How To Use Calve In A Sentence

  • He mates them to a Charolais bull and keeps the calves until they are yearlings.
  • Bull calves from dairy herds are usually castrated, becoming steers, and sent to feedlots, where they are fattened for slaughter, usually before the age of 2.
  • Calves need to be branded for the purposes of identification.
  • A local publication, The Evening Bulletin said, ‘The reporter had been horrified to see two fatted calves strolling up main street!’
  • The devotees were also treated for their excruciating pain in their shoulders, neck, back, thighs, knees, calves, ankle and foot.
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  • Milk in cheese production is curdled using chymosin - an enzyme present in rennet, found in calves' stomachs.
  • Trackways found this year in South Korea show the marks of scores of tiny, milling brontosaurs, the size of calves. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • Local business owner, family man, four kids in Calvert County public schools. Gerald W. 'Jerry' Clark (R)*
  • However, the reps go up dramatically for endurance-oriented muscles such as calves and abs.
  • However, in some tropical and subtropical areas, some species are responsible for severe enteritis in calves.
  • The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
  • Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs.
  • He rears the bull calves to a year-and-a-half and the heifer calves to two-year-olds.
  • As it is sometimes difficult to rear young calves it is a good thing to keep them clean and dry., whitewashing the calf hulls two or three times during the winter.
  • Doctors plan to remove her breasts, her gluteal muscles and her calves because of damage from industrial silicone that allegedly was injected into her body.
  • The other payback is the obvious reduction in weaning stress experienced by calves already eating creep.
  • Are cows which provide colostrum for your calves tested for bovine leukosis?
  • They form a matriarchy, a herd of females led by the dominant matriarch, who all band together to raise and protect and teach each other and their young calves.
  • Gossip was exchanged and embellished, births, deaths and marriages were discussed and the price of bonhams and dropped calves were dissected.
  • Bull calves were surgically castrated at birth.
  • − 92-95% of heifer calves born to twin to a bull − Female organs develop, but are male-like − Commonly seen with enlarged vulva, and long vulva hairs; but some born with no external clues − Virtually always sterile Genetic Upsets − Most common is "hermaphroditism" − Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She never, not once, ate anything but lightly cooked calves ' liver, and lightly boiled whiting. ON CATS
  • Using stable sea kayaks, we'll explore a remote corner of this region, search for wildlife in sheltered coves, and watch glaciers calve into ice-choked bays.
  • In general, most rennet produced in the US comes from calves that have not been processes in accordance with Islamic requirements, so the rennet produced is not acceptable.
  • He removed her shoes and socks, running his hands over the warm skin on her ankles and calves.
  • Numerous skeletons of young calves have also been unearthed, many of them nestled next to adult females, no doubt their mothers.
  • Next, he pulled his waterproof sealskin boots snug over his calves. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Aerial photogrammetry in northern Foxe Basin in early to mid-August of 1996 to 1999 found that a much higher than expected proportion of the bowheads summering there were calves and subadults.
  • Gardiner, reinforced by so-called sportsmen from other parts of the state, of all the park elk they could kill, -- bulls, cows and calves, -- because a large band wandered across the line into the shambles of Gardiner, on Buffalo Flats. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Male calves resulting from these matings express a higher incidence of dystocia than heifer calves because male calves are gestated longer and have considerably larger birthweights.
  • She's also got a backpack on her shoulders and canvas straps hanging from her legs, the telltale sign that electrodes are attached to both calves. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Glikkun youth with no teeth and no feet or calves, on his stumpy knees in a box, begging. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • When working calves, include a seated version in your routine, which allows you to hit the deeper muscle layers of the soleus buried beneath the gastrocnemius.
  • They raise their own replacement heifers and sell their bull calves to another organic farmer nearby.
  • Breeding bulls and calves have so far formed the larger percentage of the farm-to-farm sales, with many producers holding out for the reopening of the marts for the sale of store cattle.
  • You work every muscle, but strong abs, glutes and calves are essential. The Sun
  • The wind whipped at her skirt pulling the material taut across her calves and thighs, outlining her shape as the marble of a statue.
  • Eicher is also finding that acquainting young, pregnant cows with milking parlors and milking before their first births reduces stress when they're milked after their calves are weaned.
  • The lightest check on the reins, to tell him I am back in business, and pressure from my restored calves, to bring his canter up and bouncy and strong into the oxer. Yatima » 2009 » June
  • We were mooncalves when it came to Woody Allen.
