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How To Use Bureaucracy In A Sentence

  • Perhaps they will dub it the age of unreason, petty bureaucracy and utter silliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Yahoo bureaucracy rules, people die in the health services and the aged in nursing homes are victimised while benchmark payments are pocketed.
  • In heaven the seraphim criticize the cherubim, who look down on the thrones: the original bureaucracy. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • It is sad that there are ineffective ministers and somnolent bureaucracy giving the people a raw deal.
  • I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
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  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
  • Financial services in Bulgaria are still branded by formalism, bureaucracy and lack of interest, analysts said.
  • Our cowardly lion of a bureaucracy throws issue after issue into the long grass when confronted by the mice that roar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the premiers had earlier expressed skepticism about creating another level of bureaucracy. Globe and Mail
  • The opening scene is an interview - about the wretchedness of conditions in the theatre, poking fun at the cumbersome bureaucracy which soils it.
  • The present crisis on the docks illustrates the dead end of the nationalist and pro-capitalist policy of the trade union bureaucracy.
  • Many of them were community leaders, teachers, health workers and people in the local bureaucracy.
  • In the title story, a man loses a galosh on a tram and scales the mountains of Soviet bureaucracy to reclaim it, but misplaces his other galosh on the way.
  • Our quest however, soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, PDF scraping and broken links.
  • Hull Council is ‘top-heavy’ with bureaucracy and needs to be radically slimmed down, new council leader Ken Branson said yesterday.
  • Pupil behaviour, excessive workload and bureaucracy, teacher shortages and the stream of new Government initiatives have all been cited as causes.
  • The state bureaucracy works very closely with firms to implement a comprehensive, collaborative strategy for economic growth.
  • But many of the slights, misunderstandings and, yes, conniving, are typical of any bureaucracy, as officials pursue a range of different agendas.
  • However, even his own federal bureaucracy eliminated 40,000 jobs this year.
  • They felt government bureaucracy had vanquished the muses. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • It's as if we are back in that newspaper office of 10 years ago, when Riddoch, unschooled in the resistant bureaucracy of getting out a daily paper, tried to change hidebound attitudes too quickly for comfort.
  • Benn believed the Soviet system remained a positive force long after the workers' state of 1917 was replaced with the Stalinist bureaucracy.
  • None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
  • Either they have no idea what is at stake, or they place pettifogging bureaucracy above all else.
  • Given all the bureaucracy and complex or unclear rules that currently exist, this is more than welcome.
  • "We're going to cut out spending on bureaucracy and abolish regional health authorities.
  • Anyone who imagines a perfect bureaucracy really is living in a world of fantasy.
  • Like all lumpen bureaucracy, it serves the system more than the individual. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the Canadian government, for all its faceless fumbling bureaucracy, isn't infallible, we've also never had an iron-fisted strongman declare every Monday a holiday to honour his dog.
  • The public mood seemed to be that more organizations mean more bureaucracy, complexity and expense.
  • He represented himself as a hard - working, self - made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy.
  • I have sustained a continual Bombardment of increased high-stakes testing and accountability-related bureaucracy and a cannonade of gross underfunding for 10 years at least and have lost several good men and women. Texas district schools chief issues plea in Alamo-like letter
  • On the negative side, the directive has resulted in unsocial shifts and yet another tier of bureaucracy to ensure that rotas are compliant.
  • Meanwhile, Rathbone picked up a few tips on how to dance reels, how to negotiate her way around country-house bureaucracy and how to reconstruct a walled vegetable garden.
  • The membership handily voted it down, but the very fact that the union bureaucracy has introduced the proposal signifies that it is laying the groundwork for an outright surrender…
  • The Bill perpetuates all the anomalies, unfairness, regional variations and bureaucracy that made the poll tax unpopular.
  • Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy.
  • Indeed, SOME suggest the creation of the bureaucracy is the actual OBJECTIVE. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • Perhaps in comparing the pay of one who must control a vast unwieldy bureaucracy it might be better to match like with like. Times, Sunday Times
  • A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble.
  • When soft totalitarians get into a bureaucracy or university or media, they go for power over the announced aim of their institution.
  • But within the more obscure reaches of cartographic bureaucracy, the n-word occasionally endures. Offensive Environment
  • As usual with governments, this recognition is late and accompanied by a blizzard of bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • But whenever I try to get help to produce bio-diesel profitably, I'm knocked back by bureaucracy.
