
How To Use Calvin In A Sentence

  • These sometimes spectacular occurrences, called calving events, are a key step in the process by which climate change drives sea level rise. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
  • The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
  • While they are stringing popcorn and cranberries to hang on the tree, Beth tells Calvin and Conrad that she had spoken to Carole Lazenby, who had informed her of something that Con should have told them.
  • No coseismic offset in the position of the glacier surface is observed; instead, modest tsunamis associated with the glacial earthquakes implicate glacier calving in the seismogenic process. RealClimate
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  • Successful first breeding and calving of the heifer is only part of a successful replacement strategy.
  • If you are looking for something slightly dressier, try this putty colored zip front jacket by Calvin Klein.
  • Martin Luther and John Calvin, was that the Church had largely abandoned the Augustinian doctrine of Grace. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • We are not aware of similar data reported for cows calving during different seasons of the year.
  • No, if other things as great in the Church, and in the rule of life both economical and political, be not looked into and reformed, we have looked so long upon the blaze that Zuinglius and Calvin hath beaconed up to us, that we are stark blind. Areopagitica
  • Thanks!!! diner monitor my pc monte blance half past dead kneehole balpen rollerball cast stylo pen waterman carene deluxe blue ball pen ricoh waste toner bottle tempur pedic baltimore stackable storage cube tempur pedic topper calvin and hobbes gucci purse wallet Feeling all gooey inside
  • Calvinism found support from the lower classes, lesser nobles and town leaders.
  • The apostle says not (remarks Calvin nobly) "What," but "Who," just as if all creatures and all afflictions were so many gladiators taking arms against the Christians [Tholuck]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And Calvino's charming Marco Polo and Marcovaldo and Mr. Palomar are archetypal narrative functionaries, nowise to be compared with the great characters of narrative/dramatic literature.
  • The others laughed, and Chelsea was surprised to find Calvin unoffended by the comment on his girlfriend's school.
  • A decade later, however, Calvinism appeared on the scene to make an already complicated matter more so.
  • Summer calving in southern and southeastern herds is questionable because of the potential for reduced calf performance.
  • Both Calvin and the Puritans held to a view of Scripture that created its own difficulties.
  • King of France under the name of Charles X; Spifame (1548-58) who became a Calvinist in 1559, and was afterwards accused of forgery and beheaded at Geneva in 1556; the polemist Sorbin de Ste-Foi The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Separate Baptists essentially remained Calvinist in their soteriology but were patently aggressive in their evangelism and missiology.
  • The first milk after calving is called biestings, and is so very different in quality from the other milk, that it should not be mixed with it. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • This will allow farmers to shift animals from rented grazing land to pasture nearer home to supervise lambing or calving or turn out animals onto summer pasture from overcrowded steadings.
  • It concentrates the mind when you are block calving because you sell all your barren cows in one go.
  • Calvin, a "martinet", or oppidan, in the Collèege de la The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The first U.S. mad cow was a downer animal, not able to walk due to a uterine rupture while calving.
  • Prudence dressed quickly and with Almira hurried to the girls 'rooms while Calvin hastened down the stairs to the scene of destruction. Prudence Crandall, Woman of Courage
  • It has since been updated with the latest equipment and a new calving unit was provided in 2002 which caters for 48 cows at a time.
  • As for the judgment of our own divines, _Calviniani_, saith Balduine, (440) _morem illum quo eucharastia ad aegrotos tanquam viaticum defertur improbant, eamque non nisi in coetibus publicis usurpendam censent_. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Calvin's theocentric focus led him also to view the love of self as ‘a mortal plague that Christians must rip out.’
  • In 1543 he was condemned to be burnt as a heretic for his adherence to Calvinism, but he was reprieved by Henry VIII and on his release from prison returned to St George's.
  • Calvinist missionaries dealt with a culture that had aikane by calling christianist and capitalist culture "manly," Hawaiian society "feudal," and feudalism "effeminate. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Faced with this loathsome infestation, I realised the world needed to hear a different kind of voice - the dour voice of Calvinism.
  • To the contrary, the timing of the highest nutrient requirement period of the winter calving cow was more coincident with the period when forage quality was highest (late spring to early summer).
  • At river crossings, lakes, or narrow peninsulas, trails converge and funnel towards and away from caribou calving grounds and summer range.
