How To Use Bunch In A Sentence

  • He looked a bit worried when I sat down at the table and produced a bunch of inhalers, some pills, a bottle of cough syrup and some throat lozenges and proceeded to stuff them all into my mouth…
  • I've been bushwhacked with a bunch of stuff that's keeping me away from the keyboard!
  • It nearly brought a tear to my eye when I saw thousands of screaming fans watching a bunch of (and I use the term affectionately) nerds out there doing their thing. Sun Bloggers
  • Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
  • We're sitting in the middle of a gay pub, and - typically for a bunch of straight guys, I muse - they haven't twigged at all.
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  • Oh dear ... our gal SUZANNE has her fetus-fetishist panties in the bunchiest of bunches. I’ll take “Divorced From Reality” for $500, Alex.
  • With the exception of one guy, whose name escapes me right now, the DJs are a pretty poor bunch too.
  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
  • The Kennedy partisans are quite a tongue-tied bunch, all of them struggling gamely, if inarticulately, to somehow dismiss or disdain or circumlocute what is, apparently, the main focus of the film. The Full Feed from
  • I crossed a railroad overpass and reached a bunch of shacks where two highways forked off, both for Denver.
  • The irony in Anglicanism’s devotion to its new substitute god, inclusivity, is that the only thing those who are not excluded have in common is that they are with a bunch of other people who are also not excluded. Diocese of Toronto: a Good Friday exclusive « Anglican Samizdat
  • The tribesmen were all bunched together in clumps, and they too seemed frenzied with excitement.
  • And yet, we have a whole bunch of people, serious, accomplished scientists, telling us that the seas will rise in some places while deserts will be created in others.
  • We have a bunch of Wackadoo doos, who cannot accept that this Black man is the President of the United States and who are going around claiming that he is an undocumented alien and basically suggesting that he arrived at the presidency unlegimately. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • This app will give you stats for a whole bunch of scenarios. The Sun
  • A new year, a new bunch of sickos are looking for love in the local paper.
  • After breakfast, basking herself in the sun, Frona descried a familiar bunch of men rounding the tail of the glacier in the direction of CHAPTER 4
  • There was a slight smile on his face and I could see his muscles bunching underneath his blazer.
  • It almost feels like we're a bunch of paupers waiting outside a rich man's house.
  • The teacher told his pupils to spread out and not to bunch up in the center of the playground.
  • IMO the all around best gun of the bunch is the SBE. Where I turkey hunt is very hilly and requires a lot of hiking. I'm looking for the lighest 12 ga.
  • Of course, it's not all about the image and the looks (except that, in the case of this particular preening bunch of fops in their heyday, it was almost entirely about the image and the looks).
  • Well, the often interesting BSS bunch pandered to the crowd and although they did do some self-indulgent jams, it was all by the book.
  • He has twice been crowned road race world champion, most recently in 2002 when he snuck up the inside of the bunch to outsprint his rivals in Lisbon.
  • It is important that they do not associate classical music with a bunch of doddery old men.
  • They didn't do much apart from eating daddy long legs and making bunchy webs which hang from the ceiling.
  • And I wouldn't have minded doing a ‘thesis defense’ of my book in front of a bunch of people if, at least, it had been done in a friendly or collegial atmosphere.
  • He is said to have assembled a bunch of fellow martial arts experts to carry out the spectacular heist. The Sun
  • Good, bad, or meaningless, there it will be: bunchy with fat or sagging from the bone, fading, freckling, wrinkling, and drooping so long as flesh endures. Beginner’s Grace
  • My friend Davey is the best of the bunch.
  • Many sports fans who would rather watch the Super Bowl with a bunch of beer-swilling buddies than be present at the birth of their first child often recite that fired old saw about hockey being more violent than any other sport.
