsating rhythms, and enthusiastic vocals.
  • Its theme was simply the current battle for supremacy between calypso and the Twist.
  • Surman explores a Sonny Rollins-like calypso on baritone and English-sounding brass fanfares turning into southern-European folk-dances on soprano sax.
  • The calypsos are OK, but I think they lack quality.
  • They blend Caribbean music forms like calypso and reggae with Indian ragas and melodies - played on conventional instruments as well as pan, sitar and tabla - to create their unique sound.
  • For this year, the award-winning works covered a wide range of topics, among them "Aide Haiti", "Climate Change" and "No Replacement", a piece in memory of the Calypso icons of the past.
  • Many have concluded that the work that community radio stations like CHRY, CKLN and CRIT do in showcasing soca, calypso and reggae, zouk and other musical expressions are contributing factors to this new awareness in the Canadian media.
  • The disc is full of salsa, trip-hop, acid jazz, calypso and reggae beats.
  • Both groups blend a North American jazz frontline trumpet and tenor, here Ron Blake and Marcus Printup with rhythms from Jamaica and Trinidad, such as mento, calypso, ska and reggae. The Jazz Scene: Hot Tones, Francophones
  • As a new book devoted to the label's cover art illustrates, Studio One also branched out into gospel, calypso and mento recordings, and even sessions by Indian devotional musician Sri Chinmoy. The art of Studio One
  • If you have never seen him live, this is an opportunity to see a master of his instrument but also a great showman, exemplified by his calypsos such as ‘Don't Stop the Carnival’.
  • The songs on this new work combine the improvisational style of jazz, the strong melodic lines of calypso and the ethereal other-worldly trippiness of the East - often updated with new-age arrangements.
  • Sheynnene has toured the Caribbean, North America, the UK and South America performing her winning selections and other popular calypsos.
  • Homer, Strange, and Marty the Mysterious Milkman, are busy sampling all the party treats, as the Merry Calypso Singers treat everyone to barbershop quartet music.
  • The gazebo of the amphitheatre was the perfect setting for their ethereal fusion of cool jazz and old-time calypso.
  • The artwork and woodwork are must-haves and the local calypso and soca music featured on the CD's will give you a true taste of St Lucia.
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • It is much better than the other boring calypsos I've heard.
  • Calypsos are often light-hearted musings on current events but can be much more serious, depending on the subject matter.
  • He also learned to play the steel pan, and he and his sister composed calypsos together; she wrote the text and he wrote the music.
  • Although others have followed Holman's lead and composed tunes specifically for Panorama, popular calypsos still usually win.
  • When the island people came in on a Saturday night, there was calypso and merengue in the Red Pepper and Spanish Danny's Juke Joint. DESPERADOES
  • His music embraces the traditional sounds of Mali along with American blues, Cuban-influenced grooves, jazz riffs, flamenco, calypso and Arab-influenced vocals.
  • Belafonte’s outspoken conviction was no secret to the millions of Middle Americans who loved his calypso-tinged hits and recognized the lankily handsome performer from movies and television specials. Burial for a King
  • Mouton calypso is a spicy torte of curried lamb that is very nicely complemented by a sweet pool of coconut crème fraîche.
  • I grew up with calypsos and Afro-Cuban music at home, so Caribbean music was there from the beginning.
  • Night following night the calypso music penetrating the walls. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • Hermes flies like a gull over the crests of waves and arrives at the home of Calypso.
  • Also giving commendable performances were calypsonian Eunice Peters, who performed the song House of Music, and petite soca diva Sherry Ann Church.
  • Word from the calypso association secretary may have branded Francis with a not too commendatory title.
  • Wherever you go on on this laid-back island, the palm trees sway to the sounds of soca and calypso music.
  • Culturally, our riches extend far beyond the celebrated African- and Spanish-influenced rhythms of calypso, reggae, dancehall, salsa, rumba, merengue, or son.
  • Flamenco, blues, calypsos, ballads, and a myriad other song forms have made their way into the consciousness of these people with the direct or indirect assistance of his endeavours.
  • The reader is introduced to tropical dishes like ackee and saltfish, thirst quenchers like rum punch and is entertained by reggae, calypso and a week long carnival celebration.
  • Learn how to squeeze lime for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • Undoubtedly, the largest single leap in calypso evolution came with the 1973 debut of soca music.
  • Zeus freed Odysseus from the nymph Calypso, who held him prisoner on her island, by sending Mercury with an order to Calypso herself.
  • The band obliged with a medley of festival type calypsos, only to find audience demand yet unsatisfied, forcing the players to perform yet another calypso medley before the lights finally went down.
