How To Use Cabby In A Sentence

  • But what about my cabby's fear of losing his English identity?
  • A ragged pigeon with one scabby leg is slouching wearily on my window-sill.
  • Mayor Bloomberg yesterday called the cabby-on-pedicabby brawl "totally inappropriate" -- and was particularly disturbed that the pedal-pusher threw a trash can at his taxi-driving foe. NY Post: News
  • And any time a big speech is needed, they just haul out the scabby guy.
  • Bob, I was just reading a couple of articles that came out just within the past few minutes, and tell me if you've learned more about this with regard to the cabby.
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  • One hand clutched a faded newspaper while the other slipped the cabby a ten and slammed the door.
  • P had dirty blonde dreads, shocking front teeth, and a scabby old dog which gave us all scabies.
  • “Why do you want to go there, anyway?” the cabby asks as he drives. Famous
  • You could argue that they are just misunderstood, but let's face it - They are scabby gits.
  • And then he held on to the cab with one hand while he felt in his pocket for a coin to pay the cabby.
  • You got to see galleys and corridors and Wilkie's scabby foot dangling down from the top bunk. MR STARLIGHT
  • She whimpers as she undoes the bandages completely, revealing a scabby slice the length of her thumb.
  • Latent infection is seen as the scabby, superficial lesions on roots.
  • It is more like an old Labrador - the kind of scabby dog that is friendly enough but that slobbers on people's trousers when they are seated at the table.
  • Clearing his head of these thoughts, these sad and belated thoughts, Patrick nods towards the cabby. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • You got to see galleys and corridors and Wilkie's scabby foot dangling down from the top bunk. MR STARLIGHT
  • Examining his mouth, they disputed as to his age, and called the cabby to have his opinion of the thing's fetlocks, warning each other to beware of his rearing. Ruggles of Red Gap
  • In spite of the protest of the citizens of the great metropolis, "cabby," with his smart livery, his soft, suave and polite "want-a-cab?" was to be forever hushed by the ear-piercing jingle of the car bells and the coarse yells of the driver. " Eagle Clippings " by Jack Thorne, Newspaper Correspondent and Story Teller, A Collection of His Writings to Various Newspapers
  • Clearing his head of these thoughts, these sad and belated thoughts, Patrick nods towards the cabby. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • They thought that Polly's frock and Digory's Norfolk suit and the Cabby's howlet hat were as much parts of them as their own fur and feathers. The Magician's Nephew
  • We got a ride with a cabby to the library downtown.
  • At 3am, the cabby can double up as a perky deejay.
  • He gets whisked off to a badly-run NHS hospital, where a scabby and underpaid nurse who is ill because she can't afford blankets sneezes all over Bob's wound, giving him a nasty lurgy, and he dies.
  • It has, what looks like a perfectly normal little brown bud but when the sex organs emerge, instead of petals coming out the little scabby petal like structures just drop to the ground.
  • Details surface in the untouched snaps - stretch marks, scabby knees, boob jobs - and so do the posturings, poses and projections behind the sexual self.
  • He swears that he will wire the cabby the money the moment he gets home, but the cabby is a total dick. - fresh links
  • He reached out a scabby, bandaged hand and patted my shoulder.
  • When we told him there wasn't a trace of Tracey our cabby was being a touch churlish, as Ms. Emin is a native who really put Margate on the map, or of Mr. Hirst in the opening exhibition, he expressed surprise—and a little contrarian pleasure. An Eruption in Margate
  • Francis Upritchard's scabby shrunken heads are disgustingly ugly - bruised, green skin, old teeth, yucky dandruffy hair.
  • Tension rose as the other bus drivers became involved in the scuffle, which was momentarily resolved when traffic police detained the cabby and dismissed the bus drivers.
  • ‘This isn't the way to Piccadilly driver’ said April, looking at the cabby's eyes in the rearview mirror.
  • The waiting area teemed with children wiping runny noses and scratching scabby skin and adults hacking with chest-rattling coughs.
  • She's standing alone, stringy hair, corduroy skirt, scabby legs sprouting out of Roman sandals.
  • Most feature anomalously crude draftsmanship, scabby surfaces and flat-footed figuration.
  • He scrambled to his feet as if ready for a fight, his legs scabby with old scrapes. SACRAMENT
  • He insists on sitting on the mat where the door might slam on him, and on challenging the same old bruiser of a female four doors down, who duffs him up every time, leaving him cut and scabby.
  • I will give the cabby a pass for thinking I could be the pilot. Jamie Reidy: Self-Control
  • So I used to go to interviews looking like I had been sleeping under London Bridge - you know, pale, scabby old clothes, interesting, artistic.
  • She was wearing a tight fitting light pink strapless dress with a matching velvet cabby hat.
  • Catherine and the cabby stepped out of the Taxi.
  • Sloppy jeans, baggy top, red and sore nose, black bags under my eyes and scabby skin all courtesy of the cold virus.
