How To Use Caelum In A Sentence
- Alleluia: quemadmodum vidistis eum ascendentem in caelum, ita veniet, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Ascension Day Music for the Mass
- Paracelsi de vita longa, out of some Platonists, will have the air to be as full of them as snow falling in the skies, and that they may be seen, and withal sets down the means how men may see them; Si irreverberatus oculis sole splendente versus caelum continuaverint obtutus, &c., [1134] and saith moreover he tried it, praemissorum feci experimentum, and it was true, that the Platonists said. Anatomy of Melancholy
- Atlás tamen postulávit ut, dum ipse abesset, Herculés caelum umerís sustinéret. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
- _Fast_ III 505-6 '_illa ego sum_ cui tu solitus promittere caelum:/ei mihi, pro caelo qualia dona fero' and _EP_ I ii 129-32 '_ille ego sum_ qui te colui, quem festa solebat/inter conuiuas mensa uidere tuos:/ The Last Poems of Ovid
- Caelum grabbed the little spitfire out of the air, ‘Look at the wall.’
- Among them three were especially widely disseminated: Domine, da nobis auxilium and Domine deus omnipotens for six voices, and Pater, peccavi in caelum for eight. Archive 2009-06-01
- Ambubalarum collegia, &c. Trimalcionis topanta in Petronius recta in caelum abiit, went right to heaven: a, base quean, [2235] thou wouldst have scorned once in thy misery to have a penny from her; and why? modio nummos metiit, she measured her money by the bushel. Anatomy of Melancholy
- HOC uide circum supraque quod complexu continet terram solisque exortu capessit candorem, occasu nigret, id quod nostri caelum memorant, Grai perhibent aethera: quidquid est hoc, omnia animat format alit auget creat sepelit recipitque in sese omnia, omniumque idem est pater, 5 indidemque eadem aeque oriuntur de integro atque eodem occidunt. Genitabile Caelum
- Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad caelum et ad inferos. Matthew Yglesias » Centrally Planned Suburbia
- Attat, illic huc iturust. ibo ego illi obviam, neque ego huc hominem hodie ad aedis has sinam umquam accedere; quando imago est huius in me, certum est hominem eludere. et enim vero quoniam formam cepi huius in med et statum, decet et facta moresque huius habere me similes item, itaque me malum esse oportet, callidum, astutum admodum atque hunc, telo suo sibi, malitia a foribus pellere. sed quid illuc est? caelum aspectat. observabo quam rem agat. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives