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How To Use Calculating In A Sentence

  • Taking into account the circulating B cells and calculating the quantity of antibody per immunologically-distinct epitope, the conclusion was that an infant could mount a response to the antigens present in “10 000 vaccines”. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It ought to be pointed out that calculating passenger kilometres is an inexact science.
  • However, the main problem with cap-and-trade schemes is that there no standard for calculating emissions. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is hard to imagine him miscalculating that it could be done in the teeth of active opposition from the other political parties, the electorate, and a somewhat sullen defence force.
  • The principle of piezoelectric modal sensor is introduced and the formulas of calculating modal respondence by measured piezoelectric outputs are gained.
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  • There is no accurate method of calculating the city's true population, and tourists also contribute directly to the excess garbage problems, he said.
  • Staff were ‘breaking down in tears of frustration’ as they were reduced to calculating cases on paper, MPs heard.
  • The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
  • Both of these ladies bided their time and proved to be quite calculating and ruthless.
  • And the of actuarial mathematic formula for calculating expectation - of - life under linear assumption of great significance.
  • It takes a lot of calculating to sing a role as challenging as Butterfly, but in Naglestad's case the calculation was sometimes visible enough to dull the dramatic edge: a pause before a high note, a slightly too-deliberate leap into fortissimo in "Un bel di. Anne Midgette reviews Washington National Opera's 'Madama Butterfly'
  • It would require that pi, used in calculating the area of a circle, be a precise or a “rational” number. Blog De Ganz | Archive | June
  • He is a selfish, competitive fighter who is totally calculating about how he allocates his time and resources.
  • The following diagram will assist you in calculating rheobase and chronaxie for your nerve.
  • For example, a tiny error in calculating where the mass of air leaving one grid square goes could mean we lose a tiny bit of mass on each time step. 2010 January | Serendipity
  • Those of you who work for themselves have spent many moonlit hours calculating your precise incomes and expenditures.
  • And in being so uncalculating, and willing to get his hands dirty, he has brought a surge of public attention to an important but convoluted story about tabloid journalism. From Stephen Fry to Hugh Grant: The rise of the celebrity activist
  • A more accurate assessment can be gained by calculating your body mass index or your percentage of body fat.
  • Simplifies tax filing for thousands of middle-income Californians by increasing the exemption amounts used in calculating the Alternative Minimum Tax.
  • In the evenings, she would look over their bank statements and bills, calculating and recalculating numbers until she found a way to cut out enough luxuries.
  • She was not calculating and evidenced no specific interest in money.
  • In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.
  • While being a rather cold and calculating man on the whole, Maddock had a soft spot for children.
  • They said the hold-up was due to delays in calculating departmental budgets.
  • What is being overlooked is that for the bulk of movie goers the ticket price is only one, probably relatively minor, part of the total "cost" in calculating how to spend their resources -- including their own time. Peak Load Pricing at the Movies, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She is sweet, calculating, eager, and very self-absorbed.
  • Here is a place to start: try calculating the total value of a company's intangible assets.
  • Both pilots took turns calculating the power required to safely drop off the howitzer at Bagram.
  • By calculating the viewshed, the area visible from each of the sites is derived, as well as their intervisibility. Survey of the Kales « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds
  • He sits, away from the hustle and bustle of on-field activity, coolly calculating the options.
  • The question for a public inquiry is whether that is a sensible way of calculating the direct benefit.
  • Through the analysis of the stress characteristics of the circular pipe cavity mushroom floor, this paper analyzes the calculating model and method of the floor slab.
  • Richard Cook, the project manager, said that in calculating the cost and the amount of time necessary for designing the mission, "we didn't extrapolate how much more complex it was" than the Spirit and Opportunity mission. MSL Problems Revisited - NASA Watch
  • It may sound a cold and calculating approach to a sale and I suppose it is, in a way.
  • To call Barbara ‘fickle’ would be putting it mildly: this dame is as cold and calculating as Einstein in a freezer!