  • The unruly bunch pushed into the White House, clods standing on the silk-upholstered furniture in muddy boots to get a glimpse of the new president (who was trying not to be crushed by his well-wishers). Inauguration Party Like It's 1829
  • Leonard attempts to convince Sheldon he misses Amy and that he's trying to replace her with "a bunch of cats, " to which Sheldon responds, "Clowder.
  • TSA bought a bunch of so-called puffer machines to detect explosives by blowing air on passengers, but they didn't work very well. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • I have to say here, that the corps de ballet (that's the poncy equivalent of the chorus line, for you unenlightened) were the biggest bunch of clodhopping hoofers I've ever seen.
  • -- A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd-pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Without a single zinger in the bunch, this comedy is gasping for laughs, and should be relegated to the $2.99 bin very soon.
  • Why the f**k should I spend 8 years getting a PhD in biochem or engineering when I have to compete with a bunch of Chinese and Indian immigrants who are happy to make $30,000 for the next ten years of postdoc purgatory? Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
  • He goes round with a bunch of thugs.
  • The visiting pack were in awesome form, consistently making ground at the edges of the rucks and gradually wearing down the home eight, who by the end resembled a bunch of bedraggled and punch-drunk boxers.
  • Fortunately we have completed all of the suit study trials, have collected a bunch of rock samples for the microfossil and extremophile studies, and have finished work on the telescope, so we are in good shape, but there's still plenty of data analysis to do on those projects and lots of GPS tracking and geotagging yet to do. Reminder: Paul's and Laksen's blogs
  • Call us a bunch of self-referential, mocking, postmodern deconstructionist ironicists, if you will. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each bunch contains the hair of hundreds of women. Times, Sunday Times
  • The others seem to think he's hugely intelligent, which says more about the bunch of thickos who have been thrown together this year than it does about Science himself.
  • He has a bunch of books and a ton of websites and a seemingly huge and devoted following.
  • The company commissioned research into consumer attitudes to new technology which showed that we are all a bunch of lily-livered, scaredy-cats when it comes to trying new gizmos.
  • The Savage family consists of a bunch of stubborn hayseeds that get real angry when crossed.
  • These are not a bunch of empty promises made by a seasoned con artist.
  • All the ancestors flicked over with a bunch of pink feathers on a stick.
  • We've seen the best kind of solutions to climate change aren't about adding a single gene or stacking a bunch of genes into a crop and proceeding with the idea that a monoculture is a good thing. Paula Crossfield: Reclaiming Value: An Interview with Raj Patel
  • He bunched himself together under the patters of rain.
  • He ran out carrying a stack of blank papers, a bunch of crayons, pencils, charcoal sticks, a camera and a huge straw hat.
  • In our house, a clear-out involves binning the odd pair of tights with more ladders than Bob The Builder, or removing a bunch of long-dead flowers from a vase.
  • The young newsboy has purchased a bunch of violets, signifying fidelity, and has placed them on the newspaper billboard.
  • I blame James for bringing Friendster up on Monday, while a bunch of us were geeking out on our wifi-enabled Powerbooks in the hallway (causing Rebecca to ask, "Remember when we used to talk to each other?").
  • They remind you of a bunch of schoolboys wandering down a lonely road, kicking a ball along.
  • Our mean-minded monarchists really are a bunch of humourless humbugs.
  • I got a bunch of graphic tees for $2 each, and some awesome fleecy cupcake pajamas for $3! Easy Drop Biscuits... AKA The "Lazy"
  • Another loser chocker season for you bunch of beer burping boobs. News -
  • Most of the rooms are cubicle-style, open-concept kind of areas filled with a bunch of average-looking guys.
  • Our big opportunity had been blown by a bunch of tight-lipped, upright folks who wanted to mind their own business.
  • IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives. State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
  • Some glorious highs are counterbalanced by a few truly grating tracks and a bunch of middle-of-the-road filler, but that's true of any compilation.
  • But instead he sat motionless, taking long drags of a cigarette and staring at a mural of a bunch of teenagers at a party.
