
How To Use Bystander In A Sentence

  • The charges against the Commanchero members are for "affray" - fighting in public and causing bystanders to fear for their safety. The Buzz
  • Others argue the effect of low-level radiation may be amplified by ‘toxins’ emitted from irradiated cells to non-irradiated ‘bystanders’.
  • Some patients have asystole from the onset of arrest and are unsuitable for defibrillation by the ambulance crew or bystanders.
  • After all, failure to do so could leave them as hapless bystanders in a game of musical chairs which may be nearing its climax.
  • Cytochrome P450-based suicide gene therapy for cancer using prodrugs such as cyclophosphamide (CPA) increases anti-tumor activity, both directly and via a bystander killing mechanism. BioMed Central - Latest articles
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  • I think the policies are a good step towards finding common ground with the European Union, which is I think a vision that all Greeks should aspire to," a bystander told reporters. Rough Road Ahead for Greece Despite Austerity Measures
  • Much of the policing so far is unobjectionable in its goals and motivation but barely acceptable in the costs to innocent civilian bystanders.
  • He knew that he was not responsible they were just innocent bystanders, he had done nothing wrong, what blame there was rested with other people.
  • The road had not been closed and bystanders gathered to watch the events unfold.
  • Music was a mere bystander. The Sun
  • Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.
  • Comanchero leader Mahmoud "Mick" Hawi was charged Monday with fighting in public in a way that caused bystanders to fear for their safety - a crime called affray - at the airport. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • But quick cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, from bystanders or race participants also likely played a role since it can buy time until victims are defibrillated. Runners' Heart Risks Seen as Overblown
  • Originally the sophist was a lover of truth; then he became a lover of words that concealed truth, and the chief end of his existence was to balance a feather on his nose and keep three balls in the air for the astonishment and admiration of the bystanders. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8
  • It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.
  • Roadside entertainment involved a man in a comic mask, walking around and fooling bystanders.
  • Most striking about the photos is the presence of participants and bystanders.
  • Patavium, which now belongs to Italy but was then still a part of Gaul, certain birds not only brought news of it but even acted it out to some extent, for one Gaius Cornelius drew from them accurate information of all that had taken place, and narrated it to the bystanders. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • Finally, plainly aware that the dam might well keep his name alive for posterity long after all other memories of his ill-starred presidency had faded, he closed with what was certainly a heartfelt request: “I hope to be present at its final completion as a bystander.” Colossus
  • I believe that if an officious bystander in 1984 had suggested that, all parties would have denied that that was the case.
  • But if a stranger or metic smite one who is older by twenty years or more, the same law shall hold about the bystanders assisting, and he who is found guilty in such a suit, if he be a stranger but not resident, shall be imprisoned during a period of two years; and a metic who disobeys the laws shall be imprisoned for three years, unless the court assign him a longer term. Laws
  • The room soon turned to bedlam as the voices of protest were countered by other delegates who argued that the debate should be allowed to continue, while other bemused bystanders tried to work out the plot.
  • When shooting for practice, make sure your backstop will prevent ricochets and protect bystanders.
  • He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders.
  • As she stood on the platform, two helpful bystanders pointed out that she had misspelled liar.
  • If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources. Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
  • Dancing on the bonnet of your Model A, or perhaps charging around on your horse, hooting savagely and bullwhipping innocent bystanders.
  • Kayla yelped in shock and embarrassment at the scene they were displaying to innocent bystanders.
  • The fight would probably never have begun if one of the boys had not been edged on by a couple of bystanders.
  • This impertinent and malicious insinuation made some impression upon the bystanders, and furnished ample field for slander to asperse the morals of Trunnion, who was represented through the whole district as a monster of barbarity. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • A growing number of communities are training their 911 call centers to instruct bystanders by telephone in the best way to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, which has been shown to increase a patient's chance of surviving. The Ultimate Lifesaver
  • Go ahead and call me a misguided Westerner if you like, or even a bleeding heart; I much prefer those titles to "bystander" -- innocent or not. Kristi York Wooten: The Sachs-Moyo-Easterly Aid Debate: An Activist's Perspective
  • If the officious bystander had asked them whether they had intended to leave out the conditions this time, both must, as honest men, have said, ‘of course not’.
  • Such princes fear nothing, and are never abashed; they are on familiar terms with the audience, and interpellate the bystanders, which was a sure cause of merriment, but not of good order. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • I felt ashamed that I, a pre-med student, was nothing more than a meddling bystander during this life-or-death struggle.
  • By invitation he was there, a perplexed bystander.
