How To Use Calculable In A Sentence
The value of all this free promotion is incalculable, which is no doubt why so many Republicans are using politics as merely a way to cash in big time as nothing more than entertainers.
Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Weiner Roast
The irrationality of rationality appears wherever quality management focuses on increasing efficiency, and this is then measured by quantifiable, calculable outputs of the drug care system.
The purchaser has accepted the risk of any deviation attributable to factors which were unforeseeable, unknown or incalculable at the time of the forecast.
If the whole universe is expanding at a rate that is calculable, then by regress, we can go back to the starting point of this expansion.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Scores Die in El Salvador Floods'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'President Mauricio Funes has declared a national emergency, describing the damage as "incalculable".
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Scores Die in El Salvador Floods

They bought a company with real, calculable assets such as a cable network, a film library, a host of magazines, and television stations.
From this a new wave of illuminism and laicism is derived, by which only what is experiential and calculable would be rationally valid, while on the level of praxis, individual freedom is held as a fundamental value to which all others must be subject.
Auntie joanna writes
This book explains that all casino games, except blackjack, have a built-in house edge, a mathematically calculable advantage to the gaming establishment.
Nonetheless, for these couples, the symbolic value of a state recognizing their relationship will be incalculable.
The destruction of life and resources these wars caused were so great as to be almost incalculable.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
His interest now was only calculable in percentages, his intelligence reduced to a wavering telepathy with numbered suits.
Roi Faineant, King Donothing; but with the strangest new Mayor of the Palace: no bow-legged Pepin now, but that same cloud-capt, fire-breathing Spectre of DEMOCRACY; incalculable, which is enveloping the world!
The French Revolution
But looking at the latter figure, I doubt it is even calculable from any data available -- a gross misinterpretation of some data at best.
Rational Decisions and Pharmaceutical Regulation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
However alluring the goal, he said, pursuing it “would have incurred incalculable human and political costs”; he was expressing the kind of unsentimental caution that is realism’s most important characteristic.
What Would Wilson Do?
If oil entered the lagoons, damage to fish spawning grounds, wildfowl habitat and local commercial and subsistence enterprises could be, literally, incalculable.
The sands of the beach are incalculable.
When and where such a puncture occurs is manifestly incalculable, which is precisely what makes the object capable of such disruption.
That kind of information can provide almost incalculable benefits to countries wondering how to deploy resources and effort.
Times, Sunday Times
The difference between congressional testimony from an undersecretary of defense and a major speech by the president of the United States is incalculable.
The way he had of patting her breast as he suckled, the incalculable wisdom in his newborn eyes.
Earl of Durkness
Two types of forgiveness may thus be distinguished: conditional ( "calculable" forgiveness following an act of repentance in which the guilty party promises never to engage in what is demanded by forgiveness) andunconditional (forgiving the unforgivable without conditions, a forgiveness which is incalculable and therefore impossible).
Jacques Derrida, 9/11, And The Democracy Which is Yet to Come
a calculable risk
Both he and his advisers felt that every day's delay was a substantial gain, and that the maintenance of the _status quo_, with no fresh outbreak at home and no unfriendly expression aborad, was of incalculable advantage to the cause of the Union.
Twenty Years of Congress, Vol. 1 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
August at the convention of treason he took the material where and as he found we see him trying hard to bring the money power of the union into his service, we find him extorting large sums for his political campaigns from the so-called despisable trusts, since then we became accustomed to look upon every man of wealth and the great industrials corporations who have been and are today of incalculable value and benefit to our national welfare, as nothing more or less than contemptible criminals, whom he offended in the most profane language during his crusade against them, if they refused to become a part of his machine.
The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
Her commerce would be increased to an incalculable extent, and she would have naval populations from which to conscribe the crews for fleets that she would be prompt to build.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
Soft power is indeed multi-faceted and arguably incalculable.
Times, Sunday Times
Norman conquest and its results were of incalculable value to England, by bringing her into relations with the continent, by enduing her with a weight and influence in the affairs of Europe which she could never otherwise have attained, and by giving a new birth to a noble literature which has had no superior in any period of the world's history.
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
The financial consequences have too many variables and unknowns – from the price of oil to the share of the national debt – to be calculable.
A new sense of possibility shines on Scotland – but what will really come of it? | Ian Jack
The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.
The essence of real leadership and responsible management is the ability to judge the difference between short-term calculable gains and deeply rooted core values.
We are talking more and more about sustainability, as an end to our oil resources is something almost calculable by now.
Sustainability and A Planet Out of Whack « Colleen Anderson
In The People's Forests, Marshall proclaimed that public ownership was ‘the only basis on which we can hope to protect the incalculable values of the forests’.
Temperature was revealed to be calculable from the average kinetic energy of a system of identical particles, and entropy was understood in terms of the number of quantum states available to the particles in that system.
