How To Use Butchering In A Sentence

  • A good butchering job of a cleanly killed deer should yield about 45 to 50 percent of the field-dressed weight in boneless, lean meat. Field and Stream Presents Deer Facts with Dr. Karl V.
  • It wasn't as bad as the pit-bull, he thought as he threw himself to his left, nor as horrifying as some gramarye wraith, but it looked quite capable of butchering each and every one of mem without pausing to take a breath, including the massive Snaugenhutt. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Many scientists believe it is spread through the butchering and handling of primate bushmeat.
  • He chortled slightly, and Halle could almost picture his face flushing with pleasure at someone actually saying his name properly, not butchering it with insipid nicknames.
  • They should not have loaned money to a man who was butchering innocent people.
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  • According to French butchering methods, the meat on top of the backbone from the shoulder to the hip, if taken off the bone, is called the boneless pork loin center and often comes to the meat seller in one piece. THE TANTE MARIE’S COOKING SCHOOL COOKBOOK
  • And once we'd boxed up his butchering gear and sluiced down the boards of the wagon, a bucket at a time, it became something we never talked on again.
  • Magistrates from the city claimed the rally was the start of a revolution, and unleashed the yeomanry on the unarmed and peaceful crowd, butchering 11 people and leaving over 400 wounded.
  • They saw the soldiers butchering the inhabitants with no ‘enemy’ in sight.
  • Actually they were busy stealing the natives lands, raping their buffaloe and butchering theri women. Think Progress » Atomic scientists push back Doomsday Clock because of Obama’s ‘pragmatic’ foreign policy.
  • The singing was bad enough - she sounded like an angry wasp trapped in a shoebox, butchering melodies with the ghoulish efficiency of Jeffrey Dahmer – but even though she no longer bursts into song, her incessant piercing squawk is still enough to make me want to slice my ears off and hurl them into another dimension. Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: Blind Date
  • If you had an incompetent employee who was costing you money and butchering important relationships, wouldn't you want to know?
  • Certainly life is not all negative, but I read a quote from Thomas Hardy, and I know I'm butchering it, but he basically said that you can't really hope to remedy the dark side of life until you first have looked at it.
  • None of the cast can act at all they're butchering the play.
  • Then he dragged out a small knife and began cleanly butchering the deer.
  • For example, the team recovered six larger stones known as cores, from which flint tools used for butchering the elephant were chipped.
  • Douglas, if you truly believe that a blastocyst is morally equivalent to a (let's say) four year old boy, then they are indeed butchering and murdering them, and an evil larger than the Nazi Holocaust is going on. America's Deep, Dark Secret
  • In the, we lister be incurvate for the illuminant to butchering columbidae and reverence with cloistral adhd. Rational Review
  • On the ship's deck, after the whoops and hollers, the butchering begins.
  • A ban on butchering downer cows - animals that stagger, can't walk, or exhibit other signs of BSE-will make no difference, either.
  • Supervising the butchering as well as the physicking, are ye now, mistress?" he asked mockingly. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • A ban on butchering downer cows - animals that stagger, can't walk, or exhibit other signs of BSE-will make no difference, either.
  • The scene I caught was a tribal celebration at night with the tribesmen dancing and then butchering water buffaloes (called carabaos in the Philippines).
  • She seems to be out of her mind, butchering this beautiful song.
  • Young men ran amok butchering strangers with swords.
  • Grimy tugboats lay beside the traps, shrilling the air with creaking winches as they "brailed" the struggling fish, a half-ton at a time, from the "pounds," now churned to milky foam by the ever-growing throng of prisoners; and all the time the big plants gulped the sea harvest, faster and faster, clanking and gnashing their metal jaws, while the mounds of salmon lay hip-deep to the crews that fed the butchering machines. The Silver Horde
  • There are some bloodstains on his clothes. They must be from the pig butchering.
  • The only thing they seem to do more then butchering animals in Uruguay, is drink Mate, a sort of super strong version of green tea that is drunk from a gourd through a silver straw.
  • It was only after hominids began making butchering tools out of stones and got a steady supply of meat from carcasses that the brain began to expand.
  • I've used it for all sorts of jobs, hacking bush tracks, pig-sticking, butchering bullocks and sheep, cutting up my tobacco and often enough my loaf of bread.
  • No. Douglas, if you truly believe that a blastocyst is morally equivalent to a (let's say) four year old boy, then they are indeed butchering and murdering them, and an evil larger than the Nazi Holocaust is going on. America's Deep, Dark Secret
  • He learned butchery, hygiene, slaughtering, cutting and boning - in fact everything related to butchering - to become a Master Butcher.
  • Among this group were men who could do anything from butchering a cow to fixing a motor with a piece of wire or operating on a casualty with a jackknife.
  • I know many videophiles will be aghast, but my concern in changing ratios stems from butchering widescreen to pan and scan.
  • Zhuangzi intimates that the flow-like experience can extend beyond the specific act of butchering to become a continuous state this is similar to Csikszentmihalyi's concept of the "autotelic personality". Lance P. Hickey, Ph.D.: ‘Flow’ Experiences: The Secret To Ultimate Happiness?
  • The trade also poses serious dangers to humans: hunting, butchering and eating bushmeat can expose people to virulent animal-borne diseases like AIDS and Ebola.
  • Other neighbors have found migrants butchering their newborn calves, opening water lines to drink - leaving them flowing - and stealing their trucks.
  • Hideous, jarring Luther, filled with phlegmy death rattles, seeping brains, and motiveless daylight butcherings carried out by psychopaths "just for the lulz". Grace Dent's TV OD: Luther and Falling Skies
  • None of the cast can act at all they're butchering the play.
  • I had to spend twice as long butchering my work as I did writing it in the first place!
  • Oh yes, I hate this singer for butchering this song.
  • Scenes of milking, slaughtering and butchering cattle, and hunting wild cattle in swamps are also shown.
  • Part of the traditional butchering practice involved a technique known as pithing, where a hole was made in the animal's skull.
  • He accused the minister's office of butchering his education policy which he called a third way between publicly funded and fee paying higher education.
  • That city’s namesake contribution to barbecue is the term St. Louis cut, which refers to a particular size 3 pounds or less and butchering technique for a slab of spareribs, the classic ribs for barbecue. Celebrating Barbecue
  • Besides, what Lucas did with the Butchering of the Star Wars franchise and having a hand in Indy 4, he kinda had that coming to him. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - George Lucas trapped in carbonite.
  • Edges allowed better butchering to cut choice filets away from the carcass shortly after the lions left and before the hyenas came.
  • That city’s namesake contribution to barbecue is the term St. Louis cut, which refers to a particular size 3 pounds or less and butchering technique for a slab of spareribs, the classic ribs for barbecue. Celebrating Barbecue
  • This is a war that cannot be won by the military without butchering thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of their citizens.
  • Previous tapes did show hooded men butchering their captives.
  • Therefore, last spring my husband spent several days butchering our winter rabbits.
  • In the context of traditional Hindu society, Harijan have often been associated with occupations regarded as ritually "impure," such as any involving leatherwork, butchering, or removal of rubbish, animal carcasses, and human waste. Jim Luce: Touching the Untouchables in a Rural Indian Village
  • I dial a hair to the right and hear a guttural voice—distant and echoey—butchering “I Am the Walrus.” Soul Trapper
  • I will still vote for him if he is the nominee but the way the medica is butchering him and giving Hillary a free ride (Paul vs Clinton) it appears that he may not make it. Clinton hits Obama directly in new ad

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