  • Not bringing anything much to the party, not causing bystanders to recoil in horror either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some bystanders barricaded themselves inside nearby shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a cop who is in therapy because of his habit of shooting innocent bystanders dead.
  • He came to the attention of the authorities only because, returning one day from hunting, he had shot a tame bird; reprimanded by a bystander, he replied that if the man would only stay while he charged his piece, he would shoot him too.
  • Military officials have said the order to strike again would not have been given had many bystanders been present.
  • Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.
  • As with most playground punch-ups, this bystander does not much care who started it.
  • Horrified bystanders tried in vain to drive the berserk animal away until a policeman grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it. The Sun
  • No comment from ‘Bystander’ - our learned muppet is still weeping about Saddam probably. An Idiots Guide To Dreaming « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Many innocent bystanders were injured by the explosion.
  • The gun then malfunctioned and at that p oint two other male bystanders were able to subdue Mr. Loughner and take control of his weapon, according to authorities. Doctors Encouraged by Giffords's Response After Shooting
  • In fact, Michael even helps out an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire.
  • Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.
  • Several innocent bystanders were injured in the explosion.
  • The importance of William of Norwich to his aunt Liviva is made apparent in corporeal manifestations of the pain she feels: "A cold shiver invaded her innermost marrow, her face grew pale, her mind fled along with her blood, and as if dead she fell from the hands of the bystanders to the ground. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Encouraged by his comrades' response to his drawings, he eventually sent one of his cartoons to the Bystander magazine, and a legend was born.
  • It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.
  • It didn't help, of course, not really, but at least there were no innocent bystanders around to suffer my invective.
  • For gene therapy based on the introduction of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene, the bystander effect depends on cell to cell contact and the presence of gap junctions.
  • The ultimate issue is whether a reasonable bystander would regard the conduct of the offeree, including his silence, as signalling to the offeror that his offer has been accepted.
  • a bullet went astray and killed a bystander
  • But, with that intensity have come many and varied tantrums and out-bursts, often directed at wholly innocent bystanders.
  • Nobody would take seriously a big brute of a bully who beat the daylights out of an innocent bystander, and then claimed he was victimized because he scraped his knuckles. Jeff Schweitzer: The Faux Rage About a False War on Christmas
  • When someone accidentally bumps him on the street, his ranting makes bystanders scurry away.
  • The king of the Baganda was called the kabaka; it was Kabaka Mutesa II who, in accepting the gift of a rifle from the English explorer Speke, sent a page from his court outside with it to shoot a bystander to see how well the weapon worked. Kahawa
  • In 2008, the heart group said untrained bystanders or those unwilling to do rescue breaths could do hands-only CPR until paramedics arrive or a defibrillator is used to restore a normal heart beat. CPR First Aid Changes: Chest Presses First, Then Mouth-To-Mouth
  • And all you curious bystanders are welcome to tag along!
  • The only problem with bystanders, she says, is that they may miss things others think are obvious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few bystanders have been killed in narco-related violence, although 14 innocent men, women, and children died in grenade attacks last September in Morelia, with nearly 100 more injured, some very seriously. [movintomx] Safety in lakeside
  • Finally he found a pleasant square where he took some pictures of buildings and then asked a bystander to take one of himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four innocent bystanders were injured by ricocheting bullets when a bagman for a Pattaya loan shark opened fire on his mobile phone.
  • A ring of admirers had already formed around their table, and Nyrouya thinned her lips disapprovingly at those bystanders.
  • If a man touches a woman, her parents, relatives and bystanders off the street mete out justice that even Big Al, the WWE bunkmate in your jail cell, would admire. Charlie Sheen To Make More Two And A Half Men, The Turd
  • As well as claiming six lives the blast also injured a bystander. The Sun
  • It is even possible that innocent bystanders may suffer casualties as a result.
  • It is further required that the relief valve be connected to an overflow pipe, to direct escaping steam and hot water to a safe location where bystanders are not likely to be scalded.
  • Residents say that many of the victims were innocent bystanders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The suspect was pictured wielding a knife in a photograph taken by a bystander. Times, Sunday Times
  • If bystanders are present, get them to phone for an ambulance at once.
  • His city is relentlessly sleazy and oppressive, and its cops apparently exist only to crack open the heads of innocent bystanders.
  • Then, wouldn't you know it, her muse demanded that she add a fourth element to the film: kibitzing bystanders. Network Awesome: Sita Sings the Cosmic Freakin' Blues
  • He survived but six bystanders were killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what good is bawdy when its purveyors, from low to high, seem unfailingly recruited for their unsightliness, and act like overwrought underachievers or maundering bystanders?