  • But the English nobility keep themselves to themselves and only dine with the pick of the bunch.
  • The need for preamps is a good case for having an external mixer, because having a professional sound card with multiple analog inputs, no mixer and a bunch of outboard preamps usually is more costly and less flexible than having a mixer.
  • I received a bunch of flowers yesterday.
  • I compiled a bunch of recent flamenco things, really oddball flamenco things.
  • The Royals have cleared the decks and are playing a bunch of rookies on the cheap this year.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1] herborized with the bunch of chick-weed whereon he fed his Canary; The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • It’s actually a pretty good movie about a bunch of medical students who are, for no other reason than the script demands it, trying to see how long they can remain clinically dead. The Mini-Movie Reviews: March
  • The financing structure is not just a bunch of charitable institutions collecting donations and dispensing funds.
  • A very smart bunch who appeared to take great delight in posing and trotting about the place.
  • Without an exception these hangers-on are a shallow, mean-spirited bunch of bourgeoise no-counts, who mistake philosophical declamation for conversation and obsequiousness for love.
  • Then he helps himself to a bunch of red roses on Darcy's night stand.
  • The group were formerly close-knit but are now a bunch of individuals moving in separate directions and facing different problems.
  • I have to go back to my parents place and cart a bunch of old clothes to the Sallies or do something with them.
  • You might also note that the Gov is determined to hand over the reins of the NHS chequebook to a bunch of seld-employed, overpaid, medical freemasons ( GPs) As far as the other "services" are concerned ( Army etc ) they're a complete law unto themselves. Policing and surveillance: The inspector calls | Editorial
  • Humanity has come so far, yet we're still just a bunch of blundering boobs who've learned nothing from past mistakes.
  • I looked around to find a stick and had soon snagged another small bunch of the delicious fruits for myself. The Sun
  • Bailey saved ground as the field bunched into the turn and then urged the son of Hernando clear on the outside wearing down four rivals to get up by a neck.
  • Her skirt had bunched up round her waist.
  • In a taste test, untrained observers also rated the organic apples to be the sweetest of the bunch.
  • Seriously, what else can you call a comically evil bunch of thugs who siphon off 1/6 of our GDP? Think Progress » Companies infused eight lobbyists for every federal lawmaker into the health care debate.
  • Both these plants have loose bunches of curious pink or red fruits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Penn has proved to be the most talented of the bunch, although one can tire of his holier-than-thou attitude to script selection.
  • Cottonwoods along the rivers made the tallest vegetative layer, and on the surrounding prairies grew shoulder-high sage and greasewood, punctuated by the bunchgrasses close to the ground. Bird Cloud
  • In Mexico we only pay centavos for such small bunches.
  • The smaller berries are also usually less liable to congestion and compression within the bunch, and are therefore less likely to split or suffer spoilage as a result of fungal diseases or bacteria.
  • If "yours truly" ever gets a large bunch of the mazuma Love Letters of a Rookie to Julie
  • I always invite a mixed bunch of creative people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not tie your hair up in cutesie bunches and remember flowery skirts are for church.
  • It's no fun watching a bunch of no-names fill the Busch fields.
  • Instead of spreading out and confronting their neighbors in hostile face-offs, foraging sanderlings bunched together in tight little flocks.
  • There are a bunch of proposed theories that have been tossed bathmism, orthogenesis, aristogenesis, neo-Lamarckism, etc. Action: Push Ohio State Board of Education to Revisit Standards - The Panda's Thumb
  • Bunch of druggy weirdos putting on the ritz for some big scientist who's probably also a druggy weirdo, if the truth be known. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • They'd go all "Nixon In The Rose Garden" on us and give us a bunch of incoherent mumbletypeg about quality and service and how none of this was really their fault so please don't sue. CarBuyersNoteBook
  • Bears, we joke, will get any stragglers, so we bunch up more tightly into swaying, giggling file.
  • This means that a few get top marks, a big bunch get middling marks, and a few come near the bottom.
