How To Use Burdened In A Sentence
Cultural practices have survived or fallen only in part because of their effect on the strength of the group, and those which have survived are usually burdened with unnecessary impedimenta.
Its people are overburdened by religious riot, ethnic strife, corruption and the absence of social infrastructure.
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
He finally reached Bear Dooley's half-closed office door, which was burdened with numerous layers of thick brown paint.
Inmates feel isolated and are already overburdened by the tension of courts and hearings.

And when thou hast done it, to let me understand what he saith, that I may dye the more contentedly, and disburdened of so heavy an oppression, the onely comfort to a parting spirit: and so she ceased, her teares flowing forth abundantly.
The Decameron
Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
This feeling is very strong in many apartment houses where small rooms are overburdened by this kind of wainscot, and to make matters worse, the top is used as a plate-rail.
Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today
He unburdened a horse of its load.
While the idea of people telling their stories is attractive in theory, in practice the courts are overburdened as it is.
Those who fled at once, unburdened by possessions, had a chance of survival, for the rain of ash and pumice, mixed with lithics, that descended for several hours was not necessarily lethal.
Unprofitable contracts can be ended, and property burdened with onerous obligations disowned.
If that were the case, then wouldn't the girls athletics program be overburdened with athletic hopefuls dreaming of state championships?
Health services have been overburdened and are unable to care for many older people.
And technology is most celebrated when it is most invisible—when the machinery is completely hidden, combining godlike effortlessness with blissful ignorance about the mechanisms that deliver our disburdened lives.
The Secular Prophet
This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhism-the Rome of Asia-is interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity.
The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
Guadalupe, the "wrangler," appeared from an inner room, looking like a chief of the Navajo tribe, so burdened was he with the bright-hued
Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party
The pointlessly beautiful (beautifully pointless) game seems burdened with a vast weight of financial, cultural, political import.
The European nation was not expecting to lose the war, let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
Ruddy-faced men, bronze-faced men, pale-faced men; young women, girls, matrons and "flappers"; caddies burdened with bags of golf clubs and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls; skillful waiters hurrying here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes, sizes, and of diversified contents tinkled musically-such was the scene at the
The Golf Course Mystery
America was unbound and, at least in relative terms, unburdened.
Social work staff say they are overburdened with casework and worried about not being able to give heroin addicts in the drug court enough support.
At times, he has looked burdened and golf has seemed more like a job than a vocation.
Times, Sunday Times
The 1964 platform of the Republican Party did allow tax credits for those burdened by the costs of higher education.
But central heating has ‘disburdened’ consumers from acknowledging their dependence on others for warmth.
She unburdened herself of her feelings of guilt.
It is noteworthy she says that he unburdened himself to anyone who would listen.
But it has been so bad for so many years that I was glad to be unburdened.
Gaining a perspective on the present by examining the past can be very soothing to someone burdened with troubles.
Finding the best art anywhere - even in New York - requires free-wheeling open-mindedness, unburdened by reigning ideas and trends.
People will then not have to be burdened with the labels of friction and division.
I doubt that they believed in the equitability of fate - especially when their only son turned out to be no more than another burden in their already overburdened lives.
She accepts another's as readily as her own; she is satisfied so long as her back is burdened with a swarming crowd, whether it issue from her ovaries or elsewhence.
The Life of the Spider
He also wanted his players to practice as if they were individuals, unburdened by their team-mates.
While many of these individuals are able lawyers, they are often overburdened with heavy caseloads and lack the financial and personnel resources necessary to build a strong defense.
Of course, some are plagued by such problems due to family difficulties, but, according to a survey among doctors' practices, many are there simply because they are over-burdened.
Mr. Obama, unburdened by a record to defend, blames Nafta for shipping jobs abroad and "forc [ing] parents to compete with teenagers for minimum wage jobs at Wal-Mart.
The Democrats and Trade
He said the measures would place further pressure on the already overburdened public hospital system.
She has been disburdened of her responsibility as a minister.
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
Already overburdened staff have to focus more heavily on information assurance versus asset protection.
Private practice is burdened by bureaucratic demands in a hostile climate.
I'M astounded that councils stand to lose hundreds of millions but we are warned losses may be recovered from already overburdened council taxpayers.
The Sun
While the maid helped Freda off with her wraps, Floyd Vanderlip replenished the fire; and by the time the maid had withdrawn to an inner room, his head over the stove, he was busily thawing out his burdened upper lip.
Jack London Play:The Scorn of Women
This is where those teams who arrived in Portugal unburdened by expectations of returning home with a trophy are at a possible advantage.
