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How To Use Call out In A Sentence

  • And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues. Desert Love
  • As we walk past the High Court in Glasgow, passers-by call out affectionately to him and he returns the banter.
  • This is also the time of year to carry out maintenance on existing systems, to save having to call out an emergency plumber in the depths of winter.
  • The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers'strike.
  • When you are overtaking another cyclist, call out if necessary and don't cut in too sharply. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The typical kind of call outs we are getting involve groups of youths gathering together.
  • Donato Dalrymple, one of the men who rescued Elián, takes on an expression of sanctity when crowds call out to himPescador! Dream State
  • She will allow you to pick her up and also cuddle and snuzzle against you if you call out to her. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Almost instantly from the next aisle over I heard a voice call out "Bless you" and then another and another and yet another .
  • She was contemplating whether or not she wanted to stop at the local coffee shop to get an iced mocha latte when she heard someone call out her name.
  • Frederic, though unconscious of the Thyestean nature of the banquet, still looked round for the dog; and, not perceiving him, began to call out, "Fox! The Parisians — Volume 12
  • What I call outline plants form the backbone of your garden.
  • It is these voices that make interpretation a living force as they call out to contemporary moments.
  • One threatened to call out the National Guard to defend Atlanta's water rights.
  • Each time Alvin came out of the porthouse with a crate of iron bars, they'd call out to him, taunting him. Prentice Alvin
  • Rosica really means by the phrase “civility, charity, mercy and politeness” is a kind of pantywaist political correctness, void of testicular fortitude, that is so afraid to identify and call out blatant evil in the public square. On Catholic Crowd-Pleasers
  • And SYTYCD, you need to call out the bitchery of Mia and Tyce. 'Réalité' (in two parts): 'Top Model' goes Ninja; 'DWTS' brings sexy back; 'SYTYCD' crushes dreams; 'Runway' gets stupid |
  • When a new item comes down a cashier's belt, something especially good, a cute pair of shoes or a knick-knack for the kitchen, they call out to each other. Check-out at the super saver center
  • So near was the stranger, that we plainly heard the officer of the deck call out to his own quarter-master to "port, hard a-port -- _hard_ a-port, and be d---- d to you! Ned Myers or, a Life Before the Mast
  • Turkey, stuffing, cranberries and pumpkin pie all call out for vinos such as lightly oaked Chardonnays, dry-to semi-dry roses, drier Rieslings and lighter reds like Pinot Noirs, Gamays and Beaujolais.
  • Which when they are so great and arduous, that they seem even to call out for help from Heaven, and to exceed all possibility of redress but by the interposal of a miracle, why then miracles come in season, and shall be shewn, as being the rarities and reserves of Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • The actor waits - in vain - for his director to call out ‘Cut!’
  • Never call outside your synchronization domain.
  • Let the refs call out the floppers right then during the game which would embarrass and expose them.
  • I think it's an off-chute of what I call outsourcing our life. CNN Transcript Sep 3, 2006
  • The trainers call out their instructions, saying that they want to see short, quick passes and that dribbling is forbidden. Young African Football Players Are a Hot Commodity in Europe | Impact Lab
  • BORGER: But wouldn't you use your leverage that you have on an issue like this, which -- which you call outrageous -- BIDEN: Yes. CNN Transcript Apr 7, 2009
  • I hear Roberts' voice call out distantly, even though he's right in front of me.
  • The postman, aware that he was the cynosure of all eyes, would strut to the centre of the village and call out names of those whose letters he had brought.
  • She wants never again tohave to knock on a door and call out: "Hello?
  • A great deal of this food supply was sent in the form of canned meat, popularly known as goulash, and so to-day whenever an automobile passes on a Danish road, the small boys call out "goulash Baron," in the belief that the occupant is a new-made millionaire, enriched by trade with Face to Face with Kaiserism
  • People spoke, when they spoke at all, in whispers, and John was so infected by the air of solemnity that when a small boy in the gallery began to call out "Acid drops or cigarettes!" he felt that a sidesman must appear from a pew and take the lad to the police-station for brawling in a sacred edifice. The Foolish Lovers
  • Having been God-beseemingly affianced unto the Lord, ye passion-enduring maidens-have brought Him as dowry your blood and immolation, and have worthily obtained the divine palace wherein ye are unceasingly filled with ineffable enlightenment; wherefore, in spiritually celebrating your holy and honourable memory, we glorify the Saviour and in faith call out: Supplicate The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Whenever, for my part, I see the head man particularly anxious to ESCAMOTER a fricandeau or a blanc-mange, I always call out, and insist upon massacring it with a spoon. The Book of Snobs
  • loanan" -- what they call a "boreen" in other parts of Ireland -- the other man, who was a bit of a wag, would put his hand to his nose, and make a motion of putting it aside, as if there was not sufficient room for two such organs, and call out with a kind of snuffle: "Pass, Brian! The Life Story of an Old Rebel
  • I love office supplies; post-its, pens, notebooks, notepads, desk blotters, desks, desk chairs, highlighters… they all call out to me in a strange way.