Chamber of Commerce: "The Americans, with their vast and almost incalculable resources, their acuteness and enterprise, and their huge population, which will probably be 100,000,000 in twenty years, together with the plan they have adopted for putting accumulated wealth into great cooperative syndicates or trusts for the purpose of carrying on this great commercial warfare, are the most formidable ... rivals to be feared.
But it has also been a source of incalculable damage to a sport with too few human heroes.
Times, Sunday Times
They believed the "nebulae" they were viewing were star clusters and gas clouds within the Milky Way. 85 years ago Edwin Hubble postulated, and proved, that these nebulae were distant galaxies and our Milky Way was one of an incalculable number of galaxies comprising the universe.
The Expanding Universe
The mischief produced by this institution was incalculable because it made religious differences the deciding factor in every political contest.
incalculable riches
His imaginative commercial foresight brought incalculable longterm benefits to Scotland.
Times, Sunday Times
The value of his services and sage advice as a director over the last 15 years is incalculable.
Their victory over difficulties affords the most rational cause of triumph, and the attainment of new ideas leads to incalculable riches, such as gratify the glorious avarice of aspiring and comprehensive minds.
The Borough
It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad
The cost to the health of citizens who stand daily at the roadside in palls of deadly diesel fumes is incalculable.
His unspeakably violent Cultural Revolution led to the destruction of historic buildings as well as incalculable numbers of books and artefacts.
The men who assembled had just as good brains as anyone to-day, and ... they had a substantial understanding of the needs of the world situation, yet collectively, and because of their haunting paralyzing sense of the Mass and Press behind them and of their incalculable impulses and resentments, they achieved an effect of fatuity far beyond the pompous blunderings of Versailles.
Garrett Johnson: The Crowning Failure of the Old Governments
Its influence, though incalculable, is not in the slightest danger of being exaggerated.
It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad
Considering the wondrous richness and variety of the terrestrial life wrought out by the few sunbeams which we catch in our career through space, we may well pause overwhelmed and stupefied at the thought of the incalculable possibilities of existence which are thrown away with the potent actinism that darts unceasingly into the unfathomed abysms of immensity.
The Unseen World, and Other Essays
In certain of those cases, the holdback funds were released in contravention of that agreement, and damages were incurred and calculable because of that breach.
That band of criminals masquerading as a presidential administration did incalculable damage by claiming that something which any civilized person finds abhorrent is actually a rational and permissible instrument of state policy.
Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
And as we'll see shortly, there are incalculable benefits to hearing the message in person from the local pastor.
Christianity Today
Whereupon Snettishane, with visions of his incalculable interest keeping him awake of nights, thought it time to bestir himself.
Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.
Having fled from the king, Ma'aruf discovers a magic "souterrain" and a talismanic seal ring, by the aid of which he attains incalculable wealth.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
Their loss truly is incalculable, but they have been helped enormously in their time of grief by the support of their legion of friends.
History shows that men's actions are governed by some kind of calculable law.
A Guide to Methods and Observation in History Studies in High School Observation
The trace of tarnished copper, commonly called verdigris, poisoned the wholesome draught; a minute dose administered by stealth did incalculable mischief.
Cousin Pons
In a state of anaesthesis, it would obey or command a calculable program without affect or auto-affection, like an indifferent automaton” (Without Alibi, p. 73).
Jacques Derrida
I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to your help.
And it will cause incalculable damage to morale.
The Sun
Of the incalculable benefits of cheaper energy.
The Sun
In short it is something indefinable, incalculable, not something that can easily be analysed.
In modern industrialized societies, the drive to make everything rational and calculable severs reason from the project of human emancipation and reduces it to the status of a tool.
Despite many such assertions there, no one has demonstrated in the least the damage that you say is "calculable" and "non-trivial.
One Lawsuit to Rule Them All
Its overall effects are incalculable but they have included misery and economic dislocation.
Times, Sunday Times
I think this war has done incalculable damage.
Times, Sunday Times
The only possible threats that can emerge are anonymous forces that are absolutely unforeseeable and incalculable.
Of incalculable value, this collection consists of works and paintings that Picasso gave to his family members and the majority of the exhibits in the collection have not been seen in public before.
The potence of personality is certainly incalculable.
No Catholic Church, No Dorothy Day
Any stigma that results from disclosing risks so complex as to be incalculable is appropriate.
Time for Bailout Transparency
The contingent liability remaining on these open years of account is incalculable.
The cost in terms of technological advance and the dissemination of fresh and stimulating ideas, is incalculable but colossal.
THE number of sins a person may commit is well-nigh incalculable, which is only one way of saying that the malice of man has invented innumerable means of offending the Almighty -- a compliment to our ingenuity and the refinement of our natural perversity.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
The discussion presented in this chapter suggests that an understanding of the political economy within which research is structured is of incalculable value to understanding how knowledge is constructed.
