
How To Use Calving In A Sentence

  • These sometimes spectacular occurrences, called calving events, are a key step in the process by which climate change drives sea level rise. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • I saw and heard the piercing crack of an iceberg calving and the resounding silence on the top of Ellesmere Island.
  • Cows have their counter-strategies, leaving the group to live in seclusion when they are calving.
  • At river crossings, lakes, or narrow peninsulas, trails converge and funnel towards and away from caribou calving grounds and summer range.
  • Calving and breeding during periods of adequate, high quality grazing can reduce the amount of needed supplements and annual feed costs.
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  • Autumn is usually the problem time for abortions in spring-calving dairy herds.
  • They usually require close management during calving.
  • They come for the beauty and the peace and quiet; and still like to watch lambing and calving when possible.
  • He has since made his presence felt by producing quality, easy calving progeny.
  • Calving percentage, clearly a variable within the purview of management, was the only variable significant in all three models.
  • It is an early-maturing breed, capable of calving at two years old.
  • Milk out cows for the first three to six days after calving, making sure the udder and teats are clean
  • He explains how much beef today comes not from beef cattle bred to fatten beautifully but from dairy-cross cows, which have distinctly bony behinds and are the byproduct of the calving needed to keep dairy cows in milk year on year.
  • However, the present study indicates Longhorns have a significant advantage in calving ease over Red Poll sires for dams calving at 2 yr of age.
  • After all, the term "calving" came directly from the Tampies — a reference to the similarity between space horse reproduction and glacial splitting — and to Ferrol that implied strongly that, somewhere along the line, the aliens had witnessed the entire birth process. Warhorse
  • These bulls produce heifers/cows that are above average in their milking ability, calving ease and fertility than the average bull in their breed.
  • A greater percentage of first-calf heifers required assistance at calving and were calved in a smaller lot, thus increasing the opportunity for additional stress and scours on their calves.
  • And he claims to have lost 37 calves during the winter, when he could not be present during complicated deliveries, because he was calving elsewhere.
  • Calving and creep areas should be kept clean and well bedded.
  • While giving concentrates to spring/summer calving suckler cows at this time of the year is uneconomic it could be a convenient method for a part of the herd (the late calvers) that remain unweaned up to the time of housing.
  • Other benefits from this information include more accurate information on bulls calving ease and his daughters production and survival details.
  • Regarding the animals, factors such as calving, ploughing and fattening seasons must be considered. Chapter 6
  • Nobody knew more about lambing and calving than a veterinary surgeon so he was invited to instruct.
  • The cow had difficulties calving.
  • The first milk drawn from a cow after calving, which is specially rich. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • The dry period is an important opportunity for the animal to recharge her body reserves prior to calving.
  • Some of this lower expected price may be offset by the seasonal price component associated with preconditioning programs geared toward spring calving and fall weaning programs.
  • Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
  • So why was he fired for putting a chart of caribou calving areas on the internet?
  • Ominously, the calving of monstrous Antarctic icebergs is becoming a regular occurrence.
  • It will be important to leave enough quota for the spring time when cows start calving again.
  • If the sire was determined to be Angus or Brangus, then conception date was determined by subtracting 283 d from calving date.
  • So why was he fired for putting a chart of caribou calving areas on the internet?
  • In May and early June the coastal plain serves as the principal calving ground for the Porcupine herd of caribou.
  • The Teshekpuk area, a network of wet meadows, river deltas, coastal lagoons and small ponds, is the prime calving grounds for a 25,000-strong caribou herd.
  • Cow and calf producers typically choose to commence calving and breeding at times of the year when weather is least stressful and forage conditions are optimal.
  • Four mountaineers in the high steppes of northern Tibet and northeastern China have located the key calving ground of the chiru, a rare Tibetan antelope.
  • This will allow farmers to shift animals from rented grazing land to pasture nearer home to supervise lambing or calving or turn out animals onto summer pasture from overcrowded steadings.
  • Four cows have been culled amid concerns they may have contracted brucellosis, a contagious disease, which in cattle causes abortion or premature calving.
  • Glaciers can move and calving can occur, causing huge icebergs to break away and wreak havoc.
  • At night, you'll listen to the crack of icebergs calving, reminding you that, while Antarctica might not be far away, everything else is.
  • Hygiene is extremely important around calving, as newborn calves are very vulnerable in the first two to three days after birth.
  • Which reminds me to mention a word of caution when managing cows around calving time, there is nothing like a good scare to make one realise the dangers of attack.
  • There were no calving problems except with one set of twins (a bull and heifer calf).
  • Because of the long gestation and lactation periods, the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years.