  • This is a cop who is in therapy because of his habit of shooting innocent bystanders dead.
  • Hu Yong: Because the microblog is a public platform, which can effectively cultivate civic spirit, highlight the "four powers" (ie, safeguard the people's right to information, participation, expression and right to supervise), allow for participation in politics, or at least can be used make some sound; otherwise, people may only be marginalized to a bystander's role. Interlocals - Interlocals
  • The _Decade_ typewrites his regrets -- that's better -- but the _Bystander_ says nothing at all but A Daughter of To-Day
  • We are simply asked to contemplate the appalling act and the nightmare that one loathsome human being can inflict on an innocent bystander.
  • Confiteor", if he be able; if not, it is said in his name by one of the bystanders, or, when there is no one able to do this, by the priest himself. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Because the innocent bystander wandering into frame is, predictably, the delicious Riva herself.
  • Elsewhere, suspected rebels shot dead three civilians, a bystander was killed in crossfire and five more militants were gunned down by troops, police said.
  • The threat is as if a garbage truck had overturned and dumped wilted intellectual lettuce on bystanders.
  • Some bystanders barricaded themselves inside nearby shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parents were mere bystanders and they were crestfallen, while the kids who actually did battle, the winners and the losers, were already over it. Parents Behaving Badly
  • He apologized for hitting the wrong people, saying he didn't like getting innocent bystanders involved.
  • i like seeing these pics, but i cant figure out why you would want to change a "target" to an innocent bystander, is this something for the bad guys to practice on? Items of Interest from Day Three of the 2010 SHOT Show
  • The bystanders shook their heads and clucked sympathetically.
  • Bystanders and ambulance workers made crude stretchers to carry the wounded to vehicles to take them to nearby hospitals.
  • For the Patriot women take their hazel wands, and fustigate, amid laughter of bystanders, with alacrity: broad bottom of The French Revolution
  • A simplistic way of looking at this would be to adopt a kind of officious bystander test who is stood alongside the states making the treaties. German Constitutional Court approves Lisbon - with provisos
  • His lawyers said that police had acknowledged he was an innocent bystander. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time of arrest is unreliable for arrest witnessed by bystanders and unavailable for unwitnessed arrests, and time of first shock is irrelevant to patients who do not receive shocks.
  • Several bystanders witnessed the incident and said that the appellant appeared calm afterwards.
  • Nor have they released the identity of the bystander who disarmed and subdued the cydroid, except to say that the man was, and we quote, "covering the campaign. Flash
  • As the bells chimed at 3.30 pm seven police officers - six men and one woman - removed their helmets in a mark of respect to their fallen comrade watched by about 25 bystanders.
  • For example, in a situation in which several bystanders need to band together to overwhelm a perpetrator, they will be more likely to act collectively than to act alone.
  • As soon as the record is confirmed, the organisers say that bystanders will be able to help themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.
  • Photographer, investigator, bystanders should not appear in any scene photographs.
  • But amid the crowd of padded coats and fur shapkas we couldn't tell who was a taxi owner, who was an agent or driver, and who was just a bystander.
  • The place was surrounded by the police and the crowd of bystanders discussed the events.
  • I'm going to have to go back in there and speak with her as though I were an unprejudiced bystander.
  • Much of the policing so far is unobjectionable in its goals and motivation but barely acceptable in the costs to innocent civilian bystanders.
  • The man was acting crazy and the bystanders let him continue on his way uninhibited.
  • The only drawback is getting the usual supercilious comment from that arch-handwringer ‘Bystander’. Something Kind Of Grrrrrrrrr……….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In war, there are bystanders that get hit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bystanders staunched the flow of blood with towels and an apron.
  • As a handful of bystanders stood by, the plows methodically bashed into the landmark's walls until a heap of black concrete filled Seventh Street.
  • At one crumpled four-storey building in Ercis a team of firemen from the largest south-eastern city of Diyarbakir were trying to reach four children believed trapped deep in an apartment block as concerned bystanders looked on. Turkey earthquake death toll rising
  • But divine providence interceded, for the wheel broke, the spikes flying off and injuring many bystanders.
  • But even though Becca is given some depth through much - sometimes longwinded - description of her relationship with her ex-husband, it seemed that her character was less of a detective and more of a bystander. REVIEW: Alien Crimes edited by Mike Resnick
  • He was edged on by a couple of bystanders.
  • The innocent bystanders ran out the door of the tavern, including the bar tender.
  • After several abortive attempts at spelling the name of the street correctly in his notebook, the officer co-opted some bystanders and dragged the poor horse into Hoe Street.
