
How To Use Calculation In A Sentence

  • It is very hard to match digital computing, which is designed for precise, accurate calculations, to this domain.
  • The output power and optical efficiency of different resonator parameters and pump power have been analyzed with numerical calculation.
  • The string of binary digits that the machine has now produced at the left is the answer to the calculation.
  • These new measurements mean that I'll have to redo the calculations.
  • Once all the necessary calculations have been made the experiment can proceed.
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  • The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
  • The giving of money is, of course, only one kind of benefaction, and not the highest kind, which is the giving of self; but the good which these gifts have rendered possible is beyond calculation. American Men of Mind
  • Exact calculations of this effect are extremely difficult, and can only really be done by computer modelling.
  • A recalculation of the rate of retreat back then has allowed scientists to predict today's rates. The Sun
  • The doctor, according to very accurate calculations, found that, including the articles indispensable to his journey and his apparatus, he should have to carry a weight of 4,000 pounds; therefore he had to find out what would be the ascensional force of Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • The calculation of Eq. 32 assumes that there is no correlation between the dwells at very long dwell times.
  • When you do the calculations on the amount deposited its not a good return.
  • They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.
  • His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
  • Calculations of evaporative flux density and conductances were the same as those under quasi-steady-state conditions.
  • _philosopheress_ Madame du Châtelet, who managed, at one and the same moment, the thread of an intrigue, her cards at piquet, and a calculation in algebra, was a very clever woman! Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • In this paper, a theoretical Calculation method of radiation Cooling adapted to computer calculation is introduced.
  • In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation. Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
  • The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. The ObamaCare Writedowns
  • The recent calculations reviewed in the article go beyond the valence approximation and attempt to improve the approach to continuum by a logarithmic factor relative to previous simulations.
  • Performance is somewhat slow, but this is not unusual for filters doing complex calculations.
  • Based on data submitted so far, Mr. Dongarra said, the Sunway machine has "credible" sustained performance of about 795 teraflops--or trillion floating-point operations per second, a measure of scientific calculations based on standard tests. China Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips
  • The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation.
  • According to one homemade combinable multi-axle trailer's steering system, the calculation in the paper proves this design method is reasonable and practicable.
  • The calculation would be based on age, sex, weight, and standard laboratory tests that all such hospitals would routinely perform.
  • An approximate expression for calculation the conversion at reactor outlet X_A is also derived.
  • If that is her calculation, it is a shabby one. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fifth step is to calculate the distribution ratio of the activity driver and distribute the activity cost to different objects of cost calculation.
  • Peter was well ahead of them, walking alone, his head down, his calculations and reactions, as always, unknowable. BARN BLIND
  • Part of the calculation is that a broader resolution might help to persuade Russia and China to abstain rather than use their veto in a vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • How the return of a Labour government would affect the political calculations in Northern Ireland is difficult to foresee.
  • A rough calculation can, however, be made based on the rate of fluid absorption observed in the control rats.
  • In the course of numerical calculation, we have sufficiently considered the restrictions from and lepton flavor violation decay experiment and all kinds of neutrino experimental data.
  • So he's going to have to do some research to determine the figures before he can do his calculations.
  • A cut-off was used for van der Waals interactions and PME summation was used for calculation of the electrostatic interactions.
  • The calculations were then averaged from questionnaires sent to each woman every two years.
  • All she would need to do would be to ask the subject to perform some very complicated arithmetical calculation.
  • Their scalar product formula is used for the calculation of trajectory deviation.
  • We begin by modifying the photo to create an image which is amenable to analysis: calculations of box dimension require a completely black and white image - no greyscale is allowed.
  • Large Hadron collider is 27 Km in circumference and will accelerates protons to 99. 99999% the speed of light (I might not have gotten the right number of 9s, sorry if this spoils your calculations if you are trying this at home). Boing Boing
  • It takes a lot of calculating to sing a role as challenging as Butterfly, but in Naglestad's case the calculation was sometimes visible enough to dull the dramatic edge: a pause before a high note, a slightly too-deliberate leap into fortissimo in "Un bel di. Anne Midgette reviews Washington National Opera's 'Madama Butterfly'
  • In this case, the total acreage is 156 or 150, depending again on your preference in acreage calculation. Living in Dryden: Hamlet density
  • As a result, accordingthe Gregorian calendar calculations the Islamic festival is no fixed period of time.