  • During this period Littlewood improved methods for calculating trajectories of anti-aircraft missiles.
  • However, calculating the beneficial effect to the atmosphere derived from a given area of trees is as yet an inexact science.
  • At the moment , The calculating machine is living to administer the territory by the wide-ranging application .
  • Public support depends in part on disguising the reality of war (hence the hypocritical hoo-ha about the ‘parading’ of prisoners) and on calculating the acceptability of death.
  • Tyndall was an expert and enthusiastic mountaineer, calculating how high the energy in a ham sandwich would take him; his writings about the alps are suffused with pantheism.
  • It is a cruel world, I suppose, but everything we do requires facing that danger and calculating the risk.
  • You read them and you see a man so cautiously calculating not to put a foot wrong that he envelops himself in a fog of caveats and equivocations.
  • They are used in calculating NPV and the stock option value respectively.
  • For example, they are calculating what would happen if a swine-flu pandemic wiped out most of their employees, contemplating questions regarding how the bank continues to operate and even who would restock cash machines. For U.K. Banks, a Calamity Is Born
  • Whatever the reason, his public persona seems guarded and calculating and his repeated protestations of humility usually fall flat.
  • Ruby seams alias_method_chain method_missing send / eval class Order def initialize (us_state) @us_state = us_state @subtotal = 0 end def add_item (item, quantity) @subtotal + = (item. cost * quantity) end def tax TaxCalculator. calculate @subtotal, @us_state end end describe Order, \ "calculating tax\" do it Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The comet is visible to the naked eye, and in the 1700s astronomer Edmond Halley was the first to correctly predict its return, calculating that the comet comes back every 76 years.
  • An Invoicer service participant provides the invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and then refines this price when the shipping information is known.
  • Hyde analysed the studies by recalculating the data from them so they were comparable.
  • By analyzing the characteristic of the transit passenger's trip in the time and space, a working day is ascertained as the measurement period in the calculating the capacity of transit network.
  • A calx is a smartstone, a pebble used for calculating. Centaur Aisle
  • The governor, cautious, calculating, deal-making, fundraising, looks to voters like the base of the political class that rules them.
  • In all other instances, the notional pay used in calculating the employee's PAYE and PRSI liability must be the best estimate that can reasonably be made by the employer at the time the benefit is provided.
  • It was proved that equivalent resistance of infinity ladder resistance network is a constant, whose calculating formula has been derived.
  • By analyzing recursion relation of ladder resistance network, the formulas of calculating equivalent resistance and node voltages on ladder resistance network have been derived.
  • What if I were interested in calculating cheese/milk? DAOC
  • Mr Latham said it suggested ‘a devious and calculating mind well able to think about what he needed to do to distract attention away from himself’.
  • It's important when calculating the cost of dockage to keep in mind that most marinas will consider this a 39-footer.
  • These entropic effects are necessary for calculating free energies, which are the true gauges of conformational stability at equilibrium.
  • Some are increasingly concerned that others on the committee are calculating that they will be able to reverse the triggered cuts.
  • Underneath the mane of blonde hair was a ruthless calculating brain.
  • Others can decipher the calendar and the lives of the saints, can sign their names with tolerable facility, and can make the simpler arithmetical calculations with the help of the stchety, a little calculating instrument, composed of wooden balls strung on brass wires, which resembles the "abaca" of the old Romans, and is universally used in Russia. Russia
  • For the purpose of calculating convenience and overcoming redundancy, discreteness always is adopted in the application of reconstructing signal through wavelet transform.
  • Assess the true value of the assets and use this value as the basis for calculating the return generated.
  • Normally, calculating these numbers requires a custom program to be written for each query.
  • By calculating the radiuses that the car swerves accurately, the system improves its ability of swerving and the driving efficiency.
  • In Appendix B, the formula for calculating the integral of a logistic curve is given.
  • It's a mean competition, too - one that can turn sensible, mannerly, child-loving parents and educators into hard, calculating, and paranoid operators.
  • Bite count data were analyzed by totaling the number of bites of cool season grasses, warm season grasses, forbs, and locoweed per day and calculating a percentage of each.
  • The density of the landfall was critical to calculating at what moment the dam would capitulate.
  • In her bearing, speech and manner, Medea, then is no longer the supernatural being who charmed Jason into marrying her, but a cold, calculating woman, her mind set at a single purpose.
  • Disparate methods for defining force and torque balances and for calculating the mass balance of receptors therefore result.
  • A crosscheck as to a fair assessment of the lost chance, can be provided by calculating the difference in the chance which the unamended deal had, with the chance the amended deal had.
  • We should not be surprised as this is a cold, calculating, hard-hearted Government, one that is wedded to expediency.
  • Graham's specialty is promoting changes in scientific and economic assumptions that underlie government regulations - such as recalculating cost-benefit analyses to favor polluters.
  • Just check out these features which will save you LOTS of drafting, calculating, head-scratching and searching (not to mention TIME and MONEY!): - GORE PATTERN LAYOUT - simplifies drawing the full-sized gore pattern! - Business News
  • A clip was shown of the most nonsensical scene of the movie in which his previously dumb-as-rocks character suddenly becomes smart and calculating.
  • During the fourth quarter, Chinese steelmakers pressured Vale to move to a new system for calculating contracted iron-ore prices, based on the current spot-market prices, instead of the backward-looking system based on a previous quarter. Showing Quirky Love for Valentine's Day
  • But eurobonds make annual payments, and the appropriate method of calculating the yield to maturity is to use annual discounting.
  • Signe searched for Flynn amongst the sea of unknown faces and soon spotted the light grey eyes and umber hair at the head of a table, reserved and calculating as usual.
  • Calculating life expectancy is a tough task that requires analyzing extensive information about how people died and how old they were, as well as statistical modeling to predict how long people born today will live if current trends continue. Hispanics' Lifespan Longest In US, CDC says
  • Mrs Cunningham gave me a calculating look over my sketchpad that was filled with spite and dislike.
  • Under a presupposition of that its frog wasn't worn, a simple formula for calculating the abrasion limitation of DZ(DSZ)35 plowshare was brought forward in the paper.
  • Delicate instruments, calculating machines, workshop machinery, portable tools, the pedrail, motors ashore and afloat, fire engines, automatic machines, sculpturing machines -- these are a few of the chapters which crowd this splendid volume. To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
  • The best method, therefore, for calculating what your DPS will be given a gear or talent change, is to be able to predict with certainty your paper doll ranged attack speed and damage spread.
  • It provides the theoretical guidance and a reliable calculating method for design of vibration absorption system of bicycles.
  • They were meant for the military and universities: for calculating missile trajectories and looking for patterns in data.
  • It was decidedly hard to do with Mr Cunningham's cold, judging, calculating eyes were staring at us.
  • The whole time I watched the soldiers train, I felt their eyes on me, too, calculating, trying to see if I was worthy enough of their respect.
  • I also wish they were as honest and uncalculating as Ron Paul (OK, Kucinich and Gravel are, but they don't have 20+ million in the bank). Ron Paul: American Civil War Was Unnecessary
  • a brittle and calculating woman
  • The savings from eliminating redundancy is not being subtracted in calculating the true cost. Wonk Room » House Releases Health Care Reform Legislation (UPDATED TABLE)
  • We're also delighted by the mathematical precision that he's used in calculating the future.
  • The show's power, though, came from the unending tango between the socially aspirant Harold, desperate to escape the ancestral pigsty, marry a nice girl and eat with matching knives and forks; and the calculating old man clinging on, needy and wheedling, that feral gurn switching between rabid contempt and wide-eyed horror of loneliness. Who's the daddy?: the greatest sitcom fathers
  • We predict the relative fitnesses of hybrid genotypes by calculating the expected numbers of each type of incompatibility.
  • Moreover, simplified methods for calculating consequence of accidents in both individual and social risk were also developed.
