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How To Use Cackle In A Sentence

  • The wind of evening shook the dark leaves to a thin airy cackle. The Garden Party, and Other Stories
  • But I suppose it was too much to expect for him to have a black, twirly moustache and for her to cackle mysteriously from beneath an impenetrable black shroud.
  • She rejected it at first, thinking naively she could continue being a political journalist until she heard the whole nation cackle with laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ghostly singing and piano riffs are heard from time to time; scenes end with Hedda downstage center staring at the audience, sometimes followed by her hideous cackle.
  • She is frisky and good humoured like a bouncy Labrador, gushing with anecdotes punctuated by a laugh, which is a cross between a joyous cackle and a happy crow.
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  • Down below, the crowd cackled like a gang of birds. Excerpt: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba
  • Spider let out a weird high-pitched cackle that scared Miguel.
  • Dan's friends cackled in the background, but he ignored their laughter and jeering comments.
  • Scarlet cackled out loud and broke her embrace.
  • He coughed, sneezed, and barked simultaneously -- bleated in one breath, and cackled in the next -- sputteringly shrieked, and chatteringly squealed, with a bass of suffocated roars. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • Later, as they lay wrapped in scratchy sheets, her eyes flashing a very ordinary hazel and she cackled, “I have an idea.” 365 tomorrows » 2009 » June : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • For now, everybody will have to pick out little hints of romance with eagle eyes while I cackle in the background.
  • He continued to keep up the cuckoo sound, trying to laugh, and yet totally unable to accomplish even a cackle, as if some internal force clutched the diaphragm and mocked him, so that his efforts were reduced to a gurgling as in cynanche -- like a dog choking with a rope round his craig, the sounds coming jerking out in barks, and dying away again in yelps and whines. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXII
  • Another kick to the chest sent him into another sputtering cough and the men began to cackle and laugh.
  • Therefore, we should cut the cackle and get to the courses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hen cackles when she has laid an egg.
  • Here are some common dictionary definitions of "cackle," none of which are appropriate in the context of Palin's tweet: cack·le (kkl) v. intr. Sarah Palin's 'Cackle' Stretches Boundaries Of English Language
  • The fire cackled cozily
  • They had cackled and cheered when Peter had finally killed the little coney with a sharp blow to the spine that had snapped it in two with the sound of a popgun.
  • So spoke Mrs. Tynan to her daughter, who alternately swung backwards and forwards in a big rocking-chair, silently gazing into the distant sky, or sat still and "cackled" as her mother had said. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • There's no polite way to put this: The coverage of Hillary's" cackle "was simply sick to its core. Was The Media Unfair To Hillary? Here's Our Rundown.
  • The speakers laughed, the reedy cackle of a dying old woman.
  • The hair on my neck stood on end as she let out a melodic, screeching cackle of a laugh, like that of a misbehaving little girl.
  • I let out a cackle of laughter I could not contain and felt like I was in a movie and all I needed was snow floating around me to make this one of those perfectly clichéd moments.
  • She pulled herself up, and heard a cackle, an evil laugh and cry of pain.
  • In his classes, he subjected students to the cackles of mechanical laugh boxes to test their reactions.
  • The class burst with laughter at her response while Sherry and Mandy cackled on evilly, thinking that Livinia was in for it.
  • Never cackle till your egg is laid. 
  • I have made up as many flim – flams as the devil at the pulpit – desk, and called my old mother a hen, too, because she would cackle and crow. Peer Gynt
  • There's no polite way to put this: The coverage of Hillary's "cackle" was simply sick to its core. Was The Media Unfair To Hillary? Here's Our Rundown.
  • Around them bustles Ceicao, an ancient village woman, who cackles and gabbles as she throws sticks and pokes the ashes of the fire, raising cinders like showers of fireworks.
  • He bellowed a loud, insane laugh that sounded more like a cackle than a laugh and lifted his goblet, spilling wine down the front of his long, untamed beard.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • She rejected it at first, thinking naively she could continue being a political journalist until she heard the whole nation cackle with laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘But I thought he was a wee nyaff back then,’ she says, before letting rip with her trademark cackle.
  • He had on a sly grin and cackled louder and louder as he made his way closer to her.
  • I quickly jotted several things down in my notebook and mentally cackled.
  • One has a phlegmatic cackle; the other a girlish giggle that belies her 86 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • So let us cut through the cackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • A small current whirled around us, the giant fan palms nearby quivered in the almost imperceptible breeze and tropical birds whooped, cackled and whistled among the trees.
  • ‘Well that is the problem, we do,’ cackled the man, turning his attention to me, ‘Oh looky there!’
  • In this sleazoid farce where characters cackle like horrific hens in a sexual slaughterhouse, individuals coexist in insular states of self-absorbed eccentricity.