  • For we offer, besides ourselves, a position that has not grown old under the weight of a gigantic, parasitic bureaucracy, a position untempered by the doctoral dissertations of a generation of Ph.D. s in social architecture, unattenuated by a thousand vulgar promises to a thousand different pressure groups, uncorroded by a cynical contempt for human freedom. Buckley Athwart History
  • That it did is the outcome of the organization's and its affiliates ' political prostration before the Labour and trade union bureaucracy.
  • It is supposed to save money and impose some market discipline on bureaucracy's natural tendency to swell.
  • We could ditch the bureaucracy and streamline business to make it more competitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.
  • It is just more socialist bureaucracy and more pandering to the trade union movement.
  • Our cowardly lion of a bureaucracy throws issue after issue into the long grass when confronted by the mice that roar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plato sees democracy as imposing stifling bureaucracy on gifted individuals.
  • The quipus of the ancient Incas of Peru encoded a wide range of data about people, land, and crops for the government bureaucracy.
  • World War II again exponentially expanded the bureaucracy and D.C. and its neighboring suburbs exploded. Washington is Crisis City again
  • Having some Government bureaucracy, at a cost of $28 million, is not really going to make one iota of difference to those families who are most in need.
  • It consists of a goodly proportion of those college educated people whose skills and vocations proliferate in a ‘post-industrial society’ … We are talking about scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their career in the expanding public sector, city planners and the staffs of the larger foundations and upper levels of the government bureaucracy, and so on …. Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
  • the onset of unwieldiness and bureaucracy in large organizations
  • As the Taoist pantheon developed, it came to mirror the imperial bureaucracy in heaven and hell.
  • Even the easy stuff is hard: scheduling meetings, briefing the right people, keeping the bureaucracy under control.
  • Any government attempt to save money and reduce bureaucracy deserves applause. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third force is the police and bureaucracy, which has been regularly communalized and has been the umbrella to the rioters or been the active participant in the execution of the pogroms.
  • It will tower over the community for years, a constant reminder of bureaucracy's triumph over democracy.
  • The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • At first glance it looks as though the structure might belong to the Social Security Administration or some other elephantine bureaucracy.
  • The relationship between the bureaucracy and other institutions is not a consequence of the exercise of political power by the dominant class.
  • He and six other members of the eight-man Soviet delegation, including Bukharin who led it, died at the hands of the Stalinist bureaucracy.
  • The new FDA commissioner is demonstrating an impressive decisiveness and understanding of agency bureaucracy.
  • There is a bureaucracy and self-feeding hierarchy of senior officials that are completely unaccountable to the local community. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you may know, Rocky's MOH has been in bowels of the bureaucracy since February, 2000. Versace, Humberto R.
  • The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • The teachers are part of a dissident movement against the official union bureaucracy.
  • It took a lot of courage to write in a police state that ‘the ruling bureaucracy is anti working class, an enemy’, and call for its revolutionary overthrow.
  • But the result was an astronomical increase in bureaucracy and administration costs, leading to double-digit healthcare inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did the foreign policy bureaucracy facilitate or impede presidential decisions for war?
  • These people were employed by the government in the lower levels of the colonial bureaucracy and engaged in local commercial activities.
  • He is coping with local government bureaucracy and finds the system not very frustrating.
  • The Stalinist bureaucracy has proven to be - as Trotsky predicted - the gravedigger of the October Revolution.
  • Pension obligations were ballooning, while management clung to a top-heavy bureaucracy and its sprawling mills gobbled up cash for repairs.
  • The figures suggest that sweeping reforms to a system riddled with bureaucracy and inertia are beginning to bear fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The need to re-envigorate public institutions was also being addressed through extensive programmes aimed at finding better political leadership and re-orienting former apartheid bureaucracy to make it more accessable to the new South African society, says ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The party bureaucracy has the power to make policies that directly determine the nature and extent of economic inequalities. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.
  • an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
  • Just another example of pettish bureaucracy, the officiousness of the jack-in-office. Greener Than You Think
  • He also criticized the European Union for being a toy for political elites and civil servants, detested by the people for its largeness of scale, bureaucracy and megalomania.
  • Mr Birt himself has stressed his desire to transfer support services out from the central bureaucracy in London.
  • Eric Cantor said he fears this EPA action will lead to what he call bureaucracy run amok. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2009
  • They were a more effective buttress of the Crown than its own bureaucracy or civil service.
  • Creating laws that insist on transparency will also create a huge amount of paperwork, administration and bureaucracy and enforcement costs.
  • During the city council's final session, council members criticized the current state of the Bali Hai pier and admonished the bureaucracy for their lack of care for the venue.
  • The Senate Homeland Security Committee says the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, has become a symbol of what it calls bumbling bureaucracy, and it should be abolished. CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2006
  • In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
  • Grappling with the nightmarish bureaucracy surrounding this and all such cases are what concerns the rest of the novel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fiba is an unwieldy bureaucracy that is not much concerned with policing its teams.
  • This is about the appointment of a second chief executive to a Taranaki public health bureaucracy.
  • Perhaps this is an acknowledgement that simple, streamlined processes would be more efficient than the bureaucracy of recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long as members have the chance to spend their lives in Washington, their interests will always skew toward spending taxpayer dollars to buyoff special interests, covering over corruption in the bureaucracy, fundraising, relationship building among lobbyists, and trading favors for pork – in short, amassing their own power. Senators seek to limit congressional service
  • “We have an irresponsible and irresponsive federal bureaucracy that is unable to deal with the issue of illegal immigrants,” said state Sen. Joe Haynes, D-Goodlettsville, the sponsor of the only immigration bill that the legislature passed last year It’s Different on the Front Line
  • The federal bureaucracy, where millions of workers don't agree with the president, has been weak.
  • You can blame this on bureaucracy or USACE finickiness, but it must be noted that this pattern of delays fits very well with the Bush administration's initial aim to delay any discussion or commitment to Category 5 protection for South LA until they were on their way out of office. Archive 2008-01-01
  • We want to get rid of the bureaucracy they face in the classroom. The Sun
  • But nevertheless this kind of maddened and hollow charade of bureaucracy continues to function in Israel, as well as Europe and America ... ceding ground time and time again to Islam. Sultan Knish
  • Because a target missed is now, apparently, a bonus postponed, these plenipotentiaries of the new bureaucracy are on the warpath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exactly the kind of unpromising non-answer that the local bureaucracy excells at. Imagethief
  • With NASA mired in navel-gazing and bureaucracy, it makes sense to support private development of outer space. » Another reason to alert D.D. Herriman heinleinblog
  • Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy.
  • Before the 1990s this genre was practiced on a rather small scale, not least because of political repression and a conservative, rigidly regulated bureaucracy.
  • During the years the institution has been in the red with its liabilities mounting up and funds and resources swindled by those at its helm in connivance with the bureaucracy and some politicians.
  • Equally true, it is important not to over-react and introduce further layers of stifling bureaucracy in a series of panic measures.
  • This is why it perennially contains measures that mainly suit the bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, funding for emergency responders has been sidetracked and stalled due to the politics of the appropriations process, the slow distribution of funds by federal agencies, and bureaucracy.
  • More than 3,600 staff will be given the chance to influence the way the trust is run by pointing out the unnecessary rules, paperwork and bureaucracy which slow them down.
  • But there was no aviation bureaucracy to stifle initiative and smother the life from our most wild and impractical dreams - an endangered species if there was one.
  • There is no government bureaucracy more arrogant, unaccountable, and authoritarian.
  • The system is riddled with bureaucracy and red tape. The Sun
  • I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
  • By 1991 the Soviet Union, and the Stalinist bureaucracy which headed it, had collapsed.
  • It is supposed to save money and impose some market discipline on bureaucracy's natural tendency to swell.
  • Bureaucracy gets pushed aside by so-called "adhocracy," executive power/one-man shows flourish, with institutional checks and balances flouted. Janine R. Wedel: Shadow Elite: WikiLeaks: Irresponsible or Indispensable?
  • In this case the people are circus performers, not very good ones, and the system is the Communist bureaucracy of Czechoslovakia.
  • Even where secrecy was not ordered from above, the squabbling Soviet bureaucracy worked against the efficient collection and distribution of data.
  • The story is a classic tale of an unaccountable bureaucracy versus the little guy.
  • New, visa and bureaucracy-free passports, are not yet freely available.
