How To Use Callow In A Sentence
Wenger, however, prefers to invest in promise rather than experience, and at this juncture the consequence of a persistent collective callowness is that while his club may have a waiting list of 40,000 for their season tickets, the empty seats in the middle and upper tiers last night spoke of the dissatisfaction of those among their supporters who do not subscribe to the doctrine of keeping the faith through thick and thin.
Arsenal fizzle out after early promise – just like last season | Richard Williams
Enforcing the isolation of this callow and callous ruler is the least that a humane and pacific foreign policy must aim for.
He said the company had always had two move workers between the two bases depending on where the work was, but now circumstances dictated closure of the Scalloway workshop for the time being.
He was only a callow youth.
The beginning and end of a reign; a journey from callow youth to protective grande dame.
Christianity Today

Simon Callow's fine Sir Toby is also a genuine rural blueblood whose highest praise for Maria is that "she is a beagle, true bred", yet who is also capable of insensate cruelty.
Twelfth Night - review | Theatre | Michael Billington
When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance.
Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
Simons takes a lead in the frame but Callow fights back and the pair tussle over the colours.
Mr. Arcangel seems guided by a somewhat callow faith in the avant-garde, striving to perpetuate its tradition, dating from Duchamp, of laying claim to new areas of nonart for art's sake.
NYT > Home Page
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
The beginning and end of a reign; a journey from callow youth to protective grande dame.
Christianity Today
Unlike the other girls, whose only vestiary accommodation to the day's activities has been to sweep their hair out of the way with butterfly barrettes, Calloway sports a blue Derek Jeter jersey and her hair is done up in careful rows of tight braids that won't come down right after practice.
The two young gentlemen, having seen their blooming charges safely within the door of the Alms-House, and vainly endeavored to look through the keyhole at them going up-stairs, scuffle away together with that sensation of blended imbecility and irascibility which is equally characteristic of callow youth and inexperienced Thomas Cats when retiring together from the society of female friends who seem to be still on the fence as regards their ultimate preferences.
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 14, July 2, 1870
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
A callow president had the sense to surround himself with people who had three great virtues.
The first was a familiar swell of pained and wincing why-oh-whying as it became clear that the Premier League's most consistently infuriating club would not win a trophy this season: talk of callowness, foreign-accented surrenderism and a crucial absence of Anglophone chest-thump.
Arsenal's failure to win trophies is not down to faint hearts | Barney Ronay
One was, once again, the callow young subaltern, looking for somewhere to shave.
But I sense the callowness of pure Romanticism in such a rejection of restraint -- as coded into Odysseus's hood, into his arrival in disguise, as a beggar.
Archive 2010-03-01
He would be, like King Brian, a dull, safe choice for King, despite his callowness.
He turned a callow youth, pale and hasty, into the most feared striker in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
However, we were but callow, untried amateurs back then.
It is so much more profound than dewy, callow youth.
Times, Sunday Times
With exceptional skill, in this and many other numbers, Calloway managed to play both sides of the street: Using the jive talk popular among African Americans, especially those in the big cities, he was able to communicate on a hip, insider level while delighting non-initiates (most of whom probably were white) with the joyfulness and apparent nonsense of his lyrics as well as giving them the pleasure of participating in call-and-response scat choruses.
Review of "Hi-De-Ho," Alyn Shipton's biography of Cab Calloway
I remember a Hoagy Carmichael number, “Yabba Dabba Dabba Dabba Do,” Cab Calloway’s jumpin jive versions of Minnie the Moocher and Reefer Man, and Ry Cooder’s ‘Paris, Texas’ soundtrack (Bill Sr. liked this one so much he wanted it to be played at his wake, which it was).
September 2006
Too many Australians remembered the callow youth who struggled here four years ago and ignored his improvement since.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps he was a callow fool she didn't want to be tied to for the rest of her life.
Patch Darragh has an aw-shucks quality that does fine at capturing Romeo's callowness and naïveté.
To overcome the obvious disadvantages of such callowness, standout toughness or really remarkable talent are required.
We therefore call upon all troublesome nurses to quit being callow in our hospitals, carry the cross and emulate Nightingale, the mother of nursing.
I don't excuse what he's done on the basis of kind of callow youth, because I think he's a 20-year-old who has spent about 17 or 18 years of that in on-the-job training for being a royal, so he should know better.
CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2005
Voters are fed up with callow youths who are products of the political hothouse but lack life experience.
Times, Sunday Times
At 27 I was too breezy, too callow, and more gullible than I'd like to admit.
Maybe it's a sign of my own puerility, but the "callowness" Matos refers to humanized him on
Anthony Is Right
Too many Australians remembered the callow youth who struggled here four years ago and ignored his improvement since.
Times, Sunday Times
Great entertainers are treated shabbily, while callow, shallow twerps land their own series after half a dozen gigs.
But Lara is adamant that their first match, against South Africa, will provide an accurate barometer of just how far his callow and inexperienced team have come.
He turned a callow youth, pale and hasty, into the most feared striker in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Bored to tears by her husband, a big lazy lunk of a pothead (played by the always-terrific John C. Reilly), she lets herself fall for a co-worker, a callow twenty-one year-old who calls himself Holden - guess why?