  • The last to do so, DT Calvin Barnett of Tulsa, was an 11th-hour signee who went to Arkansas. Oklahoma State - Team Notes
  • Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
  • Calvin said that God sovereignly predestined everything that happens in the world.
  • American geneticist Calvin Bridges discovered copy number variation in 1936, when he noticed that flies that inherit a duplicate copy of a gene called Bar develop very small eyes.
  • This little gentilesse pleased, and atoned for the popery of my house, which was not serious enough for Madame de Boufflers, who is Montmorency, et du sang du premier Chritien; and too serious for Madame Dusson, who is a Dutch Calvinist. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • This Dobson critter is a religious determinist, specifically, a variant of a Calvinist predestinarian (John Calvin, 16th Century Protestant theologian; a Protestant when being a Protestant could get you burned at the stake). Think Progress » James Dobson to start new nonprofit and radio show, giving him ‘greater leeway to hold forth on politics.’
  • Calves were born between late February and mid May in each calving year and were identified for parentage at birth.
  • He deals more in exhortations, because those intent on useless questions needed chiefly to be recalled to the study of a holy, moral life; for nothing so effectually allays men's wandering curiosity, as the being brought to recognize those duties in which they ought to exercise themselves" [Calvin]. speak -- without restraint: contrast Tit 1: 11, "mouths ... stopped." doctrine -- "instruction" or "teaching. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Several of the bishops were, in fact, "latitudinarian" or "Arminian" in doctrine, wanderers from the severity of Knox and Calvin. A Short History of Scotland
  • Nobody knew more about lambing and calving than a veterinary surgeon so he was invited to instruct.
  • Within five years, surviving numerous assassination attempts, he managed to convert thousands of Calvinists back to Catholicism.
  • The elevation of the Bible by the Protestants, and particularly the Calvinists — what has been called the bibliolatry of the sixteenth century — was to have im - portant and widespread consequences. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • While predestination was central to Calvin's thinking, it was not primary.
  • How bitter it was that the most guilty party, Calvin, was untouchable by shame, and therefore could not have his adultery used against him, unless Lord Ashworth was a champion dueler (and even then, Margaret suspected that in a duel with Calvin, Lord Ashworth would find that his pistol would not fire and his sword would break right off). Heartfire
  • Her husband, Calvin Stowe, was a minister and scholar.
  • Furthermore, Scottish Calvinism was not an elite activity, it grew roots in the community quickly, and it nourished an egalitarian spirit that was at odds with what was, in every other respect, a deeply hierarchic society.
  • Arguably, he could have done a lot more; he could have let Calvin turn seven, which would have opened up a new world of possibilities, but it would also have denied the inalterability that some see as intrinsic to the comic strip art form. The Vivisection of Bone, Part 2: Mytho-Bone-esis
  • Ed. [208] On this passage, which has given so much trouble to commentators, and which Calvin has considered as such length, it may be observed, that the term rendered scepter means also rod, and sometimes is translated tribe; perhaps because each of the twelve tribes had its rod laid up in the tabernacle and temple. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • ``Calvin has become a client of Haladay Genealogical Services, and a member of the Augustan Society. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • This makes him sound like Borges or Calvino, and in a sense he is, but with hard science to back him up.
  • He joins forces with former army hero Calvin Dexter to hit at the heart of the trade, which he identifies as cocaine's transportation by boat, and uses a budget of $2 billion to target vessels and corrupt officials in a global operation. Reuters: Top News
  • In a New Yorker profile, writer Calvin Tomkins reveals that the tennis superbrat has given up both his rock band and his SoHo art gallery.
  • A devout Calvinist Methodist and strict advocate of temperance, Davies became a patron of Nonconformist and other charitable and educational causes.
  • Early Baptists, of course, found themselves restrained by Calvinist predestinarian tenets.
  • Sara said she probably wouldn't get back to Bolton to see her dad, Leonard, who has a farm in Little Lever, because his cows were calving but she hoped her mum, Jackie, would come and see her at the events.
  • They do drift this far south after calving off the Arctic ice sheets further north.
  • Actor, action-movie star, farmhand, Calvin Klein underwear model, and nascent motivational speaker, Kellan Lutz is the man of the moment. Twilight Lexicon » Kellan Lutz In Interview Magazine
  • Glaciers can move and calving can occur, causing huge icebergs to break away and wreak havoc.
