[ US /ˈbətɹəs/ ]
[ UK /bˈʌtɹəs/ ]
  1. a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
  1. reinforce with a buttress
    Buttress the church
  2. make stronger or defensible
    buttress your thesis

How To Use buttress In A Sentence

  • He had read a great deal of history, but he does not buttress his position by quoting from historical sources, as he was later to do.
  • The temple of the +Olympian Zeus+ at Athens (Fig. 39), a mighty dipteral Corinthian edifice measuring 354 by 171 feet, standing on a vast terrace or temenos surrounded by a buttressed wall, was begun by Antiochus Epiphanes (170 B.C.) on the site of an earlier unfinished A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • To buttress his stance that the Church sanctioned such assassinations, Petit drew on Thomas Aquinas and other theologians, but the defense rested on John of Salisbury's explicit theories about the legitimacy of tyrannicide.
  • We crawled along a broadish wall, with an inch or two of powdery snow on it, and then up a sloping buttress on to the flat roof of the house. Greenmantle
  • He became known as the architect of the "single-bullet theory" that buttressed the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Arlen Specter: Senate Tenure Not Defined By Party Label
  • In spring, peregrines often nest near The Main Area or Red Slab and these buttresses should be avoided at this time.
  • Still, the Giants did fill a huge need by buttressing what were largely woeful special teams units with a lot of speed. Giants' Class Helps Solidify Special Teams
  • In the one study I am aware of that focuses on sites close to Magude and addresses Iron Age developments in a lowveld region straddling the international border, the significance attached to pottery demonstrates both how archaeological mappings have tacitly marginalized this area from history and how gender ideologies have buttressed this representation. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Salvini, a noted Italian democrat, was right on the mark when he observed: "The widespread ignorance of events is the main buttress of injustice". Dario Fo - Nobel Lecture
  • She buttressed her argument with solid facts.
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