  • In Spain, income tax is payable on the gross rents at a flat rate of 25 per cent while in Portugal, no tax-free threshold or tax credit is available in calculating assessable income.
  • His mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.
  • His work was honoured by the award of a number of prizes, for calculating the distance travelled by a ship, for a study of ship's anchors, and for a study of cranes and windlasses.
  • The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
  • By engineering calculating, the flow chart and the engineering capacities of the main PSB reaction tank, the secondary setting tank and the seaweed pond are obtained.
  • But eurobonds make annual payments, and the appropriate method of calculating the yield to maturity is to use annual discounting.
  • By the way, computerist, have you abandoned any attempt to make a fist of calculating FCSI/FSCI? Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • A calculating model is found for milling power consumption to tool wear amount and tool wedge angle.
  • Relevant daily pay is the rate of pay that must now be used as the basis for calculating payment for holidays, sick leave etc.
  • They flung themselves into the work in an uncalculating way.
  • At a given air inlet condition and airflow rate, meanwhile, dryness of air outlet was required, proper heat-transfer area and matching refrigeration system are obtained through calculating.
  • The resale value can be a critical factor in calculating total cost of ownership and return on investment.
  • Of the third kind of stadia, 833-1/3 were equal to one degree of the equator; calculating that 1000 of these were sailed during a day and night's voyage, Pytheas would arrive in the latitude of A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, By William Stevenson
  • A numerical calculating formula, the method and the results of correlation and memory functions of chaos motion for one-dimensional unimodal map are given, and both physical graphs are analysed.
  • In obedience to by-laws and shareholders, a corporation is a serenely calculating, bloodless, bodiless profit-machine.
  • The British might occasionally elect a desiccated calculating machine.
  • By calculating its comprehensive interrelatedness , the rank of quality evaluation of the secondary environment impacts of urban rail transit was determined.
  • Reason - cold, calculating, unimpassioned reason - must furnish all the materials for our future support and defense.
  • Calculating a ton as 40 bales weighing 50 pounds each, the price per bale would range from $2.25 to $3.80.
  • In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
  • Calculating the angular velocity of the Earth is a deceptively easy task.
  • From the calculating of odds and strategies and tactics?
  • If we think about it a little, we can give a general formula for calculating conditional probabilities.
  • The density of the landfall was critical to calculating at what moment the dam would capitulate.
  • Phosphorus is the critical nutrient, not nitrogen, in calculating the amount of crop land needed to spread a unit of manure.
  • She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman's eye.
  • By extracting encrustation of histogram, and calculating partial fuzzy extent around pixels to update the fuzzy roughness.
  • A more accurate assessment can be gained by calculating your body mass index or your percentage of body fat.
  • She was calculating and ambitious, and by all accounts at least a competent journalist.
  • Of course, any such attempt is constrained by the spectre of a nuclear war, whose bogey is very calculatingly turned off and on by the country's government officials.
  • Although he desired, in some sense, to obtain what he called eternal life, the "joy thereof" had not been kindled in his cold, calculating heart. The Parables of Our Lord
  • City council finance chiefs say the government, in calculating grant settlements for local authorities, assumes they will make three per cent "cashable" efficiency savings. IcCoventry
  • In a variant, students enjoyed 10 minutes of Web surfing less after calculating expected postgraduation hourly wages. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • At one point in the July 25, 1943, briefing, Hitler is calculating how many rounds of 8.8. centimeter ammunition were fired against Allied bombers attacking the area between Kiel and Flensburg: Deathride
  • In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
  • And the of actuarial mathematic formula for calculating expectation - of - life under linear assumption of great significance.
  • They're cunning, they're devious, they're calculating.
  • What it does offer is a way of calculating the probable size of the error in estimating that value.