  • It may also be mentioned here that the sight of a green, freshly-skinned hide, or a freshly-skinned carcass, will frequently cause cows to "slink" their calves. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • E.Coli causes a straw yellow type scour in calves one to four days old.
  • When the jeweller put the ear-rings back in the display, he felt Calvert pressing against his back.
  • Every muscle was defined, from his corded neck to his knotted calves.
  • This article is a sad commentary on the state of public schools and the navel-gazing mooncalves we hire to run them.
  • Children can handle and feed new born calves, piglets, goats, lambs, chicks and rabbits.
  • She glanced up when she had nearly finished, and saw his eyes pinned on her calves, the shadows of which could be seen through the filmy linen shift she wore.
  • The cows and calves looked done up, and the steer's tongue was out -- it was hottish weather; the old dog had been 'heeling' him up too, for he was bleeding up to the hocks, and the end of his tail was bitten off. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • According to Van Putten early weaned calves will suck anything that resembles a teat.
  • She towelled her arms, thighs, calves, shins and then ran out of epidermis. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • In a fit of fury Calvert who was known to be a violent and irrational person burst into Smedleys home and hurled a heavy stone ornament at him.
  • The ranch castrated three - fourths of its male calves.
  • Heavy bust encased in silk blouse, heavy thighs bulging in knee breeches, fat calves in lovat wool stockings. Death of a Gossip
  • ‘Large icebergs calve off on a fairly regular basis from the larger ice shelves in Antarctica’ he says.
  • Six men opened the suite with the McKenzie of Seaforth strathspey, requiring the alternate beating of the calves by feet shod in ghillies and the arms en haut.
  • The calves are born in May and are spindle-legged little creatures for the first few days.
  • Unlike on most dairy farms, all the cows calve at the same time of year, and the cows are not milked in wintertime.
  • The cow is expected to calve next week.
  • Necrotic stomatitis: With special reference to its occurrence in calves (calf diphtheria) and pigs (sore mouth) (Bulletin/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry) by John R Mohler Canada, Mexico $1.3 Billion Short of Claiming COOL Harm Group Tells USDA, USTR
  • An estimated one-third of whale calves die in their first year.
  • Short and as squattily packed down as a Buddha, the great sinews of his strength bulged in his short neck and in the backs of the calves of his legs, even rippled beneath his coat. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • Most calves in Britain are cross-breds with blood from both native and continental breeds.
  • Young gayals are caught by leaving in the fence holes of a size sufficient to admit a calf, but which excludes the full-grown gayal; the calves enter by these holes, which are then shut by natives who are watching, and who secure the calves. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • All those terrible yellow toxins, wizening his knees, slackening his tendons, emaciating his calves. England's Andy Carroll is not the first with a thirst for success | Barney Ronay
  • Calves were born between late February and mid May in each calving year and were identified for parentage at birth.
  • By all measures, the beef from these cross-pollinated calves is ‘substantially equivalent’ to that of my purebreds.
  • Calves were sired by Artificial Insemination or in single sire mating pastures.
  • The farmer would either cull the vulnerable calves or, if they are valuable for other reasons, treat them for parasites and then sell the meat in the nonorganic market.
  • For example, dietary protein restriction reduced Zn absorption and retention in calves.
  • Even at this distance the flopping flatness of his cap, the bright brown leather at the top of his calves, and the chequering of his stockings were perceptible. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • Anna would serve as a surrogate and carry the Calverts' fertilized egg.
  • Some claimed that they attacked young calves and worried the bigger animals.
  • After processing, equal numbers of calves were randomly assigned to one of the three preconditioning treatments.
  • She wore leather sandals with straps that came halfway up her calves.
  • These calves are reared for beef.
  • The calves are then fed colostrum, which is the first milk that the mother produces. -
  • The winner was John Lee, who was very cut, with shredded legs and superb calves.
  • The growth of the super dairies with 1,000 cows or more has created a good market for springers - replacement heifers due to calve soon.
  • Money would be much better spent on opening railway stations further out - like Calverley.
  • In all 12 heifers and 12 bull calves have qualified for the final.
  • Activists say elephant calves are still being wrenched from their mothers to be put to work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adult cattle numbers have increased by 9%, while throughput of calves and weanlings is up 3%.
  • Those men who make gift of Kapila king with their calves and with vessel of white brass for milking them, -- kine, that is, which are not vicious and which while given away, are wrapped round with cloths, -- succeed in conquering both this and the other world. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • The only reliable method of preventing parasitic bronchitis is to immunise all young calves with lungworm vaccine.
