How To Use Cachet In A Sentence
In these rarefied circles, being green brings cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, I would argue that it has already happened to some degree, as student loans have democratized the college degree and worn off some of its cachet.
` ` The style of his Grace (to say nothing here of his thought, of which others have spoken words of admiration certainly not too strong) often runs into poetry; and it has everywhere that indescribable not-too-muchness which is always the cachet of high-class work. ''
Ginx's Baby. His Birth and other Misfortunes: A Satire
Indeed, it’s intellectual property where the cachet of a craftsman is probably gaining in currency.
A Lament For Hattori Hanzo | Heretical Ideas Magazine
C que je n'ai jamais faim meme sans les cachetons et je mange quand j'ressens un petit pincement a l'estomac, et les cachets m'enleve ce rare et precieux pincement ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
This being so, civilization in the singular has lost some of its cachet.
Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
Wilmslow has always had a certain cachet and there is a great range of properties.
Times, Sunday Times
There are, or so I read, those who claim that a journalist writing a weblog adds a certain respectability and cachet to the medium.
The latter are so unconcerned they barely market, or even edit, and as a result have so little money or cachet that they attract only the dull-witted (or the clever between gigs) to put ink on paper.
Any item that comes from a chiller cabinet, as opposed to a freezer, tin or packet, has an instant cachet, an aura of freshness and superiority about it.
And of course, as Indian food continues to gain in cachet you will also see many chefs who have graduated from American culinary institutes getting the star power-mantle of a celebrity chef.
So it can be reasonably taken to be a book with some popular cachet.
Far from that, it begins questioning Lettres-de-Cachet generally, their legality, endurability; emits dolorous objurgation, petition on petition to have its three Martyrs delivered; cannot, till that be complied with, so much as think of examining the Protestant Edict, but puts it off always 'till this day week.'
The French Revolution
Although nobody can deny that having a ‘royal’ among the riders is added cachet for the sport, it is unthinkable that team selection could be done on anything other than merit.
In these rarefied circles, being green brings cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
As well as their cultural cachet, these cars have a simple appeal: they offer more bang for your buck than virtually any other vehicle on the planet.
Times, Sunday Times
It has an exceptional style and a certain cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Since being nicked, it has turned up on social networking sites and gained a certain cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
But these brands have yet to exploit the cachet of ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ in their marketing, in the way that some non-runway labels have seized upon.
The band's saturation of the airwaves may have contributed to the term smashmouth losing any remaining cachet of cool.
NYT > Home Page
Not as warm as Los Angeles, it also lacks the cachet, fashionable coastlines and morbidly appealing plasticity of its downstate counterpart.
Status comes not from the cachet of your high-fashion designer pieces, but from the one nobody else recognises.
Times, Sunday Times
Call it a boondocks mentality - that persists despite our international cachet.
That, I think, is needed for them (1) to better educate their own children (whom they’ve presumably raised to have at least some respect for Christian leaders), (2) to diminish the chance that their fellow parishioners will be seduced from the righteous path by this Christian leader’s cachet, and (3) to make clearer to the non-Christian world that the Christian mainstream does not endorse this interpretation of Christian scriptures.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jimmy Swaggart, unclear on the Ten Commandments:
Or the way that many people invent glamorous exes to boost their own cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
C'est vrai j'ai degueulé de l'eau puisque j'bouffe rien et j'aurais bien pu voir si mes cachets avaient fait sens inverse mais non parce que j'etais trop epuisé et plein de vertige pour m'amuser a ouvrir les yeux sur mon acide gastrique!!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
The most modern interpretation of badge engineering can work rather nicely, though, especially at the lowest end of the market where prestige and cachet don't figure.
It has a certain cachet that we think means something, but does it?
Times, Sunday Times
One of the beauties of adult life is no longer having to be answerable to others in the way that we are when we're younger, and another is enjoying the vantage point of the outsider once it's stripped of its socially demeaning cachet.
They were invited as VIPs, to decorate the crowd, to bring added cachet to a Lasers game.
Such a title bump might come without extra pay or responsibilities, Brady said, but its cachet is important in academia.
News & Record Article Feed
Somehow this does not carry the same cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Federico Fellini has cachet among modern cinéastes, and La Dolce Vita is among his most celebrated works.
Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society.
It's a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard.
Despite its cachet as the conveyor of the space-age communications, cable - as a technical matter - is basically a wire attached to a pole and burrowed into nearby houses.
Because there is little cachet or stardust about the PL any more.
The Sun
Of all the bits of London for a potential princess to call home, it does lack a certain cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Suddenly, the word "recessionista" has some cachet!
