How To Use C horizon In A Sentence
Cycles are common, with deeper water bioclastic limestones at their base, followed by shallow marine oolitic limestones and lagoonal calcareous mudstones, with palaeokarstic horizons representing emergence at their top.
Finding that I wished to devote myself to geology, he set me to work on the Brachiopoda as the best group of fossils to serve as data in determining the Palaeozoic horizons.
Louis Agassiz as a Teacher; illustrative extracts on his method of instruction
Apparently, the filmic horizons are as infinite as the limits of the sky for these amazing moviemakers and their crazy creations.
Rarely has a superpower cared so much about a speck on the international diplomatic horizon; rarely at such a propitious moment in history have we had such good fortune.
The quartzitic horizons change along strike into carbonaceous shale and sericite-chlorite schist.
The pork fondue was chosen in an attempt to broaden the gastronomic horizons of a 75-year-old woman from Popovo.
Even in the darkest purlieu of Morocco's underworld," Eberhardt writes, "such men can reach the magic horizon where they are free to build their dream-palaces of delight.
Jesse Kornbluth: Isabelle Eberhardt: Dressed Like a Man, Drowned in a Desert Flood in Algeria, Wrote 10 Great Stories
Most of the universe is behind the cosmic horizon and cannot be directly detected.