  • Well, here is a question: when calculating Social Security surpluses, are the refundable portions of tax credits deducted from the surplus or not? Matthew Yglesias » Obama SOTU Plan Includes Non-Refundable Child Tax Credit Expansion
  • The most direct means for calculating the Earth's age is a Pb/Pb isochron age, derived from samples of the Earth and meteorites. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Little Benjie seemed somewhat dismayed at my appearance; but, calculating on my placability, and remembering, perhaps, that the ill-used Redgauntlet
  • I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.
  • Shown below is a simple and acceptable formula for calculating the written down value of smaller plant.
  • In calculating percentage shares of income distribution the World Bank relies on household surveys of income or expenditures compiled by the various countries.
  • One way of calculating this figure is to compare the dose from given levels of contamination of polonium-210 and iodine-131.
  • Turn back the clocks a few months and we were worrying about traffic congestion, or calculating how to make a fast buck at the expense of well-off southern toffs.
  • The study of rickets has already progressed to the stage of calculating rickets-producing diets and the methodology is identical with that for scurvy but this phase of testing still lacks evidence of an antirachitic vitamine and in that uncertainty it is hardly worth while to elaborate these diets here. The Vitamine Manual
  • The results from calculating show that the precision of the replaced tooth is quite good, while it is much easier for the manufacture of the pinion cutter.
  • I think there are a lot of flaws in this study calculating - it's so hard to calculate profits in Hollywood because the numbers are always so sketchy and there's a lot of fuzzy accounting.
  • It is difficult to judge a man as calculating when he seems so natural.
  • One of its advantages the ladies were perfectly aware of, namely, that it afforded a _point de réunir_, for both beaux and belles, which is always so much wanted before the music begins; and calculating on this important circumstance, Lady Charlotte possessed herself of the chair which was the most accessible of the whole group. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 321, July 5, 1828
  • During this period Littlewood improved methods for calculating trajectories of anti-aircraft missiles.
  • If, perchance, they possess any excellence above their society, they consider it as a redeeming grace for their importunities, and, calculating on the vulgarism _ad captandum_, that what is dearest bought is most prized, they make their friends pay freely for their admiration. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • Pre - Surgical Guidance Utilize a cycloplegic refraction when recalculating the 1. spherical equivalent for the steep axis incision placement On corneas where the pachymetry reading is > 500µ in the 2. center of the 3mm zone, use the next thicker size on the Nomogram Patients with large dilated pupil diameters (> 7mm) may be 3. predisposed to low light visual symptoms (such as glare and halos) post operatively and should be appropriately advised. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Morey extends this work by calculating for load funds load-adjusted returns in addition to unadjusted returns.
  • The somatotype provides total information which is more useful than calculating particular measurements from predicting equations.
  • The experience cemented their relationship, but the way it played out - Make this happen, or adios - showed how calculating Lance had become.
  • Overweight and obesity are defined by the Body Mass Index, or BMI, which is a way of calculating weight, allowing for height.
  • To be fair, Widows does have an explanation for the reasons why it is calculating its bonuses in this particular way.
  • A report this week by Barclays Capital analysts concluded that current European rules for calculating risk weightings of assets "leave considerable scope for subjectivity" and give investors reason for "unease over the calculations. Details Given on EU 'Stress Tests'
  • The savings from eliminating redundancy is not being subtracted in calculating the true cost. Wonk Room » House Releases Health Care Reform Legislation (UPDATED TABLE)
  • An Invoicer participant provides the Invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order.
  • The calculating results show that the circulating flow rates are increasing with the submergence ratio but reducing with the liquid-gas density ratio.
  • Eventually, this method is proved by calculating the ventilation of the bulb tubular hydroelectric generator in Baigou power station.
  • Article 3 The tax basis for calculating the individual income tax on savings interest shall be the income derived from the Renminbi or foreign currency savings interest received by a taxpayer.
  • Scully's mind immediately searched through her long memory, calculating.
  • And whatever the zygote's expected income, its income distribution has a huge variance, so the discount rate to be used in calculating PV needs to be substantial. The Poor Get Richer, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Historically, royal marriages have been cold, calculating affairs.
  • In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper.
  • She made a puff sound and turned away as to avoid my question or to change the subject, to not let me see her calculating expression.
  • You can always check by calculating the fugacity for yourself, using the equations in Pitzer and Sterner.
  • He presented new ideas with regard to basic difficulties in "socialistic calculating", and investigated the possibilities of achieving effective results by decentralized The Prize in Economics 1974 - Press Release
  • One of the results of his diversion was an 1887 perpetual calendar algorithm for calculating the day of the week for a given date.
  • For better or worse, not everyone is quite so calculating in their approach to matrimony.
  • However, differences in sampling and taphonomy preclude taking those results at face value; thus, we discuss methods of standardizing comparisons and calculating species accumulation curves for fossil data.
  • It ought to be pointed out that calculating passenger kilometres is an inexact science.
  • It transpired that the couple were among many passengers travelling under assumed names, which along with stowaways led to confusion when calculating the final death toll of around 1,500.
  • The Ryder Cup is in Monty's blood," Torrance said on Saturday, and there was another vivid example of his identification with the competition in 2004, at Oakland Hills, when Bernhard Langer, perhaps the shrewdest and most calculating of all Ryder Cup captains, sent him out with Padraig Harrington to beat Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, the world's No1 and No2, in the opening fourball on the first morning. Cometh the Ryder Cup moment, cometh captain Colin Montgomerie
  • Jenny, I just couldn't get over the feeling that she was waiting, calculating, stalling in some way. AFTERMATH
  • His sharp features were those of a predator and his eyes regarded Tim with a calculating glint.
  • New model and approach for calculating total transfer capability (TTC) with transient stability constraints is proposed.
  • The Department of Health is understood to have privately admitted miscalculating the cost of the contract, although it has denied this in public.
  • It is as if the only criterion used for calculating my car insurance premium was the type of car I am driving.
  • Yet if this most deceitful of the 20th century's killers is calculating on forgiveness, he may be deceiving himself.
  • This is done by calculating a rate of discount.
  • This highly successful subject deals with rates of change at instants of time by calculating the gradient of the tangent to a curve.
  • The method scan be applied to calculating repulsive potential function between other close shell atoms and Virial state equation under high temperature.
  • Clarke had a passionate interest in calculating the figure of the Earth, another central problem for an accurate topographical survey.
  • Confirming about the working point of the permanent magnet is an essential premise in calculating of the permanent magnetic circuit.
  • Globe placement system (GPS) is a satellite emplacement and navigation net system, Which can navigate and emplace fire fighters. GPS can also be used in calculating the boundary and area of post fire.
  • The correlation integral method can estimate both the time delay and the embedding window, and can avoid subjectivity in calculating the embedding window.
  • Will Gillis on sf's changing face: Are your imaginative powers really so weak that what they call the calculating machine, or how they ... Futurismic
  • Distributors even disagreed about how they would go about calculating credits and debits.
  • If so, accuracy in formulating diets and calculating the nutrient needs of pigs is rendered meaningless.
  • When talking to Mr. Horsfield, who will become her lover, she powders her face, appearing to Horsfield as controlled, furtive, and calculating.
  • A more accurate assessment can be gained by calculating your body mass index or your percentage of body fat.
  • Related to residential consumption analysis, extend linear expenditure system(ELES) is widely used in statistics analysis, and calculating the demand elasticity of various commodities.
  • So our military has to be very shrewd, very calculating and I think that they are laying out those plans.
  • Mill criticizes Kant's categorical imperative noting that it is essentially the same as utilitarianism since it involves calculating the good or bad consequences of an action to determine the morality of that action.
  • He took a moment, calculating his words, then finally said, ‘I managed to flunk out of college.’
  • Examples show that the calculating architecture can reduce overhead traffic, and keep a favorable expansibility.
  • Thales is also credited with the discovery of calculating distance for ships at sea.
  • The calculating method of deflection for double tapered cantilever beam is introduced.
  • No more, when I veer off course, will she replot my route while chiding me with her terse, "Recalculating. Archive 2009-02-18

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