How To Use Callously In A Sentence
Next time you meet a locavore, accuse them of callously not assisting poorer peoples by refusing to buy their produce for their selfish reasons.
His father would abuse him for callously neglecting his filial duties, but he would live with that.
NAFTA: He never 'rubbished' it, as you so callously put it.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Of course this and other atrocities of "misjudgment", "incompetence", "criminality" are getting little attention by a corporate loving media and seemingly callously detached public:
Heresy could probably still do a service as a technical term for when you defend contumaciously a view found from scripture to be callously unorthodox, rather than just holding an unorthodox opinion.
The word heresy should go the way of burnings at the stake. - 22 Words

he callously exploited their feelings
The 1995 team saw body parts strewn about callously by the robbers in their mad quest for anything of value.
We have only the Roman account, but it is enough to reveal maladministration ranging from the callously negligent to the undeniably criminal.
It knows that while volume production is mobile and has proved disposable, high-quality graduates in design jobs are harder to find and retain, and it doesn't look good to be callously shedding staff by the thousand.
On the shelf was a small selection of callously thumbed books.
The tile company had callously sacked 29 regular workers and replaced them with casual labour supplied by Skilled.
He is accused of consistently and callously ill-treating his wife.
To deceive or drop ( a lover ) suddenly or callously.
How did Americans ever allow one man so blithely and callously and "childishly" wreck this nation?
Bill Katovsky: 13 Ways of Looking at the Inauguration
The tile company had callously sacked 29 regular workers and replaced them with casual labour supplied by Skilled.
Trips to refuges like Montezuma or Jamaica Bay are revelatory, but ultimately, we're trespassers, traipsing callously through the beasts' lairs.
Sri Lanka has callously ignored calls for a humanitarian cease - fire .
What makes an otherwise gentle and benign guy like him speak so callously and cruelly of 950 deaths?
Hypocrisy is at its worst; for we not only persecute bigotedly but sincerely in the name of the cure-mongering witchcraft we do believe in, but callously and hypocritically in the name of the Evangelical creed that our rulers privately smile at as the Italian patricians of the fifth century smiled at Jupiter and Venus.
The Revolutionists Handbook
A hope that one day, the dusky, beautiful God of the cowherds and the shepherds would salvage her callously broken dreams.