Nicole Williams: Five Reasons to Love the Recession
Or the way that many people invent glamorous exes to boost their own cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Warner Bros. had also chosen to promote the concerts with top rock promoter Ron Delsner to lend the show added cachet.
Even more gnomic and less rewarding was those liner notes' unreadable amplification in his ‘novel’ - ah, remember when the term ‘novel’ conferred cachet?
It is that standard English is the most widely recognised form of the language and one that has social cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the classical attenuation of her ankles—the heel narrowly incurved, the ankle bone itself a perfect sphere, and with a glisten on it, like sucked caramel—my mother had only to put on a heel higher than her thumb and she metamorphosed into a fine piece of ass, the sort of dame that gave a Chicago mobster cachet.
Kalooki Nights
Music is becoming so readily available nowadays, with the rise of the internet, MP3 players etc, so for music aficionados there is real cachet in owning original vinyl.
By the early 1960s, as a consequence, anticommunism had lost its cachet.
It's a little harder to find that audience in Calgary, where listeners are always anxious to play spot the trend and are consequently tougher to please until it's been demonstrated that the music has some cachet.
Stories of an encounter with the early Lincoln bestowed a special cachet, as if one had rubbed shoulders with a rusticated, prairie Solomon.
That was why the Bastille was such a powerful symbol - it was where unnamed state prisoners could be confined without trial, under the notorious lettres de cachet, sealed warrants signed by the king and revocable only by him.
He is soon smitten by her charms and a wedding between American wealth and English social cachet takes place.
Times, Sunday Times
In the world of jewelry, the Cartier name has long - standing cachet.
I think I have enough cachet, if I don't squander it, where I can keep working.
The idea seemed to be that tattered jeans were somehow redolent with realness, or even a kind of sociopolitical cachet.
Anatomy Of A Fad
A view of Stirling castle always adds a certain cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
And celebrity hairdressers have a cachet all their own.
Times, Sunday Times
My suspicion about the long-lived and very tiresome bacon craze is that the rise of vegetarianism and veganism, dietary choices often (but by no means always) promoted by the smug and priggish, has lent meat-eating a kind of roguish cachet, like letting your child go to play-date without his elbow pads.
Stefan Beck: Meatopia: Meat-Up on Governors Island (PHOTOS)
Scientists carry great cachet in Western political and social debate precisely because they have traditionally been viewed as outside of politics.
Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack.
Universities and colleges will need to compete for their custom, by offering different combinations of academic status, curriculum, social cachet, facilities, teaching, and so on.
But there is a certain cachet attached to the exclusivity of jazz; you do get the jazz police and they are tough.
Times, Sunday Times
Bon a dire vrai quand j'ai fait ma pneumonie on me l'injectait directement (d'ailleurs c tres douloureux) mais j'en ai eu par la suite en cachet et certe l'effet etait amoindri mais etait la quand meme.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both, with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur.
The historian's pose dissociates the author from all the observations he lets fall save those sealed with a personal cachet.
Also, whereas eating your sushi off of a laydee rather than a plate has some cachet of status or decadence, drawing a female nude has no similar status in comparison to, say, a still life.
This type of jacket used to have a certain cachet.
Today, the United States and some of its Western partners -- in particular, Britain and France, which have their own narrow interests in not having the strategic cachet of their small strategic arsenals "cheapened" by the emergence of more states (especially in the "developing" world) that have mastered the nuclear fuel cycle -- focus on Iran's work on uranium enrichment as apocalyptically dangerous.
Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett: Just Like Bushehr, Iran's Uranium Enrichment is No Threat
It was an idea which broke all the rules of modern marketing, moving in the opposite direction from globalised branding to create specialised labels for extra cachet, selling whisky like books.
Papal infallibility is one of the main Protestant objections to Catholicism — yet, oddly enough, it was one of the things that gave Catholicism an unlikely avant-garde cachet from around the time of Pius IX's proclamation to, say, World War II.
Archive 2007-12-01
I don't think ‘Rock band equipment for world tours’ is particularly unusual, but I suppose it's got that celebrity cachet.
Rather, they adopt the theories because in certain circles those theories have a certain fashionable cachet, as signs of deep and power-structure-subversive understanding.
In the broader circles of art historical discussion today the discursive covers of predetermined canonicity and aesthetic grandeur no longer have the cachet they once did, hence their ideological usefulness has partly dissipated.
The expert knowledge of folklorists and ethnologists is also in demand in the tourist and development industries and their academic writings are a cachet to earning consultancies and contracts.
The text has been re-edited in the same font type as the original edition on high-quality paper, and the editor has gone through a lot of effort to produce a book that has the cachet of an old book.
