How To Use Buy it In A Sentence

  • We will pay you a suitable, er, emolument as the finder and introducer of this piece if it does turn out to be genuine and we buy it? GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • We will go and view the house before we buy it.
  • One of our daughters might one day want to take out a mortgage of her own and buy it from us outright, or as a parents-financed ‘shared equity’ scheme.
  • You must see the inside of a house before you buy it.
  • Here is a business that has shrieking fanatics lining up around the block in the middle of the night to buy its product.
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  • We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum.
  • But, in a somewhat cruel twist of fate, you will also not remember to go out and buy it.
  • A source said: 'One rich daddy got in touch saying he wanted to buy it for his daughter. The Sun
  • It was a nice song, I liked it so much I prevailed upon my Dad to buy it for me…
  • Households that use heating oil have to buy it upfront and in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can't buy it in a bottle, hire a custom applicator to put it on or a molecular geneticist to jockey genes for it around in a lab.
  • And in any event he doesn't know where the ‘somewhere else’ is that he might buy it, as the high street isn't precisely full of alternate retail channels.
  • Attendance is free of charge, but children need to bring their own lunch or buy it from the centre's tuck shop.
  • You cannot just buy it off the shelf. The Sun
  • I had a trifolium plant in my hand last night at the garden centre unsure whether to buy it or not – I convinced myself now that was quite hard! that it looked too much like a clover and put it down again….. but now after seeing its blooms here I think I might just find a spot for it. Wildflowers Of May* « Fairegarden
  • It should be something real thrilly, so the people will rush madly to all the bookstores to buy it. Jean of the Lazy A
  • Wine anoraks know that these wines are made from Chardonnay grapes, but most drinkers associate Chablis with a taste, not its component parts, and they buy it because they like it, and the idea of it.
  • However, s/he normally has to offer the leaseholders in the building the opportunity to buy it first.
  • After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
  • Bugger the expense, I'm going to buy it!
  • Did the last albums start with a desire to make an album for somebody who wouldn't buy it anyway?
  • The person buying the machine benefits because he values the machine more than the money spent to purchase it (otherwise, why buy it? Times, Sunday Times
  • You can find traditional models or some very interesting solutions like the splendid "vestige" model shown in the picture on the right you can buy it at less than 300$...35% less than normal retail price! Archive 2008-10-01
  • Wouldn't you rather have her issue arrive in your mailbox as opposed to loafing around bodegas and drugstores for hours until you build up the courage to buy it?
  • Here, under labyrinthine covered arches, one can buy items as varied as ceramics, carpets, silver, brass, miniatures, tiles, saffron, pistachio nuts and henna.
  • To taste its true flavour, buy it from a specialist cheesemonger.
  • She screams, she howls, and she tries to be feminine and vulnerable but I just can't buy it.
  • In fact, when they realized guests liked it so much that they wanted to buy it, the McGoverns set up an art gallery in the inn.
  • If you go to a dealer to buy it, they will most likely also have other drugs, therefore anyone who wants a smoke will get pills, coke, possibly smack or crack offered to them.
  • The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.
  • While you can certainly choose to buy Italian polenta at a specialty store, you can use any finely ground cornmeal - and stone-ground, organic cornmeal is a good choice.
  • I use the prescription to buy it from a reputable online pharmacy but it is nearly 30 for four tablets. Times, Sunday Times
  • There had been no way for Sara to buy it without alerting everyone who knew her. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Have the house surveyed before you decide whether to buy it.
  • Using a technology known as "near-field communications," or NFC, consumers will be able to buy items simply by passing their phones in front of a sensor at the checkout counter. Mobile Banking Gets Riskier
  • Buy it in little pots now and get it nicely bedded in, feeding with a bit of liquid seaweed now and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil company rivals may seek to buy it as a prelude to a bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you think it's a rip, don't buy it!
  • So you need to buy it right away and avoid the stampede of enthused blog readers who will undoubtedly rush to order the book now!
  • Q: my neighbor is selling a small aluminum boat with and electric motor for six hundred. i belive it is not worth that much more like three hundred, but i would like to buy it and fix it up. i was wondering if anybody has refurbished an aluminum boat and how they did it. detailed steps, process, and materials if you have them. My neighbor is selling a small aluminum boat with and electric motor for six hundred.
  • It only needs a tiny percentage of star-struck fans to buy it to make it the bestselling cookbook of all time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil company rivals may seek to buy it as a prelude to a bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tins from the butter cookies you got for Christmas, the wire clothes hangers from the drycleaners, pads of paper from your realtor - no one is going to buy it.
  • So, you should buy it now.
  • Was he really suggesting that the Obama Administration is revisiting support for an industry that has been subsidized by both parties since the 1970s, when it was known as gasahol, and whose government crutches now include a mandate to buy its product and protection from foreign competitors? Vilsack's Candor
  • You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not.
  • I'll use one of my tens and combine our money to buy it for you!
  • Do you buy it, or is it up to Boudreau to better acclimate the Capitals to this year's new defensive style? Brooks Laich: 'This isn't last year's team'
  • Maybe straights will buy it because it's funny and different.
  • If you do buy it in transparent plastic or glass bottles store it in a darkened cupboard. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • If an herb, spice, or other comestible is one I’ve never heard of, I buy it immediately. Archive 2007-10-01
  • 'deregister' your PC, so retain the receipt: even if you can cope with installing this on only two systems, you don't want to have to buy it again every time you buy a new machine. PC Advisor News
  • Also buy italian sausage and steaks in bulk from costco and vac seal with no freezer burn issues. Use Your Freezer Efficiently To Save Money (and Food) | Lifehacker Australia
  • I originally borrowed it from the library, but when I realized how god-awful long the thing was, I decided I needed to go ahead and buy it. Woot! I Got A Package! « A Working Title
  • We will go and view the house before we buy it.
  • This is gonna be friggin awsome. i love both the games and the books thank you whoever is making this movie gonna watch it and buy it even if it is shit jonah on Mar 29, 2009 Early Halo: Fall of Reach Concept Art Revealed?! «
  • I would buy it for the cover alone, though I know the story would be worth the money, too. *returns to staring at cover* Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » Blue Diablo UK cover
  • There had been no way for Sara to buy it without alerting everyone who knew her. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Honestly, firewood is a lot cheaper if you buy it by the cord instead of the volume. sammieb51 McCain: Palin bills were for 'troopergate'
  • 7. Chicks dig dots 6. I thought this was a drywalling class 5. It's so weird, somebody's gotta wanna buy it 4. If I screw up, the mistakes are so small nobody'll notice 'em anyway 3. It's wonderfully therapeutic and relaxing, I've become a much calmer, kinder person- Waddya mean I've still got a ways to go? Top Ten Reasons Why I Stipple
  • You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not.
  • This is a marvellous, warm and insightful book and if you're a football fan you must buy it. The Sun
  • So far the chemical called xylitol seems safe for people, and many dentists and doctors are suggesting people buy it in granules and use it at home to reduce their consumption of sugar. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Pet Owners Beware: This Common Sweetener Can Poison Dogs
  • Buy it a new spark plug, and decoke the exhaust.
  • You can order something, buy it, and then it comes, and it's 50 times better than you thought it ever was, or it could be a big bust.
  • I was so maddened by this disc I almost decided not to review it or to recommend no one buy it.
  • My recommendation: buy it, turn up the bass and burn some calories.
  • It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
  • PARIS Reuters - The European Central Bank remains divided over whether to buy Italian government bonds but even some of those who favor the move say Italy should do more to front-load austerity measures, ECB sources said Saturday. Exclusive: ECB split over whether to buy Italy bonds: sources
  • I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there .
  • Oil company rivals may seek to buy it as a prelude to a bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • A great discussion to which I would love to add a few more thoughts on coursebooks which still reign on the ELT scene in many countries simply because there are teachers who have no skills, motivation or incentive to go beyond them and millions of learners who have those expecations mentioned by previous commenters – a coursebook is taken as a given and once they buy it, they fret if it is not used fully, unless the teachers or the institution instil the notion that the coursebook is merely a framework on which to build and no more. C is for Coursebook (by Lindsay Clandfield) « An A-Z of ELT
  • The billboard advert, which caused Harrods to have such a sense of humour failure back in 2009, said: "Get off at Knightsbridge, visit the discerning shopper's fave department store, ascend the exotic staircase and let Piers in the pinstripe suit demonstrate the magic of the latest high-definition flatscreen, then go to and buy it. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Jaysen in the meanwhile found a black ‘Made’ shirt and decided to buy it.