  • One has a phlegmatic cackle; the other a girlish giggle that belies her 86 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • So let us cut through the cackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was glad that Betsy could not hear Dolly's cackles of laughter.
  • An American cackle, piercing my ear, and I shuddered away by instinct, which was sound judgment, for if I felt dreadful, she looked worse, a raddled slattern grinning her stinking breath into my face, reaching out a fat hand across my chest. THE NUMBERS
  • He gives you room off the tee, he lets hillsides guide the ball back to the fairway, he keeps greens open in front, and he tickles your golf fancy just enough to hear the sweet cackle of your laughter over a good time.
  • There was a cackle of hysterical laughter from the phone.
  • He couldn't take anymore as she cackled on about how well she'd done.
  • And he wants the cackle to be cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘My piping little voice,’ he says with a cackle, tickled by the recollection.
  • Never cackle till your egg is laid. 
  • As I am writing this blog entry I can hear Frankie's loud and distinct cackle.
  • Rohr cackled as he dug into the sloppy meat with fiendish glee.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • There was the cackle of a hen which should have been roosting and the cooing of a dove in the cote. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
  • I bet she "cackled" with her machine gun laugh for an hour. Hillary Proposes $5,000 "Baby Bonds" For Newborns
  • Suddenly, an evil laugh cackled from the side of the car.
  • The cackle of laughter mixes with the crack of heads and human bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police radios cackled along with the birds in Central Park.
  • The losers walk away with their tails between their legs as small children hurl rocks at them and wizened babushkas cackle insults in obscure Slavic dialects.
  • The cackle of laughter mixes with the crack of heads and human bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cackle of laughter mixes with the crack of heads and human bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • They cackled, laughed, and hissed with delight as they flew off towards their hide out, going to tell their master of their work.
  • Your cackles filling the room, you just sat there laughing and raving like a lunatic.
  • The way the wind moved through the palm trees, the particular cracks that ran from one end of the street to the other, even the loud cackle of the many pigeons.
  • Noise proves nothing, Often a hen who has laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Mark Twain 
  • Some have suggested that hens cackle to announce to roosters their renewed receptivity to mating.
  • The guffaws and giggles cackled around the school for all to hear and my bubble of individuality was burst with the finality that only mockery by one's peers can accomplish.
  • Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the cackles of mallards.
  • How would you put his cackle in print or produce that grin with parentheses and colons?
  • Ancient Mariner assured him in beneficent cackles. CHAPTER IX
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • Of course, I like to watch films with people who don't mind my evil cackles at inappropriate moments.
  • So let us cut through the cackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wayne huffed defensively as Grandma Eva cackled like a black magic practicing witch.
  • For all his charm, his generosity, that deep, rasping cackle that rumbles through his conversation, he has a sharp edge.
  • And then, he thought, it would be simply delightful to sit in a room in a quiet farmhouse and hear the gentle moaning of calves and the cheerful cackle of exultant hens, as he wrote items in a book about eggs and things, and drink buttermilk, instead of toiling in the ill-smelling trade-room on board the _Palestine_, bottling off Queensland rum and opening tierces of negrohead tobacco, while the brig was either standing on her head or rolling her soul out, and Packenham the skipper was using shocking language to everyone on deck. Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • He did!" the hens cackled, meaning that Turkey Proudfoot had run away from the geese. The Tale of Turkey Proudfoot Slumber-Town Tales
  • With a cackle she flew higher into the sky and dive-bombed one of the city's markets.
  • First he began to chuckle, then it was a chortle, then he positively began to cackle with glee.
  • The old woman gave a cackle of laughter.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • Small colonies went to live in the tall ash trees in Rhue and Dawros until finally there was silence and the raucous cackle of the crows of Banada was silenced forever.
  • the witch cackled madly
  • The one exception to the muted response is that wild-eyed redhead, whose reaction to almost anything, to the embarrassment of her sober-suited boyfriend, is a wicked, not unsexy, cackle.
  • Which is to say, it looked like the ovoid deposit of a metallic dragon-bird, the hard-boiled cackleberry the Statue of Liberty was about to peel for her breakfast. Skinny Legs and All
  • He describes Clinton's laugh as a "cackle" -- which led to the Politico's Mike Allen telling him, "Chris, first of all, 'cackle' is a very sexist term. Archive 2008-01-01
  • In his early days he fished the river and followed the groups on the bogs but as he grew older his attitude to these sports changed and in later years often bemoaned the absence of the grouse's cackle on the moors in the autumn evenings.
  • The laugh turned into a snicker, which led into a devilish cackle.
  • The boy cackled with delight.
