How To Use Calculated In A Sentence
The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
That which is soft and effeminate, which is calculated to excite the passions, by multitudes of ambiguous expressions, (not the less dangerous for being so cloaked) should be considered by Christians as an abuse the more deplorable, as it has even been censured and condemned by the pagans.
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
On the same day the pound fell four pfennigs to DM2. 8324, as speculators calculated that Gordon Brown was not going to repeat the mistake which John Major made as Chancellor in 1990, by fixing the pound at too high a level against the mark.
Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
‘You took a pre-meditated, calculated and awful revenge,’ the judge told him.

Even the betting person makes a carefully calculated and rational decision about where to put his or her money.
Cavil, Doral and another Simon how long have you got buddy? find the dead doctor Simon and once again Cavil shows himself to be a pathetic military planner, he admits he "miscalculated" Boomer's actions.
After accumulating enough data, we calculated that each person spent at least a full minute in a stall.
Objectively, a calumny is a mortal sin when it is calculated to do serious harm to the person so traduced.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Data collection and analysis Positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated.
The bus is a far lower environmental burden than passenger cars, calculated on the number of passengers per kilometre.
The sum involved was calculated at $82 million.
Aggregate data are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
It is also the outcome of the calculated political manipulation of the contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The more civilised make up of canvass or "gunny bags" stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal's back.
First Footsteps in East Africa
In the method, the mean velocity of certain exploration depth can be calculated making use of the difference of phase from consecutive seismic channels.
The electronic charge distribution in the molecule was also calculated by using CNDO/2 method.
We haven't really calculated the cost of the vacation yet.
Odds ratios were calculated for the risk of fracture in the arthritic women.
A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
We calculated a mean of three measures for each size parameter that were done with a binocular microscope with x60 magnification.
Lamb calculated dollars per acre for his first experimental plots last year, most of it labor costs for weed control.
Volumes of solids such as prisms, pyramids, tetrahedrons, wedges, cylinders and truncated cones are calculated.
Rebuilding costs might be calculated on a rule of thumb basis but the assumptions would be relatively arbitrary.
For many machine whose input and output are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.
Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
By the way, in case you never thought about it, “Reds” is an invidious term calculated to dehumanize radical activists.
Dry up the tears for that golden period in US Journalism that never was
Two examples are given overleaf Each of these can be calculated by several methods, one of which is by division.
Effects of cimetidine and histamine of the cells were calculated as a percentage of the untreated controls.
The 95% credibility intervals for each parameter were calculated using upper and lower quantiles of the parameter.
How that expectation is calculated is certainly open to debate and criticism.
Its studies have increasingly pointed to the uncalculated risks of exposure to lawn-care chemicals.
French departee, wonder how he calculated the expenses of a holidayer and now we have his daughter the 35 Hour week champion.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
These high-handed tactics were obviously risky, but they were a calculated risk.
The more civilised make up of canvass or “gunny bags” stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal’s back.
First footsteps in East Africa
Hatch rates were calculated by counting the number of unhatched eggs after 2 days and treatments were statistically compared by Mann-Whitney U-test.
To evaluate this parameter independently the mean stool frequency was calculated for each group at entry and during the study.
It's clear that he has badly miscalculated the mood of the people.
Experts calculated up to a dozen blows were struck.
Our charges are calculated by reference to an hourly rate.
Defences now being put in place have been calculated to ensure a relatively watertight town for the next 50 years.
The ratio of total body to venous hematocrit was calculated for all patients.
The annual budget was calculated on a historical basis of costs from previous years.
Among other changes, the measure would change the way in which overtime hours are calculated, from a daily to a weekly basis.
So we have recalculated the rounds and let the residents in the area know their new collection days.
The assured is then paid the surrender value of the policy, which is calculated by an actuary on the basis of the amounts paid to date.
Pearsons correlation coefficient was calculated to measure the association between continuous variables.
