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  1. acting with a specific goal
    the most calculating and selfish men in the community

How To Use calculative In A Sentence

  • By the 3rd millennium B.C., they had developed a primitive form of cost accounting, elaborate techniques of budgeting and planning, and calculative techniques for devising labor standards.
  • The accounting practices examined in this paper do not reveal some crude, and by modern standards ‘simplistic’, calculative technology.
  • He's calculative, you gotta do something he wouldn't expect.
  • Carry the count of industrial data, obtain parameter of calculative of benefit of concerned water supply.
  • There was something about how his smile was genuine, not cool and calculative weighing her in the balance as other guys usually did, wry smiles casting their face downward.
  • He is very intelligent and calculative but purely sadistic, often the ‘man with all the ideas’ and entirely inconsiderate for the souls around him.
  • It is sometimes referred to as calculative rationality or intentional rationality (March 1978, p. 589 or procedural rationality (Simon 1976, p. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • Needless to say, sometimes I get disappointed with friends who do not realize or are not calculative enough to see my ‘generosity’.
  • Since this is the chief finding of the humanities in the 20th century, I would bet that in the 21st century it will start revising our calculative, allocative, easily-socialist view of the economy.
  • There is no doubt that computers ‘play’ a very different kind of chess to humans which generally speaking is highly calculative, rather materialistic and unbelievably tenacious.
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