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How To Use Calibration In A Sentence

  • I would worry about long term calibration drift, though. IPCC AR4: No skill in scientific forecasting « Climate Audit
  • This recalibration process may be slow, however. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly before the helium runs out sometime toward the end of August or beginning of September, the team plans to perform an important series of instrument calibrations.
  • Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration.
  • And the only thing that will ensure that the votes are really being recorded, because they use this term recalibration, and that means essentially that the machines are recording wrong. CNN Transcript Nov 6, 2006
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  • An independent calibration, traceable to it UK national standard, was carried out on the IL1400A radiometer and detector by the Gloucestershire medical physics service.
  • So now the next step in what they describe as their calibration procedure, we have Stone down here. Undefined
  • Before measurement, the turbine flowmeter was calibrated using a three liter calibration syringe.
  • A wavelength calibration module calibrates the detection and control unit.
  • Based on the optimal closed-loop transfer function, a new design method of optimal controller is proposed; which can be widely used to a process control sys-tem and for instrumental calibration.
  • Decay rates were obtained from counting rates by using an external standard and a quench calibration curve.
  • In this paper, a dynamic calibration method using a finite duration impulse excitation source is presented, which can be used to calibrate the frequency response of high-pressure transducers(HPT).
  • As part of a "recalibration" of municipal debt, New York City-based Moody's raised New Mexico's rating to Aaa with a stable outlook, from Aa1 with a stable outlook. Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • Then we use the dating of a recently discovered hominid fossil as a calibration point.
  • The barogram is evaluated by comparison with a calibration curve that must not be more than one year old.
  • Release the Foot Switch when the Calibration Indicator reaches its set position.
  • They recommend quality control of laboratories, where calibrations are carried out.
  • The calibration problem is particularly acute in the z-axis (normal to the surface).
  • Following a period of in vivo calibration using a sample of arterialized ear lobe capillary blood, subjects were initially monitored for 2 min at rest while seated on the bicycle ergometer with a nose clip in place.
  • Manufacturers tailor compact, uncooled cameras for airport screening applications by adding temperature compensators, analysis software, or self-calibration capabilities.
  • By 1960, only seven remained active as target tugs and radar calibration aircraft for the gunnery ranges ashore or the fleet guns.
  • A unique world coordinate based global calibration method with coplanar targets was proposed.
  • Divergence times among clades in the ochrocephala complex were estimated using two different molecular clock calibrations (no specific calibration exists for the Psittaciformes).
  • For calibration, standard monosaccharide solutions and inositol (the internal standard) were used.
  • The Canadian project scientist also leads a team of scientists from across the country in planning the instrument function, calibrations and early science investigations.
  • The output characteristic of differential inductance sensor is analyzed, and the calibration of sensor using standard combinatorial gauge is put forward.
  • Equipment malfunctions may result from poor design, incomplete qualification, or calibration or maintenance issues.
  • We used analysis of covariance to test differences in the slopes among interday calibration curves.
  • I suggest there are a whole lot of" calibrations "in the IPCC models similar to the hurricane model ... Scientific Blogging
  • The calibration process is completely automatic.
  • High-precision calibration curves now exist which confirm the two features apparent in Suess's curve.
  • The software allows for complete head control with mass scale tuning, sensitivity calibration, and ionizer setup.
  • The performances of a six-position dwell calibration and an optimal slewing calibration are determined to be dependent on the mission.
  • This section then describes some validation parameters including accuracy and precision, random errors, calibration curves and noise.
  • The public display of the tortured body terrorizes through the depths of horror implied in its calibration of pain witnessed by a culturally informed public.
  • The 3D motion parameter measurement of a rocket motor nozzle is a premiss for accurately controlling the nozzle, and the calibration equipment is the key to ensure motion testing at a high precision.
  • After calibration, a silastic tube with two separate air-filled pressure probes was inserted into one nostril.
  • I wonder: what is the longest-term calibration on record and what are its statistics? New Scientist, Juckes and Rob Wilson « Climate Audit
  • In still another embodiment, visible spectrum detection of our out-of-phase digital watermark provides a clue as to whether a printing process needs calibration or is misaligned.
  • Incidentally, the term "boot camp" itself has undergone a semantic recalibration, and now primarily denotes the period between the X Factor auditions and the live shows, as opposed to a training academy for military recruits. The Guardian World News
  • Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor.
  • Other features include six measurement scales and calibration standards traceable back to International Standards Organisations.
  • The torquing current is measured and related to drift rate by prior calibration data.