  • Present-value calculations provide a simple means of quantifying this time value of money by using the reciprocal of the compound interest formula.
  • By means of adjusting the distance from homogenizer to receive screen, the optimal position of uniform section is determined which agreed with the theoretical calculation.
  • But according to the insta-polls, the electorate, as opposed to what I once called the expectorate, seems to have concluded fairly clearly that Biden "won," possibly because what the electorate was expecting was a debate between two candidates for Vice-President, not the raw materials for some arcane calculation of who exceeded whose expectations. The Richmond Democrat
  • This is a very significant advantage as discussions about different weightings are not held up while new calculations are made.
  • On the basis of author's theories and calculation method, we made a evaluation program of determining thicknesses of thin films on substrates.
  • It could be argued that Blast was a miscalculation all round, even for Wyndham Lewis.
  • The fact that rigidity in the monetary unit's purchasing power is unthinkable and unrealizable does not impair the methods of economic calculation.
  • All these calculations are based on the statistics you have provided.
  • Consequently, a search engine receives many mentions, all included in the comparison calculation.
  • On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
  • These calculations suggest that over 1.53 million ton miles of freight haulage took place on the Chester sub-region's roads in 1827-28.
  • His decision not to hold a poll is a "nakedly cynical" calculation that he can "bulldoze" the treaty into law. Archive 2007-09-01
  • This seems awfully similar, to a noneconomist such as me, to the pretense of knowledge that Austrians have so well criticized, starting with the socialist calculation debate. Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
  • One problem is that the calculation gives perverse results when companies have destroyed shareholder value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chinese Calendar is a lunisolar calendar based on calculations of the positions of the Sun and Moon.
  • the error in the calculation was attributable to rounding
  • The article introduces structure and design of parallel machine tool track , and calculation of ballscrew.
  • Amendment 2 - Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 2 - 1: Thermal resistance - Calculation of thermal resistance.
  • That is the road to dangerous miscalculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The practice shows that NC automat ic programming can not only reduce the calculation time, but also completely avo id the mistake of manual programming so that ...
  • The Reds dropped a few small bombs, killed far fewer people than calculation suggests and ignored militarily-attractive targets.
  • Reporters have no of knowing based on the calculation of reserves.
  • Therefore you must include in your calculations both dividends and capital appreciation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • They factored inflation into their calculations.
  • (The observed precession is really 5270 ''/century, but a painstaking calculation to subtract the disturbances from all the other planets gives the value of 43 ''.) Forces
  • When people practise a task such as mental arithmetic it becomes automatic and unconscious, freeing up space in the working memory for more complex calculations. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the result of the calculation is correct, the information transferred is correct.
  • It was not calculation but humility - together with his understanding that it is preferable not to rust unburnished but to shine in use - that gave him another lease on life.
  • Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
  • He then powered round the course to catch up only to repeat the mis-calculation at the finish.
  • Yeah OK Problem 6 is one of these like vector calculations R It says we have a position vector R And it asks you how do we find the derivative of R dot R?
  • Cherry leaned over to peak at the calculations he had scrawled on a computer notepad, which made absolutely no sense to her at all.
  • They had six minutes to make their calculations. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
  • A few quick mathematical calculations will show that there's heaps, piles, zillions more places where conditions like this exist in Space than on a planet's surface.
  • Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation.
  • If there's an error in the calculations, you know who'll swing for it!
  • In the meantime, the calculation of weights of judgement matrices in numerical information are also given.
  • How to succeed and make the most of prosperity might be called the pervading theme of the essays, and subjects which in themselves suggest spiritual treatment are actually considered in accordance with a coldly intellectual calculation of worldly advantage. A History of English Literature
  • This would facilitate the calculation of peristaltic velocity and the speed of contractility of gut smooth muscle with high temporal resolution.
  • The discounting calculation is the reverse of the compound interest calculation.
  • The software allows you to define the network structure and performs the calculations and updates.
  • For the sake of computational intensity, the normal mode methods meet difficulties in the calculation of transmission loss fields at high frequencies.
  • So, once you have its size and shape you can begin to make some calculations. Planning the Organic Vegetable Garden
  • In fact, MIF demonstrates by correcting the calculation that pasteurized milk should rank extremely low in relative risk, even given how much milk is consumed in the United States.
  • The problem with all these calculations is they assume a homogenous chemical mantle.
  • Part of the calculation is that a broader resolution might help to persuade Russia and China to abstain rather than use their veto in a vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an Arab American, I can empathize with Shirley Sherrod, In the midst of this crisis, I wrote a number of short pieces on a few websites charging that she had been "lynched" and was a victim of a hysterical mob spurred on by lies and cowards in authority who, out of fear or political calculation, had sacrificed her to a mob refusing her right to a fair hearing. James Zogby: I Understand Shirley Sherrod
  • If your calculations are correct, then we will make a large profit.
  • All this depended in turn on mathematical progress, notably calculus developed by Newton and Leibniz, which allowed for actuarial calculations.
  • Quantifying the compensatory award Unfortunately, but perhaps inevitably, the calculation of the compensatory award is highly speculative.
  • The cartographer at his table beneath a shaded acetylene light drew maps and sketched, the magnetician was busy on calculations close by. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • The principle is independent of inrush and iron loss and has less calculation burden.
  • If we take into calculation the imponderabilia, whose weight can only be guessed at, the scale is inclined slightly in favour of the Triple Germany and the Next War
  • According to the Federal Trade Commission's latest calculations, complaints about unordered merchandise and services skyrocketed 169% from 1998 to 2000.
  • To avoid the effect of unidirectional layered compression summation method without considering side swell, the approximate calculation formula for estimating sluice(dam) foundation sinking is derived.
  • His calm demeanor is belied by an intense stare he uses as a laser guide for Morris to slide the stone down a path of strategic calculation. Martin is straw that stirs unbeaten Canadian curling team
  • Each size bin of each liquid, ice, and graupel hydrometeor distributions contains a core of black carbon, if present, for optical calculations. Climate Models – the Next Generation « Climate Audit
  • Yeah OK Problem 6 is one of these like vector calculations R It says we have a position vector R And it asks you how do we find the derivative of R dot R?
  • The results based on deal of calculation with computers are used to analyse block coefficient of containership.
  • By utilizing the determinant calculation rules, the asymptotic behaviors of the dispersion curves at the short wavelength region were studied.
  • That the film opens the same week as "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" could only have been a marketing calculation, "Larry" being intended as the perfect counterprogramming to Hollywood's most callous exercise in soulless commerce. 'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
  • Puts the complete process and a way of statistical calculation of thermal conductivity, moreover points out the applicability of statistical theory in transit process and statistical mechanism.
  • Minaya argued that the 16th day, cabán, gave rise to the word cabañuelas, presumably because it had some additional significance, perhaps in terms of some other calendric calculation, or time-marker. Did You Know? January's weather in Mexico forecasts the rest of the year
  • These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculation concerned with space travel.
  • Then the bunniah began running his thumb quickly up and down the fingers of his right hand, and his lips moved in quick calculation. The Olive Fairy Book
  • I think the calculation is, he's not a "unifier" if he doesn't consider it and to plant the two-fer image. Rendell: An Obama-Hillary Ticket Would Be Great, Too
  • The firms can logout the shares or hold them as the treasury stock after repurchase. But these shares can't participate in calculation return per share and distribution proceeds.
  • These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculation concerned with space travel.
  • After much calculation they decided to give him the position of manager.
  • Nov. 9, 1957: Columbia grad student Gordon Gould writes in his notebook calculations for what he calls a laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Don't Point That Thing
  • Secondly, the kinematics calculation algorithm is designed by matrix calculation module.
  • In particular, it's interesting to see the emphasis on the electrification of speech and "braining" in Chinese, versus that of distance in "telephone" (which is itself related to telegraphy, technically, syntactically, and semantically) and numeric calculation (and practitioners thereof) for "computer". Word meaning as a window into thought
  • Similarly it may be said — not as an ingenious speculation, but as a stedfast and absolute fact — that human calculation cannot limit the influence of one atom of wholesome knowledge patiently acquired, modestly possessed, and faithfully used. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • The software then does the calculations, using built-in data on the energy cost of traversing different kinds of terrain.
