How To Use Cacophonous In A Sentence
While Doria and Denardo clearly embrace the primal power of the drone, their sound is loud but not dissonant or cacophonous, and is seldom if ever grating but instead clean.
Narrative supersedes melody time after time; there are no real songs, just cacophonous noodling and stacks and stacks of polysyllabic words.
Our past has become the cacophonous cathedral of the American conversation, while our once-ranging future has shrunk into a snug and warm place, as cozy and shag carpeted as a suburban den.
The day in the alley begins in a way that is busy but not in disorder, dynamic but not cacophonous, routine but not boring.
The music of commerce would thus be harmonious and evenly paced, its dynamics restrained; there would be no swelling crescendo of the Boom, no cacophonous accelerando to the climax and no minor key diminuendo thereafter into the Bust.

It was nothing more than 5 to 10-bar sustained cacophonous triads with some crescendi and decrescendi and an occasional tri-tone shocker.
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Their chatter, laughter, and shouts rose up in a wall of cacophonous sound that echoed and re-echoed in the cavernous building, creating an incessant roar like a pounding surf.
Instrumentally, it's a cacophonous blend of drums, percussion, bass, keyboards and electronics.
Where the whole cacophonous coyote-ogre circus froze into silence, suddenly aware it was not alone.
The earliest performances of kabuki were dancing and song with no significant plot, often disdained as gaudy and cacophonous, but equally lauded as colorful and beautiful.
The record's epic two-parter, "The Creator Has a Master Plan," is a free-form odyssey of hypnotic Nubian empowerment and exhilaratingly cacophonous percussion.
The old city is everything you'd expect: cacophonous, crowded, bursting with colour and bustle.
Some Singaporeans chimed in, asking 'how can Orchard Road be a world-class shopping haven and rival other major cities such as Tokyo when it is a free-for-all zone for anyone to hawk their stuff?', perhaps in reference to the "particularly irksome", "cacophonous" strains of buskers trying to make a living amidst the noise of nearby roadshows.
The Online Citizen
why should maturation button me into a cacophonous cocoon to shed my skin for a straight jacket of perfectly pressed blacks and papery-starched whites?
From ‘the cacophonous and diligent howling’ of dogs to the ‘enchanting and inspiriting sound of mandolins’, the paired adjectives are ‘correct and satisfactory’.
The proletarians were said to have bodies that were not sublimated, which farted and belched and emitted all sorts of cacophonous noises.
Together, her many voices create for the reader a symphony, discordant thought not cacophonous, of her being.
One cannot escape the feeling that, for these slim tales, appearance between these covers is a kind of cacophonous family reunion, where the relatives have long been far-flung across continents, and yet immediately have thousands of things to say.
SFGate: Top News Stories
And they are huge: a humungous hall of cranking, shuddering, cacophonous boilers and turbines.
Times, Sunday Times
Energy, however, unless properly channeled, formally controlled and orchestrated, can end up as pandemonium - a lot of senseless rushing around and a merciless, cacophonous din.
Talk Of The Town: If you're at a loose end in Hargeisa after dipping into the cacophonous effervescence of markets crowded with donkey carts amid the amplified calls of the muezzin, you could do worse than go to the Imperial Hotel, just beyond the walled presidential palace.
Mike Arkus: Off the Beaten Track: A Few Pointers for Navigating Somaliland (PHOTOS)
The cacophonous clangor grows louder and louder.
After a cacophonous ascent and destructive return to earth, it dies disconcertingly into reverberations of swashing seashore breakers, intertwined with disorientating echoes of still wailing guitars.
The Classical" and ended with the cacophonous valedictory bombardment of "And This Day", a two-drumkit headfuck not unlike The Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray" played by The Glitter Band, which Smith edited randonly down to 10 minutes from around 25.
FallNews - Hey Peasants!
He twists and turns in his efforts to get away from the cacophonous dissonance, and then untwists himself to get out of his sheets.
Where the whole cacophonous coyote-ogre circus froze into silence, suddenly aware it was not alone.
William Brice's work has been a low key yet persistent force in the increasingly cacophonous Los Angeles art landscape over the decades.
ArtScene: Southern California's Top Ten Exhibition Picks for 2010
In light of this "curious case of the cacophonous snack pack," I find that many people see sustainability as a version of a Faustian dilemma; they often knowingly make choices that have immediate personal benefits, but in the long run are disastrous for all of us.
Ron Ashkenas: Sustainability's Faustian Dilemma
They summon, they clang, they peal and they boom in a uniquely cacophonous harmony.
The cacophonous clangor grows louder and louder.
It is a cacophonous six-piece party-punk ensemble of buzzing (not sludgy) guitars, nasty (not nasally) vocals, washboards, bugles, and cowbells.
We're also aware that the large crowds expected at the rallies could produce a cacophonous din, one in which you are unable to discern which jokes are being made by audience members, counter-protesters, or the day's main attractions — and, worse still, where observers may think you are laughing at an anti-Republican joke when you are actually laughing at an anti-Democrat joke.
How to cover satirical political events - chuckle in a non-genuine manner
Dan Deacon, BromstPart hippie-dippy community art project, part "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test," Bromst is a dynamic, schizophrenic listen: churchly quiet a singular second, cacophonously ear-splitting a next.
Archive 2009-12-01
Halfway through his first five-year term, Ban Ki-moon, only the eighth man to fill the post (there have been no women), still struggles to make his voice count in a cacophonous world.
as cacophonous as a henyard
But the distortion is kept to a minimum as they reach for different tools to hit dizzying new heights, creating cacophonous peaks only to expertly let the moments implode into stark, hypnotic introspection.