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How To Use Caesar In A Sentence

  • He is the leader of a hilarious village of "unsubdued and irksome" Gauls still holding out against Caesar's legions in 50 B.C.
  • Recollecting the day he saw Napoleon on the street, the poet imagines what must be the tumult of thoughts behind Caesar's moveless mask-the cities, the factories, the armies rising in the conqueror's dream of power.
  • Caesarian deliveries were occasionally performed in the Middle Ages, but carried with them connotations of the devil, as the child would be not of woman born.
  • Anaesthetists routinely provide epidurals for both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.
  • We had a fantastic lasagna (cooked by Ben), garlic bread with cheese or without, a Caesar salad, and some wine.
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  • The pycnostyle is a temple in an intercolumniation of which the thickness of a column and a half can be inserted: for example, the temple of the Divine Caesar, that of Venus in Caesar's forum, and others constructed like them. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • After Julius Caesar's assassination, the triumvirs was formed, consisting of three determined men, Octavius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus, who shared the rule of the Roman Empire.
  • If not for Sabine, Deborah would easily have had a caesarian birth as were 32 percent of births in this country in 2007 - up 53 percent from 1996. Dana H. Glazer: My Experience With a Doula During Childbirth
  • He probably went first to Caesarea, the main seaport, and thence by sea to Tarsus of Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Hattie was born by caesarean section, because I wasn't strong enough to go into labour. I had cancer while I was pregnant
  • Uncle Alphonse had a strap hanging on the inside of the door to the bathroom that he used on Mick and Caesare with liberal and gleeful intent, recalling, perhaps, the beat - ings his father had inflicted on him in the "backhouse," as the outhouse was called. Second Skin
  • Twenty-two percent of Caesareans are performed because of concerns for the baby's welfare, and another 20% are because the labour is not progressing.
  • These included baked lasagne, chicken curry, chicken goujons, Cajun chicken Caesar salad and fresh fish and chips.
  • During the early part of this century, before Caesarean sections were commonplace or indeed safe, pelvimetry (measurements of the maternal pelvis) was frequently employed in an attempt to predict the outcome of labour.
  • A little time to carry on this intrigue with the Frank, when possibly, by the assistance of this gallant, Alexius shall exchange the crown for a cloister, or a still narrower abode; and then, Agelastes, thou deservest to be blotted from the roll of philosophers, if thou canst not push out of the throne the conceited and luxurious Caesar, and reign in his stead, a second Marcus Count Robert of Paris
  • While blackjack is okay (see here) and we had fun writing about the Caesars Palace sportsbook (see here), that stuff gets old fast for me. Wanted: Vegas Travel Tips - Freakonomics Blog -
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Ludovico di Varthema — the vir Deo carus, be it remarked, of the learned and laical Julius Caesar Scaliger: Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Residents -- whether for the purposes unblushingly avowed by that sometime favourite of the stage, Mr. Eccles, or for the reasons less horrifying to the United Kingdom Alliance -- found themselves more at home in "Caesarea" than in "Sarnia," and the "five-pounder," as the summer tripper was despiteously called by natives, liked to go as far as he could for his money, and found St. Helier's "livelier" than A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • For that purpose, Caesar had his men build an entire fleet of biremes from scratch in less than two months.
  • At the time, doctors often performed the operations instead of Caesareans, believing that it would allow the women to continue having children.
  • A quarter of the women had undergone Caesareans, with one in three of those describing the care they received after the procedure as ‘appalling’.
  • Their coverings having now been removed, on each shield a carving of the head of Caesar could be seen on the umbo, or central knob. Herodias
  • This confirms women's views that medical staff may induce a birth to prevent a caesarean section only when the woman is poor.
  • Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
  • Caesar proconsul of the province of Further Spain; victorious campaign against the Lusitani which permits him to seek a Triumph in Rome.
  • He called upon the great ones of Old Earth, too, Agamemnon and Caesar and Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Gilgamesh. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • He'd be getting under our feet all the time, or else opening the doors to the Caesars, with the idea of currying favor with them. Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story
  • Basil:Greek Christian leader who was bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia after a. d. 370 and a vigorous opponent of arianism .