  • The summary that Macleod was now rummaging through detailed Stone's calculations. CORMORANT
  • I sense that he senses the "necessariness" of his being elected and that there is a certain amount of calculation involved in his moderate posing on big progressive issues. In An Interview With TPM, Krugman Ramps Up Case Against Obama
  • The film takes an unapologetic approach to revenge: Richard tortures each of his victims before killing them, making one dance like a puppet before dispatching him with cold calculation.
  • This is based on calculations performed by chemical engineers and also on experimental trials carried out in a laboratory or pilot plant.
  • Computers can make short work of complex calculations.
  • The software allows you to define the network structure and performs the calculations and updates.
  • At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider.
  • She made a rough estimate/calculation of the likely cost.
  • The actuarial report does not take into account any general or specific contingencies, nor does it provide for a calculation of the loss of employment or pension benefits.
  • In addition to afforested land, the area of bush forest, the area of woodland inside farmland, and the area of trees planted adjacent to farmhouses and along roads, rivers, and fields should also be included in the area of afforested land in the calculation of the forest coverage rate. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • It deals with the operation, calculation principle and steps in the application of transit polar setting-out in highway constructions.
  • In this paper, by using finite element method, the stress calculation and strength analysis for the location of the rectangle opening in the dye jigger were carried out.
  • Catenary assembled single rib arch that carries vertical loadings and was analyzed in this paper, calculation formula of critical loading of lateral stability flexuosity by the energy principle.
  • On this bill, the governor's was the kind of calculation that makes him so distinctly loathsome a character.
  • It called the threat a "bad miscalculation", and appeared to goad Anonymous to action, with the phrase "bring it! BBC News - Home
  • Solve the calculation in the coordinate axis with the property of the figures.
  • In this paper, a theoretical Calculation method of radiation Cooling adapted to computer calculation is introduced.
  • The numbers I used to do this calculation can all be found in Wikipedia, or even in a good paperbound World Almanac. A nice takedown
  • The calculations were done with the help of soldiers who were given a gold ducat for every mistake they found.
  • Researchers have tossed around theoretical calculations of using just aluminum and water for rocket propellant in the past.
  • This strongly suggests that such rights are regarded as prima facie appurtenant to the residential unit, but to be excluded for the purposes of calculation.
  • InBev prefers a calculation that doesn't include Anheuser's 50% stake in Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo SA or its 27% stake in Chinese brewer Tsingtao. Anheuser to Slash 1,000 Jobs, Raise Prices
  • He diverted himself momentarily with the calculation of the total impedance of a certain circuit. THE INNOCENT
  • We can exclude the possibility of total loss from our calculations.
  • Cost calculation is an important component of financial evaluation during the workout of the feasible study report of a project.
  • GLEAMS model was introduced to calculation of nitrate leaching in an agricultural catchment in Southeast China.
  • The Scctorial geometrical properties and the stress calculation formula of the thin box beam with different thicknesses are given in this paper.
  • The second one, it defines some methods of calculation for some key variables and establishes the calculation model of the adaptive value.
  • IASB proposal would leave core financials in banks 'annual reports "unpolluted" by regulatory calculations The most recent articles from Accountancy Age
  • Calculation results show that by the heat pump technology, the freezing heat can be used economically and practicably , and therefore be taken as a low temperature heating source for buildings.
  • After years of calculations and plans, a British company is beginning to translate its ideas for a 250 mph hovertrain into concrete and metal.
  • The calculation of the tunneling probability can be carried out by considering a doubly stochastic process.
  • The recalculation of tax liabilities can be quite substantial - and run into tens of thousands of pounds.
  • The thermal deformation calculation on base definition of expansion coefficient is analyzed.
  • Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
  • Our calculations of the cost of our trip were thrown out by changes in the exchange rate.
  • The calculation of the conductivity and the degree of starch gelatinization is outlined hereinafter.
  • Variation rule of Slag amount during scheelite direct alloying is worked out by theoretical calculation.
  • It tends to be taken for granted," Schipke says, "That the Mandelbrot is too calculation-intensive to be done without computers. Archive 1999-04-01
  • Quantifying the compensatory award Unfortunately, but perhaps inevitably, the calculation of the compensatory award is highly speculative.
  • The results of calculation show that the bonds between lanthanum and coordination atoms have certain extent covalency.