  • They label Senator Clinton's laugh a "cackle" while saying nothing about how Senator Obama's accent varies according to where he is speaking. Clinton chastises press for ignoring sexism
  • Men with implausible whiskers and killer breath traded ribaldry and cursed the niggardliness of non-buyers, while women doled out penny dainties to raggedy kids and cackled about their menfolk's amorous shortcomings.
  • It sounded more like an obnoxious cackle than a real laugh.
  • The old woman gave a cackle of laughter.
  • I remember crying my heart out, while he only cackled manically.
  • Drake laughed in that manic cackle of his and spun on his heel, his dirty trench coat splaying out around him.
  • As his conversation picks its way determinedly from subject to subject, his speech is measured and occasionally punctuated by loud cackles of laughter or bursts of anger.
  • That will be followed by the Cacklefest, which involves many early-days-style front-engine dragsters being push-started.
  • Brown pelicans and frigatebirds with vast wingspans soar on the Leeward thermals, and laughing gulls cackle.
  • Joh became a nurse and one day, while feeding an elderly patient breakfast an orderly asked her to toss him a ‘cackleberry’.
  • I would cackle wickedly right now, but I lost my laugh permanently during a bout of whooping-fever in 1907.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • Both of them seemed to be getting rather drunk; every time I looked over, their cackles seemed to be louder, and their motions more exaggerated.
  • Those who know her talk of her sense of humour and famously loud cackle of a laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the loud cackle can alert potential predators to a freshly laid egg, evolutionary biologists assume that the call must have a benefit outweighing the risk.
  • It can cast hexes, have a cauldron, join a coven, cackle, lay the evil eye on you … And she learns spells (off a custom spell list that has enchants, conjures, and even heals) from her familiar. Paizo APG Playtest Continues « Geek Related
  • She could hear Minnie Adams's high henlike cackle, and Mrs. Meeker's bass rumble that always sounded as though she were using a megaphone. A Long-Distance Call From Jim
  • Therefore, we should cut the cackle and get to the courses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently I was joking around with Dan Piraro about the words used for plurals of animals -- a gaggle of geese, a cackle of hyenas, a murder of crows -- and I came up with a 'buzzkill' of vegans," he explains. SuperVegan: Vegan Blog and New York City Restaurant Guide
  • I think I am gonna get me some cackleberries and bacon and another mug of jumpstart and get caloried up to go think about doing some work today.
  • Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the cackles of mallards.
  • And Uncle Abner cackled insinuatingly at the editor's remark, for he was expecting at least a "stickful" in the "Personal Notes" of the Sixes and Sevens
  • As he spoke, they cackled and jeered, like the lower sixth at some public school debate.
  • There have been all sorts of idiotic stories like the "cackle" (which actually could have been legitimate -- is she avoiding the question?) and her "coldness" or "calculated tears" but on the other hand, no-one has seriously scrutinised Clinton's claimed "35 years of experience" either. Hillary Spokesperson Blasts Reporters For Using Drudge As Their "Assignment Editor"
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine
  • A small fire cackled merrily in the marble fireplace.
  • The "cackle" was important because she hid behind it. Was The Media Unfair To Hillary? Here's Our Rundown.
  • The cackleberry package turned out to be a flyinglizardflamebreatherberry. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Chinese Puzzle - John Wyndham
  • { New York } `Target just cleared the toll booth, moving out onto the GW ," the radio in Kevin Grady's car cackled. BLACK EAGLES
  • When she reached the second room, she suppressed a loud cackle, and moved towards the bed, which had been pushed up against the window.
  • Mr Green said it was a cross between Huck Finn and Twilight, at which point your humble correspondent Lost the Plot and cackled like a crone from the back row of the Storey Hall. Reading Matters
  • The man ran his eyes over Gideon and cackled, forcing smoke through his broken teeth. Gideon’s war
  • Never cackle till your egg is laid. 
  • The female laugh was more of an annoying cackle.
  • She cackled on about the places we were about to see while with one aged hand she tiredly, and with excruciating slowness, tried to open the envelope that held the key to the first apartment.
  • Not far away some woman in a house laughs, a mad cackle of a laugh.
  • The hens cackled in alarm.
  • In between phone calls she would drape herself over the chap (who really didn't seem interested) and cackle uncontrollably whenever he made a sound.
  • She rejected it at first, thinking naively she could continue being a political journalist until she heard the whole nation cackle with laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sinister scientists rubs his hands together in glee and cackles at the end. Be Seeing You…Not : Bev Vincent
  • Everything around me appeared blurred, the voices were a faint cackle and all the colours swirled in front of my eyes like parts of an unsolvable puzzle.
