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How To Use Cafeteria In A Sentence

  • She reached the doors of the college cafeteria, slamming them behind her and locking the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the soapbox speakers, the cafeterias offered working-class people places to debate and discuss a wide range of issues.
  • You're eating lunch in the cafeteria, wearing your scrubs, your high-tech stethoscope around your neck, a hemostat clipped onto you somewhere, tourniquets tied onto it. Excerpt: Never Change by Elizabeth Berg
  • You can't eat this food in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
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  • A school district can reduce pay for noncontract workers - janitors and cafeteria workers, for example - and it can reduce teacher salaries from one year to the next if notice is given at least 45 days before the first day of instruction, Texas Education Agency spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe said. Chronicle
  • The robust, authentic Polish home cooking is cheap and satisfying and served cafeteria-style.
  • An hour south is the Blue Lagoon, a lake with steam vents that has been developed into a beach, healing bath, and beauty spa with deck chairs, a bar, a cafeteria, massages, mud packs, and even a gift shop.
  • Barry, it was pleasant seeing you today in the cafeteria. Barry I saw that you purchased the chef's salad. Apparently, you did not know that the chef's salad is kitchen trickery to utilize scrap meat.
  • For a rice eater like me, cafeteria tiffin in the morning comes nowhere close to filling.
  • Games were played across plastic mats resting on cafeteria tables.
  • Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.
  • As Bluto Blutarsky in "Animal House, '' John made cinema history by smashing a guitar, imitating a" zit "in the cafeteria and inspiring his fraternity brothers with the rallying cry:" Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Our Guide to Famous Brothers
  • At that, she pulled out a can of root beer and one of the small cups of ice cream that the cafeteria served.
  • The food was hearty and good value, served cafeteria style. Times, Sunday Times
  • Community Club and supporting a gym, billiard room , table tennis room , cafeteria, laundry room , reading room , swimming pool, restaurant, beauty salon.
  • Cafeterias on northern routes also have Class B liquor licences, which serve wine, beer and coolers.
  • After graduating from the same high school as his partner and childhood friend, he enrolled in Ohio's Oberlin College to study pre-med, supplementing his income as a scooper in the college cafeteria's ice cream kiosk.
  • Virginia Charles never carried much more money than carfare and other change to get dinner at the hospital cafeteria. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • I smiled unsurely back at him, and then compliantly replied to his comment about the disgustingness of our cafeteria's food, and soon enough a conversation had started.
  • She always paid for their meals during rehearsals and they would troop off to the Express Dairy cafeteria opposite.
  • "What's going on in here, " a rough, stern voice suddenly growled into the cafeteria microphone.
  • The kids are ankle-deep in water when it rains because of the drainage around their cafeteria.
  • An older lady, one of the servers, walked into the cafeteria dressed in a white apron, hairnet, and black-framed bifocals, carrying a portable radio. Show Stoppah
  • It also boasts a sauna, massage rooms, a hydrotherapy pool, weight room, squash, and basketball courts and a cafeteria for the players.
  • He gladly took the ride to the school, where he sat on a simple cot yesterday in the cafeteria.
  • I assume they've already replaced the cafeteria with a state of the art protein pellet dispensary. Would you trust these people with your kid?
  • He stood up on top of a table in the cafeteria and laughed for five minutes. 21 DOG YEARS
  • To go to the cafeteria, students have to go up a ramp and follow a hallway which led to the lunchroom in a different building.
  • The restaurant is cafeteria-style, so there's no waitstaff to rush you out.
  • My grandstand view of Nelson's Column would also have been considerably better had I not been sitting on a stiff plastic seat of the kind you'd expect to find in a cheap cafeteria.
  • They had just finished their lunch in the cafeteria.
  • The cafeteria plans of most large employers contain one or both of these arrangements as an integral part of the plan.
  • Three years later, the worker wounded two coworkers and killed three others in the company cafeteria.
  • Meanwhile a new school in Maine tried to do the same thing with its library, cafeteria and science lab.
  • Being hungry, I stopped at the cafeteria and asked if they had kosher food.
  • It would have applied to any food produced or sold in Oregon (but not to food sold in restaurants, cafeterias, or venues such as sporting events).
  • I changed into a fresh set of clothes quickly and headed for the cafeteria for a bite to eat.
  • Decadent, adults-only desserts that warm over your soul provide an escape from hum-drum food found in university cafeterias and surrounding student-oriented restaurants.
  • Consumer groups were urging school cafeterias to serve healthier food.
