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How To Use Calamitous In A Sentence

  • While calamitous, fires do and can have a positive outcome.
  • That is what is most calamitous, that is the most dramatic. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2001
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • Arnold Ridley is better known as the blundering Private Godfrey in the TV show Dad's Army, but Nicolas is keen to let people know that there was more to his life than a calamitous comedy character. Evening Mail news round-up
  • With the current presidential term lurching to such a calamitous close that the incumbent is probably worried about being remembered as George Herbert Hoover Walker Bush, the correlation between presidential party and economic outcome demands some kind of explanation. Taipei Times
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  • The bloodshed there, and in Romeo and Juliet could be called calamitous, but it was not tragically pitiable.
  • In Compagnie Cahin Caha, director Gulko performs a near-calamitous off-balance act on the slack rope.
  • Some changes can be improvement, but in cities redolent with history they are often calamitous.
  • ‘No one can fathom the calamitous consequences if the crisis ignites a war,’ they said.
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • Is there some sort of 6th sense that tells people what is a ‘normal’ disaster and what is unusual and calamitous danger?
  • Asian markets had come under heavy selling on Monday as investors portended a calamitous fall in the U.S. markets when they reopened after a four-day suspension.
  • The bloodshed there, and in Romeo and Juliet could be called calamitous, but it was not tragically pitiable.
  • Today, opinion is divided on whether the new course is better or worse - but everyone agrees the disruption has been calamitous and unnecessary.
  • They were very apologetic, and immediately dispatched a repairman -- the word "repair," as it's affixed to the front portion of his name, suggesting that the man would remedy the calamitous dearth of high definition Uzbekistani infomercials that were once a part of our lives. Martin Marks: Your Guide to Hurricane Preparedness
  • The area has entered an anxious era of landslides since the calamitous landslides of 1978.
  • Before Christmas, workman burst a water main in the street with a mechanical digger causing calamitous flooding.
  • Add to this a calamitous exit from the final Champions League qualifier and an early end to their Carling Cup campaign and it has been underachievement all the way.
  • But an equally calamitous error was made around that time when the ban on agents working for clubs was lifted. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there was the calamitous underestimation of the fighting power and resolution of the soldiers.
  • Both were tame efforts that only found the net because of calamitous goalkeeping errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he hadn't made such a fuss about acceptable standards of behaviour, his fall from grace might not have been so swift and calamitous.
  • I'm not sure I would want to turn Goodwin's sympathies on, say, Woodrow Wilson, lest personal feeling claim a larger portion of her focus than the long-term calamitous consequences of a president's good intentions; but cynicism doesn't get anyone very far with Lincoln. No Ordinary Tome
  • If he hadn't made such a fuss about acceptable standards of behaviour, his fall from grace might not have been so swift and calamitous.
  • The doom of the Regent and Council shows singularly the total interruption of justice at this calamitous period, even in the most clamant cases of oppression. Ivanhoe
  • Ivul is an eccentric, and exasperating in some ways, but I found something powerfully and unexpectedly real about the story's central conceit: that a single calamitous event, wounding a young man's pride, can metastasise into a family tragedy. Ivul
  • The obliging stylist agreed to re-do her calamitous colouring, despite fears that her hair could be damaged by too much colour so soon after the disaster.
  • But then we cut to another, calamitous stage in their relationship.
  • Industry insiders are less convinced that such a seemingly calamitous outcome would not have had far-reaching ramifications. Times, Sunday Times
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • Closing your eyes to all the other possibilities always is dangerous - and potentially calamitous.
  • In sundry sports, and not least in rugby, there are calamitous defeats in which even the best players go down with the ship.
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • What we are left with is an empty, shallow shocker whose vacuity is calamitously exposed in its final act.
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • His deliberately two-dimensional characters are hilariously drawn to provide some much needed light relief to such an obviously calamitous tale.
  • v When it has been established by said Medical Examination that you do not have the lurgi and other calamitous diseases, you then send everything off to the consulate in your country = Auckland, in my case. Archive 2005-05-01
  • Nasa received data from the Spirit rover yesterday for the first time in two days, ending fears that the Mars mission may have come to a calamitous halt.
  • We will recall the calamitous response to that disaster, during which some kids weren't reunited with their families for up to six months. Mark Shriver: Another Gulf Coast Disaster...Are We Ready?
  • His deliberately two-dimensional characters are hilariously drawn to provide some much needed light relief to such an obviously calamitous tale.
  • You might jitter with anxiety yourself as he steadfastly refuses to shift angles during a maddening and calamitous traffic jam.
  • TOKYO — Rescuers in Japan dug through mud-caked debris and searched the banks of swollen rivers Monday for those missing in a powerful typhoon that left at least 25 people dead, the latest disaster for a country still recovering from a calamitous tsunami six months ago. Japan: Typhoon Talas Kills At Least 20
  • She lets him secretly witness her mistress transform herself into an owl; but when Lucius tries the spell on himself, by some calamitous mischance he is changed into an ass.
  • If there is to be a winner, it could be the result of a calamitous error or disastrous lack of discipline.
  • It was a calamitous mistake, not least because it was eminently avoidable.
  • And so it goes: human presence leads then to a calamitous drop-off in the population of caribou.
  • The Reds had been guilty of a few calamitous defensive errors of their own, especially away from home, this season.
  • On its simplest level, it traces two calamitous marriages: one between the sweet, idealistic Dorothea Brooke (Juliet Aubrey) and priggishly meanspirited Rev. Edward Casaubon (Patrick Malahide), the other pairing equally idealistic Dr. Tertius Lydgate (Douglas Hodge) with the wretchedly selfish Rosamond Vincy (Trevyn McDowell). By George, We've Got It
  • Such an attack would truly be "calamitous" -- to use the same description as the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) Stories
  • After a calamitous decline in the value two years ago, it's now more stable.
  • On one side was Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur, railing against what he called the cacophony of Web 2.0 and the calamitous effects of user-generated content on our culture. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • In certain cases, this type of leader has created calamitous results for both subordinates and the organization.
  • It is still a tale of thwarted hopes and suppressed unhappiness, but the misery she reveals is calamitous only in its traumatic effects on one family.
  • His removal from command of the army he had forged had a calamitous effect on the morale of his men.
  • I remember that with the help of my agent we stopped the publication of a calamitous German transmogrification of Loves That Bind where everything was translated and the Paris plane trees were transformed into banana trees.
  • It was a calamitous error of judgement. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • Bunker had never seen their like: apples the shape of a perfect McIntosh (a variety widely planted in Maine only after a calamitous freeze killed more than a million trees in 1934) but colored a lustrous dark cordovan, purple-black with firm, cream-colored flesh. Beyond the McIntosh
  • The pessimists in our midst envision a truly calamitous chain of events.
  • Rather than be an alarmist and claim that Global Warming caused it, lets turn what the Al Gores of the world would call a calamitous event into a situation that actually creates jobs and economic prosperity. Polar Ice Caps Dead Ahead!
  • But even his allies admit he committed a series of calamitous mistakes which meant the Home Secretary had to go.
  • By this it appears that it was advisable and seasonable only in calamitous times, and times of present distress, 1 Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He had piped to us in gracious and merciful providences, mourned to us in calamitous, afflicting providences, and has set the one over against the other. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Both were tame efforts that only found the net because of calamitous goalkeeping errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • His calamitous ignorance of his system's failure, plus his reluctance to acknowledge it once was drawn to his attention, drew shrill demands for his dismissal.
  • Plenty of Christians have tried their hand at putting their beliefs into prose or poetry, usually with calamitous aesthetic results.
  • The commission that investigated the crisis casts a wide net of blame, faulting two administrations, the Federal Reserve and other regulators for permitting a calamitous concoction: shoddy mortgage lending, the excessive packaging and sale of loans to investors and risky bets on securities backed by the loans... Wonkbook: So much State of the Union
  • Public and private opinion wilted before the simoon of calamitous report. Hidden Treasures Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail
  • A rash action or a hasty decision at this time could have calamitous results.
  • There followed an utterly calamitous war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives on each side and bankrupted both countries.
  • If he is right to challenge Herodotus on the colloquial "the wind grew fagged" or the inadequate "unpleasant end," the same bathos can be achieved by straying too far in the opposite direction, to "the wind grew enervated" or "calamitous termination," say. On the Sublime
  • To give to them who are thus marked an assurance of God's favour, that they may know it themselves; and the comfort of knowing it will be the most powerful support and cordial in calamitous times. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • His term commenced on New Year's Day 2003, in a prolonged cold snap for the league's 72 clubs, who were still tearing into each other, and themselves apart, after ITV Digital's calamitous collapse. Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • Such an attack would truly be "calamitous" -- to use the same description as the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen. Shawn Amoei: Neocon War Plans Undermine Iranians' Quest for Democracy
  • As I was working my way through this novel, a serendipitous but calamitous event occurred: strangles an equine disease also known as distemper infected a stable run by a good friend of mine. Firehorse
  • a calamitous defeat

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