  • Thirdly, although aneroid sphygmomanometers are more popular than mercury instruments, they require regular calibration and checks for common defects such as non-zeroed gauges, cracked face plates, or defective rubber tubing.
  • A universal calibration curve is then obtained by plotting against V R for a given carrier solvent and a fixed temperature.
  • The instrument operates from a standard electrical outlet and requires no calibration.
  • Further data processing (calibration, determination of peak area, averaging, etc.) is done by computer.
  • For calibration purposes, the same chemical shift difference was measured in a high-resolution probe whose temperature had been calibrated to 0.1°C with a thermocouple.
  • Total calibration against the full range of particle size combinations and particle shapes is impracticable.
  • The engine software has been adjusted for emissions calibration and to interface with the automatic transmission.
  • Each object and even items of clothing were carefully chosen to assist in contrast, brightness and color calibration.
  • But also have the circumstance in calibration type or show advocate when use the eat chair that carries rider, in order to show solemn mood or make person sense sits a few more cozily .
  • Thereby the long-distance range calibration service web-site is established, which can be used to publish the data of common-view, share the track schedule and exchange the technological.
  • No release date was cited, but Silver was clearly excited about it, since it will bring easy calibration to the mass market, not just videophiles.
  • Marketplace's John Dimsdale looked into whether the recalibration is a good thing for borrowers. Marketplace
  • However, in the calibration model, constant marginal operating costs were assumed.
  • The offset is determined by a self-calibration logic that uses the same type of delay units.
  • The recalibration of alliances is already evident. Times, Sunday Times
  • For accurate dead reckoning, calibration is required for the odometer pulses and the gyroscope.
  • The calibration of these chronoscopes is facilitated by the use of the chronograph.
  • Finally, after calibration of the apparatus, the force acting on the particle can be determined by measuring the currents driving the electromagnets.
  • No there is a a whole branch of science called metrology (not meteorology) devoted to instrument calibration as has been correctly pointed out. RealClimate
  • Because there is so little actual signal in the data, there is surprisingly low collinearity in the regressors and the regression is not as far away as all that from a multiple linear regression of temperature on 22-112 proxies over a calibration period of 79 years. AR1 on First Differences « Climate Audit
  • She watched her instrument panel and saw as the minute calibrations to their trajectory were made.
  • Only one study to date has used calibration points from the fossil record to estimate the divergence of sister species distributed on both sides of the isthmus.
  • “But about the alleged ingression, I insist: calibrations of the dates of divergence of genes is no small issue…” Randy Neanderthals? - The Panda's Thumb
  • When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
  • Divergence estimates between extant perissodactyl species were closely correlated with calibration age - the divergence between rhinos and tapirs, for example, differed by an order of magnitude depending on the calibration applied.
  • The oximeter device has been manufactured to automatically perform calibration when switched on.
  • To accommodate the ongoing growth, the company has now added a highly advanced environmentally controlled pressure sensor calibration laboratory.
  • The remaining mitochondrial data support similar divergence time estimates, with differences increasing in magnitude as average calibration age increases.
  • Diatoms as indicators of climatic and limnological change in Swedish Lapland: a 100-lake calibration set and its validation for paleoecological reconstructions. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • He said they showed the urgency of making the "calibrations" necessary "to get the policy right. WikiLeaks Creates Fresh Doubt About Afghan War, Secrets
  • High-precision calibration curves now exist which confirm the two features apparent in Suess's curve.
  • Phasic adjust but once upon a time face plate or undertake through computer interface, with coming true accurate phasic calibration is mixed adjust.
  • This production is composed of conical twin-screw extruder, vacuum calibration table, haul—off unit, cutter and stacker.
  • In the AD1CON2 register a new autocalibration mode has been added to reduce the ADC offset. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, precise calibrations are required for dating particular events such as the K-T impact on modem bird origins and radiations.
  • To accommodate the ongoing growth, the company has now added a highly advanced environmentally controlled pressure sensor calibration laboratory.
  • A standard mixture of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and raffinose was prepared from stock solutions and used for calibration and as an external standard for determining elution volumes.
  • This calculation is vital, because it allows a technician to determine whether various meter calibrations are correct.
  • Calibration of the instruments was carried out with 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 molal NaCl solutions of known water potential at 25°C.
  • And so I'd say that piece of it which we call calibration is coming in and just helping people understand where they are so they can start to improve. US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • Fourth is that the trends are different in the calibration period Union, +0.38°C/century; instrumenta;, +0.28°/century. Your Comments on Juckes Omnibus « Climate Audit
  • First, a calibration process determines camera position and orientation with respect to the vehicle platform.
