How To Use Butchery In A Sentence
A horrible series of futile uprisings against impossible odds and always ending in butchery and defeat for the rebels.
Those were the good old days, the glory days of butchery and brutality, before those millions of sesterces from the east flooded Rome with luxury and indolence.
Believe me when I tell you that a funny feeling creeps over you when you see a handsome man in fine tweeds roll up his sleeves, take out his hunting knife, and set about his strange, bloody butchery high on a mountainside.
This is botchery and sometimes butchery, not reviewing.
Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
As we do our grisly march through slavery, genocide, and butchery for profit my students often ask, does anyone learn from history?

Evidence has emerged, however, for a range of service activities, including metalworking, cooking and animal butchery.
In a parallel 'pincer' front, as the media are being cleaned out and cleared up, be bringing the charges and indictments against bureaucrats and officials, elected and appointed during, and part of, the Bushbutchery atrocity.
Getting ready to hold Obama's feet to the fire.
Bernard Vandaele (KULeuven) and by Kerim Altu (Istanbul University) supervised the northern excavations, first focusing on the space just north of the unexcavated structure we tentatively identified as a butchery (see introduction).
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Lower Agora Report 3
Disembowellments, lower jaws hewn off, spears piercing thighs, bladders, lungs, eye sockets - each and every one of the harsh clinical, medical details of Homeric butchery.
If we don't stabilize Iraq, unchecked bloody civil war will break out and the butchery will be 100X worse than present levels Lefties blubber about so "heartfeltly".
"The biggest question is how far can Democrats go in opposing this president?"
The meat mincer was located in the butchery which had been constructed on the family's grazing property.
If now, in addition to all these things, you have properly reflected upon the odd disorder of the chamber, we have gone so far as to combine the ideas of an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity, and a voice foreign in tone to the ears of men of many nations, and devoid of all distinct or intelligible syllabification.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
I just hope this weekend's display of savage butchery and inter-communal violence wasn't staged for their benefit.
Through this multivalent signs, the scene forever oscillates between narration of butchery and love; it ‘checkmates’ any interpretation.
They treat us with barbarism and butchery, and they get blessed.
Many vertebrae were cleaved, suggesting animals had been divided into left and right portions, an unusual butchery practice for this period of prehistory, perhaps for feasting.
And that's how we ended up in Etosha, Namibia's biggest open-air butchery.
I went into the local butchery near work this afternoon, and stood there actually enjoying the smell of raw meat.
Butchery: Will now always grant 20 runic power, regardless of the creature type killed.
A strictly halal butchery run with pride and culinary imagination attracts customers from far and wide.
‘I know what they've done - they've forgotten to do any butchery on it - look there's the lungs’.
I'm looking for a class for my son who works in a restaurant kitchen on charcuterie or meat butchery in New York City.
We'd eventually like to market our own hogget older lamb, but with the current set-up, sending beasts away to an abattoir and transporting them back for butchery is too expensive.
Back to the land: from London to sheep farming on Eigg
What but butchery by piecemeal can, under such circumstances, be expected from a man brutal enough at first to 'maim' and 'disable' him, and now exasperated by being obliged to pay his full value to the master, and to have, in addition, the daily care and expense of his maintenance.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
And I think more lessons in blood will be needed because 9/11 and the hamstringing and ensuant butchery of lower middle class volunteer soldiers isn't enough to change those laws and constraints.
"Clearly, the worst day was Abu Ghraib..."
And on a broader front, as reported in The New Yorker and The New Republic, Al Qaeda's wanton butchery is facing an intellectual challenge from within its own ranks.
Progress in Iraq…and What To Do About It - Swampland -
First off, I don't really know all that much about animal breeding, husbandry, land use or butchery, and am bound to make a lot of mistakes.
The Baron had sent a barber to his cell from time to time, to keep the beard at bay - the better to display the bruises, Kieran had suspected - but the barbering had always bordered on butchery.
Although cranial fragments and mandibles were very abundant at the butchery place of the Odeon, the nasal bone and the most anterior part of the upper and lower jaw (premaxilla and mandible) were missing.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Archaeozoology Report 2
Their pigs forage in fields and woods, their sows only produce two litters of piglets a year and pigs are prepared at the farm butchery, so there's no transport of live animals.