This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhismthe Rome of Asiais interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity.
Chapter 57. Public Scapegoats. § 3. The Periodic Expulsion of Evils in a Material Vehicle
It is also overburdened with debt.
Times, Sunday Times
The sprawling urban spaces that are the legacy of the 20th century are further burdened with a decaying infrastructure.
There is grave danger in requiring teachers to publish for a higher technical position while they are burdened with heavy teaching tasks based on some regulations.
Seeing is reading: hence the fundamental role of the aesthetic in epistemological philosophies such as Kant’s, and hence the burdened role of the human body in phenomenological or psychoanalytic discourses, where the body must provide fundamental shapes and surfaces for the production of meaning, yet must also serve as a screen or surface onto which the possibility of form is projected.
_Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
That means the U.S. financial system will remain burdened with uncleansed balance sheets that penalize future lending and economic growth.
Recession Is Inevitable
But the powers that saw to her Majesty's interests, and ruled the destinies of her lesser creatures, gave the mailmen little rest; for a week later they appeared at Stuart River, heavily burdened with letters for Salt Water.
An Odyssey of the North
When we are all overburdened with worries in our daily life, a real entertainer is a welcome relief.
Friends have moved away, got married and so on and she feels overburdened at work at times and says she thinks about handing in her notice.
Times, Sunday Times
The men favoured dark suits and enormous cigars while their wives were overburdened with makeup and jewellery.
The number of questions was limited in number so that the students were not unnecessarily burdened by the weekly assignment.
Probation officers that I have dealt with are overburdened, overworked and burned out.
The progress of medical science has burdened society with a hoard of parasites, rentiers, pensioners, and other retired persons whom society has to support and even to nurse.
Burdened by addiction and avarice, Fatty's rise to stardom soon became a fall from grace.
The US welfare state is overburdened, now the baby boom generation is retiring.
While trying to help starving villagers, Yunus met a 21-year-old woman named Sufia Begum, who was burdened by a tiny yet crushing debt, Yunus recalled in his autobiography, "Banker to the Poor.
As a mother, I put such a possibility furthest from my mind, even as you beseech fate that Nettle never be burdened with a crown.
After more than six hours of perilous switchbacks and countless near-misses with overburdened Indian Tata trucks we've arrived at the trekking gateway of Pokhara, a thriving and laidback city on the shores of Phewa Lake.
It is also overburdened with debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Clinton was initially burdened with a do-nothing fund-raiser, but quickly replaced him with a young whiz named Rahm Emanuel.
I knew that I was prodding him deeply and severely, thrusting the iron into his soul with as little compunction as a Mexican _charo_ exerts when he "cinches" a heavily burdened _burro_.
Princess Zara
It does stink to not be able to get the job one wants right off, but most young people, if they have not overburdened themselves with stupid debt (e.g. cars, credit cards), can ride out a hiring lag and manage to cobble together a successful career in its aftermath.
Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Graduates
For overburdened middle managers and front-line employees, the pressure to complete day-to-day tasks can make learning the ins and outs of a new system feel like nothing but a hassle.
Ginger shrimp smacked of iodine and were burdened with a thick, harshly bitter paste of a sauce.
Classical music is still burdened by so many myths and misconceptions.
Times, Sunday Times
Burdened by an elephantine rucksack, his pink skin charred to a luscious red by the sun, and trying to communicate with a guide whose accent is, well, undecipherable; his hopelessness and frustration is palpable.
Such bad bureaucracy weighs heavily on already overburdened parents.
Be light and playful, also eat light and remain free and unburdened.
Dacca's air is burdened by vehicleemissions; air quality improved after the advent of unleaded gasoline, but toxins such as carbon monoxide persist.
The girl disburdened her mind to her boyfriend.
Reva Bergen trudged up the steep walk, burdened with grocery sacks.
Tool-burdened coverall or no, she remained in her Eurasian petiteness the most desired woman aboard the Olgfl; and still the rest of the girls liked her.
The Earth Book of Stormgate
Further, while this will undoubtedly cause further strain on the already-burdened budget of our southern neighbour, it may serve to draw attention to the parlous state of their fisc and perhaps lead to more prudence.
Doubtless the heaviest burden of our contemporaries is a consciousness of a divergence between our democratic theory on the one hand, that working people have a right to the intellectual resources of society, and the actual fact on the other hand, that thousands of them are so overburdened with toil that there is no leisure nor energy left for the cultivation of the mind.
Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
Several of the administrators were also new, and just as overburdened by the remaining seven teacher vacancies.
Brow furrowing, Shanza looked to the ground as they spent the rest of their walk pacing down the hallway in burdened but companionable silence.
Physicians are overburdened by paperwork and government regulations.
He unburdened a horse of its load.
These courts are already overburdened with cases and the influx of new lawsuits will result in cases taking many years to reach trial.
Therefore, a certain naiveté, unburdened by conventional wisdom, can sometimes be a positive asset.
Largely unburdened by the need to project an alternative vision, Osborne is now aiming to attack the Chancellor's weak position.
she always felt burdened by the load of paper work
• The land benefiting from an easement is called the dominant estate; the land burdened by an easement is called the servient estate.
Up Against a Deadline
God's Son taught us that we travel light-heartedly when we travel unburdened by possessions.
They are burdened by years of indoctrination, with its bias against individual responsibility and risk-taking.
Short of presenting him with a high-maintenance pet, such as a pony or a pair of chihuahuas, the presenters could hardly have burdened the man more heavily.
Image and virtual reality are everything these days, explaining why the city, burdened with an inferiority complex, forever sees itself as a cultural desert.
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
The men we met walked past slow, unsmiling, with downcast eyes, as if the melancholy of an over-burdened earth had weighted their feet, bowed their shoulders, borne down their glances.
Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.
Perhaps the book helped him to relieve a conscience burdened by the knowledge that he was not carrying out the pastoral duties of his benefice.
Poor Griet is burdened by more than having to scrub the Vermeer family smalls in this fictional biography of a painting.
This is a king visibly burdened by the weight of his crown, who evokes real pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
Her multi-dimensional character Denise is burdened with dreadfully stereotypical parents: the obstinate dad who wants her only to be a concert pianist, and the demure, subservient mom who finally speaks her mind at the totally expected moment.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
This is a king visibly burdened by the weight of his crown, who evokes real pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment. Douglas Adams
After a fortnight of storytelling in the country, the brigade of friends returns to Florence disburdened of their melancholy.
Mr. Casey complains about many in his generation not being able to find jobs, that "the prospects for intergenerational mobility are fading fast," that they will be burdened with Social Security and Medicare payments for baby boomers, and that baby boomers will "deplete" the wealth of Gen Y.
If You Want Intergenerational War, Let It Begin Here
Occasionally, a motor wagon would thunder past him, but more often there would be bicycles and horse carts, loaded with goods, or rattling along unburdened.
Unlike the other mendicant orders founded in the thirteenth century, the Franciscans were blessed, and burdened, by having a profoundly charismatic founder.
I also felt pain, and to avoid its endurance for me, I openly and avowedly burdened others with double, treble, centuple its amount.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
Because Axis is unburdened by commercial imperatives, however, the site does lack a certain pizzazz.
He was 21 and burdened by nothing more than a bit of bumfluff, some puppy fat and a great-coat, of the kind worn by Smiths fans and budding thesps for the entire duration of their drama-school degree course.
Its balance sheet is burdened by long-term debt and preferred stock that must be redeemed.
Unfortunately we are burdened by a new system which requires an executive to respond to scrutiny proposals.
Avoid being heavy and serious as a playful attitude allows you to feel unburdened and free.
What is more, painful remedies have been most readily accepted from those governments unburdened by past mistakes and old dogmas.
Bustling in, burdened with packages, she had just returned from a twelve-hour day at The Children's Art Carnival.
New shirts and new faces for the folks of the oil capital to cheer on, one unsullied and unburdened by past success or failure.
All told, I counted about 200 catalogs that my overburdened mail carrier had to tote and deliver during the Christmas season.
Already, a significant amount of coal transport has shifted from China's overburdened rail lines to its crowded roads, with coal-laden trucks blamed for snarling roads, as with a two-week-long traffic jam that clogged the national highway between Beijing and Zhangjiakou this summer.
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And when she looked way back, and watched the long procession a-defilin 'along, some a-walkin' swift and some a-laggin 'back with slower, more burdened footsteps (chains of different kinds a-draggin' on 'em) --
Samantha at the World's Fair
The ship overburdened with cargoes should not be allowed to set sail.
What is more, painful remedies have been most readily accepted from those governments unburdened by past mistakes and old dogmas.
It was interesting to listen to young Indians claim that 1997 was a punctuation mark, that 50 years after British rule ended it was time for the country to get on with its own life, unburdened by the past.
Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.
He unburdened his soul to me.
Beckham may have enough on his plate attempting to recapture his early-season form without being burdened with any extra responsibilities.