  • In a pioneering study there, solar-powered electric fences are used to surround maternity pastures where expensive, pedigree calves are born.
  • The soft, nutritious substance found in the internal cavities of animal bones, especially the shin bones of oxen and calves.
  • The shutdown had no effect on Calvert Cliffs Unit One, which continues to operate at full capacity.
  • This means females go hungry and lose their calves in spring or give birth to lighter young. The Sun
  • On them too was the drowse of blood-intimacy, calves sucking and hens running together in droves, and young geese palpitating in the hand while the food was pushed down their throttle. Rereading: The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
  • Calvert shared his father's interest in the new world and was actively involved in his effort to establish a colony.
  • The feeling of them around my ankles and calves was like entering manhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rotavirus is responsible for up to half of all scours in calves.
  • Calvert is not a particularly strong paddler and seems shaky when lugging a kayak over kelp-slick rocks. Business and financial news -
  • Farm owner Jeff Marshall used the heart massage and mouth-to-mouth techniques he had learnt to save newborn calves and lambs to bring the youngster back to life.
  • An estimated one-third of whale calves die in their first year.
  • Vast ice shelves in the Ross and Weddell Seas calve off huge tabular icebergs of hundreds and even thousands of square kilometres, that float away from Antarctica and into the Southern Ocean and drift north.
  • The food, when thoroughly masticated, is conveyed by another channel to the third stomach or many-plies, where it is subjected to muscular action; and, finally, it is conveyed into the fourth stomach, or red bag, which contains the gastric juice, and which in calves is the part used for rennet; and here the process of digestion is completed. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Here, whales bear their calves in warm, sheltered water.
  • Cows were removed from the hay paddock as they calved and were placed on their respective cool-season grass pastures.
  • Fortunately, modern advances have put vastly improved weapons in the hands of the vets, and at that time I was having good results with a granular mixture of antibiotics and sulphon amides but I wasn't doing very well with these calves. Every living thing
  • In contrast, Antarctic bergs tend to calve from the more static ice shelves and glaciers that border the continent and protrude into the sea, making them not only larger, but also flatter, resembling the great tablelands of South Africa.
  • During ascents, a single-setting heel lifter keeps your calves from combusting, while the girth of the two-edged ‘skis’ makes walking through deep powder a breeze.
  • The squat strengthens all of the major muscles of the lower body, including the gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.
  • Thus, there is an economic incentive to dehorn horned calves or to raise polled calves.
  • calved," it split, it detonated, and, having finally loosened itself from its bed, it acquired increased momentum. The Iron Trail
  • The only reliable method of preventing parasitic bronchitis is to immunise all young calves with lungworm vaccine.
  • Suckler cows with calves will also benefit from early turnout provided the fields are sheltered and dry and you take steps to prevent tetany.
  • A Calverley vehicle leasing company has clinched multi-million-pound deals with three new clients.
  • a cow, but she was such a good milker and calver we couldn’t help but keep her. Excerpt: Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock
  • It is a fairly large group, maybe fifty-five individuals, including several adult males and some very young calves.
  • Jones had to hear every detail of all that had happened since his absence in the East, and he was particularly inquisitive to learn all about the twenty cattalo calves. The Last of the Plainsmen
  • Stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders are rife and there is a high mortality rate amongst veal calves despite their brief lifetime.
  • Dairy bull calves reared for beef through a pioneering fattening scheme are achieving gross margin returns of £199 a head for Pembrokeshire farmers.
  • Many good cows have evil calves
  • There will be special arrangements for the movement of young calves, bulls, breeding pigs and probably sheep in the autumn.
  • At times larger bergs are calved and the distant boom is ominous, like a war getting nearer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island. Smaller pieces of that chunk became lodged between real islands inside Nares Strait.
  • The youngest infants and calves could be distinguished from adults with 95 per cent accuracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The calves are grazed intensively during their first season.
  • The pokey bull calves of dairy cows are slaughtered at 16 to 18 weeks for veal.
  • Hub gears are low-maintenance, so are perfect for jobbing cyclists, as is the chainguard, which protects your calves from the bike's oiliest bits. On the road: Cooper T250 Aintree bicycle
  • But at that time let me have a shady rock and wine of Biblis, a clot of curds and milk of drained goats with the flesh of an heifer fed in the woods, that has never calved, and of firstling kids; then also let me drink bright wine, sitting in the shade, when my heart is satisfied with food, and so, turning my head to face the fresh Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Cows calved from February 15 to March 20 at the Eastern Colorado Research Center.