  • Two units, one of them under Peoples, and the other is Ki 's calibration primary. METAPLANETARY
  • Finally, the fuel-injection system's Calibration Kit software has been updated, while the controller harness and connector have been modified for easier use.
  • This is important because many devices for measuring low flow speeds in turn require calibration.
  • The calibration for 730 nm was obtained by extrapolation from the calibration graph.
  • Objective To test the calibration bias and matrix effects of cholesterol reagents.
  • The current may be measured by digital ammeter to four or five decimal places so the accuracy of the calibration coefficient depends only on the accuracy of the calibrating interferometer.
  • Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor.
  • In each study, hospital mortality was higher than predicted with resultant poor model calibration.
  • When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
  • Thermobarometers require thermodynamic calibration of the equilibrium constant for a particular reaction or set of reactions.
  • Especially, we attach importance to the producing process of panorama and cinematograph calibration, matching method of homonymy points and coherence of perspective relationship.
  • A self calibration algorithm that can calibrate the sensor position in nonuniform noise fields is proposed.
  • In order to obtain absolute estimates of these quantities, calibration using the fossil record is required.
  • Calibration is done insitu using a chopped laser beam to provide a known heat increment.
  • Based on analyzing the measurement theory of the fluid densimeter, the paper brings forward a complete set of methods for data acquisition and calibration coefficient calculation.
  • Plan and perform testing, development and calibration in dynamometer facility.
  • The world is undergoing a process of recalibration, not the accelerated decline of civilisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Preparation of solutions, buffers used in electrophysiology lab and routine duties (such as pipette calibration, filling of nitrogen dewer). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • By being able to watch what's happening and using this information to make more precise machine calibrations, the team was able to boost the value.
  • A calibration transformation matrix method is described for the quantitative detection of adulteration of peanut oil based on fatty acid, sterol and tocopherol contents.
  • The lift allowed the dramatic recalibration of building types. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The accuracy of the method would be satisfied by careful calibration of the pickup coil and compensation for zero-phase angle.
  • The calibrations are checked before the game and at the intervals.
  • The matrix element Si was selected as internal standard, calibration curves were drawn respectively using the peak intensity of carbon line and the intensity ratio of carbon line and silica line.
  • To manage the utility equipment metrology work and work as calibration coordinator.
  • The Universal Calibration Lattice extends from the central core of the human body to a distance of about two feet out and around the body and is a network of interconnecting energy strands formed of golden fibres of light.
  • The next two sections provide a brief description of the two calibrations and are followed by a description of the experiment used to test calibration performance.
  • Design validation test, electrical safety test, calibration test and maintain electronic equipments.
  • Any of these factors could vary in a single instrument over the time period between successive calibrations.
  • To do this, Wahl and Amman came up with a value which they called a calibration/verification RE ratio. The Volokh Conspiracy » Looking Back at the Hockey Stick Thesis: The Bishop Hill Account
  • But in a calibration of this sort he has little alternative but to take it as he finds it.
  • A universal calibration curve is then obtained by plotting against V R for a given carrier solvent and a fixed temperature.
  • Each pump will undergo at least four calibration runs before computers work out the optimal number and positioning of counterbalances to keep the pump running smoothly and silently.
  • A recent approach to reduce the interlaboratory variation has been to prepare a calibration curve using calibrated lyophilized plasmas.
  • In turn, those anchor points can be used as calibrations for more detailed time estimation within the group under study.
  • Exposure time calibration method of digital still camera (DSC) using an integrating sphere uniform source with auxiliary shutter has been discussed in this paper.
  • So, some added perspective to be applied to Obama's "calibrations" and "teachable moments. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In addition to the basics, there are many specialized tools with unexpected shapes or special calibrations to streamline certain sewing tasks.
  • For the calibration in high temperature, the K which is re-lated to the reciprocal of sensitivity C of the sensor is adopted as charat-eristic factor, which brings convenience to users.
  • I just thought I would supply a concrete and relevant example of how such a quadratic response to temperature is not only real, but could lead to time-series nonstationarity that violates assumptions made in the inferential leap one takes in going from calibration to reconstruction. WSJ: House Energy report on the "mutual admiration society" « Climate Audit
  • ISFccc caple of professional calibration for picture performance New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • The locations of the science targets identified before the self-calibration are also calibrated to centimeter-level accuracy.
  • Government must help oversee this recalibration.
  • It's a rather crude and simple device, but still require calibration and care.
