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How To Use Calibrate In A Sentence

  • He was concerned that mistakes could be made which could cost the public money and wanted to know if the systems employed had been properly calibrated and checked.
  • Japan should recognize it needs to recalibrate its diplomatic strategy to meet changing realities in the region.
  • The fumonisin was eluted with pure methanol and measured in a calibrated fluorometer.
  • It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing. The Dirty Life
  • There'll be plenty of time for the eventual nominee to "recalibrate" his/her message, steering towards the center, between Super Tuesday and Election Day. Poll: Huckabee Still Loses In General Election Matches, Edwards Most Electable Dem
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  • The senior official said the proposals are calibrated to protect sovereignty.
  • The bicycle ergometer was set at a minimal tension level and had a built-in measure of distance that was calibrated for accuracy.
  • calibrate a gun
  • But I do know that over time I have been able to calibrate my eye pretty well.
  • All that sent some analysts to recalibrate their forecasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We haven ` t felt it necessary to turn a lot of people into enemy combatants, as we have in this conflict, which is -- and I understand that after 9/11, there was a great desire to -- and I think right now, we should be -- kind of calibrate our responses because I think some of ... CNN Transcript Jul 7, 2005
  • It may also prove possible in individual cases to quantitatively calibrate the trace elements for palaeoclimatic variables such as rainfall.
  • The thermostats in electric ovens are now much more accurate, so you'll have to recalibrate your cooking times.
  • Before measurement, the turbine flowmeter was calibrated using a three liter calibration syringe.
  • Although the two men pose for the picture, they, too, are props, for this image is not so much a double portrait as a carefully calibrated technical experiment.
  • Instead, her defiance of emergency rule has been carefully calibrated.
  • A wavelength calibration module calibrates the detection and control unit.
  • With their sculptural groupings of precisely calibrated arabesques, these dances distilled Ashton's personal classicism to pure essence.
  • It is available in two forms at sporting goods stores - one calibrated in grains and the other in grams.
  • “Avoid descent rates of 800 fpm feet per minute or greater at airspeeds less than 40 KCAS,” it said, “KCAS” being the abbreviation for “knots-calibrated air speed.” The Dream Machine
  • Nancy Kaplen , a lawyer for the state, said the state couldn't afford to pay what would be required under the formula — and won't be able to in next year's budget, either, suggesting the state would need to "recalibrate" it. N.J. Court Examines Schooling
  • In this paper, a dynamic calibration method using a finite duration impulse excitation source is presented, which can be used to calibrate the frequency response of high-pressure transducers(HPT).
  • Yes, but the sensors were calibrated to detect microbursts which have much shorter wavelengths.
  • Hence, the scale of the meter can be calibrated directly in terms of PCO2.
  • The closing Obama speech is cautious, calibrated to cement the inroads he has made with voters whose comfort level with him has grown.
  • But responsibility should be calibrated on a scale, and this is not a Mafia hit case, this not the kind of premeditation or motivated killing. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2001
  • Make sure all measure instruments and equipments are properly calibrated.
  • All sensor readings must be checked and calibrated.
  • It was this combination of toughness and restraint, of will, nerve and wisdom, so brilliantly controlled, so matchlessly calibrated, that dazzled the world. The Courtier
  • It would be an interesting social experiment to calibrate both the academic and student intake on campuses according to the latest poll results and census surveys.
  • The spectra were calibrated with the lines of indene in the 200-1700 cm - 1 region and with the lines of acetone and potassium ferrocyanide in the 1600-2100 cm - 1 region.
  • But the album is so perfectly calibrated to ensure big sales that it's difficult not to straight out detest the record.
  • If photography could fix images onto a precisely calibrated grid, it could become a useful tool for mapping, the primary activity of the survey.
  • We studied polarimetry with wide-band filters and a simple instrument that took us six months to calibrate.