  • They transported preweaned-preconditioned and unweaned calves to a local auction barn where they were held without feed and water until 1630 h, weighed, and then placed in pens with water only until 0700 h the following morning.
  • Front-pointing up endless snow slopes or carrying absurdly heavy loads can leave your calves screaming for mercy.
  • The calves grow quickly and can be taken to substantial weights without becoming too fat, providing prime beef.
  • Top price of the day at £2400 went to Rowland and Lewis, Caerforiog Farm for Llancourt Talgarth Jasmine 3, out of Llancourt Manat Jasmine 3 and sired by Bidlea Talgarth, she was a pedigree first calver with a good history behind her, giving 32Kg / day. FWi - All News
  • Sweet Midnight, the most recent of her calves, showed promise of being a prizewinning bull. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER
  • The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle.
  • Improving and maintaining the excellent quality of life in Calvert County while holding the line on spending is crucial. Gerald W. 'Jerry' Clark (R)*
  • When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.
  • When calves are fed milk it is funnelled through the oesophageal groove to the true stomach, bypassing the rumen.
  • At first it was absolute agony with the pain sharpest in the backs of my calves. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • At birth, calves were identified with a numbered ear tag, they were weighed, sex was recorded, and male calves were castrated.
  • Leeds Council wants to convert the Civic Theatre in Calverley Street - home of amateur dramatics in Leeds for over 60 years - into a £23m city museum.
  • When calves are fed milk it is funnelled through the oesophageal groove to the true stomach by-passing the rumen.
  • He has readily quoted it in support of his own Calverley and Farsley ward.
  • Four cows calved overnight.
  • The birthrate had held steady, and the nine calves that had been born this year were neither more nor less healthy than in previous years. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • Second-bottom Ilkley are a point behind Calverley and a further two adrift of Knaresborough, who claimed a crucial win at bottom club Skipton.
  • She towelled her arms, thighs, calves, shins and then ran out of epidermis. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • Reply this is far out there and probably wouldnt work for your poster but i have a theory that there is a specific category of person called the “fat calverEXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - New Geek: “Fitness Geek”
  • The brick, gambrel-roof barn features ground-floor pens for calves and plenty of space for hay storage in the mow.
  • Old stags and hinds and young calves numbers have not been cut as in the past by the cold climate.
  • The countryside had no grotesqueries or mummer shows ... though it did have wells aplenty, to swallow up unwanted kittens, three-headed calves, and babes like him.
  • Changes in thermal demand in restrictively fed, unadapted, young calves were studied during the first days after transportation.
  • The table shows monthly statistics of stock slaughtered: cattle, vealers, calves, pigs, and sheep, July 1971-December 1974.
  • Caribou bull cow and two calves skirt the ridge above our camp lake during breakfast.
  • The shutdown had no effect on Calvert Cliffs Unit One, which continues to operate at full capacity.
  • Also, heifers that conceive earlier in their first breeding season calve earlier and wean heavier calves.
  • Many Elk calves taken asper the locals in the area I hunt. My Favorite Flashlight
  • When the fasciculations begin to fade in the calves and small muscles of the feet, the patient is ready to be treated. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • No matter where he was playing, he always maintained the same posture and this just added to his elegance," said Gonçalves, who was at Moura's bedside as the clarinettist played the choro classic Doce de Coco shortly before his death. Paulo Moura obituary
  • He wiggled his fingers, occasionally bent forward to stretch out his calves and thighs, or reached overhead with one hand to touch the other shoulder, stretching bi- and triceps. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Eicher is also finding that acquainting young, pregnant cows with milking parlors and milking before their first births reduces stress when they're milked after their calves are weaned.
  • This targets the quads, the glutes and the calves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bottle feeding the calves that grow up to provide the meat for her beef jerky diet snacks? Times, Sunday Times
  • Your upper calves should press forward toward your shinbones rather than bowing back in order to move your shinbone slightly forward away from your heels.
  • More than one gold-rusher, shooting keen glances at her ankles and gray-gaitered calves, affirmed Del CHAPTER I
  • I thought it was one of the calves but when I shone my torch on it I saw that it was the double wheels of a tractor.
  • In June, he culled his older cows and sold them in pairs with their calves.
