How To Use Caesarean section In A Sentence

  • Births are often more difficult and there are more instances of caesarean sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • The procedure is associated with an increased likelihood of further medical interventions, such as caesarean section. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Catherine suffered in labor for many hours, and finally the doctors had to perform a Caesarean section.
  • A primary school teacher who died hours after a caesarean section lost four pints of blood, an inquest was told. Times, Sunday Times
  • Births are often more difficult and there are more instances of caesarean sections. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Meanwhile, women need to be advised that a caesarean section is not a panacea.
  • Although women with a term singleton cephalic pregnancy with a previous caesarean section (group 5) represented only 11. 4% of the obstetric population, this group was the largest contributor to the overall caesarean section rate (26. 7% of all the caesarean section). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Many lower to middle class women sought caesarean sections to avoid what they considered poor quality care and medical neglect, resulting from social prejudice.
  • History of depression or depression during pregnancy was not associated with emergency caesarean section.
  • She suffered severe brain damage after asphyxiating during birth but that would have been avoided had she been born earlier by emergency Caesarean section, a hearing in Preston was told.
  • For certain operations, such as Caesarean section, or in hypovolemic patients or patients with minimal cardiac reserve, the anesthesia provider may aim to provide "light anesthesia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • My waters had broken at home and they'd been trying to induce me but nothing was happening at all so I wasn't surprised when they said I'd need a caesarean section.
  • I was starting to do a caesarean section on a really stroppy cow who was kicking and thrashing about all over the place.
  • They were born by caesarean section and sadly one died soon after. The Sun
  • Unable to move from where she lay, not only because of the infant lying on her breast, but because her body was still torn open from the caesarean section, a defenseless fear and rage swept through her because no one was telling her what was going on. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • Nevertheless, it is impossible to deliver all term breech pregnancies by caesarean section.
  • The number of Caesarean sections has increased threefold in Britain over the last 25 years with one in five babies now born by the method, according to Department of Health figures.
  • A young woman, pregnant soon after a caesarean section delivery, was counselled to undergo tubectomy after the second baby was born.
  • Both her children were born by caesarean section.
  • Caroline was seriously ill after she gave birth by emergency caesarean section, and it was two days before she saw her tiny daughter who was on oxygen in an incubator in the special care bay unit.
  • Short of saying they make your legs fall off and turn your baby into a frog, opponents of elective caesarean sections have come out with just about any frightener, over the past few years, that they thought might arrest or reverse the continual increase in the number of women who think the NHS should help them dodge a proper labour. Please, render unto caesareans a little less hysteria | Catherine Bennett
  • The children were born by Caesarean section in September 2010, joined at the head - a condition known as craniopagus. BBC News - Home
  • Louise was born by caesarean section after a full-term pregnancy. British IVF pioneer Robert Edwards wins Nobel prize for medicine
  • Edwards specialized in babies with cerebral palsy who he claimed would have been spared the affliction if only the doctors had immediately performed Caesarean sections. ProWomanProLife » There’s a reason it’s called natural birth
  • South Africa's first sextuplets, three boys and three girls, are alive and well - born by Caesarean section at 8.10 am yesterday.
  • A commonly cited example of defensive medicine is the rise in the number of caesarean section births, as opposed to natural births.
  • Delivered by caesarean section at 29 weeks gestation and weighing from 2 pounds, 3 ounces to 3 pounds, 3 ounces, the quintuplets are expected to be released from the hospital this month.
  • But caesarean sections have become much safer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Socially he would display the worst standards of civic sense and may be criminal as Ill. Professionally he would indulge in all types of antisocial activities such as destroying the hutments for personal gains, taking bribe and still not doing the work, doing appendicectomy or caesarean sections without any indications etc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The disease also can be seen from an apparently uncomplicated delivery and from more obvious causes of decreased oxygen such as Caesarean section or premature separation of the placenta (red bag delivery). News
  • After delivering a baby by caesarean section, Dougherty was given medication for what appeared to be normal postoperative pain.
  • But caesarean sections have become much safer. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was in an advanced state of pregnancy and her first child was born on the spot by caesarean section.
  • By use of the forceps, by skill acquired in version, by procuring premature labour, and especially by asepticism in the Caesarean section and other equivalent operations, medical science has found much improved means of saving both the child and its mother. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Although caesarean sections are commoner among private patients, the trend to caesarean sections may have a knock-on effect on the socially unprivileged women seeking what they perceive to be good health care during delivery.
  • Primiparous and multiparous women were analysed separately, as were elective and emergency caesarean sections.