If, on the other hand, you are exceptional in the way you do ordinary things, you become a colaborer with God Himself, and the fruit of your actions will be incalculable, creating blessings that will transcend generations.
Recovering From Religious Abuse
The ash from the volcano has caused incalculable damage to crops.
When I started teaching again I made quite a fuss doing my calculus courses constructively, making a point of presenting my epsilon-delta's as explicit, calculable, functions.
The toll due to unnatural deaths has been put at 6000; psychological trauma and morbidity has resulted in incalculable damage to the ‘collective mind’ of the community.
There has always been an inflow and outflow to and from this country and the benefits are incalculable.
Within the space of a week, and with minimal amount of application, it is possible to gain a skill of incalculable worth.
A sacrifice is not always a calculable commodity and often entails an element of uncertainty.
Grice pointed out that conversational implicatures have the following properties: (i) they are calculable, that is, inferable from, among other things, the cooperative principle and the conversational maxims; (ii) they are cancelable either explicitly
The length, width and, where calculable, number of the four separate cell types are presented in Table 3.
It had been an excellent year and, as history would prove, of incalculable value to science.
As for the conversion of mass into energy, this does affect stars in a calculable fashion.
Certainly Heidegger critiques technology's instrumentality as marking the commencement of modernity as calculable, defined, measurable, ordered.
The buildup has continued, and any misreading of signal - it could be a flash point that could set this thing off - and the consequences are really, they're incalculable.
The mischief produced by this institution was incalculable because it made religious differences the deciding factor in every political contest.
The financial savings over car ownership are considerable and the smugness value incalculable.
Times, Sunday Times
Oh, you little mortal known as man; you microscopical mixture of protoplasm and egotism; you atomical speck of ignorance and avarice; you who believe that the earth, moon, stars and all creation was manufactured for your special benefit; if you could only be shown your actual size in the universe as I was on that occasion, I think it would result in the eradication of some of your innate vanity and selfishness, thereby proving an incalculable blessing to you.
Born Again
Unlike true insurers, these players are not accumulating pools of insurance reserves to settle calculable future claims, but are instead relying on sophisticated models and dynamic hedging strategies.
These very mirages are the unthinkable and incalculable congeries of appearances that crowd in upon you and form you out of the past, and that sweep you on into dissemination into other unthinkable and incalculable congeries of appearances to people the ghost land of the future.
Chapter 36
The cost in property loss and damage runs into billions, but the cost in human life is incalculable.
His madness, if indeed madness it was, was of megalomania: a condition attributed to an incalculable number of despots and murderers over the ages.
I can't remember a word, but according to Margot I babbled something about "unlioersehbarer Schaden, schrecklich, entsetzlich, nie zu ersetzen" * [* Incalculable loss, terrible, awful, irreplaceable.] and much more.
The Diary Of A Young Girl
Its value was just £3 but for Mr and Mrs Harrison its sentimental value was incalculable.
The effect this is having on small gunsmiths who make their living on the repair and customizing of guns is incalculable.
There must be an incalculable number of women of my generation, however, who have no idea what our place is anymore.
This is not, however, a war, a great mobilisation with a clear strategic or calculable end.
The boys hurrahed vociferously when they left what they called wretched little England; but subsequently Richard held that his having been educated abroad was an incalculable loss to him.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
The mainstream record industry's position is a throwback to when cultural product was replicated via physical means, which spawned material artifacts of limited supply and calculable monetary value.
In truth, space is a very bright place with incalculable flashes of brilliance filling trillions upon trillions of light years.
The costs of tariffs and trade regulation are far greater, because there are many implicit costs of undone/unseen deals, which are not calculable.
Economic Education, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Such an escalation of the conflict could have incalculable consequences.
In the cold war, nuclear arms issues were considered a matter of rationality, an international chess match in which self and mutual interests were calculable and predictable.
Being encouraged to do something practical made an incalculable difference to my moods.
The natural disaster caused incalculable loss of life in many countries around the perimeter of the Indian Ocean.
The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.
The potential interest rate bill is limited to a calculable size, and a borrower can decide whether to invest this extra cash in buying a particular property.
Michael is preparing to marry Delia, and the family is consumed with talk of dowries and other calculable advantages.
The only possible threats that can emerge are anonymous forces that are absolutely unforeseeable and incalculable.
Financial repercussions can he astronomical, legal entanglements limitless, and the effect on business partners incalculable.
Her contribution to our work is incalculable.
The amount of damage that this sort of thinking has had on gay people has been incalculable, which is exactly why so many gay people are find any religion so suspect.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on “[T]he Islamic Fundamentalist Charge That … the U.S.A. … Is the ‘Great Satan’ Is Not Without an Element of Truth”
The philosopher critiques technology's instrumentality as marking the commencement of modernity as calculable, defined, measurable, ordered.