What Crichton's worldview really amounts to is a kind of hectoring contrarianism that is increasingly targeted at America's know-it-alls, against the liberal elite, against the very type of expertise that had given him his professional cachet.
Ed Hamilton: Crichton vs. Crowley: Dinosaurs, Pedophiles, and The Cult of Expertise
Anne sauveuse de mon cuir chevelu maltraité par un Pinku qui oublie que parfois l'apprence ca compte quand meme un minimum, arrive sur sa plaquette de cacheton volante, me conseillant de prendre de la lobamine truc pidel chouette nom barbare de medicament.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
No other brand name has quite the same cachet.
Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece?
Times, Sunday Times
I thought I would have some cachet as the lifesaver in the group but learned otherwise when the host said, ‘Hi, nice to meet you.’
For its action as a febrifuge, doses of 6 decigrams are administered in a cachet or suspended in water.
Puis il s'empare de la boite de Ritaline et me demande quand j'ai rendez vous la prochaine fois et quand je compte commencer le renouvellement 'lundi pour le rendez vous et je commence le renouvellement demain' il compte alors 12 cachets et me tend une plaquette et demie de ritaline.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
The road from Alcachete to the stadium runs across the huge Vasco Da Gama bridge.
He continued: ‘The whole idea of good quality French produce has immense international cachet.’
There is still a certain cachet here if you are one.
Times, Sunday Times
Rembrandt's paintings show the cachet of genius.
But serious buyers know there's a certain cachet to their area of south Devon.
Times, Sunday Times
Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society.
Since the band's cultural rehabilitation, however, hasn't it acquired a certain cachet?
Something elegant with social cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Or the way that many people invent glamorous exes to boost their own cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Folk still want to drink wine but are very value-orientated and will happily sacrifice appellational cachet for good, ready-drinking wines. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
The label obtains open-reel tapes (or, in the case of the Boult selections, very good quality LP pressings) of classical recordings with a certain cult cachet.
Anne sauveuse de mon cuir chevelu maltraité par un Pinku qui oublie que parfois l'apprence ca compte quand meme un minimum, arrive sur sa plaquette de cacheton volante, me conseillant de prendre de la lobamine truc pidel chouette nom barbare de medicament.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society.
The cachet for each bears appropriate wording.
The fact that Aharon had just returned from the Soviet Union gave him a certain cachet among the leftists.
Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society.
The expert knowledge of folklorists and ethnologists is also in demand in the tourist and development industries and their academic writings are a cachet to earning consultancies and contracts.
The idea is that they have a certain cachet and can bring diverse skills to the boardroom.
Times, Sunday Times
It still has all the cachet of being a handwoven, craftsman's fabric but it is now being produced in lighter weights, in wilder colours and being turned into stunning outfits.
Every moneybags who invests in a publication becomes a more fascinating person overnight, acquiring cachet beyond their millions.
Top academics are still be respected but no cachet is attached to the level of gaining a degree in any arts subject.
This new temporary party could be called the GDP - The Green Democratic Party - paying homage to the two parties that need to spearhead this drive, as well as providing a brand name with great cachet.
The cachet on this cover, featuring a battleship with cage masts firing a broadside is a Stinemetts design.
That one of the authors is an archbishop increased its exotic cachet for me, I must confess.
Have You Ever Bought a Buzz Book?
He said the next day there, at dinner, that for the rest of his life he should fear nothing so much as a lettre de cachet from a French secretary of state, or a coup d '` epaule from an English one.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
Il est rare qu'on prescrive le medoc sous forme de cachet mais j'explique au medecin que je travaille au contact d'une clientele qui s'est plaint de l'acnée de celle qui bossait avant moi alors je ne peux decemment pas bosser avec de l'herpes et avec une tronche comme celle-ci!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Harlem is a relatively harmless, rather dull patch of a great city still garnering a tiny cachet among the local yuppies because it used to have quite a spunky black community.
We're reminded that until recently coaches retained some romantic cachet, whether steered by voyaging hippies, flying pickets, football fans or itinerant ravers.
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The brand is also cruelty-free, which only adds to its cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Being a millionaire today does not carry quite the cachet of years gone by.
Times, Sunday Times
It is presumably their archaic method of manufacture which give them a cachet and makes them a suitable present for foreign friends.
A Mercedes carries a certain cachet.
Or the way that many people invent glamorous exes to boost their own cachet.
Times, Sunday Times
Ayant pris mes medoc 'a huit heure et vu le temps qu'j'ai mis a m'vider d'la bile de mon estomac j'me dit que mes cachetons ont du faire coucou aux egouts.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry