How To Use Calculus In A Sentence
The brachistochrone curve that gives the minimum travel time is determined by using the calculus of variations to find the best compromise between the shortest path – i.e., a straight slope – and the path that gives the maximum initial acceleration, i.e., a vertical drop followed by a short bend followed by a horizontal path.
Thermodynamics, Again - The Panda's Thumb
Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
I would show up unannounced, watch Jaime teach calculus, chat with Principal Henry Gradillas, check in with other Advanced Placement classes and in the early afternoon call my editor in Washington to say I was chasing down the latest medfly outbreak story, or whatever seemed believable at the time.
Unlike many, Escalante believed in teaching, not sorting
In this chapter, we give some operator inequalities and norm inequalities by means of spectral decomposition and functional calculus.
Therefore, the calculus of benefits and harms has changed.

We know that the surgeon may not kill one of her unconsenting patients to save five others, and we know that this must be so regardless of whether a careful consequentialist calculus supports this result.
Haddock, the explosive, semi-sozzled scion of Marlinspike Hall; Cuthbert Calculus, the nearly deaf genius inventor; Thompson and Thomson, the bumbling identical-twin detectives; and opera diva Bianca Castafiore, aka the Milanese Nightingale, who is the sole female character to recur in Hergé's Tintin stories.
Tintin & Co.
The big cogwheel rotated exactly once every Roman mile, and at this point a small stone - a calculus - dropped into a box.
Other examples are negative numbers, complex numbers, trigonometry, raising to powers, logarithms, and the beginnings of calculus.
This made calculus a lot cleaner, and it makes the conceptualization of a circle as an infinite-sided polygon possible.
The package is designed to solve, through symbolic manipulation, problems in differential calculus.
By integrating the function using calculus we can compare the sum of the series with the integral of the function and draw conclusions from this.
The book contained the elements of geometry and algebra in addition to the calculus.
There is the absolutely barmy Professor Cuthbert Calculus, who designs the rocket to the moon.
The Stand and Deliver message, that the touch of a master could bring unmotivated students from arithmetic to calculus in a single year, was preached in schools throughout the nation.
I've sat in on these liver distribution meetings, and it's a grim calculus.
Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
Expectation is a calculus of futurity, an extrapolation of narrativised past events into the future.
Béziau 2004, it was observed that by putting together the sequent rules for classical conjunction and the rules for classical disjunction, the resulting sequent calculus will (unexpectedly) prove the distributivity between conjunction and disjunction.
Combining Logics
I also in this term wrote a MS. on the Calculus of Variations, and one on Wood's Algebra, 2nd and 4th parts.
Thousands of TV commercials go on their merry way, oblivious to dire circumstances outside the calculus of huckstering.
All this depended in turn on mathematical progress, notably calculus developed by Newton and Leibniz, which allowed for actuarial calculations.
In the pursuit of pseudo-scientific tractability, neoclassical economics neglects the dynamic aspects of the social realm and delivers a static utilitarian calculus.
However, in this case the trauma sustained to the lumbar region probably dislodged a calculus from the renal parenchyma into the left ureter.
He became a physics major but differential equations and calculus just didn't excite him.
Other subjects - like calculus or computing - can not be learned without some conscious effort.
Gilbert's medical treatment of vesical calculus consists generally in the administration of diuretics and lithontriptics and the local application of poultices, plasters and inunctions of various kinds.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
In all other patients, including those in whom a urinary calculus is not detected, intravenous contrast medium should be injected.
They fall squarely within the tradition of classical word problems and are designed for use in a traditional calculus course.
If plaque is not regularly removed the flora evolves, and plaque may calcify, forming calculus (tartar).
In particular, that potent instrument called the infinitesimal calculus, which Newton had invented for the investigation of nature, had become so far perfected that Laplace, when he attempted to unravel the movements of the heavenly bodies, found himself provided with a calculus far more efficient than that which had been available to Newton.
Great Astronomers
The former created in 1951 an infinitary sequent calculus to present consistency proofs in a perspicuous way, the latter instead used a more traditional Gentzen-style calculus.