Even back then, even as a callow teen, I defended his right to have written it, though I was inclined to want to punch him in the face for having done so, were I ever to meet him.
CAPT JAMES CALLOWAY, MORROW, GEORGIA POLICE: For the charge of aggravated assault the code section says with the intent to murder, rape, or rob and that didn't fit the code section.
CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009
(Being a new anonymous:) I have nothing at all to say about Kate DiCamillo as a person, but agree that her work is often heavy-handed, condescending, uninteresting, and just plain callow.
Here they are,
They are too young and callow.
Times, Sunday Times
The man of the world sometimes came upon the glove in his pocket, and laughed at it, as such men do when they recall their callow youth.
Tommy and Grizel
Jonna tricked me into letting her park La Tortuga, her mobile estate, in front of my imposing maison for a few nights by bribing me with rutabagas from the far Nawth (impossible to find at lake Chapala) and a couple of bags of Calloway Gardens Speckled Heart Stone Ground Enriched Grits from Georgia.
Manuel�s Restaurant
PHILEMON was used to confess how, in the fire of his callow youth and fine flower of his lustie springal days, he had been stung with murderous frenzie at view of a certaine picture of Apelles, the which in those times was showed in a temple.
The Merrie Tales Of Jacques Tournebroche 1909
Sending off a bunch of callow lads because a few opinion-formers safely over conscription age thought it was a good idea and might secure the next election would have been outrageous.
A Don Knotts stereotype, he was the nation's youngest mayor in 1977 when Cleveland went belly-up because he wouldn't cut enough to balance the budget-thus giving the word "callow" a bad connotation ….
Tom Roeser
I encouraged them to denounce the callow subjugation of women and switch from heels to flats.
It has been decided to put in new kerbing on the roadway and carpark at Callow Church.
Callow wants to "deconstruct" the Welles story, see the real man who made himself a myth in cahoots with a pushover press.
Citizen Welles
Peter, the manny, is a stock character, a callow guy in his twenties on the rebound from a busted romance.
2007 June « One-Minute Book Reviews
Up Helly Aa on Lerwick might be better known, but Scalloway's is the first in a season of fire festivals that hark back to blazing Viking celebrations of Nordic glories, and the warmth and frivolity could find no apter place in the UK to light up the wintry nights.
This week's new events
They are too young and callow.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a truth that men, like the finest red wines, are callow energetic and rough to the palet when youthful but which mature slowly and
No she's not dead: she's just over 35
The clever-clever double casting of Bonnevie serves only to emphasize Alex's callowness.
The modern proponents of self-esteem argue that the undeveloped self, however callow, should be praised as it is.
He finds a way for us to root for the callow man, and even root for Martha and him to find happiness any way they can.
His career has its interesting moments, but he registers on screen as no more than a callow, whey-faced pretty boy in need of a charisma transfusion.
The young shavers McAllister now finds himself playing alongside every Saturday do not call him Grandad, at least not to his face, but his presence amid so much callow youth will surely benefit tomorrow's would-be notables.
Next morning early they sent in their 'callow' verses to the great man, and followed shortly themselves.
The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
With clunky writing, the characters are simply shallow, callow and cold, when not being sappy or self-pitying.
St Joseph's Church in Callow was the venue for the Mid-West Radio Mass broadcast on Sunday, 25 January.
Then it happened, and our tepid prehistory was, quite literally, forgotten beyond a lingering embarrassment at my own callow unresponsiveness.
He was once accused of suffering from mad cow disease on the back of his railings at opposing managers over his decision to enlist a platoon of callow, hungry juniors into senior football.
But as a callow youth and a shallow adult, I turned to the Flat and frankly didn't much care for the jumps.
But what is impressive is the way that their dialogue, often callow and maladroit, is callow and maladroit in precisely the right way.
Here is W. S. Gilbert's spoof line, ‘I would as lief be thrust through a thicket hedge as cry Pooh to a callow throstle’.
Do officials or advisers, whose ignorance of learning and teaching is matched only by their callow arrogance, really believe that they have a right to tell primary teachers what to do and how to think?
More often than not he appears to be a gormless, callow youth blundering around the park, as much laughed at as berated, even by his own supporters.
He suddenly recalled a callow boy telling his tutor that he dreaded the sea voyage home, because he would have to be among common men rather than thoughtful acolytes like himself.
Ship Of Destiny
Man, I haven't reeled from a blow like that since bonerici reminded me of my own callowness.
How Do You Grow Up In Today's Society? - A Frightening Proposal
What prompts Marie Antoinette's transformation from callow moralist and pliant dauphine in early chapters to empathic mother and brave stoic in the novel's culmination at the Conciergerie?
Abundance by Sena Jeter Naslund: Questions
A service will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004, in Willamette National Cemetery for Joseph Calloway Dula, who died
Heroes or Villains?
The paper excised a section of his remarks, making him seem both glib and callow.
Hay is able to recount the callow 17-year-old who impressed him in training.
It is so much more profound than dewy, callow youth.