  • They're a pretty resilient bunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a lighthearted account by an unlikely bunch of wannabes and has beens.
  • What Flinx had felt moving slightly beneath the first man's body armor were bunched strands of haustorium. Flinx In Flux
  • Many Canadians will quickly dismiss Coulter as a goof, which is just as easy as her dismissing Canadians as a bunch of beer-guzzling hosers. London Free Press
  • One can only hope that this gets Big Daddy's Spiderman Underoos© in the bunchiest of bunches. Oh my.
  • She was given a huge bunch of flowers.
  • After all its just a thrown together bunch of experiences with the narrowest of pretenses holding it all together.
  • As he talks, Sompong rolls bunches of flowers into old newspapers.
  • The larger of the compound saccular glands are also called _racemose_ glands, on account of their having the general form of a cluster, or raceme, similar to that of a bunch of grapes. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • Our image as a bunch of bumpkins who roll over for anything that comes down the pike?
  • You know the food is really good when a bunch of foodies are devising clever ways to abscond with a whoopie pie after an epic 20-dish meal. Foodies Feast, Family-Style
  • The one factor that was actually improving as we labored along was that we were burning a bunch of fuel.
  • Wearing leather gloves for protection, cut sprigs of greenery and bunch them up.
  • And his coat was adorned with a flamboyant bunch of flowers.
  • Despite the snow and the freezing temperature, a bunch of 20 daring people plunged into the icy waters of Lee Dam yesterday.
  • The problem is that it was done in sich a god awful way that it makes this country's "friends" in Iraq look no better than a bunch of islamic terrorist isurgents about to behead another westerner live on video. Am I bovvered ?
  • It folded very thin, reminding her of the giant shawl from Turkey her aunt had, which could be bunched up and could still be threaded through the center of a wedding ring.
  • Decades ago, as an undergrad project, I once fed a whole bunch of text from a couple of books into my program that ran a simple Markov model (I was a very fast keypuncher). The Volokh Conspiracy » “Google’s Computer Might Betters Translation Tool”
  • There were a bunch of things in the film that we cut, but we tried it and then looked at it with different people.
  • I'll tell you what: There are a bunch of people who are just addicted to those things, those audiobooks.
  • If you want to shop at your leisure and not waiste a lot of time getting through a crowd and a bunch of junk go when ther is no market. Tonala
  • Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies. Important Notice!
  • Jigsaw has locked a bunch of strangers in a spooky old house with nerve gas slowly killing them off.
  • You get into a situation, you have a bunch of ideas floating around, and you want to make a movie.
  • And there are probably a bunch more bars that have a pretty much resident bookie. REVELATIONS
  • The whole staff was just a bunch of wacky butterfingers who made the same mistake over and over again.
  • He was also offered a bunch of other name heavies but he hand picked Barrett (who is not a big hitter). East Side Boxing
  • Canadian back vowels are pronounced with the tongue bunched slightly.
  • The bunch fills the road, riders snorting, heaving and blowing hard as they try to extract maximum effort from their tired bodies for one final frenzied lunge towards the line.
  • This Australian wine is the pick of the bunch.
  • You're safe, honeybunch, that's all that matters.
  • Wrap your gift and tie with a ribbon, then attach the bunch of foliage to the ribbon using a glue gun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drop in the leaves from a large bunch of basil a few at a time and continue to blend. Times, Sunday Times
  • What a bunch of Scrooges.
  • Alternatively, club together with a bunch of mates and rent a superb seafront villa in Ibiza.
  • The inference was unambiguous: the parliament was an intrusive, petty-minded bunch of jobsworths, bereft of any credibility.
  • As characters go, Sir Arthur is the saviour, but, in some ways, it is George who is the truest of the bunch.
  • The cardboard box has my old scale and a bunch of containers of all sizes for samples and for use as temporary aquaria for intertidal snails. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It's a lovely place for a holiday, and the girls in the fourth form are such a lively bunch this year.