He therefore invented another logical calculus that he called sequent calculus (Sequenzenkalkul, literally “calculus of sequences”) and made it the central topic of his thesis.
I'm sure they'll regret putting the world's drug industry out of business, but the political calculus is pretty clear.
Quack Remedy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Once calculus has formed you cannot remove this yourself and is essential that your dentist or hygienist carries out scaling for you on a regular basis.
Then, from the “supply” rather than “demand” side of the two-sided calculus prostitution necessarily entails, why do women and men (for here, though less frequently, both genders are often involved) go to work in this industry?
Good Review for Sex Work Books in Qualitative Sociology « Bound, Not Gagged
I'm doing my masters in Economics, the kind of maths tools used in the course are calculus (including integrals), Linear and Non-Linear Programming and Stats tools like Time Series, Regression, Probability etc.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There he taught courses on analytic functions and functional calculus.
Classes include calculus and engineering mathematics, chemistry and materials analysis, static and dynamic testing, computer programming, and other disciplines.
Mr. Marcus says they interview about 4,000 to 5,000 undergrads per semester, which doesn't leave a lot of time to ask detailed questions about how many calculus courses each one took.
Comprises topics in algebra, geometry, trigonometry and elementary calculus at higher level.
We have to interpret all the facts in terms of pain or pleasure, and we shall have the materials for what has since been called a 'felicific calculus.'
The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
Many who once visualized that they would be taking calculus shortly afterward instead make precalculus into their final mathematics course.
(2000, first ed. 1996) a single-succedent intuitionistic calculus with height-preserving admissibility of weakening and contraction.
To split up work into its components mirrored the intellectual tradition of calculus.
Isaac NEWTON: Laws of motion, Law of gravity, Calculus, Reflecting telescope.
Reading the whipping as a text, we see a stark contrast between the calculus that determined the use of the whip under slavery and the orgy of violence that Moore was alleged to have endured.
Each level of expression contributed to the next, and over the course of millennia we created mathematical theory, from basic arithmetic to algebra, from calculus to fractal geometry.
Gibbs and Heaviside had been early exponents of the vector calculus while its chief opponents had been Tait.
Choosing organ recipients amidst such shortages has been called ‘a grim calculus.’
Problems cover the spectrum from basic arithmetic to calculus.
She's learning calculus in math class.
Bravery, mischance, well-trained American units, poorly trained Iraqi units, superior coalition leadership, and superior technology are all part of the calculus that made up what appeared to the world as an easy 100-hour rout.
The calculus is rough and causes plaque to accumulate more rapidly increasing the problem.
Overall, the audiences seem to enjoy the combination of graphics, symbolics, and historical snippets, and their constructive feedback has given us future directions for online calculus seminars.
Wolfram Blog : College Calculus with Mathematica
Celestial mechanics is the origin of dynamical systems, linear algebra, topology, variational calculus and symplectic geometry.
These are equations involving the rate of change of quantities either in time, or in space, or in both, and are a part of calculus.
The book contained the elements of geometry and algebra in addition to the calculus.
Yet the development of the general theory of relativity introduced Einstein to the power of abstract mathematical formalisms, notably that of tensor calculus.
The Differential Calculus is begun and the remainder of the term spent on exercises in differentiation of functions.
The University of Virginia Record
It builds on the classical results in the calculus developed by Hilbert and his students.
Chronic periodontitis (inflammation of the gingiva and periodontal membrane) may be a sequel of chronic gingivitis, usually because of accumulation of plaque and calculus.
His work is almost exclusively on calculus, in particular differential equations and functions of a real variable.
The only place calculus is used is to compute the linearization of the map, and it involves only derivatives.
The hermeneutics used in the historicists' calculus of exploitation and oppression are less hermetic than those of new criticism and theory, but they are just as schematic.
The 'felicific calculus' is enough to show the inadequacy of his method.
The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
[α*] (A ’ [α] A)) from 1 using propositional calculus and distributivity of [α] over
Propositional Dynamic Logic
Red has four finals in four days: physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and calculus.
It's not your fault that calculus always coincides with unpacking the dishwasher.
Times, Sunday Times
Any book on calculus will contain many similar examples and exercises for you to practice.
Many engineers of his age felt similar, a computer could be used to do calculus and arithmetic, but not do then daunting tasks such as communications and process control.
For insight into the first question, I am fortunate in having a tenth-grader at hand, namely, my daughter, who is studying precalculus as I write this review.
The calculus of long-term committment is just different when your country guarantees the basic necessities of an advanced civilization.
Which Sex Is More Self-Absorbed?
I had just shoved my Precalculus book into my backpack when I felt a sharp poke in my back.
This, like calculus or reading Milton, is something the undergraduates have studied and learned to do from their elders and betters.
Mathematics and Imagination by Kasner and Newman, and went of to work through a calculus text, until I got stuck in a chapter on involutes and evolutes.
Kenneth G. Wilson - Autobiography
Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
The Principal Principle underpins an argument (Lewis 1980) that whatever they are, propensities must obey the usual probability calculus (with finite additivity).
Interpretations of Probability
All of the regional actors now alter their calculus a bit, but none more obviously and skittishly than Karzai because he is really the one whose neck is in the noose.
US Withdrawal from Iraq Looms Over Afghan War
Bentham's ambition of a felicific calculus - a scientific way of measuring what matters in decisions - was inherited by economics.
The brachistochrone problem was one of the earliest problems posed in the calculus of variations.
Though by modern standards there is little explicit bloodiness, the stretching of time through editing, and the sheer, ugly physicality of the fighting itself, leaves us with a commanding sense of the inescapable calculus of violence.
In what follows, we shall alter Frege's notation just a bit, to reflect the fact that we are using a more traditional predicate calculus, rather than a term logic such as Frege's.
Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic
This is, I think, the moral calculus at the heart of the argument, a calculus that folks on that side of the cultural divide very much want to preserve.
Here Leibniz 'ideal of a calculus of reasoning (calculus ratiocinator) comes to the fore again.
I taught myself multivariable calculus, and when the carburetor on my Mustang died, I fixed it myself.
Over the Moon
Beyond some point, the disutility of additional work surely offsets the value, both internal and external, of this work, even in the idealized felicific calculus.
There is also a whole field of mathematics called ‘complex analysis’ which studies functions and calculus on the complex plane rather than real numbers.
Numbers are better manipulated as calculus stones or abacus beads than in human memory.
Indians also added to our knowledge of even more complicated branches of mathematics such as trigonometry and calculus.
In mathematical logic in the study is the main target of all kinds of calculus.
The STEM topics cover math through a solid precalculus course including basic vector algebra, trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and advanced understanding of polynomials.
The Common Core and the Tech Industry « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
I still must assert that this discovery appears to me to be as important for the middle of the nineteenth century as the discovery of fluxions [the calculus] was for the close of the seventeenth.
Later on, in 1858, Bellavitis included the system of quaternions into his geometric calculus.
I went from getting As in calculus to getting B minuses and Cs. I just couldn't concentrate.
Kateelliott: Social Anxiety
The Evangelical calculus attempts to console and convert grieving relatives and witnesses by redefining such loss as a means to the measureless prize of eternal life.
Fast forward 1 bachelors degree, years working as a modeller, and just having finished my PhD (where I was forced to play catch up and teach myself basic calculus, because shock horror - I needed it!), I have struggled unnecessarily because of my very dumb decision to drop maths prematurely.
Why Girls Don't Like Math
If the court case concerns stochastic resonance, then acceptable jurors know calculus, statistics, and dynamical systems.
The Scientist
Methods: To fetch calculus of hepatic duct by fibercholeochoscope via T - type tubular sinus.
The Class of 2000 hits the books: calculus, chemistry, leadership courses.
Protothetic is an absolute propositional calculus in the sense that the principle of bivalence is its theorem.
Lvov-Warsaw School
Digesting its contents, particularly in the given form (in fluxion instead of normal calculus) could have taken months, if not years.
Kant's Philosophical Development
It would take a team of NASA scientists to calculate when a no-knock entry or a brief wait would be appropriate using this calculus.