I left off, though, when I became aware that I was being watched by a belted constable with a damned disinheriting moustache, but I've calculated since that I could have cleared ten thousand dollars a year on the streets of Baltimore, easy, which is two thousand quid, sufficient to buy you a lieutenancy in the Guards in those days - and from the look of some of them, I'd not be surprised.
A geranium oil containing 26.9 per cent. of ester, calculated as geranyl tiglate, was acetylated, after saponification, to liberate the combined geraniol, and 2.3825 grammes of the acetylated oil required 9.1 c.c. of
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
· Subreport return values, useful for displaying values calculated in a subreport in the main report, such as subtotals or record count
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Intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated on one reliability file per dyad.
They implicitly calculated the costs and benefits of hunting, gathering, and eating each other.
She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision.
Experts say the immigrants may have been here all along, but earlier estimates may have been miscalculated.
His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.
I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income)
Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
Results were calculated by reference to a standard curve.
From the calculated eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors, statistical measures of motion can be derived.
Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.
The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.
From our mathematical model we calculated the probabilities of different numbers of beds being occupied.
So, by the time tax is calculated and paid, rates could be considerably lower than they might be next week.
I have calculated - very approximatively - that, since the date when their methods began to be generally applied, some fifteen or twenty thousand persons must have been saved from death in the
Physiology or Medicine 1934 - Presentation Speech
And the dole office will reduce our dole by an amount calculated on the gross pay, not the post-tax net pay.
It was a term calculated to gain him sympathy, and with his male friends, and an occasional prostitute, it did.
The Women’s Room
When indisposition, therefore, confined her to the limits of her own apartment, our heroine adopted the same mode of conduct observed at the Hermitage, during Mrs. Bertram’s illness: — she sung, she read, she assisted Mrs. Ross in any piece of fine needle-work which happened to be in hands at the time; and, in short, endeavoured to soften the painful or tedious moments of distress by every possible means best calculated for the purpose.
Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
Some Arabic horoscopes were based on astronomical tables calculated in India.
The independent float of an activity is calculated assuming the worst circumstances.
He says that the words complained of were meant and calculated to disparage the Claimant in his profession and business and also that they imputed to him the criminal offences of harassment stalking and theft.
His response to the coolness elicited by his ideas in these circles was scarcely calculated to dispel it.
Before they recalculated, the high school informed colleges that Brian was second in his class, based on junior year-end records.
Odds ratios and corresponding confidence intervals were calculated to measure the main effect of diabetes on eating disorders.
In the June table of contents, we miscalculated the age of the Jesuit order of priests.
The labial area of incisors was calculated from these measures as an approximating rectangle, and the labial area of canines as an approximating right triangle.
An average of displacements of respective different color marks from a reference position is then calculated.
For each tree we calculated the proportion of seedlings in each year out of the total number recorded in the five largest mast years.
Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
He miscalculated badly when he underestimated the response of the international community to the invasion.
He miscalculated the tides and the whirlpool dragged the outboard engine off his boat and capsized it.
The aperture size (area of the aperture) of a lens could be calculated from focal length and the correspondent f-number.
Taking characteristic values for the average albedo (the fraction of sunlight reflected), size limits could be calculated.
The style, which was calculated for a cosmopolitan image, set off a sharp-featured almost ferretlike, approaching-fifty face that had been carefully preserved by a Dallas plastic surgeon.
The Brush Off
Gatland calculatedly had a go at the England hooker Dylan Hartley this week in a repeat of the approach when he took charge of Wales in 2008, one he modified 18 months ago when he said his days of lobbing grenades at enemy trenches were over.
Wales coach Warren Gatland reveals approaches from England
Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.
Eggs were candled to determine incubation stage, and laying dates were calculated by backdating.
When the signal is correlated with a dwell time much longer than its frequency, the signal gets effectively averaged out in each dwell time and the calculated correlation function gets damped.
Overall results were calculated three kilometers from the finish to let riders not interested in disputing the sprint avoid falls on the slippery surface.