  • The directors came in about five minutes before the callbacks were supposed to start, and then handed out a bunch of informational packets and stuff.
  • Stop being a front man for a bunch of investors!
  • I wouldn't have expected them to enjoy a film of that quality anyway - they're just a bunch of philistines!
  • ‘You guys are a bunch of screwballs!’ the girl said and stomped out of the shop.
  • These are what we call spaghetti model forecasts, just because they look like a bunch of strings of spaghetti, don't they? CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2007
  • No-one, I think, needs reminding that phot-ops are a waste of time and a general insult to the intelligence of anyone even contemplating the idea of using their franchise; nor do most people need reminding that so-called "public meetings" are frequently no such thing at all, being instead opportunities for party members to demonstrate that they're not much more than an ugly bunch of performing seals. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • This is most probably the image that other university hockey teams have of the warriors - that they are a bunch of academic softies.
  • At night, our brainy babe sports a bikini, hits the local dive, and does the naked frug in front of a bunch of drunken longshoremen.
  • John had the best of the bunch - a breast of chicken terrine with bacon and haggis served with sweet potato.
  • On the roll are a bunch of pictures of Lenore because I said that I would try to get a senior picture-worthy shot of her.
  • They definitely are a bunch of pinkos on these sorts of issues.
  • Well, if you strike out a bunch of guys and get the vast majority of the remaining outs via groundballs, you're not likely to allow too many home runs.
  • Doonan sees these provocateurs not as a bunch of kooky broads but as important representatives of the evolution of women's culture.
  • If they need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel, they will do so.
  • September 18, 2009 at 3:38 am you are a bunch of chinooks I always - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • As you may recall, the Gemini capsules were intended to circle the earth a bunch of times with two astronauts on board - as a prequel to a moon shot.
  • You may trot around with a silver bunch of grapes on your lapel, peddling intoxicants to expense-account tosspots and huff when I quibble at the mark-up but I have just published the novelistic fruit of 35 years of miserable introversion.
  • Shipwrecked sailors, castaways, and that famous case some time back where a bunch of people were in a plane crash?
  • On the top half was a bright crayon drawing of a bunch of flowers.
  • If they need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel, they will do so.
  • To cap Flanagan's misfortune, he punctured with 15 miles to go and there was an immediate charge from the front of his bunch, capitalising on his ill luck.
  • They're a great bunch of guys.
  • No one runs; they walk tilting into the wind at comical angles, like a bunch of Charlie Chaplins.
  • To them, £500 seemed an extraordinary amount of money for a team with no pedigree, a bunch of unknowns that would do little to entice the supporters through the gates at Inverleith.
  • This win is testimony to the great work done by this bunch of players and substitutes over the last three months and it is hoped that further success will follow in the years to come.
  • For many years, it has been the progressive movement that has championed advances in every level of American society -- from Social Security and Medicare to civil rights, equality of opportunity and freedom of choice. 2008 was a watershed election, an outcry from a large majority of Americans (not a tiny bunch of Tea Party extremists) for a fundamental change in the politics of our country. Hoyt Hilsman: Rooting for the Tea Party?
  • Savvy Yanker bankrollers in Missouri rounded up a bunch of tough lads for capturing beaver pelts to satisfy the rage of the day - the beaver hat.
  • A museum spokesman said: ‘There are still a few old busmen around who remember her, and even a very select bunch driving buses today who passed their test on her over 30 years ago.’
  • I has a Truck 14 foots, a traylur, my kar, a buncha stuffs whut dint sell at teh yardsael, three kittehz, wun gecko…. an nowhar to put mai obburnait bag. *sigh* I put it in teh kar, I guess. Teh often-overlooked - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In fact, it's a marathon and many sprints, not to mention numerous bike rides, a whole bunch of weightlifting, a batch of hockey matches, several days of small-bore shooting and some canoe slalom.