  • Sia, “Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review” BMJ 328: 1410 2004; L.J. Mayberry, D. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • But let us start where President Bush begins his life story, with his childhood, youth and formative years -- the period I've called "The Path to the White House" in American Caesars: Lives of the Presidents, From Franklin D. Nigel Hamilton: George W. Bush -- and Selective Memory
  • It was followed by a decent Caesar salad, with a tangy dressing that was appropriately not too creamy after the pot of cheese we'd just consumed.
  • In my chapter on FDR in American Caesars, I've written of FDR's first term, FDR's empathy with the lot of ordinary Americans was the quality that raised him head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Nigel Hamilton: The Meltdown -- and After
  • Both her children were born by caesarean section.
  • Olympian is privileged to work a little longer by the light of the useful "tolly," Caesar and Jonathan would talk freely of past, present, and future. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • Augustus Caesar had been imperator of the Roman Empire for more than twenty years.
  • Julius Caesar, but in a certain uniqueness of mankind's own behavior: a uniqueness which is to be adduced from in our species 'unique, historical concern with ancient maritime culture's mastery of universalized astronavigation as such. LaRouche's Latest
  • A few years ago a Kansas health maintenance organization changed its policies and began to reimburse doctors equally for Caesarean and normal deliveries, so there was no longer a financial incentive to do Caesareans.
  • The attacks of the Germanic Cimbri and Teutones were still fresh in memory, northern Gaul had not yet been conquered by Caesar - all the bad things always came over the Alps. HH Com 476
  • The piacular sacrifice took place several days later, by which time Caesar had readied himself for his journey to take up duty under Marcus Minucius Thermus, governor of Asia Province. Fortune's Favorites
  • The Proconsul offers him a last-minute reprieve, however, if he will repent and swear by the genius of Caesar.
  • A few centuries later Caesar was describing the sturdy ocean-going ships of the Veneti of Armorica, massively constructed with thick nailed planks.
  • IMAGINE that you are a teacher of Roman history and the Latin language, anxious to impart your enthusiasm for the ancient world – for the elegiacs of Ovid and the odes of Horace, the sinewy economy of Latin grammar as exhibited in the oratory of Cicero, the strategic niceties of the Punic Wars, the generalship of Julius Caesar and the voluptuous excesses of the later emperors. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • The practice drives up costs of neonatal intensive care and leads to a higher rate of caesarean sections. A Push for More Pregnancies to Last 39 Weeks
  • Atul Loke/Panos for The Wall Street Journal Mumbai astrologist Geetanjali Saxena In the U.S., the frequency of caesarean sections has risen to more than 30% of births, from around 21% in 1998. When the Stars Align, Indians Say, It's a Good Time to Have a C-Section
  • We are all at the mercy of a falling tile, " Julius Caesar reminds us in Thornton Wilder's Ides of March.
  • Conclusion The application of health education is effective in caesarean section.
  • The baby was born by caesarean.
  • Do they ban it because there is a 1 percent chance that the old Caesarean scar will cause the uterus to rupture (which may kill the baby) or because the hospital doesn't even want to risk a chance at another lawsuit?
  • Ante adventum Caesaris vēlōcēs hostium equitēs ācrem impetum in castra fēcērunt. Latin for Beginners
  • Picture a Julius Caesar recovered from his murderous assault to confront a repentant Brutus, who must painfully work out the consequences of his actions.
  • Conclusion New method of caesarean birth of operatic time was short, complication decrease, simple and easy.
  • I've heard that Julius Caesar had Ailurophobia, the fear of cats.
  • Daryl Caesar, an ESL EFL teacher in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, shot this adorable video of children learning to speak and spell in English using the time-honored "Hammer Time" method. Boing Boing
  • 19, 3, 'Bis deinde post Numae regnum [Ianus] clausus fuit, semel T. Manlio consule post Punicum primum perfectum bellum, iterum, quod nostrae aetati dei dederunt ut videremus, post bellum Actiacum ab imperatore Caesare Augusto pace terra marique parta.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • I'd rather have a caesarean than go through another instrumental delivery.
  • It could cover things like whether you get a stent or a bypass, whether your OB/GYN does a caesarian section, whether the president sees that end-of-life counseling made a mandatory part of health care. Not So Fast
  • Between 1998 and 2001, only 15.7 per cent of women had Caesareans at the Leeds hospital compared with a national average of 21.5 per cent and a figure as high as 29.8 per cent at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington in London.
  • motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God
  • He notes that he looked "to those twelve Caesars so mistreated by Suetonius," in the hope of emulating the best of each: "the clear-sightedness of Tiberius, without his harshness; the learning of Claudius without his weakness; Nero's taste for the arts, but stripped of all foolish vanity; the kindness of Titus, stopping short of his sentimentality; Vespasian's thrift, but not his absurd miserliness. Portrait of Power Embodied in a Roman Emperor
  • Vercingetorix knew not that Caesar, with his usual foresight, had summoned and joined to his legions a great number of horsemen from the German tribes roving over the banks of the Rhine, with which he had taken care to keep up friendly relations. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1
  • A surrogate mother in Phoenix, Arizona has given birth to quintuplets by caesarean section.
  • Octavius, nephew of Julius Caesar, Antony, and Lepidus, united as triumvirs, oppose the forces raised by Brutus and Cassius.
  • The mums-to-be were suffering from tokophobia, an intense fear of labour, and would have been eligible for an elective caesarean. The Sun
  • ‘Leaflets could set out clearly the pros and cons of Caesareans,’ she said.
  • It is widely believed that Caesarean births are not good for the recovery of the mother and the growth of the baby.
  • Pure meanness is highly valued in Caesar's legions.
  • I am led to conclude that many towns existed on the south-western shore of Britain, previous to the descent of Julius Caesar.
  • Little Caesar and Scarface were based on the life of Al Capone, and The Public Enemy told a fictionalized account of the life of Hymie Weiss, the leader of a major Jewish gang of the 1920s. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Several of the other cases relate to allegedly unnecessary Caesarean hysterectomies carried out some years ago.
  • Elective caesarean section and respiratory morbidity in the term and near-term neonate. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Delusion, if delusion be admitted, has no certain limitation; if the spectator can be once persuaded, that his old acquaintance are Alexander and Caesar, that a room illuminated with candles is the plain of Pharsalia, or the bank of Granicus, he is in a state of elevation above the reach of reason, or of truth, and from the heights of empyrean poetry, may despise the circumscriptions of terrestrial nature. Preface to Shakespeare
  • From Kent to the Thames, Oliver follows the trail of what might be thought of as the first battle of Britain, as Caesar's legions overcame the resistance posed by the rebellions of Queen Boudicca. Tonight's TV highlights: Secrets Of The Arabian Nights | House | Wishful Drinking | The Animal's Guide To Britain | A History Of Celtic Britain | Long Lost Family
  • We thanked him again, and then we proceeded to order an appetizer of fried calamari, a Caesar salad that we could split and our meals.
  • Caesar salad dressing, the Italian dessert tiramisu, homemade ice cream, chocolate mousse, eggnog, cookie dough, and frostings can contain raw eggs.
  • The doctor performed more than 20 times the number of Caesarean hysterectomies performed in other major Dublin hospitals in the 1990s.
  • Because of Vesper's diligent work and Milo's testimony, Caesare was behind bars facing an airtight case against him for smuggling arms, drugs, and mul - tiple violations of the RICO act. Second Skin
  • Corn and jicama are tossed with green romaine lettuce for a twist on the classic Caesar salad.
  • From the Golden to the Iron Age by Germanicus Caesar. From the Golden to the Iron Age
  • The Caesar salad with herb croutons and Parmesan salad passed the test too.
  • Nor does he confine himself to the great figures such as the Gracchi, Marius, Sulla, Cicero, Pompey, and Caesar; he is equally fond of portraying the characters of deuteragonists like Clodius, Curio, Lepidus, and Plancus.
  • Two title defences on home soil preceded the launch of McGuigan in Las Vegas, outdoors at Caesars Palace.
  • Caesar campaigns against the Belgii; all northern Gaul apparently pacified.
  • She was in an advanced state of pregnancy and her first child was born on the spot by caesarean section.
  • This calumny would be delightedly used by Caesar's enemies throughout his life to imply his homosexuality.