There he gave courses on astronomy, celestial mechanics, the differential and integral calculus, the theory of probability, geometry and trigonometry.
Treated as an instance of the Utilitarian calculus, the whole increasingly complicated operation would no doubt be quite unreal.
Pi-calculus and related formalisms are complex, but business people couldn't care less about formalisms.
He also wrote on applications of the symbolic calculus to mathematical physics.
For more information on calculus textbooks written in the nineteenth century, see the authoritative article by George Rosenstein.
By examining the limits of sums, products and quotients of variable quantities, Mengoli was setting up the basic rules if the calculus thirty years before Newton and Leibniz.
He was interrupted by the eccentric Calculus teacher breezing through the door.
As a Mathematica kernel developer for calculus functions, I have collected many fascinating examples that illustrate the world-class functionality for computing integrals, solving differential equations, and other operations available in Mathematica.
Wolfram Blog : College Calculus with Mathematica
But if you are out of work, this calculus changes.
Times, Sunday Times
But the most depressing reality in this morbid calculus is the unequal value of lives.
In this case, a large " staghorn " calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.
But Dr. Jonas enthralled me with a protractor and precalculus.
Chocolate & Vicodin
The Governor's political calculus is clear: It is better to leave public services in tatters than impose higher taxes on corporations reaping record profits in the midst of the Great Recession.
Elissa D. Barrett: To the Righteous, Wealth Is a Greater Test Than Poverty
He worked on the four colour problem and also published books on calculus, differential equations, complex variable and Fourier series.
Of course they study too, but "the studious beaver is also the social beaver" 1, and one young woman turns out to be doodling an evening gown instead of boning up on multivariable calculus.
Social Beavers and Normal Women
In the cold calculus of survival, Joey stood there working out the SWOT analysis in his head, assigning numerical values to various factors, working out a set of equations modelling crowd dynamics, reach of sword-of-fire chargrill flame blasts, all sorts of data relevant to an accurate assessment of whether he should throw himself into battle or run like fuck.
Archive 2009-08-01
While Gilbert is very scrupulous in his examination of the gross appearances of the urine in most diseases, his discussion of the diseases of the kidneys and bladder includes only pain in the kidneys, abscess of the kidneys, renal and vesical calculus, hematuria, incontinence of urine, dysuria and strangury.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
Continuity is the mathematics of calculus and physics but there's never been a theory of computation that deals with this continuum.
Most of all biology must produce a post-reductionist theory that takes into account the conscious meaning of ethical issues, something more than a behaviorist calculus of causal mechanics substituting for the emergent self-consciousness of ethical / ethicizing 'man'.
High school graduation Should i double up ap stat with ap calculus in my senior year at high school~
Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
Monk (1964) proved that, unlike the calculus of classes, there is no finite equational basis for the calculus of binary relations.
The Algebra of Logic Tradition
From this perspective, Russell's argument might seem akin to the ˜argument™ that calculus has eliminated the variable, because the word does not appear in the equations!
The Metaphysics of Causation
The mathematical theory of diffraction is relatively complicated, and requires a significant amount of vector calculus, so we won’t go into too much detail here.
Optics basics: What is a wave? Part III: Diffraction « Skulls in the Stars
For the GOPer base, the calculus is the following:
Toomey rakes in $1.6 million for Senate bid
The Nagel-Schaffner approach to theory reduction assumes a syntactic account of theory structure such that they are axiomatized systems formalizable in first order predicate calculus.
Reductionism in Biology
She's learning calculus in math class.
But Mr Abhisit knows that in the calculus of Thailand's political demonstrations, his government would be likely to take the rap for a bloody confrontation, were anyone to overreact.
At the University of Berlin Joachimsthal taught courses on analytic geometry and calculus, giving more advanced courses on the theory of surfaces, the calculus of variations, statics and analytic mechanics.
Scotland has changed the calculus.
Times, Sunday Times
This discussion is kept concise by the use of an elegant calculus of closure operations on group properties.
Patients suffering from vesical calculus are always constipated, and the dysuria may increase to the degree called furia,
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
Integral calculus, in the first term of 1987, flummoxed me and I squeaked by with 52%.