  • When using liquid medication, use a calibrated dropper, medicine syringe or measuring spoon to insure that you are giving your child an accurate amount of medication.
  • A lacklustre budget could trigger a sell-off as investors recalibrate their expectations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, the scale of the meter can be calibrated directly in terms of PCO2.
  • The instrument was carefully calibrated inside a cryogenic vacuum chamber prior to launch.
  • So no matter how different the media or formats you use, all of the work reflects a highly calibrated process of editing and refinement.
  • Ideally you should aim to recalibrate the display at least once per month.
  • The president now saying he wishes he had recalibrated some words.
  • Still, the RBI continues what it calls a "calibrated approach". RBI Still Toddling on Its Tightening Path
  • The model was calibrated on the basis of the similar experimental results.
  • The standards are necessary to calibrate the system and ensure accuracy.
  • To correct this error radiocarbon dates are calibrated by studying the difference between radiocarbon dates and tree-ring dates.
  • The nightlife in any city is to be calibrated by its accessibility to the largest population groups.
  • You hold still and you then kind of calibrate how much do I need to move my arms so they don't fly into the other guy. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2009
  • A workhorse of a machine was busy feeding a swath of yellow paper from one of these rolls, mechanically ruling the paper with calibrated pins dipped in blue ink.
  • The calorimeter was calibrated using solid standards from Calorimetry Sciences Corporation as well as aqueous dispersions of highly pure disaturated PCs prepared in this laboratory.
  • We must recalibrate our ideas of what constitutes a dream job. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the coil moves, it displaces a needle or other indicator that points along a pre-calibrated scale to give the pressure measurement.
  • If the ambient temperature exceeds 20 degrees, the nominal length of the beam is longer than when calibrated in the laboratory.
  • A microscope with a calibrated eyepiece micrometer was used to measure the spheroid diameter.
  • That new form of legislation, most clearly found in the application of lenient punishments minutely calibrated to the severity of offenses, is designed to do two things, which find their way into Bentham's numerous defenses of new legislation to replace transportation and capital punishment with humane incarceration — legislation aimed at increasing the Romantic Fear
  • We need to recalibrate our relationship to antimicrobials at a global level. Times, Sunday Times
  • For calibration purposes, the same chemical shift difference was measured in a high-resolution probe whose temperature had been calibrated to 0.1°C with a thermocouple.
  • Van Dyk calibrates his every move for its potential to allow him to survive. Book review of Jere Van Dyk's "Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban."
  • X-ray tubes are encased in lead shields and fully protected and equipment is regularly calibrated.
  • To ensure rootworm control results, application equipment should be accurately calibrated to deliver the recommended rate.
  • The model was calibrated on the basis of the similar experimental results.
  • calibrate an instrument
  • A network of government laboratories all over the world together average the measurement of hundreds of atomic clocks to produce International Atomic Time, the ultimate reference against which all other clocks are calibrated. Eureka: The Ultimate Clock
  • Using these calibrated isotropic light detectors both direct light and reflected light could be measured.
  • In the end it was respect for Bacon's carefully calibrated performance that kept me in my seat.
  • Defeat is an opportunity to recalibrate a few cricketing dogmas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Engineers would recalibrate the vehicle to make sure emissions are at the legal level. Times, Sunday Times
  • All sensors are calibrated to a common reference frame, and can be used interchangeably with the same measurement program.
  • A jury venire is not a fair cross-section if the selection system is calibrated to underrepresent a "distinctive group" in the community. IsThatLegal?
  • Both flow meters were calibrated against a bubble meter.
  • The spectra were calibrated to an accuracy of 1 cm - 1 for intense isolated bands with indene as the standard for the high-frequency region.
  • The pulp of the carob bean is selected and calibrated for later processing.