  • Mike's classic descriptions do often call out the "bone-white color", but in fact if you read his manuscripts closely through the years, he further clarifies that Elric is not just an albino; he's a "silverskin. Elric: The Stealer of Souls
  • I listened intently, and presently heard a light “pitapat,” as if some one was walking across the floor; and while I was trying to muster up courage to call out, there was a sharp click, a flood of light illumined the cell, and I saw that the intruder was a man. Golden Days for Boys and Girls Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • Calhoun heard him call out on the interphone, “Bombs…”—and slump on his bombsight before he could complete the sentence. Masters of the Air
  • This little conference in our home was unofficial; but Ernest, like the rest of his comrades, was working for assurances from the labor leaders that they would call out their men in the next general strike. Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End
  • This included a report from the Bedfordshire Police, who could not support the increase in pitches due to the number of call outs they were already receiving. Bigotgate – the Diversity Trainers nightmare. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • But in that same scenario the client also has to call out on the phone from the hotel to find where it is, and go out to that address, so in a sense it could also be thought of as outcall: you call out and then you go out.
  • Here's a call out to all Union states, let's celebrate General William Sherman this month for his courageous efforts which brought about the end of the confederacy and left the south in smoldering ruins. Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • At the edge of the woods, a few birds had started to call out and flutter between the trees, vague shapes moving through the mist beyond the half-open bathroom window.
  • Almost instantly from the next aisle over I heard a voice call out "Bless you" and then another and another and yet another .
  • He recognized Julia immediately and was about to call out her name when he noticed the ashen look on her face. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • I called Enoch, the man, and bade him saddle the horse and ride round to call out the neighbors, that they might all search together. Hildegarde's Holiday a story for girls
  • An 'I' eld the book -- an 'I' eld my breath, too, 'cos it was like waitin' for the end o 'the world -- an' after a bit I 'ears myself call out in a' oller whisper, ` Speak, Lord, thy servant 'eareth. The Dawn of A To-morrow
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • Its call is at 52 hertz, which is roughly that of New Scientist informs us that blue whales call out at 15-20 hertz. FACT - Freedom Against Censorship Thailand
  • But a hard stones, hard back buller man calling out (and most times they do more than just call out) to a young boy/man is unnatural and nauseating. Gay/Lesbian Forum
  • We must even be judicious when hiking though the outback, where objects sometimes call out for rescue.
  • And even if you're not outside, you might be wearing what you call outdoor performance clothes. Recent Updates
  • • President's last-minute call outrages EU leaders • Desperate rush to ratify before - Articles related to Czech president signals he will accept 'Irish-style' guarantees
  • As we walk past the High Court in Glasgow, passers-by call out affectionately to him and he returns the banter.
  • The actions that took place can be read and heard about on dc., including support for APOC's "smack a white boy (distr) action" call out of ANSWER, a few broken windows in VA at war profiteers 'offices, a home demo on council member Jack Evans - who has singlehandedly waged a war on DC homeless population and and few visits to and inside the IMF and World Bank buildings. Undefined
  • In past years a gentleman should call out any man who was rude to his wife.
  • But how you are to grow in self-knowledge, become more introspective, discover the authentic treasures of insight and of compassion and of spiritual discernment and of a deep bond to other solitary individuals, how in fact can like call out to like without reading, I do not know. A Conversation with Harold Bloom author of How To Read and Why
  • Setting them down, he flipped the light switch on, and turning around, he began to call out.
  • Rang RACQ. $50 call out (I have a lapsed membership, but didn't help anyway because it's not my car). What a day...
  • I call outlier, unless the people of PA are just stubborn and are not affected by someone's main campaign strategist being a boob and the candidate kind of getting caught in more truth stretching about health care and even more so about her criticism of the Iraq war. SurveyUSA: Hillary Ahead By 18 Points In Pennsylvania Primary
  • When you are overtaking another cyclist, call out if necessary and don't cut in too sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the Capital being bombarded by brand new radio stations, it was time to call out the old heroes this Tuesday morning.
  • Sir William Hamilton, he obtained a chance to take impressions of rare cameos from Italy and Pompeii; later the Duke of Portland, who you may recall outbid him at the sale of the world-famed Portland Vase, allowed him to copy it. The Story of Porcelain
  • The way Max's biological clock is ticking, it's a wonder Emma didn't call out the bomb squad.
  • Defense includes sentry birds alerting the flock to danger, as well as mobbing, in which several crows surround a potential predator and call out a forceful alarm.
