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call down

  1. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
    he conjured wild birds in the air
    raise the specter of unemployment
    call down the spirits from the mountain
  2. censure severely or angrily
    The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
    The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
    The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

How To Use call down In A Sentence

  • Then, if she needed reinforcements, she'd call down for me. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • It's what I call downright Radical nonsense," said Mrs. Low, nodding her head energetically. Phineas Finn
  • Don't call down the gods, they can't save you.
  • He spoke softly, as though any loudness here would call down trouble.
  • But there are others, scoundrels, who masquerade under the cloak of the blockader for their own selfish gains, and I call down the just wrath and vengeance of an embattled people, fighting in the justest of Causes, on these human vultures who bring in satins and laces when our men are dying for want of quinine, who load their boats with tea and wines when our heroes are writhing for lack of morphia. Gone with the Wind
  • These ruminations were interrupted by a call down stairs to see a learned bullfinch. Camilla
  • Do we call down hell-fire on the man who has sinned against the Word?
  • Even when I introduced them in the most delicate way, he was what I call downright rude. The Squire of Sandal-Side A Pastoral Romance
  • I go with my call downthread though – someone’s security clearance may have been under pressure from another fsoubrcie, ? Firedoglake » Hookers
  • He wanted to scream and shout, beat the wall and call down the forces of destruction.
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