  • Sir David Calvert-Smith, who collected the honour at an investiture at Buckingham Palace, said the Prince had sympathised with him over his difficult job.
  • Wear them over dance tights or leggings to keep your calves and ankles protected. The Sun
  • For such calves, equal parts of bran, oats whole or ground, and ground corn, barley, rye, or speltz are excellent. Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry
  • Cows that calve in hot summer months may experience a longer period from parturition to subsequent pregnancy.
  • Since 1997, Labour backbenchers have docilely suffered themselves to be herded through the division lobby with about as much consideration for their feelings as crated veal calves.
  • In addition to breeding calves and colts, Glenn earns a living taking clients out for guided hunts and stalking the occasional problem cat for local ranchers.
  • In 1883, Hulke became the recipient of a prestigious national prize for his herd of Jerseys milkers, made up of Jenny and her calves.
  • What whalers term schools are assemblages of female cachalots in large numbers - from twenty to a hundred, together with their young, called calves, and piloted by one or more adult males, called bulls.
  • Calves sold as "preconditioned" in Arkansas received a $4.15 per cwt premium. CattleNetwork
  • Large, high-gaining sires produce calves with large birth weights.
  • She wore leather sandals with straps that came halfway up her calves.
  • The ancient greek sacrifice lamb or calves before engaging in battle.
  • Julius, a 53-year-old Nigerian with flecks of grey hair, lifted up his tracksuit trouser to show the slashed skin around his calves.
  • You will begin to feel the stretch in the back of your calves. The Sun
  • Walk until your calves ache, then plonk yourselves down on the pebbles for some postprandial pash. Love is in the (open) air
  • If calves were consuming 1 to 2 kg of forage daily, then the roughage portion of the diet in the self-feeder could be removed to reduce feed cost.
  • Other neighbors have found migrants butchering their newborn calves, opening water lines to drink - leaving them flowing - and stealing their trucks.
  • Fairweather Green got off to a flyer with a John Penn goal in only 30 seconds against Calverley Victoria.
  • The next morning, I reached down to stroke my sleek calves and recoiled in horror when my fingers encountered a disgusting prickliness.
  • I get dressed and, ignoring the pain in my calves and thighs, I cycle into town.
  • But they don't produce the milk like a second - or third-calver and anything any good is £2000-plus. FWi - All News
  • In eastern Africa, they mostly hunt Thomson's gazelles, but they will also attack calves, warthogs, zebras, impalas, and the young of large antelopes such as the gnu.
  • First calvers, older cows and the better milkers are likely to be thinner than the rest.
  • He rears 100 bull beef calves, runs a flock of 300 ewes and produces 3,000 turkeys for the Christmas market.
  • Cows and newly calved heifers are immune to gutworms and very rarely show any signs of infection.
  • It is by appointment to the Queen and does a huge mail-order range, from calves' liver to French Loue chicken.
  • Cows can be vaccinated against rotavirus and the other organisms that cause scour, passing the protection on to their calves via colostrum and milk.
  • In fact, if you hardgainers can take any solace in your struggle to bulk up your entire physique, at least your calves aren't a conspicuous weak point like they are for mesomorphs strutting around on ‘peg legs.’
  • In the present study, 4% of the calves were clinically anemic.
  • It has shelves that calve big icebergs all the time, and we've tracked a lot of bergs from there.
  • The wind whipped at her skirt pulling the material taut across her calves and thighs, outlining her shape as the marble of a statue.
  • Rupert nosed her from behind, his lip curled back in the half-pornographic, half-comical flehmen response, pushing cows and calves out of his way. The Dirty Life
  • They're very easily kept, you don't need a shed for them and they calve easily.
  • In the afternoon I'd watch the Packers win, grill filet mignon from Nick's of Calvert, movie night with the kids and a game of euchre with my wife and some friends. Thursday feature: A turn to lighter fare
  • This gave farmers an insight into the type of calves to expect from the various bulls on different type cows.
  • However, this and other previous research indicates calves are still suckling.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the man of Al – Yaman, the master of the handmaids, signed to the fat girl who rose and, pointing her finger at the slim girl, bared her calves and wrists and uncovered her stomach, showing its dimples and the plump rondure of her navel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The title maverick was derived from a stock man of that name, whose practice was to claim _all_ unbranded calves in a herd. The Boy Ranchers on the Trail
  • Male calves were castrated either at birth, at time of initial vaccination, or at weaning.

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