  • Their gesticulation is menacing, both to the Court and the bystanders, and an equal portion of all they say, is distributed to every part of the hall. Is That Legal?: February 2007 Archives
  • Several innocent bystanders were killed by the blast.
  • Some bystanders barricaded themselves inside nearby shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my undergrad research class I wanted to replicate the Bystander Effect by having a confederate pretend to faint we wanted to look for gender differences in responses by participants and I was told by the IRB that it might "traumatize" my participants. Archive 2009-01-01
  • And it would be essential if, but only if, the material that was being filmed was material of a kind that the inevitable officious bystander would say should not be filmed without consent.
  • Several innocent bystanders were killed by the blast.
  • This in fact means to struggle in the way of God by striving to do good, and to fight against only those who persecute and not by attacking innocent civilians or bystanders.
  • It is also the bystanders who watch the incidents of bullying and do nothing to stop them.
  • The frangible ammo disintegrates on target, meaning there is no back splash or ricochets to harm the shooter or other bystanders.
  • The suspect was pictured wielding a knife in a photograph taken by a bystander. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two taxi drivers were killed last night and four people, including a bystander, were injured in two separate drive-by shootings.
  • The only bystander who appeared to have a twinkle of cynicism in his eye joked about being "quizzed" on the surprisingly academic material, and told me he expected Fairey would be "preaching to the choir" rather than facing hard questions about fair use. Bostonist
  • I will use the term participation unit to refer both to encounters and to unengaged participants; the term bystander will be used to refer to any individual present who is not a ratified member of the particular encounter in question, whether or not he is currently a member of some other encounter. Behavior in Public Places
  • We should guard against emotionally driven demands to kill many bystanders in an effort to liquidate our enemy.
  • Had an officious bystander raised the possibility, can one doubt that George would have ridiculed it?
  • He found the account of the trial that proved her an innocent bystander, since she was a minor.
  • Police said the symptoms suffered by bystanders were likely to have been caused by pepper spray used by officers to restrain the man, who had fired a shot from a handgun after spraying the substance from a pump-action bottle.
  • He died instantly along with some 15 bystanders.
  • 1The difference in conceptualizing a geographic region as a hinterland rather than as a motherland is like the dissimilarity in being remembered as bystanders to an event rather than as people who made history. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Liverpool, was so determined to win the role that he wore his full firefighting kit for the audition and swung a bystander into a fireman's lift. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is undoubtedly a good thing, as it allows him to wave his arms about and shout with little danger of catching innocent bystanders on the chin.
  • You're never put into the position of agonising over whether you should kill one innocent person to save ten - killing an innocent bystander is wrong in the trivial sense that falling off a ledge is wrong. I play videogames so you don't have to
  • Many innocent bystanders were injured by the explosion.
  • Several innocent bystanders were injured in the explosion.
  • an uninvolved bystander
  • The sight of vintage McAllister haring up the wing, a trail of defenders made to look like lumpen bystanders in his wake, thrilled us all.
  • You don't belong here! , " screams the woman, supposedly in front of her child and a hoard of bystanders in costume, including an Elvis Presley impersonator.
  • The bystanders were hit when thugs on bikes opened fire a week ago. The Sun
  • Maybe you two should be hashing your problems out in counseling instead of drive-by ambushing an innocent bystander.
  • The two guys just completely missed each other but hit an innocent bystander. Times, Sunday Times
  • The policeman chatted amicably to the bystanders.
  • Good morning," he said to bystanders, smiling and doffing his hat. Abraham Lincoln rides to Washington, 150 years later
  • In groups they can poison the atmosphere of an entire pub in seconds, swilling ale, braying, tormenting the barmaid, spilling ale and lumbering against bystanders.
  • For those involved in internal security operations, a ricochet striking an innocent bystander can have major political consequences.
  • Often the most panicked people are bystanders who become extremely fearful but have no outlet for that energy.
  • It didn't help, of course, not really, but at least there were no innocent bystanders around to suffer my invective.
  • After all, failure to do so could leave them as hapless bystanders in a game of musical chairs which may be nearing its climax.
  • Suppose you are doing the best you know how, and striving your blamedest to please, and bystanders throw at your head a dead cow, or break your legs off at the knees. Rippling Rhymes
  • And besides, in the majority of scenes you can plainly see that many a bystander are crying with laughter at the sight of Bill Murray's hangdog expression, thus indicating that the amused bafflement is mutual.
  • He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders.
  • A female bystander was also injured. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a quick temper which can flare up and be over in seconds, which makes me rueful, but at least provides bystanders with entertainment.
  • Mr Duncan, who lived opposite, pushed bystanders aside and kicked down the door.