  • For accountability, on-screen GLP data capture contains calibration information, including buffer values and expiration date, concurrent with measurement readings and logged graph data.
  • The mathematical model of a single-camera virtual computer mouse sensor is established and a field calibration approach to the single-camera virtual mouse is proposed.
  • One then makes an empirical calibration of running speed with temperature using some human runners, and goes on to construct a global temperature proxy by timing groups of wild-type human runners without knowing their nutritional status, their health profile, their homeothermic capacity or ability to sweat, their susceptibility to heat stroke, or the twitch rate of their muscles. Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • These include such topics as histogram information, suggested palettes for low-color displays, fractal-image support and pixel calibration.
  • To manage the utility equipment metrology work and work as calibration coordinator.
  • This study compares the two calibrations in a conjoint analysis involving donations to a public good.
  • The filter coefficients are determined automatically when the O / E converter is connected to the oscilloscope, eliminating the need for factory calibrations.
  • The calibration curve for thiram has a linear range of 100 to 800 ng/mL and a detection limit of 40 ng/mL.
  • Handling the calibration data gained by the dividing head is to get the sensitivity and bias of all the accelerometers.
  • I have also carried out IGC-standard barograph calibrations including for the then UK gain-of-height and absolute altitude records.
  • Autovalidation and autocalibration functions allow users complete flexibility for unmanned or remote operation, or to generate maintenance and reliability schedules using trending information. ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Today's New Product News
  • This method tends to give overestimates of divergence times when the calibration point is younger than the estimated time and to give underestimates when the calibration point is older than the estimated time.
  • Calibration is done insitu using a chopped laser beam to provide a known heat increment.
  • In the meantime, the circulating nurse sets up and checks the calibration of the fully charged gamma detector, probe, and cable before bringing the patient into the OR.
  • Instead one must rely on the “human moral compass” whose only real rational calibration is self interest. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Three - The Nature of God and Evil | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • For each set of analyses, a sample of ambient air was injected into the chromatograph to monitor calibration.
  • In other words every thermistor needs its own calibration if it is to be accurate .02 C is possible over wide ranges. Latex Matters « Climate Audit
  • It requires continued anti-inflationary bias with a close watch and nimble-footed calibration to new information, it said. India Central Bank to Maintain Anti-Inflationary Stance
  • Successful completion of calibration verification surveys validates the analytical measurement range.
  • The likely outcome of such an approach is that the models require major and separate calibration for every different circumstance.
  • An internal pattern calibration circuit is multiplexed to the first signal and used for generating a plurality of second parameters for calibration of close loop.
  • Incredibly well-featured 7. 1-channel receiver; excellent sound quality; three HDMI inputs; converts analog video to HDMI output; upconverts analog video to 720p/1080i HD resolution; iPod and USB MP3 player connectivity; Internet radio and MP3/WMA streaming audio via built-in Ethernet port; XM Satellite Radio compatible; touch-screen remote; multizone, multisource operation; browser-based control via home network; accurate autocalibration routine. Lead Stories from AOL
  • The 3D motion parameter measurement of a rocket motor nozzle is a premiss for accurately controlling the nozzle, and the calibration equipment is the key to ensure motion testing at a high precision.
  • cps" method is "composite-plus-scaling," in which the available proxies are combined, then the composite is scaled to find the best match to the calibration data. Open Mind
  • Other dosimetry developments include Internet-based dosimeter calibration and real-time monitoring of absorbed dose.
  • Abstract: To ensure high-precision calibration of gear measuring instruments, the international standard ISO / TR 10064-5:2005 recommends a Double-Ball Artifact (DBA) as calibration reference.
  • My speedo was off said the calibration experts so although the Magistrate convicted me, I appealed and the Judge and the new prosecutor agreed with me.
  • The apparent discrepancy between divergence ages implied by genetic calibration techniques and a literal interpretation of the fossil record is discussed.
  • Against each fragment was a calibration marking its kilobase size and its position on the arm of its chromosome. GRACE
  • Taking account of the noise in both the calibration system and the radar echo, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) after the pulse compression of the calibrated echo is analyzed.
  • “It will entail a recalibration of our instruments, but that should not take long.” HER KLINGON SOUL
  • Subwoofer calibration is + 10 dB higher in its passband, relative to the average spectral balance of the near-fields.
  • To accommodate the ongoing growth, the company has now added a highly advanced environmentally controlled pressure sensor calibration laboratory.
  • The principle and technical characteristic of GPS based frequency standard is presented, and the uncertainty factors and calibration methods of GPS based frequency standard are also provided.