  • The 31-year-old singer blends the best of Caribbean and South London sounds, including reggae, calypso, jazz and British pop music.
  • Learn how to mix soy sauce and spices for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • It is based on the story of Nigerian musician and activist Fela Kuti, whose Afrobeat rhythms are a combination of jazz, funk, salsa, calypso and traditional African music.
  • The St Joseph's Convent Steel Band bang-started the show with calypso and soca medleys and early arrivals were invited to sample the local dishes on sale.
  • The Crop Over festival features costume bands, folk music, and calypso competitions.
  • Their followers, chanting calypsos, strumming guitars and banging dustbin lids, swarmed on the field and began triumphant tribal dances.
  • Keith's column did more than merely evoke those long gone times when my love for calypso and language was nurtured in perhaps the best environment in the world for those who love words like 'picong', 'wahbeen women', 'pappyshow' and 'mammaguy'. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • Citizens had assembled with their coolers and chairs as they revelled to the sounds of soca and calypso from the bands.
  • If anyone, Preddie was in the premier position to comment on calypso.
  • Other calypsos failed to pull much reaction from the crowd.
  • As I drove to work on Friday morning, the last mentioned was bemoaning the fact that local calypsonians seem to vanish the minute the street jump-ups are over.
  • The mento that graced the first Jamaican recordings of the early 1950s mixed an indigenous folk style with elements of Trinidadian calypso.
  • And they sped to the tribe of the haughty Cephallenians, the people of patient-souled Odysseus whom in aftertime Calypso the queenly nymph detained for Poseidon. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Jamaica's musical past goes far beyond reggae: There's the warm rhythms of mento, the sweet sway of calypso, the jittery jump of ska.
  • Gone are the days when the BamBoo Club on Toronto's trendy Queen Street held sole sway over calypso and soca artists.
  • Calypso music played faintly in the distance.
  • Hundreds of visitors and locals sip on Carib and Piton, munch on all the various fish and chicken sold, and between mixes enjoy salsa, reggae, calypso, cadence, zouk, and hip-hop.
  • West Indian calypso and reggae music are both popular.
  • The bar, a cavernous construction of breeze-blocks, heaves with energy, in an easy mix of sailors and islanders, whipped up by a local band running through the year's carnival calypsos from Trinidad.
  • In his lifetime (1922-2000), Kitchener helped cement the calypso tradition of lyrics that relayed the headlines of the day to music and rhyme with an ironic comic twist; "University" opens with Relator's own "Gavaskar," which depicts the defeat of the West Indian cricket team at the hands of challengers from India. Dancing to Our Neighbors' Rhythms
  • Calypso according to Duke is our current editorial in song, timely in lyrical content and rhythm and relevant to said time and place.
  • David Rudder was one of the pioneers of the modern pacy form of calypso known as soca. BBC News - Home
  • The former calypso monarch is widely regarded as a superb showman, one of the best at extemporaneous renditions while onstage.
  • Favorite types of music include calypso, reggae, and religious hymns.
  • The concierge thrust a rum swizzle at me as the calypso band struck up a bright number.
  • While he was stuck in NY, he appeared in important calypso shows staged by big-time folklorist Alan Lomax - available on CD.
  • The musical style is similar to West Indian calypso and reggae.
  • On the dance floor these days, there are quite a few partners who are comfortable in T-shirts when the music calls for a jive, a samba, a rumba, a calypso, or even a good old waltz.
  • The project has formed a band called Raw Energy which fuses reggae, African rhythm, calypso, rhumba and rock.
  • So, ours will be the only Hamilton documentary with Larry Flynt and Rupert Murdoch, Justice Scalia and women in prison in St. Croix, former Solicitors General and the judge from the People's Court, as well as magicians, calypso singers, calligraphers, and numerous other unusual suspects, all enlisted to tell Hamilton's unusual story. Michael Pack: Rediscovering Alexander Hamilton: A Strange Journey
  • Some of today's Grenadian American calypso bands also use electric guitars, maracas, and steel drums.
  • While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo, a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
  • It was the melodic basis of many early 20th-century calypsos, and today it lives on as the traditional tune for extempo competitions, in which calypsonians show off their quick wits and lyrical skills by inventing.
  • There are many different kinds of music within our culture: reggae, calypso, soca, dub.
  • Although its roots are similar to those of calypso and reggae, it is more authenticly African.
  • Rocket Ship Beach was the first in a series of albums in which Zanes and guests perform folk songs, lullabies, Broadway standards, calypsos and a few originals in a rootsy-but-rocking style.
