
How To Use Bulge In A Sentence

  • The air in this bulge then slides over the unexpanded air over the sea resulting in a pressure difference at sea level between the landward and seaward sides of the coast.
  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
  • No bulging rib cages, no collar bones out to here, no sunken eyes or bizarre hipbone bulges.
  • During the 1960s, 70s and 80s there were high birth rates in the Muslim world, and this has given rise to a huge youth bulge.
  • Therefore, any food container that bulges or swells may contain gas produced by C. botulinum and should not be opened or tasted.
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  • Richard was having a panic attack on Fifth Avenue, clutching a lamppost with arms that bulged like tin drums.
  • But he said it was unclear whether the bulge indicated a jagged break in the wing or a mirage caused by atmospheric distortion.
  • All day the eye of the sky bulges, lidless and forgiving until darkness comes to roost undisturbed in its lashes.
  • He looked well-built, with barrel chest, thin waist, and long, thin, muscular legs and pronounced knee bulges.
  • With the rise of private Masses, chapels began to bulge out from the laterals of the church and altars began to be recessed against the walls.
  • He was fighting the battle of the bulge from his early twenties and not always successfully. Times, Sunday Times
  • By adjusting the statistics, natural bulges are evened out, allowing for short-term shifts to be inferred more accurately.
  • You can tell the difference between the sexes not only by their genitals the males have little claspers to help them mate but by other parts of their bodies such as their eyes: the female has small eyes pointing out to either side, while those of the male bulge out so much that they touch over the top of its head. Parasite Rex
  • Great circle path truest shortest, aka geodesic bulges towards southeast. The Myth of the strategic location of the Taiwan Strait
  • The strapping prevented any unseemly bulges, while keeping the smooth line of the tight trousers that were fashionable at the time.
  • Later, Ridgway found himself being driven through thick fog and rain along a congested road during the Battle of the Bulge.
  • The eyes bulge, the lips distort and foul-smelling gases ooze from every orifice.
  • A fifty-pound chunk of steel was missing from the reactor, and the only thing holding the coolant in was the stainless cladding, which is paperthin, and which bulged out the hole like bubblegum. Think Progress » Jonah Goldberg: Concerns About Climate Change Are ‘Millenarian Battiness’
  • The inner and outer margins of the annulus were observed to bulge outwards but when the nucleus was removed the inner margins bulged inwards.
  • I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.
  • The rear cargo area bulged a pregnant belly.
  • That same rim of dust appears bright in Spitzer's infrared image, which also reveals that Sombrero 's central bulge of stars.
  • On her ankle was a slight bulge where she kept a kukri hidden.
  • Complete blood count at diagnosis revealed a total leukocyte count of 50 000 / L, with 94% neutrophils and without a middle bulge or basophilia, which is consistent with a leukemoid reaction.
  • While a person is feeling the tread, the entire tire should also be inspected for such safety-related damage as cuts, cracks, blisters, or bulges.
  • Maffei 2 is a spiral galaxy thatalso has a disk shape, but with a bar-like central bulge and twoprominent dusty spiral arms.
  • And yes, what I thought was a dull, level waistline turns out to be the top of a gentle wedge, and what came across as a slabby rear quarter is a subtly-bulged haunch hugging the rear wheel tightly.
  • You're kidding," I said, pushing a chocolate-covered nougat to the recesses of my cheek, where it bulged uncomfortably. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • The store detective had noticed an odd bulge under the suspect's clothes.
  • The store detective had noticed an odd bulge under the suspect's clothes.
  • Kuja's new nut-brown drawstring knapsack bulged with new clothes and souvenirs.
  • Check tyres for damage, looking out for any cuts, cracks or bulges, as these can lead to slow punctures and blowouts.
  • Under their ponchos he spied telltale bulges that he took to be weapons.
  • Is a move from the battle of the bulge brackets to the battle of the bulge imminent? Times, Sunday Times
  • His stomach bulged after the huge meal
  • The original smooth surface often becomes worn, with bulges and cracks appearing here and there.
  • This turnaround is largely the result of the Baby-boomer bulge entering retirement and being succeeded by steady-state Baby-bust workforce.
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • His eyes bulged and he sat there, as though all the lights had gone out in his head.
  • But as the baby-boomer bulge moves through the system, our pension debt will also increase.
  • The Germans planned powerful attacks from the areas near Orel and Belgorod toward Kursk to surround and destroy the Soviet forces within the bulge.
  • Once thought to be a terrible menace, some experts now advise to ignore these bulges which appear in the stems of all types of citrus trees.
  • Short and as squattily packed down as a Buddha, the great sinews of his strength bulged in his short neck and in the backs of the calves of his legs, even rippled beneath his coat. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • His biceps bulged; his abdomen rippled and the mere sight of him made the faint-hearted swoon.