  • A student over sixteen reckons as two under eleven in the calculation of school building costs.
  • Empirical research and computational models in mental arithmetic established that, during mental calculation, features of problems affect children's strategy choices.
  • Throughout, these figures mirror humanity in all its pomposity and haplessness, calculation and honesty, devotion and infidelity, profanity and piety.
  • Neither the safety regulations nor risk factor calculations had envisaged the possibility of this type of accident.
  • _limax maximus_ or garden slug, known to science -- to omit from their calculations the fact that they are likely every day to receive a large number of visitors, whom they will be obliged to keep waiting; and that these people will require somewhere to wait. Jill the Reckless
  • The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation.
  • It has underlined that Third World nationalism may frustrate zero-sum calculations by the superpowers.
  • Seemingly minor calculations multiplied into huge amounts.
  • Our guess was confirmed by calculation.
  • The calculation from the Valdez base should, however, be taken into consideration in making this barometric determination, and the mean of the two results, twenty thousand six hundred and ninety-six feet, or, roundly, _twenty thousand seven hundred feet_, is offered as the contribution of this expedition toward determining the true altitude of the mountain. The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley) A Narrative of the First Complete Ascent of the Highest Peak in North America
  • Your calculation is way off beam.
  • GLEAMS model was introduced to calculation of nitrate leaching in an agricultural catchment in Southeast China.
  • In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
  • By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations, and solve problems of musical harmony.
  • In fact, Haldane gives two examples where the evolutionary rates accord with his calculations average rate of speciation in the carnivora, and mammalia on page 522, his conclusion: “the agreement with the theory developed here is satisfactory”. Haldane's non-dilemma - The Panda's Thumb
  • The basic assumptions to calculation the process capability index are steady process and normal distribution data.
  • Calculations are based on a projection of existing trends.
  • The machine will read out the result of the calculation.
  • Most modern calculations rely on the fact that we believe the inner core to be made up of iron and nickel that is just about at melting point.
  • This difficulty in performing the required calculations probably explains their underuse in general practice.
  • The switchgear is preferably to be erected on a foundation frame set into the switch room floor. The guideline structural data listed below facilitate a rough calculation of the space required.
  • He said it was possible these children would never be good at calculation.
  • If there's an error in the calculations, you know who'll swing for it!
  • The calculation methods for the burst pressure of gas bottle, thicknesses of the steel cylinder and the fiber reinforced composite cylinder are given.
  • Driving the route at a steady speed and recording the time on a digital stopwatch (as most digital wristwatches have) leaves a simple calculation to get the speed.
  • He drew pictures instead of making calculations, and somehow got the right answers.
  • The machine will read out the result of the calculation.
  • Most mechanics from those times tended to be simple aids for applied mathematical calculations.
  • Its calculations are based on those areas that need the least increase in space to make a profit if the new property is sold. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authors justify the calculation of dilution of the respiratory droplets found in condensate on the assumption that respiratory secretions have the same osmolarity as plasma.
  • Solely supported by his unimpugnable calculations, Little Dorrit
  • This quantum calculation evaluates certain mathematical functions in one operation, although a conventional computer would require two.
  • The results consist with the theoretical calculation using the Fresnel - Kirchhoff's formula in considering incident Gaussian beam.
  • Ultimately, a Classic Center workshop restoration might not always appear on paper to be a sound value proposition, but as any vintage-car tinkerer knows, return-on-investment is a relative calculation in the semisacred realm of the garage. Wheels
  • Determination of blasting scheme, selection of blasting parameters, calculation of charge weight, priming network, safety precautions and others were presented in this paper.
  • Politicians often claim that human life is beyond economic calculation and must be given absolute priority whatever the cost.
  • Calculation How is food to be rationed - on the journey; expedition; during the siege?
  • But after each discussion and transference and cameras parameters change one has to do recalculation, calculate and compare several variants of cameras placement.
  • During the merger and leveraged-buyout overenthusiasm of the 1980s and early 1990s, many of our competitors agreed to do deals that my risk calculations told me to steer clear of. The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns
  • Even when such a calculation is not followed through, the insight obtained from the Fourier series concept is often helpful.
  • The mere possibility of unlimited and riskless profits suggests that there is an error in the calculation.

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