  • I made it through Caesar only with the help of an interlinear “pony.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Peretz on the Cairo Speech:
  • In his old age, he takes up Latin and Caesar 's "Commentaries," reads the Austrian novelist Thomas Bernhard and corresponds with Owen Barfield, the anthroposophist and cultural historian. An Epistolary Performer
  • She advises mothers-to-be due to have a caesarean to thoroughly discuss the pros and cons with their doctor. Babies Born One Week Early Are at Higher Risk for Serious Health Problems | Impact Lab
  • The problem with mono-alphabetic ciphers like the Caesar Cipher is that they're relatively easy to crack.
  • The natural caesarean is intended to address this concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • a long alliance between the papacy and the prede - cessors of Charlemagne had resulted in the re-creation of an “empire” — one in which Charlemagne was able to exercise a sort of “caesaropapism,” controlling the CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • Over-arm bowling was still not the thing in those days, but J. Caesar was a fast round-arm bowler.
  • The study indicated that the infection was multiparous and occurred mostly with those who had undergone caesarean delivery. EHow - Health How To's
  • This creamy artichoke and asiago cheese dip is only slightly less garlicky than the caesar salad.
  • But this project went unrealized, and after Caesar's assassination he was proscribed by Mark Antony: his library at Casinum was plundered, but he escaped to live the rest of his life in scholarly retirement.
  • The things I can manage are omelettes, Caesar salads and macaroni-and-cheese.
  • The Remi succeeded to their place, and, as it was perceived that they equaled the Aedui in favor with Caesar, those, who on account of their old animosities could by no means coalesce with the Aedui, consigned themselves in clientship to the Remi. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars: with the Supplementary Books attributed to Hirtius.
  • He acted in `Julius Caesar'
  • Gaius Octavius, as Augustus was originally known, was 18 when in 43 BC his great-uncle, the dictator Julius Caesar, was assassinated.
  • The inhabitants prudently declared for Caesar, with the result that the town was immediately granted the status of an Italiote city (oppidum Latinum), later to be upgraded to municipium.
  • The main feature is, of course, a trip to Caesars Palace with plenty of perks and gift certificates to smooth away the sorrow of losing the Oscar.
  • Prior intrauterine therapy is not an indication for an elective caesarean section.
  • Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. 
  • The baby was delivered by Caesarean section.
  • Gauls and Germans used the thick forests of northern Europe to hide from Caesar's legions and to ambush them when opportunities arose.
  • Caesar, or Christ, that is the question: the vast, attractive, skeptical world, with its pleasures and ambitions and its prodigal promise, or the meek, majestic, and winning figure of Him of Nazareth?
  • Some types of infection are an indication for a planned Caesarean section.
  • Calpurnia was the last wife, the one who begged him not to go to the senate house because she had had what today we would call a precognitive dream, where she visualized Caesar covered in blood, and she felt this was a bad -- something terrible was going to happen. The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People�s History of Ancient Rome
  • Caesar, as consul, employed Pompey's veterans to overcome violently optimate opposition. B. Military Dynasts and Civil Wars
  • “It was Ahenobarbus Pontifex Maximus who refurbished the Atrium Vestae sixty years ago,” the housekeeper explained, “and then Caesar Pontifex Maximus installed hypocaust heating in all the living areas as well as the record rooms.” Antony and Cleopatra
  • Variety shows offered a mix of entertainment. Americans watched shows hosted by comics like Milton Berle, Jackie Gleason and Sid Caesar.
  • The spiritual heart of a Vegas Christmas is the perfectly cone-shaped, 60-foot synthetic tree in front of Caesars Palace, bedizened with 216,510 lights.
  • The Church's autonomy from political power was asserted gradually and painstakingly, but irreversibly, despite the recurring waves of caesaropapism, fundamentalism, and anticlericalism, becoming one of the main pillars of modern Western civilization. Tea at Trianon
  • He goes on to describe very vividly how Caesar was stabbed to death.
  • It reminds one of those commemorative busts associated with Caesar's and Augustus's Rome, or of a statue made for a niche in a European manor house.
  • Caesariensis provincia, quam nunc totam Dara regnum obsidet, antea Bocchi regnum adpellata fuit. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • As Roman gladiators entered the arena, they faced the emperor's box and exclaimed: ‘Hail, Caesar!’