  • If the money went straight to the king he could call out the fyrd, collect the money and then disband the fyrd, lining his own coffers as William Rufus did after the Conquest.
  • Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.
  • Almost instantly from the next aisle over I heard a voice call out "Bless you" and then another and another and yet another .
  • He too loves the way the light plays upon the crags and faces of the rocks but Roland has another relationship with the mountain, he is call out co-ordinator for the mountain search and rescue dogs.
  • In ordinary English this is a function that goes with accusative case on a pronoun: if you knock on my door and I call out Who is it?
  • It was 17.45 in the afternoon and, at best, an after-hours call out will cost you an arm and a leg should you be fortunate enough to find someone willing to come away from their sundowners.
  • At issue is whether Congress will support the president's desire to clarify what's known as Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which outlaws what they call outrages upon personal dignity and humiliating and degrading treatment. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
  • Time for DECENT Americans to call out the TeaPotN.ut ­ters and the Politician­s who embrace these Economic T.errorist smilingasa: RIGHT ON! The Full Feed from
  • Make sure you call out the specific changes in a modular way to show developers a path for building your designs.
  • And rabbitoh is what they’d call out on the street when they were walking down the street with these bags with the blood dripping down. Buzzine » Russell Crowe
  • Residents are being warned that they may get a call out of the blue asking for security and pin numbers enabling thieves to clone bank cards.
  • Two maroons are fired from the Lifeboat Station to alert the town's RNLI crew whenever they are required for an emergency call out - also known as a 'shout'.
  • • President's last-minute call outrages EU leaders • Desperate rush to ratify before Polish President Lech Kaczynski signed the European Union's reform treaty into Czech Republic as the only country still to ratify the document. - Articles related to Czech president signals he will accept 'Irish-style' guarantees
  • He wakes often in the night and before he lost the power of speech he would call out for her constantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wakes often in the night and before he lost the power of speech he would call out for her constantly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way Max's biological clock is ticking, it's a wonder Emma didn't call out the bomb squad.
  • Paramedics had to call out an RAF helicopter to fly a seriously ill baby 200 miles from Rochdale to an intensive care bed in London.
  • We hear their footsteps approaching again and they call out some more names. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faking bravado, I wave my hands about as a shopper walks by, and call out that I'm being prevented from leaving.
  • Let's call out for pizza.
  • Miss Piper began to call out the answers as the whole class followed and marked their own work.
  • I grabbed a chair in a blind panic but heard Dad call out, telling me to put it down.
  • And now we have some what we call outflow boundaries, some air that was thrown out of thunderstorms, pushed to the ground and then we made a big gust of wind. CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
  • I grabbed a chair in a blind panic but heard Dad call out, telling me to put it down.
  • The supernova observations call out for some gravitationally repulsive substance to drive the cosmic acceleration.
  • The FCC argues that jamming mobile phone signals is theft of airwaves - but, more importantly, the dangers of someone missing an important call outweigh any benefit of silence.
  • Did you know that at the elevation in pre-Reformation England, some of the faithful were known to call out, "'eave 'im 'igher! Didya know?
  • The final call out of the year had been five minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve from potholers intending to see in the new year underground.
  • In the year 1896, my great-uncle, one of the first Catholic priests of aboriginal blood, put the call out to his parishioners that they should gather at Saint Joseph's wearing scapulars and holding missals. Excerpt: The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich
  • Each night as they bedded down, the chimps would call out to one another.
  • The thing that really bugs me about his departure is his failure to call out the Republicans as the real culprits behind the Senate dysfunction. Matthew Yglesias » Evan Bayh
  • There are the voices of the economy; they call out that earthly riches are of infinite value.
  • Isis was so associated with mourning in Egypt, at funeral services women were hired to call out loud wailing lamentations as the body was escorted to the grave.
  • After about an hour, I think I hear one of the receptionists, a rotund lady with bushy red hair, call out my name.
  • In the raffle, if they call out ticket 315, chances are I'll have it, but in buff when they want blue.
  • Sometimes I ask him to call out when he sees one so I can refind it, which is just sad by any father-son measurement standard. Hillbilly Haute Cuisine
  • The teacher would call out your name and you would then respond by saying, ‘Here.’
  • Enter this mystical city through a narrow, cobbled street where street vendors selling everything from sweetmeats to silver trinkets and leather slippers call out to passing trade.
  • Call out the fifes, sound the bugles, strike on the drums.
  • In fact I think for every 77 healthy deer killed by the staghounds every year, there are a further 18.5 killed on hunting days and 45.5 casualties on call out days, plus a further 37.2 dead on arrivals.
  • The man promised he would call out for Mike, and take him if recovered to the police or the RSPCA. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • So they can call out the GOP on their utter self-centeredness and lack of morality .. Think Progress » Republicans Block Bills Ensuring Continuation Of Military Health Care

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