  • Kate, The third sentence in your second paragraph is the view of Arminianism; Calvinism takes a different view on that. Why I am not a Calvinist « Anglican Samizdat
  • The key difference between strongly predestinarian / Augustinian Catholics and Calvinists is that election for the latter means final election (to glory), whereas the former recognize the friability of assurance and salvation.
  • If the cow has not got enough colostrum, surplus could be taken from the better milkers at calving and stored in the freezer for emergencies.
  • Calvin Rowe scored a brace and Christopher Wilkinson hit the last-minute winner.
  • Whence it would appear that either the word "centum," a hundred, had slipped by mistake from Calvin's pen; or which is more probably, that, though the two Latin editions before the Editor, have the mistake, the more early ones were free from it. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Not for the seal behind Calvin, not even for the man himself... just for the indifference, the complacency! THE LAST RAVEN
  • But all the Calvinistic churches by their creeds, and also a large portion of the membership of Arminian denominations, without regard to their creeds, if asked when are we to obtain entire sanctification as an essential meetness for heaven, would answer, at death. The Theology of Holiness
  • Early American settlers, especially New England Protestants, adorned their Calvinist-styled worship with psalms taken from metrical psalters brought along from the old country.
  • A certain presumptuousness and overestimation, derived from Calvinism, made them almost sound like proselytising preachers.
  • Nevertheless, these externals should not detract from the fact that this book is an important contribution to Calvin studies specifically and historical theology generally.
  • Gina is your softer-featured Calvin, a small-time stylist who's just trying to make it in a world full of headaches.
  • A Calvinist proctor in the nineteenth century had noticed its contributors were all insubordinates and shut it down: by fines or flogging where possible, arson where not.
  • We knew the Calvin who worked with kids, organized basketball camps and taught baton twirling.
  • In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge suggested national celebration of the day to form closer relations between fathers and their children, and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their duties.
  • Elephant seal cows—as many as 6, 000 in October, at the height of their calving season—add to the crush at St. Andrews Bay.
  • Other churches, such as the Baptist and Congregationalist, which were Calvinist in theology, grew and found many followers in rural communities and small towns.
  • -- So understanding the words, the apostle is here giving the language of the true method of justification; and this sense we prefer (with Calvin, Beza, Ferme, Locke, Jowett). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The hallmarks of the Nazi aesthetic - blue eyes, blond hair, athletic fitness and sharp-angled features - are the very elements that define what we call the all-American look, still visible in the mythic advertising landscapes of designers like the decidedly non-Aryan Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. NYT > Home Page
  • In doing so, however, they had to rebel against the creedal orthodoxies of the more established Calvinist churches.
  • The single dose format also reduces risks associated with excessive handling of animals close to calving.
  • Lord Ashley was a well-known philanthropist, and his consistent support and patronage of many religious and charitable societies had naturally given him popularity among the Protestant clergy of all denominations, -- a popularity heightened in the case of the Evangelical and Calvinistic ministers by his Lordship's strict Sabbatarianism and his belief in cold dinners on The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • Instead of overhunting, the scientists think that perhaps historic climate changes are to blame, such as glaciation events that could have forced the whales to change habitats and therefore food sources and calving grounds. TreeHugger
  • He expounded traditional Calvinism with its high doctrine of church order .
  • Calvin McCarter, a fifth grade home-schooler from Jenison, MI, beat a roomful of older kids Wednesday, making him one of the two youngest students ever to win the competition.
  • But we have no problem treating human females the same way we treat cows even to the point of 'calving' them. Archive 2008-01-01
  • To marry a Calvinist was déclassé and a flirtation with heresy if not anarchy.
  • Calvin tried to work with a concept of mystical real presence that avoided the empirical absurdities of transubstantiation with regard to the Eucharist.
  • I dressed in my best: tight black Levi's, a black Calvin Klein T-shirt, and an unstructured Armani sport coat.
  • It sounds rather dreary and Calvinistic but I think that work leads to great things like beauty and extraordinary truth, things that shine and are transcendent.
  • We Calvinists are charismatic Christians because we love the Lord Christ who first loved us.
  • Many of these ice floes are the result of the berg calving which is taking place in the chest cavity. Impossible Places
  • Again, it’s the sick and twisted Calvinist virus running rampant in evangelicalism today. Think Progress » Gregg: Not ‘A Lot Of People’ Would ‘Really Care’ If Democrats Use Reconciliation To Finish Health Care
  • Before calving, they return to Tuttle and the cycle begins again.
  • The C4 plants concentrate carbon dioxide levels prior to the Calvin cycle through the Hatch-Slack pathway.
  • Anderson said that with the windows of time for calving and breeding being in close proximity, the period of post-calving, or post-partum, anestrus can have a large impact on calf production for the next year. Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS
  • Calvinism and the Roman Catholic Church; some of the leading Calvinist were also members of senior aristocratic families.
  • But it was long ere these scandalous and immoral sports could be abrogated; — the rude multitude continued attached to their favourite pastimes, and, both in England and Scotland, the mitre of the Catholic — the rochet of the reformed bishop — and the cloak and band of the Calvinistic divine — were, in turn, compelled to give place to those jocular personages, the Pope of The Abbot
  • Treatment heifers had access to unlimited amounts of ungrazed forage prior to calving and were fed a different supplement.
  • Plants employing this so-called C4 pathway use carbon dioxide more efficiently than those with the normal (C3 or Calvin cycle) photosynthesis. 4 Questions and Answers
  • When the music director for the Vancouver Olympic Games wanted to feature Canadian fiddle music in the opening ceremony, he called St. Paul's Calvin Vollrath. Top Stories
  • For example, if ultracalvinists are Christians, "political correctness" is religious orthodoxy. P. J. O'Rourke has Competition, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Stams were relatively relaxed Calvinists. ‘In our house we have a faith, but it's not that we were very strict and very churchy,’ says Stam.
  • Farmers have been unable to bring in ewes for lambing after wintering them on hills and in fields, while calving has also been disrupted.
  • Some think it is intimated (Ps.xxix. 9) that God by thunder helps the hinds in calving. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The Teshekpuk area, a network of wet meadows, river deltas, coastal lagoons and small ponds, is the prime calving grounds for a 25,000-strong caribou herd.
  • It is also narrower than Calvin's term cognitio ', which is much closer to our contemporary use of knowledge'. Warranted Christian Belief
  • To work is to pray, the Calvinists used to argue.
  • For two years, Calvino collated tales found in 19th century collections across Italy then translated 200 of the finest from various dialects into Italian. Italo calvino | if on a winter’s night a traveler « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Traditional Baptists believe that God loves all people in the sense that God wants all people to be saved; Calvinists believe that God has sovereignly predestined that some people will not be saved.
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • I also hate what Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes calls verbing nouns. WARNING!! Cataclysmic Hyperbole Pandemic! « XUP
  • He resists bibliolatry, does not accept the doctrine of Calvin of a complete corrupt humanity, and never assumes to try to prove the existence of God, taking that for granted.
  • Calvin, a "martinet", or oppidan, in the Collèege de la The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Ally grabbed her cosmopolitan from Justin and took a sip of it, still waiting for Calvin to answer her.
  • The weather report was decidedly unseasonal at the George R. Brown Convention Center Saturday night - intermittent snow flurries and calving icebergs.
  • Calvinism is a sick, twisted virus which has mortally inflicted the ranks of the holy rollers. Think Progress » NCAA pulls Focus on the Family ad over complaints about the group’s homophobic positions.
  • At last, their dispute came near to an open declaration of hostilities, the incensed episcopalian bestowing on the recusants the whole thunders of the commination, and receiving from them, in return, the denunciations of a Calvinistic excommunication. Old Mortality
  • The cottage was to be built on the Kilkenny Road, but Miss Lennon complained that Mickey's father would be too far away from his work if anything happened, like a cow calving in the middle of the night.
  • There was also the concrete link of the physical presence on American soil of the largest contingent of Jews from the Diaspora, as well as the biblical link between Calvinism and Judaism.
  • In 1960 Calvin became director of the Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics which fostered interdisciplinary study ranging from solar energy to brain chemistry.
  • The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
  • When I was a student in seminary I had as an assignment to write a paper on Calvinism and Birth Control.
  • Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
  • In 1568 a royal edict extended religious toleration to Catholics, Lutherans, Unitarians and Calvinists.
  • Spurgeon has consistently across this century introduced generation after generation of Bible preachers to Calvinism.
  • It feels like a fresh start now that we have got cows calving again.
  • This hypothesis well explains why even the same cave has different patterns of calving and different chisel marks.
