

  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Calvinism or its adherents

How To Use Calvinistic In A Sentence

  • But all the Calvinistic churches by their creeds, and also a large portion of the membership of Arminian denominations, without regard to their creeds, if asked when are we to obtain entire sanctification as an essential meetness for heaven, would answer, at death. The Theology of Holiness
  • Lord Ashley was a well-known philanthropist, and his consistent support and patronage of many religious and charitable societies had naturally given him popularity among the Protestant clergy of all denominations, -- a popularity heightened in the case of the Evangelical and Calvinistic ministers by his Lordship's strict Sabbatarianism and his belief in cold dinners on The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • It sounds rather dreary and Calvinistic but I think that work leads to great things like beauty and extraordinary truth, things that shine and are transcendent.
  • But it was long ere these scandalous and immoral sports could be abrogated; — the rude multitude continued attached to their favourite pastimes, and, both in England and Scotland, the mitre of the Catholic — the rochet of the reformed bishop — and the cloak and band of the Calvinistic divine — were, in turn, compelled to give place to those jocular personages, the Pope of The Abbot
  • At last, their dispute came near to an open declaration of hostilities, the incensed episcopalian bestowing on the recusants the whole thunders of the commination, and receiving from them, in return, the denunciations of a Calvinistic excommunication. Old Mortality
  • But the Calvinistic concept of "limited atonement" whichsome have been indoctrinated with, doesn't go along with thisreasoning, as also is the case with a number of other concepts inCalvinism.
  • Let it be noticed that this is a thoroughly Calvinistic parable in that the prodigal was a son, and could not lose that relationship. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • Calvinistic; in partiality for mercy, even to the neglect of justice, he was Socinian; but we may speak of him as at once orthodox and liberal, devout and humanitarian; to whom the kingdom of heaven came without observation, and was not declared in the usual phrases, but whose "CALLING was of God. Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • And being conscious likewise, how Presbytery or the Calvinisticall Reformation, which many here, and more in Scotland, affected, by substraction and novel interpretation, had forsaken the good old ways of the primitive Church, and was become dangerous to Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • George Bridges says that the logical conclusion of that old doctrine is what philosophers call determinism -- Calvinistic predestination. The Inside of the Cup — Volume 02
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