I think that there is work in mereology (the study if identity and the relationship between parts and wholes) that deals with the ‘calculus of individuals’ n terms of things called ‘fusions.’
We are bound to apply our 'felicific calculus' with absolute impartiality.
The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
If the infection takes place in Peyer's patches, typhoid fever is the consequence; if the local trouble is of the cecum, typhlitis will result, and if the local devitalization is in the appendix, brought on from the irritating effects of a fecal calculus, appendicitis will result.
He had lined up a dream camp counselor job last June, but honors pre-calculus homework turned his summer into a headache.
Another thing about calculus is that I didn't actually retain a lot of the information.
Steven Levitt, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Each such language, he holds, includes analytic rules which provide a calculus for reasoning and a conceptual framework for describing its subject-matter.
The Dutch clockmaker's discovery was all the more striking because he arrived at his results before the advent of the calculus of Newton and Leibniz.
Bellavitis then defines the ‘equipollent sum of line segments’ and obtains an ‘equipollent calculus’ which is essentially a vector space.
Since his work made its appearance just before the dawn of calculus, infinitesimals will be used in the sequel.
Newton's mathematisation of the world, which he moved forward massively with his development and use of the calculus, was something that was first developed by Descartes .
Has Spirituality changed since Newton?
Red has four finals in four days: physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and calculus.
When I started teaching again I made quite a fuss doing my calculus courses constructively, making a point of presenting my epsilon-delta's as explicit, calculable, functions.
He had lined up a dream camp counselor job last June, but honors pre-calculus homework turned his summer into a headache.
The stakes were high: calculus changed mathematics in a fundamental way, and its inventor would forever be remembered for this feat.
This kind of assertion seems previou assert order to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
Be it women, money, power or fame, the calculus is the same. drkrick says:
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The reason is that food will become debris calculus eventually become the possibility of periodontal disease.
If you are up to it, you can derive the proper equation yourself by solving the calculus differential equation for a curve with a constant angle between the radial and tangent vectors (HUH?).
In 1665, he developed the principles of his theory of gravitation, worked out fluxional calculus, devised instruments for grinding lenses to aspherical shapes, decomposed solar light into its component colors.
Hermann Grassmann is chiefly remembered for his development of a general calculus for vectors.
For even among those who rejected the behavioristic assumptions that animated Quine's conception of language, it was often held that logical forms are expressions of first-order predicate calculus.
Logical Form
Shtokalo worked mainly in the areas of differential equations, operational calculus and the history of mathematics.
When you include the domestic political calculus, choice #2 may unfortunately be the minimax decision in this situation.
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Despite only having three axiom schemata and a single inference rule, it is possible to prove any tautology in the simple Propositional Calculus, PC.
Objective To compare the effects of kidney calcium oxalate calculus resistant acidophilus milk (KCOCRAM) versus commercially available acidophilus milk (CAAM) on urinary oxalate excretion in rats.
ElBruce-one does NOT need calculus to determine that ~$500B of SP is still unspent.
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Similarly, one can prove the consistency of predicate logic (or the pure epsilon calculus), by specializing to interpretations where the universe of discourse has a single element.
Take all those high scorers in the felicific calculus, raise the stakes and challenge Cameron to tell us how he will offer all this extra happiness on his ‘dramatically different’ tax and spend.
A princess never troubles her brain with something as complex as multivariable calculus, or soils her hands with auto repair works.
Over the Moon
Girls cut calculus to get their eyelashes done, and boys distributed roofies during softball practice.
This, like calculus or reading Milton, is something the undergraduates have studied and learned to do from their elders and betters.
Even since 1776 when Scheele found uric acid in urinary calculus, several substances closely related to it such as xanthine, adenine and guanine, etc. have been detected in animal secretions.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902 - Presentation Speech
For the GOPer base, the calculus is the following: Tax money spent on infrastructure, running the gov't and and foreign and domestic programs?
Toomey rakes in $1.6 million for Senate bid
He demanded a retraction saying that he had never heard of the calculus of fluxions until he had read the works of Wallis.