  • Yes, I have a lot of Calvinism in my family, as recently as my grandfather, who was a member of the Plymouth Brethren and certainly believed he was a member of the elect.
  • The jury also acquitted the rapper, whose real name is Calvin Broadus, of being an accessory after the fact.
  • Out in freezing rain before dawn, out on winter nights for lambing and calving, hill farmers get back injuries, arthritis and lung disease.
  • I'm sure there are those down here who just see me as a Scot with a Calvinist streak and a puritanical attitude.
  • Dr Rintoul said the collision, known as a "calving", gave scientists a rare insight into the bottom of the ocean. | Top Stories
  • A week later, Calvin was downtown buying a thermocouple for the washing machine in the hardware store. Sunshine Loop
  • Furthermore, Calvin neglects or doesn't comprehend an important and dogmatically accepted aspect of trinitarianism and Christology: what is known as the perichoresis Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
  • But that does not explain why Calvinism should be the preferred theology of the house churches and the intellectuals now.
  • Out of the 25-member class, five played up front on defense, including top prospects Calvin Barnett of Tulsa and Byran Jones of Junction City, Okla. -- two late commitments who give the overall class a much-needed boost. Arkansas - Team Notes
  • Farmers have been unable to bring in ewes for lambing after wintering them on hills and in fields, while calving has also been disrupted.
  • The Teshekpuk area, a network of wet meadows, river deltas, coastal lagoons and small ponds, is the prime calving grounds for a 25,000-strong caribou herd.
  • He expounded traditional Calvinism with its high doctrine of church order .
  • Calvinist Christianity has a culture of phenomenal industry.
  • Cross-breeding Holstein dairy cows with Jerseys is boosting milk income on Pembrokeshire's spring calving farms.
  • In contrast to the old creedal Calvinist churches that stressed the importance of obeying God's law as expressed in the church creed, the new ‘pietism’ was very different.
  • Calvin Johnson, miss more than a couple days since Bryan Westbrook was a long-term holdout in
  • There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.
  • The details of the trial show that the court was just and fair in spite of the fact that both Miss Webster and her copartner, Calvin Fairbank, were not citizens of the State and had furthermore used all kinds of deceit to accomplish their purpose. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 3, 1918
  • Photo of Calvin the cat vegging out on the sofa with the remote by dolescum on flickr. Summer holidays, or the lack thereof, in Japan
  • The phrase ‘in the space of six days’ simply echoed Calvin, who like the other Reformers, spoke against the allegorization of a minority of the Church Fathers.
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • The stereotypical view of Calvinist divines has them all nodding their heads in a ringing ‘yes, indeed.’
  • Calvin's voice disappeared from the TV behind him and the linkman 's breeziness was immediately unreal. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Even Calvin Klein adds color, albeit pale, to his usually neutral palette.
  • Throughout the following period it was, according to the unanimous testimony of history, the system of faith which we call Calvinism that inspired the The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • The Calvin & Hobbes futurefic "Every Day is a Reminder" got more than a thousand fewer hits than "They Come in Threes" and over a third *more* comments. Yuletide 2009: hit counts, comments, and predictions for 2010
  • According to his preface to the Psalms commentary, Calvin was suddenly converted to teachableness, not to interiority.
  • One of the many writers Bloom champions is Italo Calvino, the Italian fabulist who died in 1985.
  • The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would the elect.
  • Restless and questioning, the works - from oils to aquatints, from pencil drawings to etchings - explore combinations of guilt and salvation, with New Zealand-issue Calvinism and Catholicism fighting the good fight all the way.
  • Not sure about you, Dave, but I learned all about "transmogrification" from Calvin and Hobbes. Rifle Shooting's 10 Most Significant Developments of the Decade
  • I was in a dreamy, giggly mood and Calvin had traces of lipstick on his lips.
  • His hopes were focused on those churches where the Word of God was faithfully ministered - ‘not dry Calvinism, God save us from that!’
  • Calvin Barnett, a tackle out of Tulsa, signed late with Arkansas, leaving the Cowboys without a player they wanted to fit one of the missing pieces left on their board. Oklahoma State - Team Notes
  • As well as the deaths, it also led to other problems including cows calving on board.
  • With $125,000 on the line, final clothiers Jeffrey, Dominique and Calvin each hope nothing comes apart at the seams. Tonight's TV Hot List: Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2011
  • Would she like to come along with him to a special screening of a film loosely based on one of Calvino's stories?