  • The Penguin edition is not bad at all, with decent footnotes drawing attention to where Caesar is nuancing the story to make himself look better (the book was published shortly after his return to Rome, engaged in the struggle which ended with him becoming Dictator in 49 BC). The Dodecahedra
  • As I sucked the iceberg piece, contemplating its ancientness, trying to taste the armor of Caesar or the ash of Krakatoa in infinitesimal traces, the pristine cold water seemed to evaporate through my membranes with no intervening stage.
  • In the high end of black industry catenary , these are giant " fryer " computer group the person that control built likewise giant dark vaulting horse is Caesarean.
  • Xu Fan (F-A-N, not FANG) is the beautiful actress featured in that very useful advertisement reminding us that love of home and country begins with paying Caesar his vig.
  • Now it can be shown that some cemeteries of cremations in south-east England, accompanied by wheel-turned pots, originated well before Caesar's invasions.
  • Gestational diabetes isn't a reason to schedule a Caesarean delivery.
  • But she did not rule out a possible connection between obesity and Caesarian births.
  • Caesarean delivery on request by mothers is a major contributor to this trend.
  • When Caesar was assassinated in Rome, she embarked on a 13-year affair with Mark Antony that lasted until their suicides in 30BC. Angelina Jolie's Cleopatra will show Egypt's queen as more than a sex kitten
  • A couple of months back, some of you might recall, it was one Young Turk turned Old Guard with an ill-fated article on international SF, a Caesar of dubious pontification that met a Senate of aggravated responses. New BSC Review Column
  • It has been questioned whether Caesar passed such a law, since the _Lex Julia Municipalis_ mentioned in an inscription of Patavium Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Mark Antony well knew the mischief he aimed at, and sensed that his and Octavius's moment had come; all they needed to do was to mount Caesar's ghost and they would ride to the empyrean.
  • For emergency services such as caesarean sections, minor surgery and blood transfusions, patients must go to Kyegegwa Health Centre 15km away. IRIN
  • He was the successor to Eusebius as bishop of Caesarea and a proponent of his predecessor's subordinationist theology.
  • Mark Antony declaimed over the body of Caesar.
  • Calling executive actions with which you do not agree "Caesarism" is in reality a high brow version of calling conservatives Nazis. Balkinization
  • Like most films of its day, Little Caesar reflects the awkward transition from the era of silents to the new age of talkies.
  • Also, often the single lamb was dead through pressure and had to be removed by embryotomy or a Caesarean operation. Every living thing
  • Mark Antony declaimed over the body of Caesar.
  • However, in Antony's eulogy, he focuses on Caesar's positive traits, and cunningly disproves Brutus' justification for killing Caesar.
  • Julius Caesar was ravished by Cleopatra's beauty.
  • Uxorem sed habes Candide cum populo; but neighbour Candidus your wife is common: husband and cuckold in that age it seems were reciprocal terms; the emperors themselves did wear Actaeon's badge; how many Caesars might I reckon up together, and what a catalogue of cornuted kings and princes in every story? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Hanoverian flag bearing the one figure of a snow-white charger; and the great Austrian Empire, Caesarian, heir to overlording Rome, having for the imperial color the same imperial hue; and though this pre-eminence in it applies to the human race itself, giving the white man ideal mastership over every dusky tribe; and though, besides, all this, whiteness has been even made significant of gladness, for among the Romans a white stone marked Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • Hence what she describes as the lamentable four-year period of "apostasy" forced upon Shakespeare after The Merchant of Venice, during which he was obliged to abandon or temper his "elegantly encrypted appeals" before returning to them with a difference in Julius Caesar. The One and Only
  • Medical reason or not, higher risk or not, us mothers of caesarean-section babies are no less fulfilled than any other mother, end of story.
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes" traces the roots of the venerable franchise back to a single resident of contemporary San Francisco, a supersmart simian named Caesar. 'Apes': Something to Thump Chests About
  • Freida Pinto doesn't even get to do zest as Caroline, a primatologist who falls in love with Will, or maybe with Will and Caesar alike. 'Apes': Something to Thump Chests About
  • unconstitutionally," etc., etc. Julius Caesar's motto used to be, "Avoid an unusual word as you would a rock at sea," and Jule was right about it, too. Remarks
  • Caesar in the interest of the Gauls and to see about the term allowed him for leadership had to leave Gaul and return to Rome. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • Catherine suffered in labor for many hours, and finally the doctors had to perform a Caesarean section.