  • We'll be conducting calibrations of the science instruments and of the engineering subsystems as we go forward.
  • Before the measurements we calibrated the measurement system with a two point minimum and maximum calibration.
  • There was this other syndrome that happens which they call the boiled frog syndrome, where things get worse in these fine calibrations. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2008
  • When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
  • This is a recalibration: inclusivity is us. Times, Sunday Times
  • The end of the paper introduced the judgement in con-sideration of uncertainty, of the results of testing and calibration.
  • There were lots more talks throughout the day, focusing on the real-time control systems, phase corrections (oh yes, light has phase as well as amplitude, and that matters to an interferometer!), Walsh functions, data transmission, gain calibration, and the science that can be done if ALMA's frequency range is expanded. Archive 2009-01-06
  • The first reason consists of the general nonstationarity climate, in particular during the period used for a calibration. An Excellent Sonechkin Comment « Climate Audit
  • The "recalibration" was applied to numerous local governments and "should not be interpreted as an improvement" in credit quality, Fitch said in a news release. Johnson's final budget raises concerns for ratings agency
  • The calibration unit's pump and haul off unit's reducer are famous br and products. After simple changing of the die and screw, it also can produce the foam profiles.
  • This method simplifies the complicated process of robot hand-eye system calibration and improves the positioning precision, meanwhile, it extends the application range of hand-eye vision system.
  • It means that the process of testing and calibration is seen as providing defence against the critical uncertainties of the world.
  • The calibration experiment of glancing incidence soft X ray planar mirror reflectivity is reported.
  • AMETEK M&CT designs, manufactures and distributes material test instruments for a wide range of applications such as tensile, hardness and force testing, instruments for high accuracy temperature, pressure and signal calibration, and a suite of sensors for pressure, level, position and temperature. Ametek buys Atlas Material Testing | Philadelphia Business Journal
  • In the densimeter a thermometer is built to correct the value read at different temperatures from that of calibration.
  • It's best to use a gridded rotary cutting mat and ruler from the same manufacturer to be sure the calibrations will align perfectly.
  • In fact, calibration procedures for indentation of hard materials typically include indentation of reference samples.
  • Extensive studies have been carried out to obtain a reliable wavelength calibration of the monochromator and to assess the reproducibility of its sine drive arm.
  • A simple, fast and precise method of adopting the GPS to calibrate radar azimuth and elevation is expatiated and widely applied in radar calibration.
  • The scattering cells were equilibrated at a given temperature by immersion in a thermostatted bath of toluene used for scattering calibration.
  • The C 1 calibration was based on the estimated ages of the three earliest putative cercopithecoid and hominoid fossils.
  • When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
  • The relative curve between ICCD gain control voltage and system gain was fitted from the test results and the calibration equation of system was also given.
  • To accommodate the ongoing growth, the company has now added a highly advanced environmentally controlled pressure sensor calibration laboratory.
  • The magic word "recalibration" has come to mean mid-stream re-rigging of electronic machines, and is being strategically conjured in voting booths throughout the nation. Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: Beware the Twin Towers of Electronic Election Theft
  • In this paper, a method of Vacuum measurement and calibration vacuum interrupter will be introduced.
  • Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration.
  • In this paper, we discuss the effect of the Earth's oblateness and ionosphere on the retrieval, and analyze the result of the local curvature correction and the ionosphere calibration.
  • Hematocrit and hemoglobin values were obtained at baseline for calibration of oximetry measurements.
  • The event this week is the first of two events early in the cruise phase that check instrument calibrations after launching.
  • Maximum time limits were set to equal minimum time limits for fossil calibrations (i.e., calibrations were ‘fixed’), and only invertebrates were used to calibrate.
  • For calibration, a series of glass standards was chosen that corresponded closely to the major element compositions of the melt inclusions and matrix glasses.
  • All system components together with the control and calibration software have been developed in-house by Zytek.
  • Correcting the distorted image of camera in calibration process of fringe projection measurement system that can effectively improve the calibration accuracy of system.
  • The patent application concerns a system for automatically measuring the positions of réseau grid lines and other calibration marks on photographs, using a digital computer to control a non-coherent optical correlator.
  • Other standard features are vibration alarm, autocalibration, calibration lock out or reminder control, STEL / TWA readings, peak hold, auto backlighting at alarm on a large LCD display, and it even tells the time! Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • And particularly at a moment when oil-rich Manchester City have hoisted their first trophy in 35 years to preface a potentially dramatic recalibration of the Mancunian power balance. Manchester United's record 19th title cannot hide need for rebuilding | Louise Taylor

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