  • Customers line-up cafeteria-style, filling red plastic trays with pastries, using not their hands, but a pair of tongs taken from a rack.
  • It is described as being a cafeteria and bistro serving simple food.
  • She adds that the entire area of foodservice, including restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, and health care facilities, are now catching on to the aseptic phenomenon.
  • Results were consistent whether the venue was an upscale bistro or a university cafeteria.
  • Sophia bought two hot cocoas from the school cafeteria and the two of them drank them vigorously.
  • There were also outrageous exaggerations on the cafeteria scene circulating around the school.
  • For dining, resort cafeterias often serve hearty, inexpensive breakfasts.
  • Consumer groups were urging school cafeterias to serve healthier food.
  • After rehearsals, we'd all troop off to the cafeteria.
  • Like airline food, university cafeterias rarely have a strong and loyal following among the discerning gourmands they serve.
  • Someone had gained access to the cafeteria's speaker system and was playing music.
  • Whether you get a hot dog at the cafeteria or you're having a state dinner at the Tavern, people need to give us more credit than what they do sometimes," said Solobay, referring to a pricey restaurant near Harrisburg. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The Iraqi Bar Association cafeteria is one of the few public places in Baghdad where Sunnis and Shiites can openly have conversations, al-Dulaimi says. Shortage of Iraqi lawyers no joke
  • He goes around the cafeteria and floats from table to table, talking with everyone and mooching off them at the same time so he doesn't have to pay for lunch.
  • Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trial, held in the cafeteria of the Youth Guidance Center, lasted four weeks.
  • Why would I give all that up to live in a hooch and eat cafeteria food for a year?
  • Extensive flower gardens, an adventure playground, and cafeteria, all help to make this a delightful place to visit.
  • Other diners in the cafeteria cast sidelong glances as they hear his Québécois accent decry the injustices of the street.
  • My sister and I stood in the funeral home's back room, painted a washed-out green like an old cafeteria's kitchen.
  • Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.
  • Yeah, I saw him in the cafeteria and tried to say hi, but he was all podded up. "It’s peculiar and unnerving in a way to see so many young people walking around with cell phones and iPods in their ears..."
  • I used to eat at a Scandinavian cafeteria in San Francisco that called itself a "smorgasbord" and advertised its reindeer meatballs over pasta as superior to the Italian meatballs at the U.S. Cafe next door. With Best Countries Like These…
  • At cafeterias, you complain that the gelatin is too tough. You Know You’re Over The Hill When… « You Got to be Kidding's Blog
  • This was followed by Station facilities at Pant with its cafeteria, licensed restaurant shop and toilet facilities plus local workshops.
  • An immediate roar deafened the cafeteria as everyone surged to gather around the battle.
  • The warehousemen are responsible for distributing food supplies to the program's school cafeterias in the north of Haiti.
  • If you have ever made the mistake of eating merguez in a French motorway cafeteria you will know how horrible the commercial kind can be: gristly, fatty, staggeringly salty.
  • Melinda sat in the hard plastic chair opposite of him, with a long square nail slitting open her perfect little brown paper bag containing her lunch, she never ate cafeteria food, never.
  • He also inaugurated a multipurpose hall, cafeteria, teaching block and library building.
  • Everyone uses the cafeteria, from the managing director down to the office boy.
  • On the staff front, support facilities would include a staff-only cafeteria, windowed break rooms with outside access, and a health club.
  • I finally spotted him in the cafeteria, alone except for a huge fry-up. KICK BACK
  • There is a lengthy tracking shot, but it's of the cafeteria - seafarers eating franks and beans, and such.
  • Making a difference The students and the union campaigned together to reduce the price of the food in the cafeteria and increase its quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.
  • A low wall wraps around the site embracing a single-story cafeteria overlooking a minimally landscaped courtyard.
  • They got all the food onto the trays and went out into the cafeteria to begin serving.
  • They're all meeting in the cafeteria to plot against Veronica, and the way you shot it, you get right away that it's surreptitious.
  • After fleeing from the cafeteria, they had headed through the forest towards the eastern shore. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were crowded around a single, circular lunch table in the cafeteria.
  • They talked with him about what happened in the cafeteria but Mike just said that he'd had worse and left it at that.
  • If they find out that he is related to such a non-church attending godless infidel who is public about her godless infidelity, they might sacrifice his body on an altar in the quad between the English building and the cafeteria.
  • But soon, her job at the cafeteria opens her palate to the delights of pastas, pizzas, enchiladas, falafel, potato pierogis, and vegetable fried rice.
  • Classes were also observed during recess, in the cafeteria, and in the library.