  • the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders
  • Because she didn't seem to be armed, police cars did not apprehend her as she alternated between stops and starts and conversations with curious bystanders.
  • I will finish Naylor if it kills me, or a few innocent bystanders.
  • Outside the gallery a group of curious bystanders gathered, staring and leering at the nude painting.
  • When he was told of his own dastardly deeds, he acted the part of an innocent bystander and watched in amusement as half a dozen troopers and police, joined by several civilians galloped off at great speed in search of the highwayman.
  • Amnesty International is worried that the stun guns could ‘inflict pain and other suffering on innocent bystanders’.
  • It's also a gangster film more interested in innocent bystanders than hoods or the police who chase them.
  • [Hence the origin of Supporters] and horrible and laidly looked they in the guise of griffins, with artful scales of thin steel painted green, red forked tongues, and griping the banner in one huge claw, while, much to the marvel of the bystanders, they contrived to walk very statelily on the other. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • There's even a scene where a giant watermelon is menacingly thrust at an innocent bystander.
  • Late-night rows throughout the festivities threatened to engulf innocent bystanders and shocked tourists.
  • Neighbors, family members, even occasional bystanders used to separate combatants.
  • They acted as if they were impotent bystanders rather than elected officials charged by those who put them in office with maintaining civil order and ensuring the public's safety.
  • When it is considered into what consternation the bystanders must have been thrown, rendering them, by the palsy of fear, incapable of assisting Lazarus in his struggles to free himself from the folds in which he was wrapped, the sublime self-possession of Jesus appears.
  • The first version tells us something that should be obvious: this bystander is surprised. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Five Common Mistakes of Comic Book Writers (#1-5)
  • I adjust my binoculars for a better look, homing in on a graceful bystander as it raises a spindly leg into a knee bend. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neighbors, family members, even occasional bystanders used to separate combatants.
  • The phrase "innocent bystander" is ironic; in reality, bystanders are as guilty as perpetrators when it comes to perpetuating the patterns of violence in this country. Lisa Firestone: Bullying And Beyond: How To Stop Violent Behavior
  • In the same city a bystander was killed by a driver fleeing police. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moffett answers many questions about ants in his conversation with Fresh Air, including why ants attack, how they live communally and what they do when a bystander accidentally steps on their nest.
  • Yet you are given the impression that the author was an innocent bystander to events which were supposed to have been under his control.
  • This idea of evolution was toally alien to Darwin and he refused to use the term preferring “descent with modification” which implied no direction. bystander Special Magazine Issues on Darwin, Evolution, ID Creationism - The Panda's Thumb
  • Not bringing anything much to the party, not causing bystanders to recoil in horror either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the Swiss began to retreat, they were pursued by mobs of bystanders without firearms who hacked them to death with knives, pikes, and hatchets, and tore their uniforms to pieces to make trophies.
  • It did teach me a new phrase, however: 'bystander benefiter' — one who quietly benefits by not intervening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bystander accuses posters here of taking the “flog them and hang them” mentality, but we are not talking about a couple of overboystrous children involved in a little bit of mischief here - these two not only deliberately carried out a calculated and consistent series of abuses over a prologued period, but even thought up a ‘nice catchy name’ for what they were doing. Curious Men With Dangerous Ideas (again) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I felt ashamed that I, a pre-med student, was nothing more than a meddling bystander during this life-or-death struggle.
  • Although no formal reception was organised for the players, they were heartily welcomed by cheering bystanders in the arrivals hall.
  • The plaintiffs draw two distinctions between their position and that of spectators or bystanders.
  • In 1996, a breathtaking Los Angeles Times exposé on the 18th Street Gang, which included descriptions of innocent bystanders being murdered by laughing cholos (gang members), revealed the rate of illegal-alien membership in the gang.
  • It is only to the bystander that the participants just look stupid and childish.
  • Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.
  • What about an innocent bystander who knows something but isn't actually carrying out an attack?
  • Bystanders, assailants, and victims typically attributed deadly saloon brawls to violations of or challenges to the rules of plebeian culture.
  • The episode where Sam releases suspects for lack of evidence, against the intuition of his boss who wants to plant evidence on them, only to have them kill an innocent bystander, is particularly thought-provoking. Why I Hate Time Travel Stories | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • I have little doubt that they would have said so to an officious bystander.
  • The frangible ammo disintegrates on target, meaning there is no back splash or ricochets to harm the shooter or other bystanders.
  • The place was surrounded by the police and the crowd of bystanders discussed the events.
  • At sunrise, a large crowd advances toward wooden barricades erected to protect storefronts and bystanders.

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