  • There used to be an operation, in the old days, called a caesarean section -- used on normal women and on dwarfs and midgets too, in childbirth. This Crowded Earth
  • Multiple pregnancy is more likely than singleton pregnancy to be associated with spontaneous preterm labor and with preterm obstetric interventions, such as induction of labor or delivery by caesarean section.
  • A surrogate mother in Phoenix, Arizona has given birth to quintuplets by caesarean section.
  • Women who had previously experienced caesarean section had a marginally smaller blood loss and a lower death rate from ruptured uterus.
  • The quadruplets, three girls and one boy, were born on July 25 in Shanghai No.1 Maternity and Child Care Hospital by caesarean section.
  • Catherine suffered in labor for many hours, and finally the doctors had to perform a Caesarean section.
  • For emergency services such as caesarean sections, minor surgery and blood transfusions, patients must go to Kyegegwa Health Centre 15km away. IRIN
  • Some types of infection are an indication for a planned Caesarean section.
  • The baby was delivered by Caesarean section.
  • Prior intrauterine therapy is not an indication for an elective caesarean section.
  • She was in an advanced state of pregnancy and her first child was born on the spot by caesarean section.
  • Elective caesarean section and respiratory morbidity in the term and near-term neonate. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Recent studies show women supported by doulas have shorter labours and lower rates of caesarean section deliveries.
  • Conclusion The application of health education is effective in caesarean section.
  • Atul Loke/Panos for The Wall Street Journal Mumbai astrologist Geetanjali Saxena In the U.S., the frequency of caesarean sections has risen to more than 30% of births, from around 21% in 1998. When the Stars Align, Indians Say, It's a Good Time to Have a C-Section
  • The practice drives up costs of neonatal intensive care and leads to a higher rate of caesarean sections. A Push for More Pregnancies to Last 39 Weeks
  • Both her children were born by caesarean section.
  • Sia, “Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review” BMJ 328: 1410 2004; L.J. Mayberry, D. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
  • This confirms women's views that medical staff may induce a birth to prevent a caesarean section only when the woman is poor.
  • During the early part of this century, before Caesarean sections were commonplace or indeed safe, pelvimetry (measurements of the maternal pelvis) was frequently employed in an attempt to predict the outcome of labour.
  • Could a randomised trial answer the controversy relating to elective caesarean section?
  • The observed relation between maternal age and caesarean section cannot be explained by the obstetric complications we considered.
  • After delivering a baby by caesarean section, Dougherty was given medication for what appeared to be normal postoperative pain.
  • During pregnancy it would be useful to target these women with similar nutritional and physical activity strategies in order to avoid excessive weight gain and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as caesarean sections, Macrosomia, and large-for-gestational age (LGA) as well as shorter duration of breastfeeding and higher weight retention in the postpartum period. Innovations-report
  • In other words, the rationale for ‘choosing’ a caesarean section was not derived from a positive attitude based on accurate information about the risks and benefits of the procedure, but to avoid negative ‘side effects.’
  • Both her children were born by caesarean section.
  • The baby was born by Caesarean section.
  • The rate of caesarean sections has been climbing for the past 25 years, and many people with an interest in obstetrics feel it is too high.
  • Once considered unthinkable, vaginal delivery after a previous caesarean section remains a safe option for many women.
  • The available trials of X-ray pelvimetry show an increase of interventions like caesarean section, but no benefits in terms of reduced neonatal morbidity (Parsons and Spellacy 1985). 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • Hattie was born by caesarean section, because I wasn't strong enough to go into labour. I had cancer while I was pregnant
  • If a Caesarean section is not appropriate, for example because the baby's head is already moving down the birth canal, an episiotomy can be the best way to speed up birth.
  • But in countries with higher levels of skilled attendance at birth, the report suggests that policy-makers should focus on improving access to emergency obstetric care, such as Caesarean sections and blood transfusions. Scientific American
  • British reports suggested the baby was born by Caesarean section on September 26 at the Portland Private Hospital, central London and used the name "Sophie" Hong during her stay. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • While doctors are often on the defensive about whether Caesarean sections, which carry all the risks of surgery, are justified, Dr. Howard L. Minkoff, the chairman of obstetrics at Maimonides, said doctors must weigh those concerns against the potential complications from vaginal delivery in obese women. Obesity is Becoming an Increasing Burden in the Maternity Ward | Impact Lab
  • The C, also known as the Caesarean section, is, after all, major surgery, with a longer recovery time than a regular birth. ParentDish
  • A commonly cited example of defensive medicine is the rise in the number of caesarean section births, as opposed to natural births.
  • They were born by caesarean section and sadly one died soon after. The Sun
  • The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has recommended training in instrumental delivery to control and reduce the rates of caesarean section.

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