  • So he wore a white curly wig like a bunch of large dead worms. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was once a speakeasy and just before prohibition was repealed a bunch of boozers were massacred by cops during a raid.
  • The thing is, people think that if there was no actual rape then there was nothing wrong with the overall pictures - bunch of entitled frat boys hire poor black women largely so that they can lord it over them in a racist manner, which intent they demonstrate quite clearly by their behavior. How Innocent Are They? Or, Hearing of Don Imus and the Duke Lacrosse Dropped Charges All in One Day
  • Beyond the summit of the butte was a greenish-brown plateau of sagebrush and bunch-grass. Hidden Gold
  • They bunched around the fire for warmth.
  • Frank: Oh, it's when a buncha rats are crammed into a tiny space and their tails get all tangled up; and they can't even pull apart. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Bluebells and daffodils gathered in huge bunches where there was enough sun for them to flourish.
  • A bunch of Brits in this effervescent reissue of the trumpeter's journeys from trad to mainstream.
  • The mountains were covered with good bunch-grass, (_festuca_;) the water of the streams was cold and pure; their bottoms were handsomely wooded with various kinds of trees; and huge and lofty picturesque precipices where the river cut through the mountain. The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
  • At the start, it was dry, but the peloton was bunched together and very nervous.
  • Who is he whose hair is of the carroty hue? whose eyes, across a snubby bunch of a nose, are perpetually scowling at each other; who has a hump-back and a hideous mouth, surrounded with bristles, and crammed full of jutting yellow odious teeth. A Legend of the Rhine
  • And whilst each one hent bunch in hand, the gardener brought the wine-service and setting it before them, on a tray of porcelain arabesqued with red gold, recited these two couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I would urge every fruit lover to plant grapevines and to use every available bunch for this nourishing, refreshing, and healthful drink.
  • Then I went over to the vice-president's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times.
  • Hank Greenwald said farewell to the Giants Sunday, and a whole bunch of people had that look.
  • Seventy or eighty of them form enormous pendulous bunches, of which each tree annually ripens three.
  • Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
  • Will this ill-assorted bunch of misfits pull it off and will anything be discovered about the nature of true friendship? The Sun
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • Then last Friday they delivered a bunch of letters and packages some dating back to the past two years.
  • And of course the recipes are not only interchangeable with the usual stuff but with the easily accessible bunches of green calabrese (broccoli), too. Nigel Slater's white sprouting
  • My family has cows, chickens, ducks, pigs, dogs, cats and a whole bunch of fruits including a polmogrante, peach, mandarine orange and lemon trees. 2008 February « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
  • But then, when this particular bunch of Delhi youngsters decided to take it on, they perhaps knew only too well that copying the clones doesn't come easy.
  • There's just something about a bunch of people charging around the woods with plastic swords pretending to kill/be monsters that makes me hug myself with glee.
  • JohnDewey: I think you're possibly assuming a bunch of other things about the malcontents that aren't necessarily justified i.e. that their malcontent is a personality trait, rather than a result of situational factors. More Unhappiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But let's make sure that we're dealing with just Jesus and not a bunch of institutionalized add-ons that try to replace the teachings of Jesus with idol worship and public piosity. Is America a Christian Nation?
  • No one wants to hear a bunch of pubescent boys confessing their love repeatedly in about thirteen songs on one album.
  • Apart from fastening the cuttings together, the lead strip acts as a weight to hold the bunch down.
  • It suggests the "Enduap" (rondache) of ostrich-plumes worn by the Tupi-Guarani barbarians of the Brazil, the bunchy caudal appendages which made the missionaries compare them with pigeons. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • On some of the hikes, the forest floor was carpeted with bunchberries.
  • The other are a bunch of stadium-hogging egocentrics whose lead singer has almost bankrupt the band on two separate occasions due to ill-advised property investments.
  • Also, the whole thing feels like a bunch of people jumping on a bandwagon for reasons of cash. Times, Sunday Times

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