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[ UK /siːsˈe‍əɹi‍ən/ ]
[ US /ˈkeɪsɝˌin/ ]
  1. relating to abdominal delivery
  1. the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)

How To Use caesarean In A Sentence

  • Surgeries such as Cesarean sections, fracture repairs, tumor removals, foreign body removals and cystotomies are all performed at our facility.
  • Anaesthetists routinely provide epidurals for both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.
  • Hattie was born by caesarean section, because I wasn't strong enough to go into labour. I had cancer while I was pregnant
  • Twenty-two percent of Caesareans are performed because of concerns for the baby's welfare, and another 20% are because the labour is not progressing.
  • During the early part of this century, before Caesarean sections were commonplace or indeed safe, pelvimetry (measurements of the maternal pelvis) was frequently employed in an attempt to predict the outcome of labour.
  • At the time, doctors often performed the operations instead of Caesareans, believing that it would allow the women to continue having children.
  • A quarter of the women had undergone Caesareans, with one in three of those describing the care they received after the procedure as ‘appalling’.
  • This confirms women's views that medical staff may induce a birth to prevent a caesarean section only when the woman is poor.
  • Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
  • The Philosophical Transactions, * [629] in the last century contain accounts of Cesarean section performed by an ignorant butcher and also by a midwife; and there are many records of the celebrated case performed by Jacob Nüfer, a cattle gelder, at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
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