  • Apr 30th, 2010 at 3: 30 pm kcijones001: two buck chuck is awesome. i buy it by the case Midtown Happy Hour: 57 Napoli Pizza e Vino | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • If Emma likes something she'll buy it however much it costs.
  • I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there .
  • The pyromorphite boulder was acquired by Harvard after a call by Francis to Marshall, who said, ‘Buy it!’
  • If you decide to buy it you receive a discount based on the fees you have already paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • We decided to buy it as a holiday home but continue to look for a permanent base in the city.
  • Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
  • If you decide to buy it you receive a discount based on the fees you have already paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil company rivals may seek to buy it as a prelude to a bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rinse 3 ounces sashimi-grade ahi tuna (yellowfin or bigeye; for bacteria safety, buy it from a good seafood purveyor); pat dry.
  • Get there before three o'clock (for carryout -- we like to buy it and bring it home) and ask for either carne jugosa or a combination of carne jugosa and costillas. Carnitas Knowledge??
  • Needless to say, little by little the idea began to grow on us and eventually we decided to buy it.
  • Thus, with the test, when you buy it, you will get a booklet of normative scores, or norms.
  • With Halloween only two weeks away, even the common folks unversed in the magical arts had been coming in to buy items.
  • Rinse 3 ounces sashimi-grade ahi tuna (yellowfin or bigeye; for bacteria safety, buy it from a good seafood purveyor); pat dry.
  • These people can move to a smaller house in a nicer location and buy it outright.
  • That was the postwar fashion structure; couture was actually for older women who could afford to buy it, and a lot of it was too risqué for them - all that flesh in your face.
  • A placard on a toy store simply said BUY IT, and Marta gave it points for honesty if not specificity. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • If you buy it on tick it'll be worn out before you've finished paying for it.
  • Jim was vague about who was going to buy it, but congrats!
  • The image paired with the title created an appealing pensive and serene mood, and I was stirred to buy it. CD Sales Based on Album Artwork, Cover Design
  • CLICK HERE TO GO TO THEIR SITE AND SEE THIS ISSUE (or buy it) First off, my one complaint (and it’s minor, mostly related to the fact I have a job and family that it effects) is that this issue is riddled with scantily clad model photos in BDSM poses. City Slab Mabazine - and dissapointing Scott Turow
  • Society of Editors and Jack Straw's willingness ... political information aside,, who died last week, is generally remembered as a Buy it from The Chieftains, Ry Cooder San Patricio Decca 2010 Mixing Celtic pipes and whistles with Mexican accordions and guitars proves a Time Hobby 2010 Clearly keen to escape the "folktronica" tag, Tunng try for a more organic sound on this fourth album; a set that could democracy has begun. - Articles related to US STOCKS-Wall St set for flat open as housing data eyed
  • If women don't buy their winter clobber in late August, they won't buy it at all.
  • Now if we see a bargain wheel that looks promising we can buy it for the Wheel Bank, furbish it up and have it ready to loan out or sell on at cost or a very modest profit. Haldane Finale and the Wheel Bank.
  • He can't decide whether to buy it.
  • The council could buy itself whatever future its visionaries saw fit.
  • The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.
  • Everyone told her not to buy it, saying it could cost anything up to 7 million to make it habitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can preview it here, and you can buy it at CD Baby or Amazon.
  • If you decide to buy it you receive a discount based on the fees you have already paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let us join together to buy it by private purchase.
  • Yes | No | Report from western nyer wrote 22 weeks 14 hours ago my great grandpa used to use the wire hanger trick but is the meat really worth killing it? it doesnt tast very good and you can probably buy it cheaper and easier off line Has anyone ever field dressed a snapping turtle? How do you do it and prepare the meat?
  • Then flog unwanted items so you can buy it without it actually costing you money. The Sun
  • Now, everyone over 6'2 who needs a pre-loved Univega touring bicycle: Beth and I talked about her bicycle a year ago; if you need a good bike, BUY IT! Forgetting and regressing: tastes of my life
  • The spare disc is quite cheap if you buy it on its own, but then you have to unrivet the old one and bolt it on.
  • That stuff goes for the equivalent of a hundred bucks a kilo, but you can't buy it.
  • If I were a first-time buyer today without any other equity in property, I could not afford to buy it.
  • Sell your music at flea markets, barbershops, beauty salons, birthday parties, car washes, and any place you think people will buy it.