And of course there was Bentham with his felicific calculus of pleasure and pain, to say nothing of Jefferson and Franklin.
The very fact that calculus is so effective, and the wealth of functions to which calculus may be applied, sometimes lulls the careless into thinking that all functions appear to become straight under magnification.
I'm not counting Hispanics in this calculus, because a) Obama hasn't exactly mamboed away with the Latino vote, and b) I can research every last niggling bicameral demographic, or I can watch Hell's Kitchen: I can't do both.
David Matthews: Obama is full of it. Hope, I mean.
The ascendancy of the notion of proof as the sole goal of mathematics came about in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when attempts to understand the infinitesimal calculus led to a realization that the intuitive concepts of such basic concepts as function, continuity, and differentiability were highly problematic, in some cases leading to seeming contradictions.
MAA Column - Devlin's Angle by Keith Devlin
At the beginning of the school year she'd signed up to help tutor precalculus students.
I imagine the foreseeability of a hurricane striking that particular location would probably enter into the “idiot or innocent?” calculus, somewhere.
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We must make the course accessible to students whose common background includes only the freshman and sophomore courses in calculus and differential equations.
What's puzzling is how the GOP failed to recognize and appropriately adjust to the stagnant fallaciousness of the Limbaugh-Republicanist political calculus when, prior to its colossal Palin error, Rush, for all his supposed influence on the body politic, had failed in his campaign to prevent McCain from capturing the nomination in the first place.
After Arbogast died in 1803, Français inherited his mathematical papers and continued to work on the calculus of derivations.
The political calculus is that Palin is hilariously unelectable, especially given the outstanding contrast between the president's seriousness and legislative accomplishments and Palin's awkwardly-cadenced screeching, her dissonant incomprehensible populist word salads and unserious, airheaded public flailings.
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Each level of expression contributed to the next, and over the course of millennia we created mathematical theory, from basic arithmetic to algebra, from calculus to fractal geometry.
Classes include calculus and engineering mathematics, chemistry and materials analysis, static and dynamic testing, computer programming, and other disciplines.
In the final calculus of course, these are issues that are best settled empirically.
Newton made numerous contributions to the sciences, including important studies in optics, gravitation, and the development of calculus.
The pre-history of Einstein’s relativity « Skulls in the Stars
Thompson's compact book also stands as a rebuke to the hefty, overstuffed volumes lugged around by today's college calculus students.
Above all else, the mammoth South Asian fan base needs to start seeing cricket as a pursuit of shared enjoyment, not as a calculus of honour and shame.
Also in 1786 he again worked on his ideas for the differential and integral calculus, giving a new treatment of infinitesimals.
The oral hygiene index was calculated as the sum of the debris and calculus indices.
He integrated Leibniz's differential calculus and Newton's method of fluxions into mathematical analysis.
The system allows students in some math courses, such as precalculus, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, finite math, and math for elementary teachers, to access the lab from the comfort of home.
The Times-Journal: News
But here is an elementary (no calculus) derivation that pulls together several useful but mostly disregarded in the pre-college mathematics ideas.
Methods 103 cases with calculus in pelvic ureter were examined by conventional fundamental imaging ( FI ) and - HI.
Application of Integral Calculus: (a) To Geometry, rectification of curves, quadrature of surfaces, plane and curved, cubature of volumes; (b) To Mechanics, centre of gravity of bodies, attractions, etc.
A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
Newton's work in calculus was all to work out the dynamics of motion, so there was really no difference.
The calculus may be extracted through the fistula site and if needed, sialodochotomy could help in delivering the calculus to the oral cavity.
It's not your fault that calculus always coincides with unpacking the dishwasher.
Times, Sunday Times
_Calculus_ and _tussis_ (l. 88) are diseases, the stone and bronchitis, that attacked him.
Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
During that year Moore also set about reading calculus because he enjoyed mathematics and wanted to extend his studies.
Its used in all sorts of things in calculus where recursion is necessary, like differential equations.
_Preputial calculus (calculus in the sheath, or bilocular cavity).
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The fundamental theorem of calculus becomes almost obvious once the nonstandard terminology is invoked and interpreted in its full literality.