  • This time I tried Tutto Bene, a cafeteria-style sit-down resto right next to Open Da Night.
  • A second way that benefit packages can be adapted to meet the needs of the modern worker is to establish cafeteria benefit plans. Human Resource Management in Government
  • He called it a Japanese cafeteria, which places the eatery in a different category from the other Japanese restos in town.
  • It reminds me of swing sets, pizza day in the cafeteria, cub scouts and kickball.
  • Since last November, the local government prohibited the production and sale of traditional plastic bags and containers, which are primarily used in restaurants and cafeterias.
  • It ended, in fact, on the day of graduation for the Fall term, and forced the ceremonies from the outdoor amphitheater with scenic backdrop into the cafeteria, which had memories of its own.
  • Bill suggests checking with churches, school cafeterias or even restaurants for waste you can use in your compost pile.
  • He was the one who caused the cafeteria to go kaboom?
  • Earlier this week, the work cafeteria was buzzing with the clamour of the morning rush.
  • Today it’s raining and cold, so I’m stuck sitting at my corner table in the cafeteria with my yogurt and carrot sticks and a box of blood what I call cranberry juice in a box. Sweetblood
  • Trips to the cafeteria for the late night "munchies"--mozarella sticks and pepperoni pizza, my college diet staple--where I would gaze at cafeteria boy and hope I didn't look like a complete moron. Archive 2009-11-01
  • She helps an old comrade of her father who runs a bare little-frequented cafeteria and at the end of the day scurries home with bread and milk.
  • You will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias.
  • What do you call a headless, legless guy on a cafeteria table? Here comes the bri...AAAAUUGGHHH!!!
  • I peeked across the cafeteria toward Emmett, grateful that he wasn't looking my way.
  • So I called the cafeteria, and the conversation went something like this: The Dogs Are Bored
  • I must confess I didn't realise it had been renovated - and I'd been avoiding it because in its previous incarnation, it was a slightly pokey cafeteria.
  • After graduating from the same high school as his partner and childhood friend, he enrolled in Ohio's Oberlin College to study pre-med, supplementing his income as a scooper in the college cafeteria's ice cream kiosk.
  • They made trips back and forth to the candy machine, the Coke machine, the cafeteria for Styrofoam cups of the most awful coffee. GRACED LAND
  • Everyone uses the cafeteria, from the managing director down to the office boy.
  • And you walk into the cafeteria to get your daily ladle of borscht. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Lunch hour ended, the cafeteria cleared out, and his beeper went off. DOLL'S EYES
  • Try breaking out of routines like always eating lunch in the cafeteria at work.
  • While the Fountainebleu apartments sit across from an entrance to the university, it also is operated with a smaller property known as the annex, which doesn't have its own cafeteria, so residents must walk several blocks to the Fountainebleu if they want to eat in a dining facility. Off-Campus Housing: 101
  • a noisy cafeteria
  • Cath watched long enough that the sounds in the cafeteria became a distant murmur, a sort of background noise to her thoughts.
  • They serve good nosh in the cafeteria.
  • My most vivid memory of demonstrating was the afternoon a group of us "picketed" the Blue Boar Cafeteria's Walnut Street (now Muhammad Ali) location. Undefined
  • When the cafeteria is an internal operation the firm records the various expenses associated with operating the cafeteria and that's that. Meltzer on the Labor Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Each hot meal that is served by the cafeteria is planned at the central school district headquarters to meet certain minimum nutrition requirements.
  • The Government has announced its intention to ban smoking in all factories, cafeterias, restaurants and pubs where food is served by next year.
  • Nevertheless, Food Services wants you to know that the food you are eating at on-campus restaurants and cafeterias is probably some of the safest food in the city.
  • Children's Playground A large adventure playground is situated adjacent to the insect house, conveniently near the cafeteria and main picnic lawn.
  • We went to the cafeteria and enjoyed lunch and began to talk about our churches. Christianity Today
  • We would encourage all restaurants, cafeterias, delicatessens, food vending services and convenience stores to do the same.
  • He passed multiple doors that led to offices, closets, cafeterias, living quarters, study rooms, gymnasiums, garages, and practically everything one could ask for in a colony.
  • The architects' aim is to create vertical urbanity, with public and private spaces, conference rooms, a cafeteria, and library and internal gardens to clean and oxygenate the air.
  • He well and truly was at a loss, eyes desperately searching the cafeteria in search of Kaoru or a distraction.
  • The chivalric cafeteria decorate inside hotel is very coarse, put in hall hall have armature.