  • They're looking for a specific color before they buy it or before they eat their sushi, trying to find that sort of brightish, pinkish color. CNN Transcript Oct 8, 2004
  • Why shouldn't she buy it if she can afford it?
  • Then it tried to buy its way out of it with a PR campaign, and we were foolish and gullible enough to accept that.
  • Critics lambasted it for its confusing, polymorphic nature, as it swung between metaphor to comedy to science; readers did not flock to buy it.
  • A group of aging veterans set out to rescue their beloved boat from the scrap heap by striking a deal to buy it from the Turkish navy and sail it home.
  • It's just a case of pot luck whether you buy it or not.
  • What you should do is not buy it and tell me where it is so I can go "inspect" it! My dad found me a remington 870 12 guage for $75, no that is not a typo. but apparently the barrel is starting to rust.
  • They can send rockets round the world and even fly to bloody Mars, and yet they can't get a bunch of scientists together to crack cancer - sorry, I don't buy it.
  • The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.
  • Since we are a nation who thrives on convenance you think people will grow it themself when they can just go buy it. hell no, then those same people will have something else to complain about. Obama or McCain?
  • Now make like a tree… and go buy it, buttheads.
  • Anyone slightly overweight for their height will be able to buy it. The Sun
  • I gave the book a quick scan, and decided not to buy it.
  • Once you've decided what is necessary, you must work out where to buy it.
  • If Apple can't provide a wide range of easily accessible, reasonably priced video content, it will be hard pressed to give mass audiences a reason to buy its TVs, however beautiful they might be.
  • She doesn't even have the money to buy it - she has it on layaway.
  • Famously, France declared yogurt-maker Groupe Danone a strategic asset when PepsiCo wanted to buy it. Overheard
  • The morality of releasing a dead man's journals is debatable, and the temptation not to buy it will be strong for many.
  • But others want to limit Washington's ability to buy its way out of its domestic obligations.
  • it is cheaper to buy it in bulk
  • Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.
  • If the stock price is less than the intrinsic value, the stock is undervalued and investors should buy it. DOT.CON
  • Sigh, halibut is one of the very most expensive types of fish here so I rarely buy it. Recipe: Halibut and Red Pepper Souvlaki (Kebabs) with Green Herb Sauce (Σουβλάκι Ψαριού με Πράσινη Σάλτσα)
  • Did she take it with her when she went to the rubbish skip or dash to a stationer's and buy it?
  • In contrast, if a painting presents an impenetrable wall of foliage no-one wants to buy it. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • The record industry has reached a strange pass when it makes more economic sense to give away an entire album than to spend the money needed to persuade people to buy it.
  • Can people then go and buy it down the local offie?
  • After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase.
  • A limited company formed by a charitable trust founded by a consortium of scientists and growers which has been renting the site is now close to clinching a deal to buy it.
  • If you are a fan of this movie, really like dance or '80s movies, want to rewind the lobster scene, or watch some of the dance numbers in slo-mo, buy it.
  • The person buying the machine benefits because he values the machine more than the money spent to purchase it (otherwise, why buy it? Times, Sunday Times
  • As a fan of both Comics books and tori Amos, I will buy it! Tom Muller talks Comic Book Tattoo design.
  • Recently we asked the proprietor if we could rent or buy it and a small apron of land around in which to grown herbs.
  • You can buy it in a kit, but you will need a plumber to help you connect the system to the boiler.
  • The British and French refused to buy it at any price, reasoning that it would be left behind anyway.
  • It should be said, in postscript, that Mightygodking thinks this is all still just eleven-dimensional chess, andI’ll admit that if that’s the thinking I can almost buy it. All about Kagan « Gerry Canavan
  • What if somebody else wants to buy it? The Sun
  • The surveyor went over the house thoroughly and advised us not to buy it.
  • Tropical fruit used to be hard to find, but now you can buy it anywhere.
  • I'm really tempted to buy it.
  • You can also buy its cattery/kennel business. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point, the family sold the mill and dam only to buy it back under a right of first refusal. Smithsonian Mag
  • The person buying the machine benefits because he values the machine more than the money spent to purchase it (otherwise, why buy it? Times, Sunday Times
  • If you see a dodgy psychic all the information they get on you goes into a central data bank and other psychics can buy it. The Sun
  • If the film wasn't set almost 70 years after abolition, you could almost buy it.