  • The quadruplets, three girls and one boy, were born on July 25 in Shanghai No.1 Maternity and Child Care Hospital by caesarean section.
  • She was no nymphomaniac: It is likely that Julius Caesar deflowered her. Stacy Schiff's new biography of "Cleopatra," reviewed by Maria Arana
  • In 55 BC, Celtic warriors used cavalry and horse-drawn chariots to oppose Caesar's invasion.
  • The ballet begins in Egypt with Cleopatra luxuriating in her bath, and swiftly moves on to her quick-witted evasion of an assassination attempt by her brother to her triumphant seduction of Caesar and decampment to Rome.
  • Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. 
  • Among the activities planned for Nude Week are "Caesar's Rampage/Toga night, a special" castaway "night ala Tom Hanks 'movie, Karaoke night, PJ night, body painting plus lots more fun themes and games," the web site promises. Nude Flights to Mexico, now I've heard everything.......
  • The New Cooperative Medical Scheme was associated with lower out-of-pocket expenditure on Caesarean delivery but not on vaginal delivery.
  • Greek Christian leader who was bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia after a. d. 370 and a vigorous opponent of Arianism.
  • Caesar covered his landing in Britain with catapults and ballistas.
  • Women who had previously experienced caesarean section had a marginally smaller blood loss and a lower death rate from ruptured uterus.
  • He was born at Vulsinii, son to Sejus Strabo, a Roman knight; in his early youth, he was a follower of Caius Caesar (grandson of Augustus) and lay then under the contumely of having for hire exposed himself to the constupration of Apicius; a debauchee wealthy and profuse: next by various artifices he so enchanted Tiberius, that he who to all others was dark and unsearchable, became to Sejanus alone destitute of all restraint and caution: nor did he so much accomplish this by any superior efforts of policy (for at his own stratagems he was vanquished by others) as by the rage of the Gods against the Roman State, to which he proved alike destructive when he flourished and when he fell. The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
  • With its lemon and garlic mayonnaise dressing, it resembled a fabulous Caesar salad.
  • Recent studies show women supported by doulas have shorter labours and lower rates of caesarean section deliveries.
  • And so out into the July night rode Caesar Rodney and the postrider, bound for Philadelphia eighty miles away -- an hour -- two hours -- past the first remount station -- it is nearing eleven o'clock. [_sound of horses 'hoofs and thunder_] Caesar Rodney's Ride
  • Our meat fondue came with our choice of side dish, Caesar salad, rice pilaf and a baguette.
  • ‘The name ‘Caesar’ is a cognomen, a nickname given to one member of a Roman clan and borne by his descendants as a kind of surname.
  • Could one call Caesars the potato chip of the salad world?
  • Is it the end of the road for the Little Caesar of motor racing?
  • To paraphrase Mark Antony's eulogy of Julius Caesar, "I have come to bury the Republican Congress, not to praise it. Bennet Kelley: A Brief Eulogy for the Republican Congress
  • The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has recommended training in instrumental delivery to control and reduce the rates of caesarean section.
  • They noted that some mothers schedule Caesarean deliveries before their due date to avoid muscle tearing or stretch marks, or to better suit their schedules or those of their doctors.
  • Snow goose feather the field to "wash" of again, like Caesar, like the fertilizer.
  • The anaesthetic was ether, dribbled on to the patient's gauze mask by the matron of the public hospital, and it was a Caesarian section for twins.
  • In nineteen of them the biographies of famous Greeks and Romans such as Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar are compared.
  • In the fall, Caesar makes preparations for a campaign in Parthia the next year and makes his will, appointing his great-nephew, Octavian, as his primary heir, allegedly adopting him as his son.
  • They rose, indeed, from the equestrian order; but they preserved the praefecture, with the rank of senator and even with the annulship.] 43 He was a native of Caesarea, in Numidia, and began his fortune by serving in the household of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • They were born by caesarean section and sadly one died soon after. The Sun
  • The researchers said that, when compared to elective repeat Caesareans, women attempting a vaginal birth faced increased risks to their own health and complications with the birth.