  • The earth is an oblate spheroid - a sphere with flattened poles and a slight bulge the equator.
  • This continues until there is a well-developed inward bulge which goes about half-way across the interior.
  • Yoder's group made the bulge measurements by monitoring the motion of the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft as it orbited the planet over the past 3 years.
  • Under their ponchos he spied telltale bulges that he took to be weapons.
  • My onions are producing upright stems with a large bulge at the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • The larger part of the main forces belonged to the 10th army concentrated in the central part of the WSMD in the Bialystok bulge area.
  • After being arrested last week, authorities said, Mr. Bulger told them his brother William might be willing to post bail for Catherine Greig, the former dental hygienist and Mr. Bulger's longtime companion, who was arrested with him. Bulger Was Avid Traveler, U.S. Says
  • His stomach bulged out over his belt.
  • A urethral diverticula is usually identified as a distal bulge under the urethra.
  • It doesn't come with the glamorous hernia ‘bulge,’ so my HMO's team of medical geniuses had it pegged as an abdominal strain for three months.
  • Newspapers bulge with travel advertisements and articles telling us about the wonders of the world.
  • They attacked again. north of La Bassee and again bulged our line, and the only part of the British front that did not give was the part held by the Canadian corps. The Last Hundred Days of the War
  • His pockets bulged with apples and candy.
  • Jamie Bulger killer needs another new identity after cons 'unmask' him The Daily Record - Home
  • They do it to bulge the bank accounts of bankers, company managers, and investors all over the world.
  • The bulge was back, and so were the cortisone injections.
  • The exophytic mass bulged from the roof of the left atrium between the atrial septum and the orifices of the pulmonary veins.
  • The following month, in response to the German counteroffensive in the Battle of the Bulge, Eisenhower, as supreme Allied commander, ordered the French to retreat behind the Vosges.
  • Though he was now touched by the first papery brittleness of old age, his shoulders were still broad, his biceps showed bulges, his posture was mostly erect, and he seemed relaxed.
  • Bulger should only get better with more experience and more exposure to a complex offense.
  • Part of the intestinal wall bulges through the abdominal wall into the navel.
  • I noticed that his belongings formed a round bulge in the bottom of a plastic carrier bag.
  • His forehead, which was deeply furrowed, bulged in a fashion not without significance for the physiognomist.
  • Timber roof supports burnt away, causing large slates to fall into the building and the front of one of the flats to bulge.
  • These dots appear like perforations in a three-dimensional surface that, close up, seems to bulge and swell and recede.
  • In his figurative works he let the figure bulge out of anatomical specifications and proportions.
  • In his first day, Bulger began boning up on university business and spoke by phone with campus chancellors.
  • His stomach bulged out over his belt.
  • To fit the zoom lenses found on normal digital cameras into a phone would mean making it much thicker or having a bulge. The Sun
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • The hernia may look like a bulge or swelling in the groin area.
  • That bulge in the kitchen wall needed fixing pronto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romantic or touching moments are cued with swelling music, unbelievably swelling music that bulges and finally erupts from your speakers to reach a peak of splendiferousness.
  • Eventually the male becomes nothing but a lump on the female's side – an unconscious bulge where once swam an individual": the Blackdevil anglerfish. Love and other animals
  • Yes, my stomach is bigger than I'd like and I have little bulges at the top of my inner thighs, but that doesn't make them, or me, ‘bad’.
  • Danny froze and the General's eyes bulged as he puffed his moustache.
  • You might have a cool PDA and a wicked wallet, but if you're heading to work with a huge bulge in your pants and your lunch in a plastic bag, then you've got a lot to learn.
  • York dialysis patient Mandy Coles will be battling the bulge this festive season, like the rest of the nation.
  • The sinews and muscles of the jet black steeds bulged and rippled as they trotted the coach around so that it pointed properly down the Beget Road.
  • His temples bulged with the throb of an anvil clang, and yellow black swirls swam across his vision. Earl of Durkness
  • The anterior and posterior relative bulge of the disk that is adjacent to inferior edge of the olisthy vertebra are considered the main clue and basis of CT diagnosis of lumber spondylolisthesis.
  • Its Monday employment supplement - which now runs more than 100 pages and bulges with ads - carried the first serious job listings in Poland.
  • Slight changes in the slope of the volcano's flanks, as measured by a device called a tiltmeter, would suggest that gases were continuing to build up below as they bubbled out of the magma, causing the surface to bulge, or were dissipating. NYT > Home Page
  • Climb the crack / grooves with continual interest until the top - at the top either continue vertically or traverse leftwards around the bulge.
  • Old people are not only living longer and getting richer - they are becoming more numerous as the post-war generation bulge enters its third age.
  • Fabrics that are textured like linen, wool, or even "crinkle" fabrics can distract the eye from bumps and bulges. EzineArticles
  • She patted the q bulge of his holster, as she might a large tumour. MURDER SONG
  • The region of the Galaxy commonly referred to as the bulge is thus synonymous with the bar.