  • Soon she was laughing manically, her cackles echoing throughout the caves.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • They had to change the name to Que lindo cacareaba (How beautiful it cackled). Gallo’s humor (or lack thereof) | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • He cackled on about how things were to be handled while on sea, how to measure the winds strength and just about everything you did not have to know about a ship.
  • Her speech was quick yet harsh, and she cackled like a witch.
  • Your cackles filling the room, you just sat there laughing and raving like a lunatic.
  • He let out a brief cackle.
  • It is bien chien, chie chante, well cacked and cackled, shitten, and sung in matter of talk. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He's really quiet and doesn't say anything, but when he laughs it's this really loud scary cackle.
  • Those who know her talk of her sense of humour and famously loud cackle of a laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who know her talk of her sense of humour and famously loud cackle of a laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
  • I laughed, giggled, tee-heed, and otherwise cackled out loud for a solid 2 minutes (at least) after reading the comic.
  • There was the cackle of a hen which should have been roosting and the cooing of a dove in the cote. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Warren saw the expression on her face and I mentally cackled as he immediately started sputtering an apology.
  • He held the meticulously printed list up, studied it a moment, then cackled hap-pily. Wizard and Glass
  • The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
  • A route option for the agile: At new fingerpost (signed to Scackleton), track on right through Lodge Farm (no house), left after first barn, right so barn to right, track to wood edge, stile between pile of tyres and rusting muck spreader.
  • They waddle around and squawk and cackle and chase each other around the beaches, stumbling all over themselves.
  • The cackles of laughter that followed must have calmed the nerves.
  • For "LP1" Mr. Stewart leads a band of Nashville sidemen who often situate Ms. Stone in Southern soul, with the 1970s cackle of a clavinet or the gospel underpinnings of piano and organ. NYT > Home Page
  • They pointed at the team on the field and laughed and cackled and rolled around on the floor clutching their stomachs.
  • ‘You want me to check the chicken house for some cackleberries?’
  • We must stop when we cannot go any further, and all this old-womanish cackle on the subject, the everlasting trying to prove what is already said to be proved -- the looking for the square in space after laying it down as a law that only the circle exists -- is a curious way of showing us how to control the 'exuberance of our own verbosity.' Ideala
  • The man with the gold tooth starts to laugh, cackle really.
  • The loud cackle of the roosting birds on the trees disturbed her thought.
  • Fancy imagined the cacklers gathering their young and slinking away into a safer stretch of forest. Slice Of Cherry
  • The result is that when you get the car on the boil it cackles, it snarls, it bleats and burps pyrotechnically. Wheels That Need No Reinventing
  • The old woman gave a loud cackle.
  • Therefore, we should cut the cackle and get to the courses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Machine guns cackled, mortars crumped, and Henry Waskow pitched over without a sound, mortally wounded by a shell fragment that tore open his chest. A Terrible Slog
  • You think I'm mad, don't you - I'll show you who's mad!! , and cackled insanely before having to be restrained by Parliamentary aides. Archive 2009-01-01
  • They barely brushed together when a bird's high-pitched cackle could be heard from the trees.
  • Even if I do not look, I know they are there, because they crow, cackle, purr, flap their wings, and make other sounds of delight, fear, and accomplishment.
  • Lily cackled with laughter, wiping tears out of her eyes.
  • You will be giving a lot of laughs, smiles, giggles, chuckles, hoots, snorts, cackle, titters, grins and guffaws.
  • Shaken by the attack, they cackled loudly, brayed and barked in a furious frenzy. Joe Peyronnin: Life in the Serengeti
  • The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
  • There had been much calumniating cackle in the little town; nay, more: cackle is of geese; there had been venom of the snakiest kind. The Rough Road
  • * cackle, cackle* "I don't know what you're talking about. DNC Releases New Ad Hitting McCain
  • The vocalizations of falconids are simple, repeated monosyllabic calls, described variously as cackles, chatters, squawks, croaks, wails and whines.
  • { New York } `Target just cleared the toll booth, moving out onto the GW ," the radio in Kevin Grady's car cackled. BLACK EAGLES
  • He laughed as she winced, cackled as Christopher sprawled in the dust.
  • Never cackle till your egg is laid. 
  • And he wants the cackle to be cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spider let out a weird high-pitched cackle that scared Miguel.
  • It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
  • And he wants the cackle to be cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hillary, as has been the case for years, got crappy treatment from the media mostly based on stupid, non-factors like a "cackle", and driven by irrational Clinton hatred (see - Dowd, Maureen; Rich, Frank; Sullivan, Andrew; Matthews, Chris; etc.) Was The Media Unfair To Hillary? Here's Our Rundown.
  • With his reluctant audience unable to muster up the required level of self-deprecation to laugh at the joke, he just cackles away to himself regardless.

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