  • Six months have passed, yet the public has seen little improvement in the bureaucracy.
  • The meeting had been ratified by the county board to go ahead without the selectors, bringing into play a natty piece of bureaucracy that questioned whether any decisions taken by the committee were binding if the selectors were there.
  • But what concerns me most is the what you describe as a burgeoning bureaucracy around citizen focus. Another Day At The Office « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy.
  • But research in organizations with nonfacilitative governments highlights the value of bureaucracy and reveals the seamy side of personal relationships.
  • He took aim at what he called a bloated bureaucracy, wasteful business practices and too many generals and admirals, and outlined an ambitious plan for reform that's almost certain to stir opposition in the corridors of Congress and The People's News Portal - Business, Money, Sport, Music, Forex, Auto
  • Unfortunately, most of the money is swallowed up in bureaucracy and the production of meaningless consultancy reports which benefit nobody.
  • I will bet that members opposite will vote for bureaucracy rather than for common sense.
  • Technical problems succeeded in achieving something the general public could not: temporarily disabling the march of bureaucracy.
  • The problem is organizational, and the hub-and-spoke decision-making process that was originally created to slash bureaucracy -- that is, to create more decentralized decisions and less hierarchy. Knowledge is Power: kiplog: June 2009 Archives
  • So, anyway, something or other happened to put it in motion, the bureaucracy just kind of crunched, and the Siberian agents came and murdered my brother? Mother Of Storms
  • I agree that we should have reduced expenditures in the Housing and Urban Development Department, but what we did was to get rid of a whole layer of regional offices and to consolidate a lot of those various programs that had been kind of encrusted with bureaucracy over the years. President Remarks To Emory University Students
  • That is, a system dominated by a privileged bureaucracy which puts its own interests before those of the masses and a political leadership which represents this bureaucracy.
  • The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.
  • They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.
  • Hence the decision of the union bureaucracy to drive a stake into the heart of the strike by pulling the pickets at one of the chains.
  • However, as it does so, it still primarily aids and abets a publishing system that has become as insulated as a Tsarist bureaucracy. Afterthoughts
  • It sounds like a recipe for a large, cumbersome bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first was a developed bourgeoisie which needed bureaucracy as a weapon against revolutionary movements.
  • But as the Turkish society has been thoroughly Kemalized by the Kemalofascist military, bureaucracy, and judiciary for almost a century, and as it has also been thoroughly Islamized by the their Muslim leaders, with their strong economic base; there is no danger of any form of subversion from the Turkish people against the status quo or any wish for real democracy. Wake up Kurdistan!
  • Many feared they would face bigger bills and more bureaucracy, while irresponsible owners would ignore the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘As any company grows, as you double headcount two, three, four, five years in a row, you get maturity, you get systems, you get bureaucracy, you get lawyers, you get processes,’ he said.
  • Such bad bureaucracy weighs heavily on already overburdened parents.
  • We want to get rid of the bureaucracy they face in the classroom. The Sun
  • It is not Treaty settlement legislation but welfarism and bureaucracy, and it needs substantial amendment.
  • It ought to be easy to argue that egalitarian social goals are best pursued by crushing bureaucracy, by taking power away from know-all Islington lawyers and restoring control of people's working lives to them.
  • Indeed, their ability to deal with the bureaucracy is a competitive advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can see his point on cutting the bureaucracy, but the near inevitable outcome is that the money saved will not be spent here and we will descend further and further into an even shabbier social and economic backwater.
  • Is that not being naively ambitious given the slow machinery of bureaucracy?
  • It is still saddled with a bloated bureaucracy, too many branches, and a portfolio of shaky or dud loans to state-owned enterprises.
  • Reducing bureaucracy is the fifth point of the plan. An Introduction to Community Health
  • The foreign policy bureaucracy, not elected of course, plays a subordinate, non-political, essentially instrumental role.
  • This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.
  • In Scotland, the risky strategy could founder on the traditional perils of the nation's health bureaucracy.
  • The changes were supposed to reduce bureaucracy but the opposite has happened. Times, Sunday Times
  • It happened because the editors and reporters at the Los Angeles Times take it for granted that people who live in weird states like Wyoming are dangerously ignorant yahoos who need to be taken in hand by the federal bureaucracy.
  • I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
  • But within the more obscure reaches of cartographic bureaucracy, the n-word occasionally endures. Offensive Environment
  • A better choice would be slimming down our immense private health-care bureaucracy and switching to a simpler single-payer system.
  • Internally, an increasing number of Greek and demotic Egyptian papyri illuminate a developing bureaucracy and control of the population through a tax system based on a census and land-survey.
  • For the bureaucracy, allegiance to the Emperor came before democratic representation.
  • Council of Governors" to help "synchronize" policy regarding foreign and domestic military operations doesn't merely add another redundant layer of bureaucracy to the overgrown Homeland Security apparatus. Pro Libertate
  • These unhealthy developments have led to thorough demoralization in the bureaucracy, rampant indiscipline and all round inefficiency.
  • The glow from a thousand points of light seems less reliable than that from the lightbulbs of a well-financed bureaucracy.
  • He surveys the continued break-up and decline in influence of the old social democratic bureaucracy and predicts that reaction will benefit.
  • He felt he was kind of soldiered by the young folks in the White House and then there's the big bureaucracy that you try and move. GOPUSA
  • More than honest, it's the image of a major artist courageously butting her head against the furtiveness and sadism of Stalinist and post-Stalinist bureaucracy.
  • It was a slow day at work on the Monday before Melbourne Cup and the wheels of the Victorian bureaucracy were grinding slower than usual.
  • Mr Bush struggled in part because he feared, with some justification, that the permanent bureaucracy in Washington would be hostile to a Republican agenda.
  • ‡ The word byzantine is often applied to a group of intricately connected and rigidly applied regulations or traditions, or to a complex bureaucracy that insists on formal requirements. Byzantine Empire
  • In fact our own homegrown bureaucracy and often inefficient public services are more of an impediment. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is too much bureaucracy and red tape at the moment. The Sun
  • The UN has long been criticised for its excessive bureaucracy; in normal times, it is a scandal and an extravagance - in time of emergency it is lethal.
  • It's not like you're a civil servant in the faceless halls of bureaucracy, unable to change your job description or influence your bosses.
  • Once again, the flexibility of Southeast Asian conceptualizations of polities meant that the ruler's power did not need to be based on rooted infrastructures such as landholding, bureaucracy, or highly institutionalized state organizations. 4. Southeast Asia, c. 900-1557
  • The outcome also satisfied the public sense of outrage at an obstinate governmental bureaucracy and at an injustice eventually righted.
  • People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.
  • Government has reduced the burden of regulation and the need for central bureaucracy.
  • Weber's most notable contribution, however, lay in identifying the importance of bureaucracy to modern politics.
  • The MSP began a new line of attack in talking of a bloated bureaucracy, the need to reduce the size of government and a promise to cut back the ministerial payroll.
  • The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
  • He likes the pound being strong - most of his business is in the UK, but he buys machinery from overseas so a strong pound helps - and he dreads the increased bureaucracy closer ties with Europe could bring.
  • When Mr. Serra criticized Brazil's growing tax revenues as a symptom of the bigger bureaucracy and increased government spending that have developed under the current administration, she parried the criticism by reminding viewers of growing prosperity. Brazilians Vote in Presidential Runoff
  • They also say they'll save loadsamoney from cutting Government bureaucracy, and we've all heard that one before.
  • Mintzberg distinguishes what he calls the simple functional organization from the bureaucracy, the professional bureaucracy and two other types, the multidivisional organization and the adhocracy.
  • They remained unswerving in their support for the Democratic Party and the trade union bureaucracy.
  • Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy.
  • He insisted that the Soviet bureaucracy was not, as Trotsky had analyzed, a reactionary privileged caste, but rather a new ruling class.
  • The new bureaucracy of alphabet soup agencies was in harness.
  • It is a morally corrupt institution run by a criminal bureaucracy.
  • But wouldn't that be another wasteful bureaucracy? Times, Sunday Times
  • Many things in India are complex because of massive bureaucracy, protocol and procedure.
  • In Germany, a genocidal society was working with state bureaucracy to roll out the massive program of the Holocaust.
  • Other charities spend far too much on salaries for their chiefs and wasteful bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country's legendary bureaucracy is as labyrinthine as ever, and its legal system opaque, with separate laws for foreign and domestic investors.
  • He had risen through the bureaucracy of Naples as municipal quaestor, aedile, duumvir.

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