  • The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.
  • Calvin shrugs and heads on to New Cyprus, a town in a bend of the Colorado River. REVIEW: The Knights of the Cornerstone by James P. Blaylock
  • While the spring calving cow that is still suckling the calf on declining grass is the most susceptible, autumn calving cows also need protection in the form of a magnesium supplement.
  • Kayak as near as you dare to gigantic cathedrals of ice calving from Alaskan glaciers.
  • Calvinism is at the heart of the current teabagger movement, which has been peddling all the right-wing evangelical social dogma as if it were Holy Writ. Think Progress » Tea Party Movement As Popular As Socialism
  • I must be open about the fact that I am relying heavily here on motifs that loom large in my own tradition of Calvinist pietism.
  • Italo Calvino (photo, left) died in 1985, and the writings marking his point of arrival at the time of his death were suffused with an unproclaimed postmodern embarrassment in the face of any demand that writing should be ‘significant.’
  • Calvin's approach to worship later came to be called the regulative principle. Reformed Baptist Fellowship
  • It's also the reason that Calvin perceives Hobbes as being angry at him in the linked comic. Calvin and Susie get it on, displeasing stuffed tigers everywhere | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The calving lures many animals of prey, including lions and spotted hyena.
  • The weird Scottish Calvinist Sir Archibald Johnston, who catechized his wife in bed, gets half a chapter to himself. Pens at the Ready
  • Arminians as well as Calvinists got bishoprics, for the King's priority was an effective bench of bishops rather than conformity to one theology.
  • But the Calvinistic concept of "limited atonement" whichsome have been indoctrinated with, doesn't go along with thisreasoning, as also is the case with a number of other concepts inCalvinism.
  • It was MacLeod who came out with the view, which was extremely bold at the time, that a devout Highland Calvinist could have a place for the Mod and the culture.
  • Dorrien's well-written, deeply researched narrative begins with the rejection of Calvinist thought and the emergence of Unitarianism out of the Congregational churches of New England in the 1810s.
  • Weber's texts also employ the typology to distinguish the asceticism of medieval monastics from that of Calvinism.
  • Theologically, Puritanism represents an emphasis within the Reformed Protestant (Calvinist) tradition on intense personal devotion and extreme ethical probity.
  • Reform Christianity, particularly of the sort’s that highly informed by Calvinism,[sentence dictionary] tends to erode the notion of guilt.
  • The Customs House and the blunt gullied bulk of the Grote Kirk, manifestations of commerce and Calvinism, dominated a town famous for its rigorous Dutch cleanliness.
  • Strasbourg was also the birthplace of the modest first Calvinist psalter in 1539.
  • Though if I recall, Calvin tried this scroll down to Scientific Progress goes "boink"? in Calvin and Hobbes and it did not end well for Calvin. Quantum Mechanics on YouTube
  • The play deals, in effect, with prejudicial notions about papist belief, and Calvinist critiques of that belief system, mediated and popularised into commonly held views that would find natural assent from a contemporary audience.
  • After Dr. Kennedy it became impossible to say that Calvinists can't evangelize because of their theology.
  • Do you write 'calvinist' with a capital 'C'?
  • The first milk after calving is called biestings, and is so very different in quality from the other milk, that it should not be mixed with it. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • A joint Australian-French study has discovered the calving of a large iceberg from the Mertz Glacier in the Australian Antarctic Territory. Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
  • Milk out cows for the first three to six days after calving, making sure the udder and teats are clean
  • “The Federal blockaders are boxing in a lot of our shipping,” said Calvin. Fateful Journeys
  • The cow had difficulties calving.
  • Let it be noticed that this is a thoroughly Calvinistic parable in that the prodigal was a son, and could not lose that relationship. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • Calvinistic; in partiality for mercy, even to the neglect of justice, he was Socinian; but we may speak of him as at once orthodox and liberal, devout and humanitarian; to whom the kingdom of heaven came without observation, and was not declared in the usual phrases, but whose "CALLING was of God. Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • She went out with a Calvin Klein poster boy.
  • On this latter point, Kent includes Calvinists and their doctrines of predestination and election.
  • A marginal few (mostly religious fundamentalists as those at Calvin) think that child bottom-slapping is good. A Spanking A Day Keeps Failure Away? | Her Bad Mother

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