The latter had little choice but to give responsibility for labor relations to already overburdened personnel officers, budget officers, or executive assistants.
Human Resource Management in Government
The courts are not overburdened with applications in this field.
Economically, the care of AIDS patients will put a tremendous strain on our already overburdened and costly health care delivery system.
Let's just hope they are good years, that society is not overburdened by the influx (or lack of outflux) of older people, and that someone figures out a way to pay for the extra years of health care.
Many unburdened themselves in juvenile memoirs or drawings which have been shamefully neglected until recently.
Unfortunately in hurling, team officials are burdened with the extra task of finding volunteers as umpires and linesmen for almost all games.
Economically, the care of AIDS patients will put a tremendous strain on our already overburdened and costly health care delivery system.
She disburdened her of her grief.
The country is overburdened with gold braid and badges of office.
Times, Sunday Times
Like a detox programme for the overburdened modern mind.
Times, Sunday Times
They were initially burdened when the STFC was created from PPARC and
New Scientist - Online News
overburdened social workers
This colt came out on top in gritty style in a hot maiden race at Haydock last time and does not look overburdened on his handicap debut.
Grunge provided an opportunity, as punk had before, for separating the wheat from the chaffâannihilating acts that had truly been predicated on nothing but hairstyles and codpieces, and allowing reconsideration and critical filtering of arena rock, metal, and prog that might have been burdened with excessive pompousness and trippy kozmik imagery, but still possessed enduring value.
Rush: a fanâs notes - Colby Cosh -
In the first act of Walkyrie -- which is not overburdened with the atmosphere of morality -- even the black-hearted Hunding says to his blood-enemy,
The Case of Edith Cavell A Study of the Rights of Non-Combatants
Overburdened support personnel rushed from one temporary work assignment to another, their ranks dangerously depleted by a recent company-wide restructuring.
Confession disburdened her mind of anxiety.
As a parent I sympathise with overburdened teachers who find fun and spontaneity squeezed out by a regime of constant testing.
Times, Sunday Times
When he had thus disburdened his conscience, Sir Launcelot introduced the subject of the new occupation at which he aspired.
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
All of 11 years old, Nikosi comes across by turn as wise, winsome, overburdened, and sometimes desolate.
Yet no amount of personal enthusiasm could "rekindle" the German war effort while it was burdened with that rigid departmentalisation, bounded by the frontiers of privilege and personal jealousy which had been multiplying since 1938.
Teachers, already burdened with the extra duties of census, official surveys, vaccination programmes and other sundry jobs, are bellyaching.
Efforts to greatly expand education could determine whether India is a future economic superpower or if it will be burdened with the world's biggest population of poor illiterates.
Second, the solution did not tax an already overburdened division transportation resource.
But Dr Kelly did not share his concerns with colleagues, and we do not yet know how much he unburdened himself to his family.
The waterway scheme is to unclog the over-burdened and highly polluting national transport system, which is struggling to keep pace with the relentlessly expanding demands of China's burgeoning economy.
A common first reaction to having made a mistake is to become upset, to become fretful or angry about it, or if it is a serious mistake to become deeply burdened and even depressed.
Many delegations saw the steering groups as an extra layer in an already overburdened hierarchy.
He did not appear to be overburdened with guilt.
Humane groups save millions of animals, she says, but they're "underfunded and overburdened" and can't be everyplace, so millions more animals in distress, in need of a hand, suffer and die.
Pet Talk: Join the Great Animal Rescue Chase
The overburdened, under-financed hospital was itself an unnerving environment for the meeting.
They also say they will avoid local services being overburdened by bussing the youngsters into Hull.
Hardly, the state I was in and burdened by a possible ex-prisoner.
They report feeling liberated, disburdened, and alive for the first time.
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
She walked as though she was ashamed of her beauty, like it was a terrible curse she had been burdened with.
The little Irish maid entered, burdened with a tray laden with breakfast.
We should throw off the heavy, Germanic Leitmotiven we've been burdened with all these years, and like characters in any good Baroque opera, adopt the affetto proper to our roles.
With these vague and imponderable concerns behind us, we may return to the main line of our story refreshed and unburdened of all such feckless speculation.
Neither are exactly overburdened with debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Their post-release "aftercare" is not handled by parole officers trained in dealing with youth offenders, but by already overburdened officers from the adult correctional system. Site Feed
Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.
Like a detox programme for the overburdened modern mind.
Times, Sunday Times
Many Chinese unburdened by such worries, focused instead on cashing in on the travel boom.