In this respect these analysis briefs are of incalculable value.
I feel strongly that the visual arts are of vast and incalculable importance.
The solution had to be general and calculable at the same time and in a mathematical fashion, that is, geometrically founded.
The long-term effect on the human microbiome is incalculable, but it will be huge.
Times, Sunday Times
Her contribution to the success of the hospice movement is incalculable.
Times, Sunday Times
Having a classical limit makes things extremely concrete and calculable which is one of the reasons why quantum theories constructed as a quantization of a particular starting point have been so successful, especially whenever they're weakly coupled.
The Reference Frame
The result has been a huge, almost incalculable benefit to public health.
Times, Sunday Times
His contributions to the game of golf over all - and to lowering the scores of untold millions of golfers in particular - are incalculable.
Taranto at the Wall Street Journal comments: Obama might not have meant it this way, but his reference to "Austrian" is a timely reminder of the incalculable moral debt Europe owes America.
April 6th, 2009
The martial spirit cultivated through years of aikido training can be an asset of incalculable value at such times.
In the twenty-first century, our Fable for Tomorrow is not some disaster we are trying to avert but a vague, incalculable, and potentially serious threat to our children's health.
By informing her of the calculable risks, avoidable disabilities and prenatal test options, the counselor radically reframes Ms. K's hope-laden pregnancy.
Hence, it means that principally there are no mysterious incalculable forces that come into play, but rather that one can, in principle, master all things by calculation.
This theocentrism of priestly existence is vital in our modern world where everything is entirely functional and based on calculable and verifiable exchanges.
Benedict XVI greets the Curia
But its symbolic value is incalculable.
Times, Sunday Times
Since syphilis arrived in Europe with Columbus, the ‘first fruit’ of the New World, as Voltaire called it, has killed millions and caused incalculable misery to many more.
a calculable risk
London is facing a transport catastrophe, costing business hundreds of millions of pounds a year and individuals incalculable stress, as well as damaging tourism.
The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.
Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.
When I look for my profoundest opposite, the incalculable pettiness of my instincts, I always find my mother and my sister.
These numbers are mere hints of the incalculable losses to the city that is still reeling as we enter the third year since that day of doom.
My father often told her afterwards to what an incalculable degree her presence brightened the old house and the two forlorn gentlemen; it would have been utter darkness if she had left them again to their old hazy sunlessness; so my father took the desperate step of leading her to the thorn walk.
Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
The loss in unfulfilled potential is incalculable.
Times, Sunday Times
The benefits will be incalculable, the costs of being outside it not worth thinking about.
Times, Sunday Times
Its overall effects are incalculable but they have included misery and economic dislocation.
Times, Sunday Times
Forest's home form is calculable proof of the tenacity instilled in them by Davies – they have lost only once at home since September 2009, albeit in the play-off semi-final with Blackpool – and they will face few more rigorous assignments than this in the weeks ahead.
Robert Earnshaw spurs Nottingham Forest with goal that beat Cardiff
The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.
The government possessed a resource of incalculable value; but it was firm public policy to denationalize it as soon as possible.
A History of American Law
They have been conquering power pop for over a decade now with an incalculable and possibly illicit debt to every great glam, punk, and hard rock band of the 1970s.
calculable odds
There is no doubt that the museums are a real instrument of national education of incalculable value.
Times, Sunday Times
The purchaser has accepted the risk of any deviation attributable to factors which were unforeseeable, unknown or incalculable at the time of the forecast.
Grice pointed out that conversational implicatures have the following properties: (i) they are calculable, that is, inferable from, among other things, the cooperative principle and the conversational maxims; (ii) they are cancelable either explicitly
That would prompt a costly cleanup and incalculable delay in restarting the reactor.
Rogers tested for traces of vanillin, a chemical compound that slowly disappears over time at a calculable rate.
What incalculable numbers of these microscopical animals!
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
From this a new wave of illuminism and laicism is derived, by which only what is experiential and calculable would be rationally valid, while on the level of praxis, individual freedom is held as a fundamental value to which all others must be subject.
Auntie joanna writes
The visibility conferred on the calculating self who occupies a specific locale within a loosely assembled network of calculable spaces is intrinsically linked to norms of financial performance.
Animal research has been an integral part of the development of modern medicine, has saved an incalculable number of lives, and prevents tremendous human suffering.
Then comes the further incalculable burden of slaving and rebuilding the multitudinary activities and industries destroyed by war.
The War and Commerce
They had begun to realize that, should the king abscond, the keystone of the whole constitution would be lost, with incalculable consequences.
The impact of the bank's crash has been described as incalculable by some economists after governments around the world were forced to implement trillion-pound bailouts for their own banks caught up in the disaster.
The Guardian World News
Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent, it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner.