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How To Use Busybody In A Sentence

  • She was a busybody who took on everybody, and audiences loved it.
  • The gossip, the busybody, the scandalmonger is the worst pest that infests the average town and village. Practical Ethics
  • Mrs. Paul was a stay-at-home mom, longtime Girl Scout troop leader and self-described "busybody" who prided herself on knowing exactly what everyone was doing.
  • Regarding the mother of my neighbour, apparently, the busybody is actually living in her daughter’s house and the daughter, who has lived here for many years, knows the rules and has been more than happy to report other people who have had guests staying longer than they should. 2010 June « Mudpuddle
  • The prosecution alleges he also spread rumours that another neighbour was a busybody, who had shopped local members of the community to the police.
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  • I was playing a woman named Mary Worthless who just was just a nosy busybody.
  • Though he is too great and important to be called a busybody, we still feel sympathetically something of the suppressed irritation and sense of hindrance and interruption with which the lords must have regarded this companion with his "devout imaginations," whom they dared not neglect, and who was sure to get the better in every argument, generally by reason, but at all events by the innate force of his persistence and daring. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • Forty Days by Kathy KachelriesJuly 24th, 2006 “She likes the rain, ” Ms. Jones explained to her neighbor when the woman called in a panic, yelling that Xue had spent the last six hours sprawled across the top of the house ‘looking like a half-drowned corpse. †™ She scowled at the shrill, busybody voice, but saved her choice words for the sound of the dial tone after Mrs. Hatter had been disconnected. 365 tomorrows » Kathy Kachelries : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • I know how they tend to regard me, a busybody where Matthew's concerned, a nuisance. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • I can assure you that any busybody would be hard put to it to prove maltreatment!
  • Mrs. Paul was a stay-at-home mom, longtime Girl Scout troop leader and self-described "busybody" who prided herself on knowing exactly what everyone was doing.
  • Local busybody Vera Carp and her boy are there and the kid is climbing all over the flower arrangements and drawing in the register book.
  • The two plots are connected by the friendship of the two women and the misguided interference of the busybody, Marplot.
  • And here might be the motive - this further example of Irma Onesalt in the role of busybody, to use the belagana term for it. SKINWALKERS
  • So, the gossiping busybody that I am, I started to pester him about who he liked.
  • It is the suggestive, sometimes prurient, power of euphemism that lends itself so serviceably to the poet on one hand, and to the busybody, huckster, or sniggerer on the other. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 2
  • The Good Samaritan has a good image; the busybody a bad one.
  • He said, ‘The task isn't to make him,’ referring to the president, ‘a busybody or a liberal interventionist.’
  • They wanted to get rid of her because they thought she was an interfering busybody.
  • Some busybody told the executive that women should exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week.
  • Mrs. Paul was a stay-at-home mom, longtime Girl Scout troop leader and self-described "busybody" who prided herself on knowing exactly what everyone was doing.
  • I see "busybody" syndrome isn't just an affliction of estadounidenses. Volunteerism in Mexico?
  • The complainant was an officious intermeddler, a busybody, the town scold, an anti-Christian activist named Darren Lund who had an axe to grind, and Andreachuk gave it to him. Ezra Levant: June 2008 Archives
  • We grasp the poignant loneliness of the elevator attendant, sigh when Rhoda is hurt and squirm at the office busybody's interference.
  • I was playing a woman named Mary Worthless who just was just a nosy busybody.
  • By 1819 a busybody and informer by the name of Karazin had made a personal collection of ‘subversive literature,’ including Pushkin's verses, and turned it over to the Minister of the Interior.
  • The final proof that he was human and his name frailty lies in the fact that he was a busybody. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 06 Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists
  • A BusyBodyBook is a dayplanner for parents, which, although I have no direct experience of it, has got to be a good thing because hello? keeping track of all baby-related activities and appointments and whatever ain’t easy when you’re all bleary from the parenting business that you can’t keep track of in the first place. Oooh, prizes…! | Her Bad Mother
  • I am NOT an interfering busybody - leastways I can keep my trap firmly shut on any conundrum I don't know about.
  • Mr. Horace Frank Lester, late of Oxford University, afterwards barrister-at-law, author and journalist of the first rank, but at that time unknown to _Punch_, first appeared on January 5th, 1878, with a slashing satire on busybody amateur statesmen which greatly tickled Tom The History of "Punch"
  • The first stage test which is applied on the application for leave will lead to a refusal if the applicant has no interest whatever and is in truth no more than a meddlesome busybody.
  • If one is called a busybody, it is a negative character assessment. Lynn Casteel Harper: The Elimination Of Busy: The Spiritual Discipline Of Being Present
  • People are freely choosing not to have as many kids as previous generations; to argue that they are making the wrong decision seems like exactly the kind of busybody interference into private lives that libertarians normally deplore. Snipr/SnipURL - Most interesting snipped URLs
  • The principle of the periscope is the same as that of the "busybody," familiar to householders, and which is placed on the sill of an upper window, so that a person inside the house may see who is at the front door. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • A busybody in one local authority tried to stop this, saying that this was illegal.
  • Generally people know her as the village busybody.
  • Lucy Ricardo was, in those early I Love Lucy episodes, just a generic daffy housewife. Ethel (Vivian Vance), her neighbor and landlady, was a stock busybody.
  • Wear it outside, making sure to yell a big hello to the busybody.
  • To them, she appeared an interfering busybody, a pushy incomer meddling with their heritage.
  • Considering that, except for those for whom it has religious component, the pros and cons seem about equally balanced - it strikes me as a "busybody" issue. Just a little off the top, thanks
  • Anthropologist, which means `nasty, nosy, prying, pestiferous busybody". MISS MELVILLE REGRETS

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