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[ US /kəˈbɑɫ/ ]
[ UK /kɐbˈæl/ ]
  1. a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
  2. a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
  1. engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
    They conspired to overthrow the government

How To Use cabal In A Sentence

  • The vim seemed to seep out of Dundee at that point, and although they brought on Fabian Caballero with 15 minutes to go, to popular local acclaim, he was no more able to effect the result than his colleagues.
  • They did not give balls, and Antonia never appeared at a ground-floor window, as some other young ladies used to do attended by elder women, to chat with the caballeros on horseback in the Calle.
  • In the Cabala, the Quaternical system is the Tetragrammaton, the four-letter name of God, commonly pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah.
  • Illuminati may have learnt something of "venefic magic" and the use of certain natural substances from Jewish Cabalists; at the same time Jews appear to have been only in rare cases admitted to the Order. Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
  • Our natural instinct is to analyze that as a homologous variation — Joplin must have got it from somewhere, perhaps the cavatina-cabaletta sequence of Italian opera, or perhaps Rossini overtures, or perhaps similarly obsessive passages in Chopin or Schumann. Categorical denials
  • Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush and their cabal want to dumb down America and the best way to do that is to undereducate the children and restrict and control the media. Think Progress » 60 percent.
  • Smith's collage imagery in this film more directly alludes to his particular interests, drawing as they do on ‘Cabalistic symbolism, Indian chiromancy […] dancing, Buddhist mandalas, and Renaissance alchemy’.
  • It's an ingenious hybrid where true believers provide the cannon fodder while an elite cabal of generals, arms merchants, land appropriators, oil prospectors and slave traders, muscle their way into the profits of war.
  • It was a “Faustian bargain,” wrote one journalist, a “fiendishly complicated scheme,” in which the young liberal ministers sold their souls to a cabal of unscrupulous tycoons. The Return
  • ¿No tengo alternativa y debo publicar mi trabajo junto con los top 10 de mejores bloopers de gente montando a caballo? Global Voices in English » Uruguay: CIP, Showcasing National Films and Shorts
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