Boasson Hagen takes stage win; Di Luca keeps Giro lead
His strategy is rooted not only in calculated opportunism, but also in a rock-hard philosophy of how the game must be played today.
To ensure that stressing was proceeding as expected, the testing agency measured the tendon elongations and compared them to the calculated elongations.
Scientists have calculated that the world's population will double by the end of the century.
This question, divested of the phraseology calculated to represent me as struggling for an arbitrary personal prerogative, is either simply a question who shall decide, or an affirmation that nobody shall decide, what the public safety does require, in cases of Rebellion of Invasion.
I missed the train because I'd miscalculated the time it would take me to reach the station.
Consequently, other atomic weights calculated by reference to oxygen also remained debatable.
Then, Iran responded by announcing that Britain has, quote, "miscalculated" this issue, saying that, in this case, these sailors may now face, quote, "a legal path.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2007
These laws are not calculated for modern conditions.
Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.
Even before First Bull Run they undertook a project calculated to meet the problem.
She told him she had miscalculated the amount of money she needed for stock and was in danger of losing her customers if she couldn't meet her commitments.
In this paper, the residual welding stresses in a low carbon steel girth butt welded pipe are calculated with a nonlinear finite element code ADINA.
The parameters of JWL equation of state for detonation products of ROTL 905 aluminized explosive were calculated.
In this paper, scattering phase function of one particle radius is calculated by recursive formula of Mie theory.
Inwardly glowing with impatience, Arthur yet saw the necessity of obeying his guide; and when he had pulled the long and loose upper vestment from the old man, he stood before him in a cassock of black serge, befitting his order and profession, but begirt, not with a suitable sash such as clergymen wear, but with a most uncanonical buff-belt, supporting a short two-edged sword, calculated alike to stab and to smite.
Anne of Geierstein
When this motion is completely arrested, I suggest that we blow up the Aleutian Isles and enlarge Bering Strait, so as to allow what corresponds to the Atlantic Gulf Stream in the Pacific to enter the Arctic Archipelago, which I have calculated will raise the average temperature of that entire region about thirty degrees, thereby still further increasing the amount of available land.
A Journey in Other Worlds
The osmolal concentration of TEG and MG were calculated from the dependence of their osmotic pressure on molal concentration.
Pollen grain number was calculated for 20 flowers (five each from four trees) of each type.
The natal trigram, then, for both males and females is not calculated from their years of birth, but rather is taken as their mother's progressed trigram for her age at the year she gave birth to them.
Tibetan Astro Sciences ��� 1 Basic Principles
Ninety five percent confidence intervals for the relative risk was calculated using exact probabilities.
A rabbit has been calculated to possess one-hundred-million olfactory receptors-small wonder its little schnozz is always twitching, it is trapped in an undulating blizzard of aromatic stimuli-and Marcel "Bunny" LeFever was reputed, with some exaggeration, to be the human equivalent of Peter Cottontail.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
He seriously miscalculated the attitudes of the other political leaders.
A cursory analysis of the issue of Jewish settlements reveals a calculated and systematic strategy to infiltrate and 'colonise' the Palestinian territories.
ANC Today
For the present it must suffice to observe that the evidences of an overruling dogmatic purpose are generally much more conspicuous in the third synoptist than in the first; and that the very loose manner in which this writer has handled his materials in the "Acts" is not calculated to inspire us with confidence in the historical accuracy of his gospel.
The Unseen World, and Other Essays
The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures.
he calculated the circumference of the circle
Aesthetics and functionality of cap height and armhole must be calculated and the technical compatibility between the two cannot be neglected either.
But, for Homer, there is a calculated pun on words too, because his hero is a cunning schemer.
They drilled 21 acres of seed and have calculated that the crop cost them just over £180 an acre to grow.
In succession, the paper calculated and analyzed size effect of heat sink in the low - temperature measurement.