  • Examine and "calibrate" each pole and then use them to measure wind speeds. Chapter 20
  • Switching on the car's "Sport" mode only recalibrates the lousiness. The Fiat 500C Can't Fail
  • 100 Marable has praise for Harold Washington as well.101 For Marable, properly calibrated leftist political gradualism in the present promises to undo the entire American system in the future: “The revolt for reforms within the capitalist state today transcends itself dia- lectically to become a revolution against the racist/capitalist system tomorrow.” Radical-In-Chief
  • The size of the finite element model width and depth were calibrated to provide correct correlation to the pile load test data.
  • She soon had to recalibrate her ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • After getting checked in, I would drop my pants, lie down on a table, and get zapped from three different, precisely calibrated angles by a machine called a linac that rotated around me. Dane101
  • Like so much else that he wrote, 'A Golden Wedding' was precisely calibrated against contemporary taste.
  • The new-model revision also includes a new, more sport-calibrated suspension, with coil springs up front and air springs in the rear, a stiffer antiroll bar in back, and a general banishing of elasticity. Mercedes: a Demon of Hurtling Mass
  • Thus, whenever possible the radiocarbon age should be calibrated to actual calendar years.
  • Defeat is an opportunity to recalibrate a few cricketing dogmas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an outstanding performance from Colin Firth, not especially because it is a departure for him, but because the part itself is such a perfect match for Firth's habitual and superbly calibrated ­performance register: withdrawn, pained, but sensual, with sparks of wit and fun. The Guardian World News
  • On arrival in Penobscot Bay they set up their equipment, calibrated their clocks with other astronomical observations, and confidently awaited the eclipse.
  • Behind the News Moody's and Fitch are set to 'recalibrate' muni ratings. Changes to Muni Ratings Could Puzzle Fund Investors
  • Mercedes-Benz USA The new-model revision also includes a new, more sport-calibrated suspension, with coil springs up front and air springs in the rear, a stiffer antiroll bar in back, and a general banishing of elasticity. Ripping the Old Model to Shreds
  • Cut point shift bias of self-reported health was calibrated using CHOPIT model.
  • H kingston 1 gb memory revenuer calibrated to lusciousness pipette, hereupon simultaneity, enforceable faeces, rtm counterdemonstrator, disgraceful crony, contrafagotto rophy. Rational Review
  • The observation data of rainfall, evapotranspiration and streamflow from 1979 to 1984 and 1985 to 1987 were used to calibrate and validate the modal, respectively.
  • Computer software is used to calibrate the strain gauge and calculate blood flow measurements in the leg.
  • Previously, after votes were noticed to have flipped during early voting this year on Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, usually touch-screen) systems in WV, in TN, in TX and other states, election officials have often first (and completely inappropriately) blamed the voters, and then instructed poll workers to "recalibrate" the machines. Brad Friedman: Vote-Flipping Diebold Machine Removed, Quarantined in CO
  • It’s all geared toward creating the ultimate luxury product: a remote brain calibrated to an employer’s every whim and desire, one that can anticipate all needs and eliminate most decisions from daily life. Inside the Billionaire Service Industry
  • They're mostly crystal-calibrated, you see, which means they can't switch to unplanned frequencies. KARA KUSH
  • In those early books, the poems feel like perfectly calibrated contraptions of metaphor and simile.
  • It is not easy to calibrate his success but it stirs a seamless passion in those now ready to take on the mantle.
  • Temperature sensors were calibrated on several occasions against a standard thermometer.
  • Stage of incubation was determined by candling and by flotation as calibrated for Canvasback eggs (M. G. Anderson and B. D. Sullivan unpubl. data).
  • He used a standard-sized, calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometer blood pressure cuff to measure pressure in the left arm.
  • This suggests that researchers can use calibrated and uncalibrated values as upper and lower bounds for true values.
  • But for the majority of learners, just as a physical trainer is useful in helping gym novices calibrate their objectives, a teacher is well-placed in “adding weights” or “raising the bar” at timely intervals. P is for Push « An A-Z of ELT
  • The whole poem is rich in such complementarities, in binary oppositions and contradictions, all meticulously calibrated, uncanny and unstable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Every competent mechanic should have a correctly calibrated torque wrench in their tool kit and should use it.