This is where French butchery comes into its own, as their preparation of only the best parts of the rump will produce a good thick steak.
The Germans dug a defensive line, and trench warfare with all its bloody, pointless butchery ensued for the next four years.
It sells a range of fresh meat cuts through its award-winning butchery and a wide range of cooked meats, pies and cheeses through its delicatessen.
What is much more frightening is that there are people in Australia and America who, after seeing the blatant deceit and butchery of these men, are still prepared to support them.
A horrible series of futile uprisings against impossible odds and always ending in butchery and defeat for the rebels.
Killings were sometimes grotesquely accomplished, with excessive butchery.
Thirteen years later the British reconquered Sudan after the butchery at the Battle of Omdurman.
The dominance of head and foot bones from at least six cattle suggests on-site butchery, with the possibility that the meat was distributed for consumption elsewhere.
His father was not in the butchery business, but was a storeman in an engineering firm.
Built in the early part of last century, The General Store was once the real McCoy, run by Mr A.P. Horne, whose son Ashley operated a butchery with slaughterhouse opposite the store.
By rewriting internecine butchery as ‘reassuring fratricide,’ Shakespeare engages in a politics of collective forgetting that complicates official memory.
Two years later we opened our sister butchery who provides premium meat to a very select clientele.
Gilbert Grossett is the third generation of his family to run their butchery business in Dundee.
It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians.
A salmon butchery goes from bloody routine to living hell
A digger uncovered what could be Britain's best-preserved Neanderthal butchery site, which included the remains of mammoths and other ancient beasts as well as hand axes used by early humans.
The man accused of murdering and dismembering another man after stabbing him through the heart may have had some knowledge of butchery, a court heard.
Their pigs forage in fields and woods, their sows only produce two litters of piglets a year and pigs are prepared at the farm butchery, so there's no transport of live animals.
Report links CJD cluster to local farming and butchery practices
There is a graphic description, for instance, of the killings in Rwanda and of the butchery of 3,000 Tutsis seeking sanctuary in a church.
Unlike the larger supermarket chains, the discounters would be unlikely to have any testing procedures for the meat sold by their butchery department, decreasing the likelihood of detection.
The meat was supplied by her husband's Haverfordwest butchery business, while the fruit and vegetables came from Redbridge at Fishguard.
Trainees work in a different section every week, moving between the cold section, hot section, pasta, grill, pastry, bakery, butchery and fish.
First off, I don't really know all that much about animal breeding, husbandry, land use or butchery, and am bound to make a lot of mistakes.
Greeks and Romans? were these cowards? and yet, did you ever hear of this butchery, which we call duelling, among them?
Amelia — Volume 3
They feared that their troops might acquire a taste for such butchery and become no better than those they fought against.
Meantime, the true extreme social conservatives get on with their business of murder and butchery on video.
Broomfield City Council on May 26 unanimously approved a proposed plan to give tax incentives to the butchery, which is slated to move from Boulder in July and open in Broomfield in early August.
The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
There is no precedent for this at all - if in fact they are incised markings rather than butchery marks.
Having already established that our Spartan heroes kill pretty much anything that comes within screaming distance, the industrial music cranks up while we watch as Greek butchery is taken to a visual level hitherto unseen: Asian and Middle Eastern baddies carved up like Easter hams.
Top 10 Movie Montages » Scene-Stealers
Sir Tristrem himself, and wrangling and disputing with all around him concerning nombles, briskets, flankards, and raven-bones, then usual terms of the art of hunting, or of butchery, whichever the reader chooses to call it, which are now probably antiquated.
The Bride of Lammermoor
He learned butchery, hygiene, slaughtering, cutting and boning - in fact everything related to butchering - to become a Master Butcher.
The centre has already begun to offer practical courses for the agricultural industry across a range of subjects, from butchery to dairy production, from food hygiene to food labelling and microbiology.
There were also butchery and sausage-making demonstrations and a chance for the students to make their own Cumberland sausage.
That’s not the point, the point is that the Poles and Portuguese do not engage in legalized butchery of their children.
Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
But of what they call counterfeit pleasures they make naught; as of pride in apparel and gems, or in vain honours; or of dicing; or hunting, which they deem the most abject kind of butchery.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
There is no escaping the fact of the Crusader's savage butchery - of Jews at home and of Muslims abroad.