  • On her latest album, she fuses African root beats with such disparate genres as meringue, salsa, calypso, bolero and ska.
  • Growing up, he listened to the up-tempo sounds of calypso, soca, and zouk, before moving to St Maarten and discovering reggae.
  • Trinidad has a thriving rock music scene whose best bands blend reggae and calypso with mainstream rock.
  • Its theme was simply the current battle for supremacy between calypso and the Twist.
  • Nay, as we forthwith discover, a certain Calypso-Island detains him at the very outset; and as it were falsifies and oversets his whole reckoning. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • The postcolonial period has witnessed a significant creolizing of church music, which has been influenced by calypso, reggae, and African American gospel music.
  • I don't care if it's classical, funk, salsa, reggae, calypso; it's all dance music.
  • Reality is that soca has overtaken the role of calypso rooted in fundamental mid-20th century style.
  • The aim seemed solely to arouse people emotionally and expose basic instincts without any component of catharsis or cleansing as was the norm with the calypso art-form of yesteryear.
  • His charisma bought him a one way ticket to the calypso semi-final and final dozens of times.
  • There are echoes of hip-hop, reggae, socca, calypso and soul in garage.
  • Bob's music pieces together elements of jazz, Gypsy swing, calypso and sega as well as the more modern hip hop and ska beats.
  • The Police Band performed local calypsos such as the Ashanti's Malaway while the officers on parade entertained the impressive crowd.
  • Two forms of native Trinidadian music - calypso and steel drum music - have become famous throughout the world.
  • This week at Dizzy's, the Kingston-born pianist Monty Alexander is demonstrating how to combine jazz with the musical forms of Jamaica and Trinidad including mento, calypso, ska and reggae as only he can do it. July Time Is the Right Time to Hear the Ones We Love
  • Citizens had assembled with their coolers and chairs as they revelled to the sounds of soca and calypso from the bands.
  • Learn how to squeeze lime for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • They believe more traditional forms such as calypso, reggae and soca are in danger of being overshadowed.
  • The Caribbean has given the world a remarkable potpourri of popular music - everything from calypso to salsa, from ska to zouk, from meringue to soca.
  • Sung in Spanish, parang is as Trinidadian as calypso.
  • It's a Calypso gathering, you just wanna get down low and have a mad party and dance in the sun.
  • As such, it's part of Trinidad folklore and history, and certainly one of the greatest calypsos ever written.
  • Indeed, what started in the late 18th Century as provocative ‘le vrai’ and was polished into the fine art of redolent picong and extempo wars (fencing with foils, really) during calypso's golden age, has run full course.
  • In an effort to ensure that the passengers arrive wherever they're headed in a good mood, most busses have some kind of music to keep everyone entertained - reggae, calypso or dub.
  • She's fashioned an album of salsa, calypso, habanera, mambo, meringue and other Caribbean rhythms.
  • Despite its Trinidadian roots, Cariwest happens in Edmonton, and so it's quite possible that the crowds might hear calypsos about mad cow disease or SARS!
  • Set to a distinct rhythmic beat, calypsos are songs of social commentary that range from the comic to the tragic.
  • A maximum of five contestants vie in categories dedicated to dancehall, reggae, soukous, African, compass/racine, calypso, Latin, and gospel music.
  • While this event and his subsequent tours of the US and Canada cemented Lee's status as an ambassador of Jamaican music, he was less an originator than an entertainer adept at playing whatever style was popular at the time and moving seamlessly through mento, calypso, bluebeat, ska, rock steady, reggae, soca, dancehall and even easy listening. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • _ -- At daybreak a speck was seen in the horizon; now it is visible above the hollow wave, now curtained from our sight by the swelling billow: we approach nearer; the speck divides, and two spots appear; they are Calypso's Isles, -- Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833
  • The Caribbean has given the world a remarkable potpourri of popular music - everything from calypso to salsa, from ska to zouk, from meringue to soca.
  • When the island people came in on a Saturday night, there was calypso and merengue in the Red Pepper and Spanish Danny's Juke Joint. DESPERADOES
  • Passengers are usually greeted in ‘Love Boat ‘style by an old mento or calypso band and dancers.’
  • Reflecting an African heritage, this music combines the African ‘call-and-response’ with features of calypso and reggae.
  • We could be gone by the morning to some calypso coast - an island offshore where even the waves are dancing and where the fish most surely will be leaping.
  • Learn how to mix soy sauce and spices for a calypso pork roast recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Caribbean cuisine video clip.
  • Culturally, our riches extend far beyond the celebrated African- and Spanish-influenced rhythms of calypso, reggae, dancehall, salsa, rumba, merengue, or son.

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