Two members had remained exceedingly hostile to the case, and because of their refusal to compromise the jury declared: ‘We are unanimously of the opinion that the book in question is calculated to deprave public morals, but at the same time we entirely exonerate the defendants from any corrupt motives in publishing it.’
Important Battles « Tales from the Reading Room
Confidence intervals were calculated by the exact method.
He calculated that a material that had a negative permittivity and a negative permeability would also have a negative refractive index.
The company made a calculated business decision that the number of people it needed to compensate would be less than the profits.
More long term studies are needed to provide data from which the positive and negative predictive values can be calculated.
This is injustice, it's a clear aggression and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe.
The different displacement vectors are calculated as described below.
Leeds University scientists have calculated the birds, including tiny quail weighing mere grammes, are five times fitter than our Olympic athletes.
The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.
Correlation coefficients were calculated by Spearman rank correlation test and, in selected instances, the chi square test.
The axial intensity distribution was calculated by integrating the region from 0.013 nm - 1 on either side of the meridional axis of the x-ray pattern.
We know that the operation processing time length in a schedule can be calculated through critical path of the corresponding chart.
The police calculated that since the triads were a fact of life in Macau, allowing them to be involved in gaming credit was better than throwing them out in the streets where they might resort to more harmful crimes.
We calculated the rate of spin.
Tax is, therefore, usually calculated by reference to the value of the estate.
You deliberately and calculatedly abused trust placed in you by pupils and staff.
Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure (total consumption).
The experience-its calculated mystery, its silliness-was fun, but the whole phenomenon begs the question: what for?
The total per cent. of barium minus that of barium chloride gives the amount present as barium valerate, from which is calculated the per cent. of amyl alcohol.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
The first monthly payment of the national dotation, calculated to correspond with his civil list, was accepted.
The Liberation of Italy
His enemies have been able to cast him as a man calculatedly placing himself on both sides of every issue.
The returned dialysate contained between 2.6 mEq / L and 14 mEq / L of lactate in one study, and the calculated lactate clearance by peritoneal dialysis averaged 21 mL / min in another.
We then calculated degree of cognitive impairment, function in activities of daily living, and behavioural disturbances.
Brains, teeth, and antlers Relative organ size his been calculated as before.
Finally, resuspension rate of contaminated bottom sediment on the action of jet flow was calculated quantitatively.
He calculated that he could not beat either Heath or Maudling, and he preferred to avoid the contest.
The 7500 square metre piazza, to which the parvis is linked, is calculated to cater for a crowd of 15 000 people.
A puckish irreverence, calculated to upend the cliché of the tortured master builder, is integral to his impressive resume.
Building a Better Future
Correlation coefficients were calculated as Spearman rank correlations and comparison between the two methods by the sign test.
We then calculated the residuals, the difference between each interval's extinction intensity and its lowest smoothed value.
The extreme pathways of this simple metabolic network can be readily calculated from the stoichiometric matrix.
Correlation studies were performed using linear regression and Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated.
Means represent the total cell number/thymus, calculated from 3 independent experiments utilizing 5-pooled dissociated thymi from each strain.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
I calculated angles and distances and located the nearest exit.
We miscalculated how long it would take to get there.
He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.
From the aggregate data, we calculated the overall rates of frequencies of patient identification and vital sign monitoring.
Suction caisson is an important new style offshore structure foundation. Its ultimate bearing capacity can be calculated approximately on the base of ultimate balance method.
In addition to assessing participants' tolerance of the two protocols and compliance with hand antisepsis, surgical site infection rates were calculated 30 days after the procedures.
Guthrie was a middle-class Oklahoman with a calculated aw-shucks cowboy manner, who just happened to be a Communist Party sympathizer and had written for communist newspapers.
Both the spin and orbital angular momentum of a beam can always be calculated from the transverse components of linear momentum.
Officials generally believe that war results from a calculated, purposive, conscious decision.
The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
The papers go out of their way to misgender and belittle, replacing every correct gender reference with one that seems calculated to humiliate.