Fearnley-Whittingstall’s occasional efforts to explain butchery, like boning a leg of lamb (encouraging his readers not to bother with a professional but to do the 'hatchet job yourself — it’s quite easy to improvise'), reveal a tolerance for chaos ( 'It’s a bit tricky to explain') that may be without precedent among people who make
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
Their pigs forage in fields and woods, their sows only produce two litters of piglets a year and pigs are prepared at the farm butchery, so there's no transport of live animals.
Parties of a town: The butchery, The cause-way, The sink, The obeli-sk, The low eating house, The prison, geol.
16 posts from March 2010
The complement consists of the usual non-meat additives as used in meat butchery (for example breadcrumbs and trimmings) and pork butchery (more particularly the authorised food additives and seasonings).
Throughout, the metaphor of brother against brother is a kind of metonymy for civil butchery in which family members slaughter one another in a grim contest of reciprocity.
There is no heroism in butchery, no heroism in suicide, no heroism in writing that invokes, and profits from, the war you have left behind.
Over 120 pieces of flint waste show that Neanderthals had made butchery tools on site to carve up the mammoths.
I liked Willy Wonka even when shitloads of people called it a "butchery" and I'm waiting to watch his version of Alice in Wonderland.
Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
Willem is up early six days a week, and buys his meat from wholesalers in Krugersdorp and Amalgam, and is ready to open the butchery at 6.30 am.
There is a graphic description, for instance, of the killings in Rwanda and of the butchery of 3,000 Tutsis seeking sanctuary in a church.
One can easily imagine how this apparent butchery of corpses might be misinterpreted by a stranger unaccustomed to such a practice.
And still all of you stick to your misconceptions of savage butchery.
Murder and mayhem isn't just limited to bare-handed butchery, oh no.
Her medical background is evident in the precise descriptions of butchery and mutilation.
The incident happened on Wednesday March 16 around 3pm while the driver was visiting a butchery, situated two doors away from the alleyway.
What makes this outstanding book so vivid and fresh is not only the story it has to tell - a breathless tale of butchery, realpolitik and endless double-dealing - but also the manner of its telling.
Police acting on a tip-off arrested four murder suspects less than two hours after 52-year-old businessman Alan Payn was shot dead in his butchery along the old East Coast road near Kwelera at the weekend.
Second, the butchery is by no means confined to Chihuahua, but occurs nationwide.
Letters to the Editor
The family settled in Hawera, where the father of young George, or Monty as he was known, set up a butchery business in High Street.
The slaughter and butchery of 200 cattle and the consumption of 40,000 kilos of beef, even if spread over a year or two, suggest the participation of many communities, perhaps from a whole clan or tribe.
At Gough's Cave, the human bones interpreted as cannibalised appear among an assemblage of hunted wild fauna, and display a pattern consistent with butchery for meat, including the removal of tongues.
This week, Rejoice and I spent a good chunk of time in the work bakkie driving back and forth between Kodumela, the drop in centers, and Ofcolaco a small area with a dairy, butchery, store, post office, hardware store, petrol station and fruit and vegetable sellers who sell bags of big avos for 7 rand!
Archive 2009-07-01
The world has got to stop this craven, cloying, tacit support for a religious group, based on the obscenities of the past, regularly regurgitated as justification for 21st century human butchery.
If women were in the encampment they would be segregated and would prepare the meal, although slaughter and butchery were men's work.
He wants the government to round up all the gunmen and their allies, be their military allies or politicians, and force them to pay for their butchery.
I found him at the grindstone, turning it with one hand as he held a butchery knife to it with the other.
The revamp focused on areas of excellence such as the butchery department, fresh meat and fish department, the fruit and vegetable area as well as the deli food counter.
They ran the Forest Inn and a butchery in Wakefield.
They also found plenty of animal bones, some of which showed signs of butchery.
She was able to recruit 13 friends as volunteers for the headshave and said she is prepared for the good-natured ribbing she anticipates when she returns to work in the family butchery business in Helmsley today.
‘It was butchery on a brutal scale,’ said Juan Redondo, an inspector for Madrid Fire Department.