  • Looking back, I'm glad I took that red-eye from Seattle just a few painful hours after I'd deplaned and disembarked from Juneau where I'd kayaked among calving Dawes Glacier 24-hours before. Crai S. Bower: Sure, Montreal has a Festival Culture, but Prince Still Blows Minds
  • A joint Australian-French study has discovered the calving of a large iceberg from the Mertz Glacier in the Australian Antarctic Territory. Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
  • Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
  • Many of these ice floes are the result of the berg calving which is taking place in the chest cavity. Impossible Places
  • But we have no problem treating human females the same way we treat cows even to the point of 'calving' them. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Instead of overhunting, the scientists think that perhaps historic climate changes are to blame, such as glaciation events that could have forced the whales to change habitats and therefore food sources and calving grounds. TreeHugger
  • The single dose format also reduces risks associated with excessive handling of animals close to calving.
  • Elephant seal cows—as many as 6, 000 in October, at the height of their calving season—add to the crush at St. Andrews Bay.
  • If the cow has not got enough colostrum, surplus could be taken from the better milkers at calving and stored in the freezer for emergencies.
  • Glaciers can move and calving can occur, causing huge icebergs to break away and wreak havoc.
  • They do drift this far south after calving off the Arctic ice sheets further north.
  • Sara said she probably wouldn't get back to Bolton to see her dad, Leonard, who has a farm in Little Lever, because his cows were calving but she hoped her mum, Jackie, would come and see her at the events.
  • Nobody knew more about lambing and calving than a veterinary surgeon so he was invited to instruct.
  • Calves were born between late February and mid May in each calving year and were identified for parentage at birth.
  • Before calving, they return to Tuttle and the cycle begins again.
  • At river crossings, lakes, or narrow peninsulas, trails converge and funnel towards and away from caribou calving grounds and summer range.
  • To the contrary, the timing of the highest nutrient requirement period of the winter calving cow was more coincident with the period when forage quality was highest (late spring to early summer).
  • It has since been updated with the latest equipment and a new calving unit was provided in 2002 which caters for 48 cows at a time.
  • The first U.S. mad cow was a downer animal, not able to walk due to a uterine rupture while calving.
  • It concentrates the mind when you are block calving because you sell all your barren cows in one go.
  • This will allow farmers to shift animals from rented grazing land to pasture nearer home to supervise lambing or calving or turn out animals onto summer pasture from overcrowded steadings.
  • The first milk after calving is called biestings, and is so very different in quality from the other milk, that it should not be mixed with it. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Summer calving in southern and southeastern herds is questionable because of the potential for reduced calf performance.
  • We are not aware of similar data reported for cows calving during different seasons of the year.
  • Successful first breeding and calving of the heifer is only part of a successful replacement strategy.
  • Out in freezing rain before dawn, out on winter nights for lambing and calving, hill farmers get back injuries, arthritis and lung disease.
  • No coseismic offset in the position of the glacier surface is observed; instead, modest tsunamis associated with the glacial earthquakes implicate glacier calving in the seismogenic process. RealClimate
  • The first milk after calving is called biestings, and is so very different in quality from the other milk, that it should not be mixed with it. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • The calving lures many animals of prey, including lions and spotted hyena.
  • Kayak as near as you dare to gigantic cathedrals of ice calving from Alaskan glaciers.
  • While the spring calving cow that is still suckling the calf on declining grass is the most susceptible, autumn calving cows also need protection in the form of a magnesium supplement.
  • As well as the deaths, it also led to other problems including cows calving on board.
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • Cross-breeding Holstein dairy cows with Jerseys is boosting milk income on Pembrokeshire's spring calving farms.
  • The Teshekpuk area, a network of wet meadows, river deltas, coastal lagoons and small ponds, is the prime calving grounds for a 25,000-strong caribou herd.
  • Farmers have been unable to bring in ewes for lambing after wintering them on hills and in fields, while calving has also been disrupted.
  • Dr Rintoul said the collision, known as a "calving", gave scientists a rare insight into the bottom of the ocean. | Top Stories
  • Milk out cows for the first three to six days after calving, making sure the udder and teats are clean
  • This hypothesis well explains why even the same cave has different patterns of calving and different chisel marks.
  • It feels like a fresh start now that we have got cows calving again.
  • The cottage was to be built on the Kilkenny Road, but Miss Lennon complained that Mickey's father would be too far away from his work if anything happened, like a cow calving in the middle of the night.
  • The weather report was decidedly unseasonal at the George R. Brown Convention Center Saturday night - intermittent snow flurries and calving icebergs.
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • The Teshekpuk area, a network of wet meadows, river deltas, coastal lagoons and small ponds, is the prime calving grounds for a 25,000-strong caribou herd.
  • Some think it is intimated (Ps.xxix. 9) that God by thunder helps the hinds in calving. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Farmers have been unable to bring in ewes for lambing after wintering them on hills and in fields, while calving has also been disrupted.
  • Treatment heifers had access to unlimited amounts of ungrazed forage prior to calving and were fed a different supplement.
  • Anderson said that with the windows of time for calving and breeding being in close proximity, the period of post-calving, or post-partum, anestrus can have a large impact on calf production for the next year. Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS

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