  • A soapy solution was rubbed all over my scabby, bruised and burnt fingers leaving me with a relaxed sensation you wouldn't have believed possible in this part of your body.
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  • Feathers of infested birds are discolored by mite excrement and eggs, and the skin is scabby.
  • I was so moved that I actually asked my cabby if we could turn around and go back (he declined).
  • For instance, my high-school self — skinny, scabby, giggly, gabby, frantic to be noticed, tormented enough to be a tormentor, relentlessly pushing his cartoons and posters and noisy jokes and pseudo-sophisticated poems upon the helpless-high school — strikes me now as considerably obnoxious, though I owe him a lot: without his frantic ambition and insecurity I would not now be sitting on (as my present home was named by others) Haven Hill. John updike | march 18, 1932 – january 27, 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • She guides your hand to touch the scabby scar that snakes across her head.
  • And while you might pet a stray dog and accidentally touch a scabby sore or some other yuck, the rabies fears seemed unsubstantiated and the cities haven't taken to rounding up the lot for the public safety.
  • The cab driver was parked up outside Broadcasting House and was sitting in the back of the cab with his brother who was also a cabby.
  • It just exists to keep guitar sales up and basements full of scabby punks pissing their days away into a bucket marked ‘excess’.
  • Later, after touching down on the scabby tarmac, I skated through Customs in Lima.
  • When Mickey's body is found, half eaten by dogs, things take a more serious turn, at least for Jill, and the suspects, older literary types, who tend to be pompous and full of their own self importance, are a scabby bunch.
  • Modi’s office is on an upper floor of a massive, scabby-faced ministry building in Gandhinagar, the planned city of government workers north of Ahmedabad that is a monument to the flawed architectural schemes of formerly socialist India. India’s New Face
  • Whether empathizing with the cabby or with the kid in the tree, every man will find reflections of himself in this collection.
  • Just save those arguments for when they're really needed, rather than wasting them on the little things, like whether or not you spell "cabby" with a y. Seanan_mcguire: Write! Right? Fifty MORE thoughts on writing.
  • I'm just finding it a little difficult to assess because anything scabby with that much fur tends to look much worse than it probably is.
  • So I get the cabby to drop me off by his house only i t took a bit of difficulty remembering where it was as I'd only been there a couple of times before.
  • He then proceeded to roll up his trouser leg and show me his very scabby leg.
  • Feeding by the chigger creates scabby, reddish lesions that require two to three weeks to heal after the engorged mites leave the bird.
  • We eagerly took the opportunity to get down and do stamping exercises and "cabby" arms to try and get warm. Fanny Goes to War
  • The cabby now began making wider forays from the taxi, still looking for a cop.
  • Scalp - as long as it is not scabby, shiny or beneath a comb-over - can be stylish, intelligent, tough and modern.
  • They walked down the one flight of stairs together, their footsteps echoing up through the empty house; out on the pavement he called a hansom, held his arm across the wheel as she stepped in; turned to the cabby, gave him his fare, told him Waterloo Station; then he leant across the step of the cab and held out his hand. Sally Bishop A Romance
  • The big railway termini even employ a cabby organiser after midnight to pair off travellers heading for the same destination. Times, Sunday Times
  • What exactly happened in those final hours on the run and why did the cabby help the fugitive check into a hotel under his own name?
  • She's standing alone, stringy hair, corduroy skirt, scabby legs sprouting out of Roman sandals.
  • There is an arrival fee of $1.20 on cab rides into the city, but if you make that $20 the cabby will probably sit in your lap as he drives.
  • He scrambled to his feet as if ready for a fight, his legs scabby with old scrapes. SACRAMENT
  • If soils drain rapidly or become cool, infected plants often recover, but still may be distorted or produce superficial, scabby lesions.
  • There were no unoccupied taxis in the street and the crowds outside the airport bus terminal would have filled several buses, but I found a cabby there who was willing to take us to the airport for twice the usual fare.
  • The boy was wearing some black board shorts, showing off the child's scabby knees.
  • It's the plastic surgeon and the cabby who brought our hero to his office.
  • Scabby mouth (contagious ecthyma, orf) is a highly contagious, viral disease of sheep, goats and occasionally humans.
  • In a childish moment I picked the scab from my football knee (footballers who play on AstroTurf always have scabby knees) dark red blood flowed down my leg.
  • They rounded off with a scabby diatribe against the black choir in the Seventh Day Adventist Church whose voices lit the evenings.
  • The cabby herself is threatened with violent repression and we can see the risks posed by the filmmaking process itself.
  • The ride would have cost about a month's salary, if the cabby had remembered to charge me.
  • A random passerby screamed, and the cabby erupted in laughter.
  • He had short trousers and scabby knees.
  • Étienne gets into the cab and immediately bridles at the cabby's rude manner.

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