It's more a quest for the tiny slices of life, the images not posed, not burdened by forced smiles or false camaraderie.
You feel burdened by too much work or responsibility, its best to share and delegate work and not carry the entire load yourself.
In addition to intelligence, the Creole black possesses a graceful figure, lithe movements, a pleasing face and a gentle language unburdened with any of the accents added by Africans.
Thinkers think and doers do. But until the thinkers do and the doers think, progress will be just another word in the already overburdened vocabulary by sense. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
You feel unburdened, free and happy like ‘The Fool’ today.
For example, remedies were sought for the by now manifestly apparent shortcomings of an overburdened legal system.
The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
Its hero, Milo, is perpetually dejected, burdened with motiveless discontent.
With inflation, millions are burdened by cost-of-living increases, real profit contraction, capital decumulation, and an inability to easily make contracts, calculate entrepreneurially, or invest.
The Fed Must Strengthen the Dollar
Acting in this spirit, and resolutely proceeding on our determination to avow our obligations to the authorities we have consulted, we frankly say, that to the note – book of Mr. Snodgrass are we indebted for the particulars recorded in this and the succeeding chapter — particulars which, now that we have disburdened our consciences, we shall proceed to detail without further comment.
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
Related: "A world series of assassins may be the movie's five-word pitch but, burdened with an unnecessarily complicated and aggressively insistent backstory and hence immediately unintelligible, Smokin 'Aces is one busy-busy-busy movie," writes J Hoberman in the Voice.
GreenCine Daily: Interview. Joe Carnahan and Jeremy Piven.
There a yeoman armed with a rusty ax that might have been swung at Hastings, clad in patched wadmal, preceded a scolding wife burdened with their bedding and cooking pot, and half a dozen children clinging to her skirts.
The High Crusade
Finally she tossed her crippled brolly to the road and walked on in the rain and wind, as if unburdened, suddenly, by the knowledge that it was just rain after all.
But the country still has many challenges: its banking system is massively undercapitalised and over-burdened with bad debts.
The retail liquor trade in New York state in those days was burdened by antiquated laws and corrupt officialdom.
Doctors are already in critically short supply and overburdened nurses often supply the only health care available.
Dying people are burdened with almost intolerable circumstances.
Christianity Today
Computers, waffle irons, toasters, you name it, all have one major advantage over us corporal beings: They aren't burdened with the ability to think.
Dying people are burdened with almost intolerable circumstances.
Christianity Today
For students, exam pressure makes them overburdened and overwhelmed.
And "we the people" -- overtaxed, over-policed, overburdened by big government, underrepresented by those who should speak for us and blissfully ignorant of the prison walls closing in on us -- will continue to trudge along a path of misery.
John W. Whitehead: The 2010 Elections: Full of Sound and Fury, and Signifying Nothing
On my favorite dance show, "So You Think You Can Dance," they call the quickstep the "Kiss of Death" because it is intricate, quick and not necessarily as big a crowd pleaser as the more dramatic or romantic dances - so any couple who gets burdened with it usually ends up going home the next week.
A Hero's Daughter has the freshness of a young author, unburdened by fame, writing about issues still alive and important to him.
I, who looked upon begging as a delightful whimsicality, thumbed myself over into a true son of Mrs. Grundy, burdened with all her bourgeois morality.
City critics say the chain is overburdened with debt, has failed to spend enough on its stores and regular discounting has damaged the brand.
Times, Sunday Times
Like that sport, dressage is as burdened with politics as a Senate filibuster. - Historic ride upcoming?
Perhaps most important, the new carriers were not burdened with staffing levels that make those that existed in some of Britain's nationalised industries seem ungenerous.
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
Burdened by what he called 'consequences to sin,' Nevada Sen. John Ensign announced Monday afternoon he would not seek a third term, creating the eighth open Senate seat of the 2012 cycle.
Morning Bits
This move should also help its subsidiary, Alliance Air, now burdened and handicapped by an aging fleet that has almost outlived its life span.
Now stable and peaceful, Mozambique is what is called an HBLI, or heavily burdened, low income country.
Ray Suarez: Reporter's Notebook: A Clinic's Strains in Mozambique
Unfortunately, he's saddled with a mom who shifts him with her from pillar to post; and eventually she dumps him on a farming family that is already overburdened.
As the nation's overburdened and underfunded emergency rooms are pushed to the brink, our medical safety net is starting to unravel.
Social work staff say they are overburdened with casework and worried about not being able to give heroin addicts in the drug court enough support.