Times, Sunday Times
The book takes the form of interviews with twenty thesps, some you've heard of (Simon Callow, Willem Dafoe, William H Macy) and some you haven't.
In his letters of this period I detect a kind of callowness and affectation which is not discernible in his foreign letters and journal.
Washington Irving
Yet his carriage was assuredly not that of middle age, and indeed, the total of his personality, neither young nor old, neither callow nor acerb, neither lightly unreserved nor too gravely severe, offered certain problems not capable of instant solution.
The Law of the Land
We were just callow youths, but he made a huge effort to invite us to his parties.
Times, Sunday Times
I was able to discern that the callow youth's undisciplined powers were being channeled into a keen signal by the famous blue astromech droid R2-D2, whose ability to manipulate or be manipulated by the Force is something I have never understood.
Archive 2005-05-01
The callowness now on display goes a long way toward explaining why politicians and the media are held in public esteem somewhere above child molesters and below bankers.
Callow delivers these multiple viewpoints with his customary thespian flourish, although not all of them are sufficiently clearly defined.
Times, Sunday Times
Even so I still feel a paternal affection for these two callow younglings, if mainly for their ardency.
In previous debates, he's looked rather young, inexperienced, "callow" is a word you sometimes heard, not ready for primetime, out of his element.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Republican Presidential Candidates Face off in Debate; Bush and McCain Battle for Reform Title - February 15, 2000
Rolling Stone said that Stevie's singing was "callow," and many reviews said something like "... the raucous voice of Stevie Nicks and the golden-throated Christine McVie, who's the only good thing this band has left.
Ralston dismissed Calloway's sales projection, but acknowledges that no auction for Barnes publishing rights was held.
Our relationship goes back more than 25 years to the days when he was coaching at the Greenyards in Melrose, and I was a callow flanker still finding my way in the game.
He was a callow youth when he joined the newspaper.
ENGLAND were merciless tormentors of a callow Wales, who succumbed to their heaviest defeat against their rivals.
Times, Sunday Times
But as all the girls were being played by callow youths with high voices, many of the bawdy references would be directed at them and their questionable or unformed masculinity.
While the movie has certain qualities that make it worth seeing, the first 30 minutes of adolescent callowness is just as boring as any American teenage movie.
Elsewhere, it's a case of familiar faces with the same blend of seasoned professionals and callow youths expected to form the backbone of the side.
The story, such as it is, revolves around the amorous misadventures of the brothers Kirwan, three callow youths with high sex drives but poor steering control.
Pop still mesmerises the callow tastes of the young, but rock seems to have been sidelined into a form that reflects the thought processes and last-gasp ambitions of the middle-aged.
McCain bluffed Obama weeks before, challenging him to make the trip as he was in his eyes, callow and unlearned in the intricacies of foreign policy.
Top Dog / Underdog
Voters are fed up with callow youths who are products of the political hothouse but lack life experience.
Times, Sunday Times
It later garnered a reputation for a certain kind of callow albeit popular licensed book, and for its constant attention to replicating certain effects of previous successful efforts -- the kind of relaunch and reconfigure and rehash grind that slowly drives readers away.
The Comics Reporter
Vincent Gray was elected mayor because he embodied the hopes of the majority of this city for adult leadership after years of immaturity, callowness, and greenness.
DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 28, 2011
Great entertainers are treated shabbily, while callow, shallow twerps land their own series after half a dozen gigs.
I'm bored enough today to canvas opinion from some people in the MFM. caveating, I'm pretty callow.
The maître d' looked so sympathetic at this display of luvvie neediness that I would not have been at all surprised if he had returned to the table carrying a cold compress with which to mop Callow's fevered brow.
We were just callow youths, but he made a huge effort to invite us to his parties.
Times, Sunday Times
This is hardly triumphalism, but calling a callow frat boy out on his bullshit.
Firedoglake » This Just In…
Ralston dismissed Calloway's sales projection, but acknowledges that no auction for Barnes publishing rights was held.
For the man who has outsoared his fellows likes to remind himself by contrast of his callow days, before the hungry and fighting impulses had driven him down -- a young eaglet -- upon the sheepfolds of law and politics; while to the majority of mankind, even to-day, hero-worship, when it is not too exacting, is agreeable.
Lady Connie
More important, Higgins was fully credible as a heroic actor, while Hurley was perfect as the callow, fervent young Fugard.
Jarrett was entirely unafflicted with nerves and the fear of failure simply because of his callowness.
The audience was brilliant; indeed, though I had been an ardent first-nighter for a year or two in my callow youth, I think I have never seen such a representation of fashion and genius in America, except at the opera.
Under the Andes
Normally nothing ruffled his composure, and yet there he was, blushing like a callow youth at the sight of her ankle.
The main body of the film focuses on Homer's physical and emotional journey, with Maguire, boyish and callow, fumbling his way through his character's awakening.
And here was this callow, insolent youth, miming to an absurdly ‘cleaned up’ version of the track which merely involved the surgical removal of the rude words in question.
Fledgling gossip columnist Louella Parsons is there, played by Jennifer Tilly, squeaking and squawking her callow excitement at meeting so many A-list players.