  • A protruding disc or bulging disc will cause pain when the strips of cartilage called annular fibers have a deficit that permits the nucleus to bulge farther than its normal degree. Hold it!
  • Is a move from the battle of the bulge brackets to the battle of the bulge imminent? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was fighting the battle of the bulge from his early twenties and not always successfully. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a registered dietitian, I can assure you that it is very difficult for many people to meet the military weight standards "Battle of the Bulge," Feb. 1. Weight rules are inadequate for measuring troops; promoting geothermal power
  • The envelope in his inside pocket seemed to bulge enormously.
  • The apple made a bulge in his pocket.
  • All cusps bulge slightly on the buccal side, leaving a broad lingual shelf.
  • Richard was having a panic attack on Fifth Avenue, clutching a lamppost with arms that bulged like tin drums.
  • Is a move from the battle of the bulge brackets to the battle of the bulge imminent? Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed to her a very large amount of money, and the way in which it stuffed and bulged her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a feeling of importance such as she had not enjoyed for years. The Awakening
  • In March last year, the region saw a so-called seismic swarm - a series of around 350 small earthquakes, centred on the bulge itself about three miles away from the South Sister.
  • Shaper garments can provide both discreet and more obvious bulge-taming solutions for trouble prone areas such as tummies, thighs and hips. Ottawa Sun
  • After the sighting, the FBI's multiagency violent fugitive task force in Boston and inspectors from New Scotland Yard scoured London hotels, Internet cafes and gyms in search of Bulger. Mobster Whitey Bulger arrested in California
  • The gun made a bulge under his jacket.
  • The postwar birth bulge was so large that it became culturally, economically and politically dominant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is a move from the battle of the bulge brackets to the battle of the bulge imminent? Times, Sunday Times
  • GI-Joe had a nice bulge to match his biceps and washboard stomach.
  • Most pressing is the large demographic bulge of the baby boom, people who are going to be retiring over the next 30 years.
  • Tufts of balding, meager dun hair sprouted out from the man's scalp in every possible direction like a windblown bush, followed by wide, tangled eyebrows and small, beady, madly darting eyes which bulged from within a round, bloated face.
  • In the darkening evening the horizon bulged with a dome of fluorescent white light glowing against the black of the sky as the convoy began to arrive.
  • Virtually unrecognisable, her porcelain skin was made blotchy, her face puffy, her teeth misshapen and her lithesome figure bulged for the role in the small film that she produced and turned into a major hit.
  • The correct use of muscles can reshape the body, lift sagging cheeks, melt away double chins, middle-age spread and abdominal bulges, restore elasticity to the skin, iron out creepy necks and eliminate flabbiness.
  • They all had slight suspicious bulges under loose guayabera shirts. T2©: RISING STORM
  • Keratoconus is an irregular bulge of the cornea, or the clear surface structure over the eye.
  • Baseball history bulges with hundreds of other bounders, knaves, and lunatics who were not anywhere near as talented.
  • Stephen Lawrence and James Bulger were both included because of the "overwhelming soul-searching and examination of education and social policy" which followed their deaths.
  • His eyes bulged in fury at the destruction that had been wreaked on his lab.
  • But if that's the case, they can't reasonably expect the president to walk around with a rectangular bulge on his back and to keep it an unexplained secret forever.
  • To fit the zoom lenses found on normal digital cameras into a phone would mean making it much thicker or having a bulge. The Sun
  • The next day the Boston Globe reported, ‘the Mayor got bushwhacked at his own news conference’ and Bulger ‘ran circles around the nonplussed mayor.’
  • An aneurysm is an abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel such as an artery.
  • She stands up decisively and pulls her t-shirt down at the sides, accentuating the waistless bulge of her torso that protrudes for some distance from her body.
  • Glancing behind me as my backside hit the floor of the boat, I saw the water surface gently bulge and swirl before settling to its normal oily calm.
  • Carey's eyes seemed to bulge, the cords on his neck standing taut.
  • In November the Germans consolidated and in December launched a counter-attack in the ARDENNES, the Battle of the Bulge.
  • Rising from the radiator grille, a prominent bulge in the hood runs to the base of the windscreen.
  • Lee is off and racing up through the deep dish and over the bulge and heading up the ironstone jugs to the belay.
  • The tumor that you see here is my own blood vessels, my own veins, all swollen and tangled, engorged, and mixed together that bulge out like this.
  • Said cutthroats are headed up by a particularly evil Jack Nicholson, as Frank Costello, who was modeled after noted Beantown bad guy Whitey Bulger who, at the time, was sunning himself in Santa Monica. 'Safe House': Familiar Blueprint, Despite Denzel
  • Once upon a time, before our rocky, roundish moon became tidally locked, tidal bulges also swept continually across its surface, tracking the shifting position and pull of Earth. When the moon hits your eye, it's always the same old scene
  • In most cases the bulge settles down, as long as you have sufficient horizontal rest and take good care of your back.