  • But they are assisted by their coach who looks through a telescopic lens and calibrates the rifle's sights, also factoring in weather conditions.
  • J.H.: Everything kind of calibrates to everything else. Stories from The Sun
  • You would do well to recalibrate with negatives of unusual contrast.
  • The arrow indicates the point at which the molecular clock is calibrated (140 MYA)
  • The position of a mobile pointer on a calibrated scale carries information about the magnitude of the quantity being measured.
  • Second, to measure the number of moles of photons or einsteins absorbed by the actinometer, a calibrated system must be used, which can be either another actinometric solution or a calibrated radiometer, photocell or photodiode.
  • More recently, physical activity has been objectively measured through the deployment of accelerometers that are calibrated to monitor activity levels by the minute.
  • To calibrate chlorophyll meter readings, it is best to have one or more strips in the field with nitrogen applied at a rate high enough to be non-yield limiting to serve as a reference.
  • A self calibration algorithm that can calibrate the sensor position in nonuniform noise fields is proposed.
  • Liam recommends using a 15 watt bulb, mounted on the ceiling and connected through a rheostat, for making flash exposures, but in his correspondence with me has also noted that he had to recalibrate flash times when he changed bulbs.
  • We need to recalibrate our relationship to antimicrobials at a global level. Times, Sunday Times
  • He calibrates his anger, vocally and physically, with chilling precision, from political aggression to power-lust to sexual frustration. Tosca; La rondine; Arensky Chamber Orchestra – review
  • Relative abundance variations of the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer and àƒÅ½à‚ⲱ8O measured G. ruber white variety in core PBBC1 plotted against calibrated years. Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
  • Well, you know, they had hoped to recalibrate their message this week.
  • The pixel size for all magnifications used was calibrated with a 100 lines/mm grating, which allowed for absolute distance measurements.
  • Once in awhile, you'll also catch the cook sampling the wok's contents to calibrate your order.
  • No matter, for Americans had recalibrated their sensibilities towards a new post-war standard of prosperity.
  • In the absence of an adequate fossil record, geological events, rather than the first appearances of sister taxa in the geological record, are often used to calibrate molecular clocks.
  • X-ray bright systems, (5) find binaries among ancient and nearby subdwarf stars, and (6) help calibrate the white dwarf mass - radius relation. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • She soon had to recalibrate her ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prentice said Ottawa has to "calibrate" with Washington "otherwise we will have discordant energy and environment policies. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • A new method utilizing zenith observing to calibrate star sensor was proposed.
  • Reference data aids analysis and interpretation of remotely sensed data; calibrates sensors; and verifies information extracted from remote sensing data.
  • We calibrated the blood pressure measurement system prior to use each day with an aneroid sphygmomanometer.
  • Then we have to run a hack telling it to recalibrate.
  • Secret formulae are invented to create inks to print, in multifarious shades of colour, on specially calibrated paper, to defy counterfeit.
  • So even though we can calibrate an instrument very accurately against an incandescent source, we don't know how well the instrument can subsequently measure the chromaticity of a particular artifact.
  • It conveys no information other than how scared the government thinks you ought to be at this particular juncture, therefore allowing the government to calibrate the national mood with more precision than is usual.
  • And so he and his brother headed up north and started to set up and calibrate their telescope at 3:30 A.M. for the noontime event. First Contact
  • Thanks to its extensive research operation, Fianna Fail had a much clearer picture of the electorate, which allowed them to calibrate their message carefully and to monitor and tweak it during the course of the campaign.
  • Her orgasm, once again calibrated to her aesthetic sensitivity, subsumes the reader, transferring pleasure from body to sight to word and back again with seamless ease. How to Do the History of Pornography: Romantic Sexuality and its Field of Vision
  • You would cut demand and supply would go up and you would recalibrate the whole system.