  • Today a smorgasbord is a term that you use for some highway cafeteria that serves you all-you-can-eat for a cheap price. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • To front on France for having the "Gaulle" to question the whole rush to war thing, Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) symbolically renamed French fries and French toast "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" at the Capitol Hill cafeteria, burning France like it was 1944. John Wellington Ennis: Freedom Tower: Screw the Name, Just Build it Already
  • Cafeteria plans lower taxes for both employers and employees.
  • Over lunches in the clerk dining room, separated from the public cafeteria by soundproofed glass doors, he got to know the other clerks and picked up what institutional wisdom he could from the holdovers who'd be there until August.
  • The compost consisted of the EarthShell plates and bowls, unbleached paper napkins, fiber trays, biodegradable trash bags, and food from a federal agency's cafeteria, plus leaves and grass clippings.
  • Over two decades, through his lunch-time lectures and cafeteria tutorials, he changed the lives of hundreds of undergraduates.
  • Every day, more than 27 million children line up in school cafeterias to be served lunch that might include cheeseburgers and fries, pizza sticks with marinara sauce, pigs in a blanket or perhaps triangle-shaped fish.
  • She also volunteered at her children's school cafeteria, helping to prepare pierogies, a kind of dumpling, every Friday.
  • The following morning they were sitting in the Games cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hospital cafeteria's mission statement, however, can put that of the most foppish of five-star beaneries to shame.
  • In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.
  • And you walk into the cafeteria to get your daily ladle of borscht. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Grabbing a salad from the cafeteria, Alicia scanned the lunchroom for a spot to sit.
  • Shortly after the horrendous cafeteria ‘food’ was disposed of, a familiar cheery voice resounded through the room.
  • If the theory weren't valid, CEOs who are handier with machinery than their secretaries would change the printer cartridges in all of the offices printers; executives who are outstanding weekend cooks would help prepare lunch in the company cafeterias. Getting Ricardo Wrong, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But am I the only person here who thinks doing it personally, and then going to school to talk about it in the cafeteria, is likely to make some Jews feel threatened in school. The Volokh Conspiracy » School Board Violating California Law?
  • Michelle didn't tell Shane, but she hated eating in the cramped cafeteria.
  • Clarence entered the park at the request of the Trust to repair the gas cooker in the cafeteria.
  • On the way back from the document transceiver he collected a sandwich lunch from the cafeteria and took it to his desk. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • Sitting at one of the long plastic tables in the cafeteria, Chelsea Stanford takes the opportunity to flex her ankle a few times.
  • Their cafeterias serve burgers with barbecue sauce, peanut butter and jelly, even lobster - all imported, not least as a precaution against poisoning.
  • An elderly woman wearing a hairnet, apron, and a nametag with DORIS engraved on it in big black letters worked behind the cafeteria counter. Show Stoppah
  • Everyone has to find an identity that doesn't involve where your locker is or who you sit with in the cafeteria. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Endless buffets, all-you-can-eat dessert bars and trays of greasy fries and burgers tend to pop into mind when you think of college cafeterias. Her Campus: The 10 Healthiest College Dining Halls in America
  • Any doubts that manners are facing extinction can be dispelled with a peek into school cafeterias.
  • Though I had served as a mashgiach (kosher supervisor) in the cafeteria as a rabbinical student, I required detailed instruction to oversee the large camping agency's many industrial kitchens as a rav hamachshir (certifying rabbi). Rabbi Jason Miller: Ending Kosher Nostra: How To Bring Sanity To The Kosher Industry
  • This cafeteria serves good honest food.
  • After the 1960s, when Miami was flooded with Cubans fleeing Fidel Castro's rule, the pressed Cuban sandwich became ubiquitous in cafeterias and coffee shops there.
  • They got all the food onto the trays and went out into the cafeteria to begin serving.
  • After fleeing from the cafeteria, they had headed through the forest towards the eastern shore. Times, Sunday Times
  • They got rid of their cafeterias, shucked their travel offices, and reduced their human-resources staffs.
  • I proceeded to stealthily slink through the hallways, lurk in the cafeteria, the library, the football field, the gym.
  • When we got to school, they had the cafeteria all decorated up with lights and balloons.
  • You will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias.
  • Children's Playground A large adventure playground is situated adjacent to the insect house, conveniently near the cafeteria and main picnic lawn.
  • Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.
  • No, it was just a little like reception underneath in the cafeteria.
  • We had lots of fun together, going to baseball games, to all-you-can-eat cafeterias and, eventually, to my place and to his for nightcaps.