  • What's confusing is Mike didn't buy it through iTunes, but through Amazon, but he says that other people did have access to his account and may have purchased it without his knowledge. The Consumerist: February 2009 Archives
  • But it not only demeans women, it also demeans the men that buy it, as well as everybody that makes money from it.
  • Alabaster, mosaic glass, saffron, hibiscus tea, he helped us buy it allor in point of fact, purchased it for us from the merchants in question. A rolling stoic gathers no mosque
  • And I can't speak for every citizen in the city of Cedar Rapids, which is a city of 120,000 people, but anecdotally, yes, many of the people that we talked to said because they were told they live in a 500-year floodplain, meaning something like this only happens every 500 years, that they did not need flood insurance, and so they didn't buy it. CNN Transcript Jun 16, 2008
  • We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum.
  • The soldiers allegedly used the stolen money to buy items as diverse as cameras and rhinoceros horns, the officials said.
  • If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity.
  • You can buy it directly from the chemist without a prescription. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Mark your property with a UV marker pen and take details of the make and model when you buy it.
  • Ronnie was the first in the band to buy it and we listened to it over and over at his Earl's Court flat.
  • 'These companies just produce a nice-looking device with a fancy display and people buy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • An incredible 70 percent of them say that a product or package's recyclability affects their decision to buy it.
  • Most telesoftware costs less than you'd pay in the shops, and you don't have to trudge out to buy it.
  • Entrepreneurs can rent access to powerful software, rather than having to buy it outright, making it cheaper to set up and run a business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil company rivals may seek to buy it as a prelude to a bid. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can buy it in a kit, but you will need a plumber to help you connect the system to the boiler.
  • I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there .
  • | Reply that is rather interesting …. now you need the other systems turned into guitars as well … i can see it now, the old atari 2600 with the woodgrain finish turned into a guitar … i would buy itEXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Dreamcast Guitar
  • While Stormy Leather’s black leather kilt is wonderful, they didn’t have it in my size, so rather than buy it and wear it a size too big, then have it altered after the event, I decided to forgo such decadent pleasures for tomorrow night’s holiday ball. Sad News About Scottish Garments « Skid Roche
  • The best way to ensure using really strong cardamom is to buy it whole, shuck it out of the pod, and grind it yourself – that way, if you don’t use as much ground cardamom as we do, you can always have it fresh and strong. Tigers & Strawberries » Zak’s Cardamom Boule
  • We watched Lev Grossman whose novel, The Magicians, came out today--go buy it--and who wrote a very funny blog entry about WorldCon get shriven by Larry Niven. Worldcon, part 2
  • The DVD comes in a huge box that's about twice the size of any DVD set you could name (overcompensating perhaps?) and it's got quite a few extras that might even entice prudes to buy it for a lark.
  • Your inclination is to pull out your credit card and buy it. Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.: Want to Increase Your Willpower? Here's How
  • And absent that, the public can make its own choice to buy it or pass on it.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquævitæ, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
  • The government's push to lure private companies to buy its utilities has led to water shut-offs and the worst cholera epidemic in the nation's history.
  • Anyone slightly overweight for their height will be able to buy it. The Sun
  • If we buy it, we are told that we have to purchase the company 's entire shareholding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just buy it and hang the expense!
  • The dark green foliage makes a smart clipped specimen and you can buy it in all manner of shapes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the social environment and parenting has changed. ulotrichous: I don't buy it. FriendFeed - georgeh
  • It's a lot cheaper if you buy it in quantity .
  • I gave the book a quick scan, and decided not to buy it.
  • Have the house surveyed before you decide whether to buy it.
  • The soldiers allegedly used the stolen money to buy items as diverse as cameras and rhinoceros horns, the officials said.
  • Your home may not look like a castle, but if you live in a hot real estate market, people will pay a king's ransom to buy it.
  • You can buy it from fabric stores that stock bolts of fabric, or you can order it from fabric books.
  • It looks good, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.
  • ‘I'm not the most domesticated person in the world and if cleaning a kitchen appliance is an issue, I just won't buy it,’ she explains.
  • Why do we, in jaded, post-industrial America, buy it — the handsome ne'er-do-well with the plain, hardworking spinster? A Quiet Genius
  • Stig Richards, a digital strategist, says mobile phones take consumers closer than ever to the "moment of truth", the term marketers give to the point at which you are in front of a product and deciding whether to buy it. Undefined

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