  • The turbo boost gauge is calibrated by tree icons, a playful reminder of the car's renewable energy source.
  • The kindness I encountered last year is absent; a western face brings a sullen welcome, calibrated to the bare minimum.
  • The expanding diaphragm moves the pointer across a scale calibrated in feet above sea level.
  • They measured participants 'weight and height using a calibrated scale and a wall-mounted stadiometer at both 6 and 18 months. Daily News & Analysis
  • Though the location has since changed, the mixing ritual is the same: The bespectacled Mr. Barr samples each flavor from its large tank, confirms that it's fit for the purpose and calibrates the proportion required to make the sugary drink "taste like magic. It Isn't Iron and It Isn't Brewed, But Irn-Bru Hews to Its Orange Hue
  • A second experiment is then performed to calibrate the calorimeter.
  • Huckabay advocates using ‘adjusted range factors,’ which calibrate for pitching staffs, ballpark effects, and so on.
  • Fossils were measured under a dissecting scope using a calibrated ocular micrometer.
  • A recent approach to reduce the interlaboratory variation has been to prepare a calibration curve using calibrated lyophilized plasmas.
  • When the car is back together, I'll drive it to Oxford and get him to calibrate it and to provide me with a few extra cogwheels.
  • ... of Kate Bernadette Benedict's Here From Away is up: Poet performs acts of devotion in calibrated observance of life. My review ...
  • Calibrate pesticide sprayers in order to assure that the desired application rate is being applied.
  • Once estrogen replacement is prescribed, a medical practitioner calibrates the remedy.
  • The new intoximeters will undergo weekly accuracy checks to be certain they are calibrated at all times.
  • Also, be sure to calibrate your drop spreader to make sure you don't overfertilize. Tip of the Day: Fertilize your lawn this fall
  • This is because every diode is individually calibrated and balanced to ensure uniform printing across every single line.
  • The locations of the science targets identified before the self-calibration are also calibrated to centimeter-level accuracy.
  • The latter is calibrated in centimetres, but most people will probably only use the rod as a rough guide.
  • In particular, the Constitution, which British journalists regularly confuse with the Declaration of Independence, is calibrated so as to correct the arithmetical simplicities of an undifferentiated popular will.
  • Have you used the word recalibrate this week? digg Liz Neumark: Have you used the word recalibrate this week?
  • That is how the merits of technology are calibrated.
  • In addition, it's possible that your tester's calipers hadn't been calibrated recently.
  • The instrument was externally calibrated using the monoisotopic masses of tryptic and chymotryptic peptides from bovine serum albumin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The wax-coated telemeters were calibrated with a mercury thermometer over a range of 5-42 deg C.
  • Statistical sampling methods are just like any other kind of scientific instrument in that they must be calibrated against known results.
  • a calibrated thermometer
  • Bevalac beams were used to calibrate and check out scientific equipment due to be carried on satellites or shuttle missions, and Bevalac experiments led to a better assessment of the risks associated with space flights.
  • X-ray tubes are encased in lead shields and fully protected and equipment is regularly calibrated.
  • These are strictly matter-of-fact men from a world where war is work, and life and death hang on a rapidly and precisely calibrated reality, an attitude captured by the flat caption mounted on the frame: This is an AIM-7 air-to-air missile shot from an F‑15 Eagle detonating on an Iraqi MiG‑29 Fulcrum during Operation Desert Storm. The Last Ace
  • Included with the samples of unknown composition are known samples, called standards, against which the unknowns can be checked and calibrated.
  • The snowman was made from two tin beads used to calibrate electron microscope astigmatism. Boing Boing
  • Ethylene enrichment was provided by cylinders containing a mixed calibrated gas.
  • Autopilot calibrates for tone, typos and preferred punctuation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » I hate April Fool’s Day
  • Today FM, for example, operates to a finely calibrated diurnal rhythm, carefully tuned to the mood of its audience.
  • A few seconds later, the drivers for the new reeker loaded, and he was ready to calibrate. State Of War
  • We manipulated the passive flagella with force-calibrated glass microprobes to measure the force and torque needed to bend the passive flagella.
  • Even the perspective of courtesy/discourtesy is still contextual to the degree that offensiveness must be calibrated in order establish that which is a courteous or discourteous disagreement. The Volokh Conspiracy » Support for Restricting the Speech of Students Who Wear American Flags to School on Cinco de Mayo
  • The electrode was calibrated by allowing it to equilibrate with 2 ml of air-saturated artificially hardened water, circulated in the chamber by a small magnet.
  • On the one hand, it's a subtly calibrated work of psychological imagination.
  • This sextant is precisely calibrated for celestial navigation by a collimator that checks its accuracy at every 15, providing an accuracy of 0’.1 arc minute, 200 yards. Oldschool Navigationsystem
  • The species in both genera are perennials, thus minimizing the effect of generation time on substitution rates, while all other slower rates were calibrated for trees or shrubs.
  • "All necessary resources will be deployed to meet the threat, calibrated to how it unfolds," he said.
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence, including satellite images, to "calibrate" its chemical weapons attacks against Iranian forces. The Selective Prosecution of Saddam Hussein
  • It is clearly important to have a precise C-value as a standard, as without this it is impossible to calibrate all other species accurately.
  • The journal Radiocarbon publishes the most up-to-date curves which in principle permit the conversion of radiocarbon dates to calibrated dates.
  • The church recalibrated its sense of mission and reengaged in the growingly diverse community. Christianity Today
  • I could have calibrated those words differently.
  • The NPR carefully calibrates the circumstances when states might face the use of nuclear weapons to "defend the vital interests of the United States, our allies and partners. From Reagan to Obama
  • As for the cut and polished gemstones the majority of the pieces that were purchased were calibrated.
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence to "calibrate" its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops, including satellite photos of Iranian targets. Reaping the Bounty of Imperial Arrogance
  • Given the fragility of Mr Wahid's government, U.S. pressure intended to bring the military to heel should be calibrated.
  • Throughout the trial he evinced a range of carefully calibrated emotions - caustic, sarcastic, disbelieving and, at this moment, outraged.
  • Larger shot, like buckshot, is made by the cold heading or swaging process in which calibrated segments of lead wire are fed into a die and then sized into spheres by two hemispherical punches.
  • Taking account of the noise in both the calibration system and the radar echo, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) after the pulse compression of the calibrated echo is analyzed.
  • It is about creation and it can recalibrate perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is about creation and it can recalibrate perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fully expect to read a far more erudite explanation of our use of the word recalibrate by William Safire any week now. Liz Neumark: Have you used the word recalibrate this week?
  • Is there a way to reliably and repeatedly "calibrate" and "zero" a chronograph? Do Chronographs Lie?
  • These types of detectors should be calibrated in lumens/amps, which allows easy calculation of candela values.
  • Surely this subverts quite clearly the idea that mainstream British culture is something straightforward and easily calibrated.
  • Before the measurements we calibrated the measurement system with a two point minimum and maximum calibration.
  • The United States must recalibrate its policies to take account of these changing realities.
  • By connecting the system to a suitably calibrated ammeter, the temperature can be read.
  • they calibrate the effects of atom bombs in megadeaths
  • The only special effect in all this is her finely calibrated performance, a balancing act, as she explains, that often involved invoking the ogress when she was in character as the saint.
  • And the Republican Congress did respond to veto threats by the president and recalibrated their bills and brought them down.
  • Without laser calibrated rangefinders, you HAD to know your "bidness", AND, some of them oldtimers had "methods" for figgerin 'range even "afore the was range finders"! Bases and Rings, and Other Bad Things

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