  • After going around stalls and driving the new model, if you feel like having a cuppa tea or coffee, there's a cafeteria too.
  • As our ragtag troupe passed the cafeteria in the West Mall Centre we chanced upon a stack of trays.
  • Cafés and cafeterias serve open-faced sandwiches with cold meats, smoked fish, or cheese as well as simple but substantial meals of meat or fish and boiled potatoes.
  • He brought tacos rolled up in waxed paper or fried chicken in a bucket, or ham sandwiches from the cafeteria.
  • Its Valois Cafeteria, a classic neighborhood eatery, has occasionally been visited by President Obama upon his returns to Chicago. Academics of Real Estate
  • I did not walk into the cafeteria to laughs and heckles, no one got in my face.
  • Students who have eaten in the village cafeterias quickly learn to appreciate off-campus food.
  • After reaching the end of the lunch line, Matthew and I exited the hot and aroma filled kitchen and re-entered the cafeteria.
  • Phase 3 will include a new kitchen and a timber frame glassed-in cafeteria extending out of the north end of the building.
  • The exact nature of the explosion, police do not know at this particular stage, what caused this blast in the Frank Sinatra area, it is called, but the actual cafeteria called the Mensa (ph) cafeteria. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2002
  • We'll just have to settle for whatever crud the cafeteria has to offer.
  • Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.
  • I breathed in all the smells of the cafeteria - fries, pizzas, burgers - before releasing it in a large puff of air.
  • Several were sitting on stools and chairs around the several bars or near the cafeterias serving convenience food.
  • It was Wong, eating a churro in the middle of the hallway - blatantly disobeying the no food outside the cafeteria rule.
  • At lunch that day, they sat together in the cafeteria; same as they had done every day since Abby was a freshman in high school.
  • The name "Clifton's" was a combination of Clifford Clinton's first and last names, according to his son, Don Clinton, who began working at the cafeteria at age 19 and spent 65 years there. News -
  • There were occasionally some minimal examples, such as sitting together in the campus cafeteria, and there were student groups defined by racial categories but by in large the communities interacted together nearly completely, and there were certainly no examples of things like a “black caucus intermural league” or student groups that significantly seperated their activities from the rest of the social life on campus. The Volokh Conspiracy » Conflicting Rationales for Affirmative Action in Higher Education:
  • Henry gobbled down his lunch in the cafeteria and found Marc and Jim together diddling over their dessert, and joined them.
  • They tussled and screamed right in the middle of the cafeteria, everyone was completely silent.
  • The bell rings and students begin piling out of class, ready to run into the cafeteria where a line up for slop is gathering.
  • She found she was outside Alders and turned in through the glass doors and looked on the store directory for the cafeteria. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Every conversation outside her house, from the classroom to the cafeteria, became about correcting Every misconception or mistruth from Iraq to palestine, from liberation to occupation. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • Federal law states that while irradiated meat must be labeled in grocery stores, it does not have to be labeled when served in school cafeterias, restaurants or hospitals.
  • Sam Wink and his friends were halfway through lunch when the blue Ford pickup smashed through the plateglass window of Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. 'You Could See The Hate'
  • Today was Friday, that means the cafeteria was serving fruit platters for lunch.
  • Anna: You know counterman in the cafeteria? The tall , blond one? Carlo : Yeah.
  • They were back at the cafeteria, and he was served the same meal as the rest of the men: gruel and potatoes.
  • The dance floor is dim, and colored lights give the bland cafeteria walls and the sagging crepe the snap of fiesta.
  • After of course spending the rest of lunch period torturing my stupid relative, I stalked out of the cafeteria in a bad temper.
  • Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio has settled his lawsuit against the operators of the Congressional cafeteria that wrapped an unpitted olive in a sandwich. NYT > Home Page
  • There was a cafeteria but no food. Christianity Today
  • I take Dennis Kucinich's word that the unpitted olive in the sandwich he bought from the Longsworth Building cafeteria three years ago really has caused him a lot of dental damage, requiring expensive corrective procedures resulting in a lot of pain. The case of the olive
  • A future AORN President could be the person sitting next to you on the bus, sitting next to you in the cafeteria, or standing in line while registering at a hotel.
  • She designed and currently manages a large scale, closed-loop vermicompost project at a downtown homeless shelter where cafeteria food waste becomes 4 tons of worm castings a year which in turn is used as the soil that grows food to return to the cafeteria. Boing Boing
  • We went to the cafeteria and enjoyed lunch and began to talk about our churches. Christianity Today

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