In past work employing this methodology, prevalence statistics for each reason have not been calculated.
This was the proclamation of the first crusade, an enterprise calculated to unite Christians in the present-day lands of France, Germany and Italy, and far beyond.
An analysis by Chas Egan of the Australian National University in Canberra and Charles Lineweaver of the University of New South Wales in Sydney indicates that the collective entropy of all the supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies is about 100 times higher than previously calculated.
Time To Hit the Panic Button: Universe Ending Faster Than Expected
We therefore calculated this variable as the difference between mean breeding latitude and mean wintering latitude (in centesimal degrees).
He apparently calculated to keep his impoverished system afloat and himself in power.
With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
To accommodate the fact that respondents have different baselines—some cluster all their ratings at the top of the scale, others at the bottom—we have calculated a global average of all the ratings given by each respondent, and then examine whether his or her thermometer score for the group in question exceeds or falls below that global average.
American Grace
Functional group abundance was calculated by summing the abundances of all species in a particular group on a sample date.
All these measures were calculated to prevent water - logging by rainstorm or mountain torrents.
According to the national code, the horizontal earthquake force is calculated by the acceleration response spectrum. The force is closely related to the base vibration period of building structure.
It means ‘wind and water’ and refers to the ancient art of geomancy - a calculated assessment of the most favourable conditions for any venture.
The current process is not achieving significant progress, but minor concessions calculated to win more time.
The valuations being attached to the next generation of mobile licences have not been calculated on the basis of any recognised criteria.
Unfortunately, the difficulty of mustering the parade had been badly miscalculated and it was behind schedule.
They say the increased minimum wage, calculated by academics at London University, would provide a better standard of living for families on the breadline.
The costs had to be recalculated
The mature protein consists of 377 amino acids with an estimated isoelectric point of 5.9 and a calculated molecular mass of 42.4 kDa.
Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient was calculated to determine the correlation between relative frequency and coverage.
The level of the moral and psychological state is calculated as an arithmetic mean value of the magnitudes of the corresponding indicators with account taken of their weight coefficients.
I wonder too if the general, who calculated both reason and result so meticulously, would have agreed to lead the invasion?
The mean residual values and the RSD were calculated for each weigh day.
He devised a formula whereby the amount an employer can save, for every employee recruited, each year can be calculated.
What so reasonable as that we should be punished for our pride and contumacy, by a judgment specially calculated to abate and bend that spirit of surquedry?
The Betrothed
His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.
Eruption temperatures and oxygen fugacity were calculated using several methods.
By using the heat analysis module of ANSYS code, the 3D temperature field of the floating tile was calculated.
The whole thing was miscalculated and mismanaged - a case of complete incompetence.
Proton concentrations for each sample were then calculated from the hydrogen ion activity and the combined sodium and potassium concentrations.
Fecal output was calculated by dividing mean chromium release rate by the concentration of chromium in the feces.
The channel is to news what reality TV is to reality: its calculated subverter, its smirking betrayer.
Based on diffusion theory, they calculated the magnetic particles in the glass to be about 1000 atoms across.
We calculated the choice proportions of the higher rewarding flower types for bins of 50 simulated visits.
By some definitions, every new loft is indeed a fake — whether constructed from the ground up, rehabbed as a calculated real-estate development rather than a spontaneous personal reuse of found space, or occupied by investment bankers instead of artists.
Lofty Ambitions
Still, if the price is a psychological barrier, rather than a calculated decision, the investor probably shouldn't be buying anyway.
Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present.
In 1914, Henri and Moycho determined that 280 nm was the most lethal emission line of the arc lamps, and they calculated that an emission energy of 2 X 105 erg / cmz was needed to kill the bacteria.
QED has been called the most perfect theory in all of science because of the extraordinary agreement between experimentally measured and theoretically calculated results.
Christianity Today
The thick line is a calculated trajectory near a surface and the thin line is a trajectory far from any surface.