  • As we see in Augustus Caesar (who was rather diverse from his uncle than inferior in virtue), how when he died he desired his friends about him to give him a plaudite, as if he were conscious to himself that he had played his part well upon the stage. The Advancement of Learning
  • Represents a style of Caesarism, which expresses people's desire, and expectation of being of fashion.
  • A commonly cited example of defensive medicine is the rise in the number of caesarean section births, as opposed to natural births.
  • ‘All Britons dye themselves with woad which makes them blue,’ Caesar recorded, ‘so that in battle their appearance is more terrible.’
  • He'd been a centurion in his previous position, at Caesar's Palace. MR STARLIGHT
  • Caesar was a warlord and a dictator, but if one can look past that, as ridiculous as it sounds, then one would also notice that Caesar did a lot of good for Rome.
  • These brokers included members of the familia or the amici Caesaris (‘the family and friends of the Emperor) such as the equites, senators and other people who stood in close relationships with the emperor.’
  • Other risk factors might be at play, such as vitamin D deficiency, parental age, closely-spaced births, caesarian births or even the stress of everyday life. David Kirby: Why The Vaccine-Autism Issue Won't Go Away
  • President was no mean one, and in all the circumstances if he managed to steer a safe middle course and avoid both Caesarism and complete effacement, that is a tribute to his training. The Fight for the Republic in China
  • While Caesar examines the effect of unbridled political ambition on political order, Merchant explores the effect of revelatory religion on the polity.
  • Consequently, Julius Caesar was dressed in Elizabethan costume because no one thought that he ought to be dressed any differently.
  • It was indeed the opinion of all the others, when they consulted about the execution of their design, that it was necessary to cut off Antony with Caesar, looking upon him as an insolent man, an affecter of monarchy, and one that, by his familiar intercourse, had gained a powerful interest with the soldiers. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Gain, D. B., ed. _The Aratus ascribed to Germanicus Caesar_. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The C, also known as the Caesarean section, is, after all, major surgery, with a longer recovery time than a regular birth. ParentDish
  • Cleopatra wants a bench of Egypt to deplane to her sons; Caesar agrees, nonetheless in fact, Dolabella tells her, he intends to lead her serf to Rome to uncover off in a triumphal procession. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • While doctors are often on the defensive about whether Caesarean sections, which carry all the risks of surgery, are justified, Dr. Howard L. Minkoff, the chairman of obstetrics at Maimonides, said doctors must weigh those concerns against the potential complications from vaginal delivery in obese women. Obesity is Becoming an Increasing Burden in the Maternity Ward | Impact Lab
  • The starry cast is led by Ralph Fiennes as Mark Antony, Simon Russell Beale as Cassius, Paul Rhys as Brutus, Fiona Shaw as Portia and John Shrapnel as Caesar.
  • Come in, come in!" said Gaius Julius Caesar, welcoming his guest in person at the door, and holding out his own finely made hands to receive the awful sagum. The First Man in Rome
  • He had married a sister of Caesar and, though still young when he died, had become a senator and pretor. The Women of the Caesars
  • If I remember rightly Tacitus refers to Wales as being opposite Spain when he's drawing a comparison between the Silures and the Spanish tribes, and I think Julius Caesar refers to parts of southern Britain as being opposite Gaul. Attacotti
  • Other starters included crispy potato skins with bacon and cheddar, Caesar salad, New Zealand mussels, crab claws and chowder.
  • Overall, Caesar's Park suggests that, while American Movie was an unrepeatable one-off, the Sarah Price / Chris Smith partnership has a bright future ahead of it in producing entertaining documentaries.
  • In 46BC Cleopatra arrives in Rome; Caesar is appointed dictator for 10 years; he revises the calendar
  • British reports suggested the baby was born by Caesarean section on September 26 at the Portland Private Hospital, central London and used the name "Sophie" Hong during her stay. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Every time I pick up the paper I read about women's awful experiences of childbirth, of epidurals, of cold, sterile hospitals, Caesarians, epistimologies, birthing like a factory process, pregnancy treated like an illness.

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