  • A fullback or tight end is normally in the backfield to help protect Bulger.
  • While a person is feeling the tread, the entire tire should also be inspected for such safety-related damage as cuts, cracks, blisters, or bulges.
  • the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
  • Generation Y Grows Up: Another population bulge has occurred as a result of Boomers having babies.
  • First they said that pictures showing the bulge might have been doctored.
  • At this point it requires some rheology of materials, but if the planet were rotating the bulge would remain pointing radially towards the star and the rotation would force the material to deform as it rotates. Planet of Lava a Former Gas Giant | Universe Today
  • His cheeks bulged, and his face turned purple with rage.
  • Years bleed into one another as file cabinets bulge with extraneous information.
  • The handles are barrel shaped, with a distinct bulge near the middle, rather than cylindrical, on both spindles.
  • The main entrance to the station concourse lies on the west side of the building, signified by a slight bulge as the glass side wall curves outward.
  • Their walk is a waddle, and they bulge with seaming corpulency. CHAPTER XXXV
  • I fear he doesn't know a bulger from a baffy," he added sorrowfully. The Half-Back
  • They were burning stubble and the smoke had bulged across the lane as we free-wheeled down into the dip.
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • Computer screens glow, fax machines stutter out reams of paper and the filing cabinets which line every wall bulge with thousands of documents.
  • Traditional treatments include laminectomy, where you remove pieces of bone from the spine to make space for the spinal canal and nerves, and discectomy, where you remove pieces of the bulged or ruptured disc that are causing pressure on the nerves. Cutting Edge
  • His blond hair was disheveled and puffy bags bulged from beneath his eyes.
  • To avoid bulges or the annoying sound of coins clinking, try to keep your pockets empty.
  • If, therefore, the part which is depressed -- that is, the part directly struck -- happens to be less elastic than the part which bulges, it gives way, and a fracture by "bending" results; but if the bulging part is the less elastic, it bursts outwards -- _fracture by_ Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • With the slack in the rope, she darted forward, and pinched the bulge in her teeth, and tugged, eliciting a scream from Spade.
  • It will be possible to continue New Zealand superannuation at present real levels through the bulge of the retirement of the baby boomers, because we are being prudent and investing now.
  • Her swimsuit outlined the curves of her body, and there was nothing to fault, no disproportion, no bulge; nothing too much or too little. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts.
  • Oates glared back, irritated, and his fists bulged. End of Time
  • Five and a half months into my pregnancy, I finally felt my daughter's distant quaking and, soon after, legitimate pokes and prods that made my T-shirt bulge while I shopped for groceries.
  • Jenkins' eyes, already wild and dilated, began to bulge as he fought for breath.
  • As he shears the rolls of thick wool around its neck, his forearm disappears beneath the fleece and his bicep again bulges.
  • It can be refaced, but the new facing soon begins to bulge again. The Road to Wigan Pier
  • Rolls of fat bulged over his collar.
  • The big lights, butch bulges and metallic paint are designed to be brash, flash and funky.
  • The danger is that straining to empty the bowel may damage it, leading to diverticular disease, in which the lining of the intestines bulges through weaknesses in their muscles.
  • Rock star Neil Young is hospitalized in New York for treatment of what his agent calls a dangerous brain aneurism, which is a bulge in a blood vessel. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • The first thing he saw through a gap between the huts was a cooking pot, a grey bulge in the dimness.
  • The main entrance to the station concourse lies on the west side of the building, signified by a slight bulge as the glass side wall curves outward.
  • He told reporters at the weekend that the bulge was nothing more than a pucker along the jacket's seam when the president crossed his arms and leaned forward.
  • He stripped the ball from Bulger and caught the fumble for a touchdown to help the Atlanta Falcons beat the St. Louis Rams 34-17.
  • The winds and low pressure conditions force the sea to bulge out and swamp coasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long torso may mean roomier accommodations for a baby, making it less likely for a woman's belly to bulge outward.
  • His pockets bulge with change, because when he goes to a shop he can never hear when the assistant tells him how much to pay, and so always proffers a £5 note.
  • It was true she was not pretty; her eyes bulged, and her features were overlarge for her oval face, but there was something arresting about the look of her. Exit the Actress
  • He was several centimeters taller than Clan, but his gut bulged unheroically. Empire Builders
  • At times, sharp clicks and bubbles of noise will suddenly bulge to the top before disappearing back into the fray.
  • In the high mountains, the bellies of top climbers bulge like bowling balls.
  • This is particularly true along the boundaries of the crescent-shaped Islamic bloc of nations from the bulge of Africa to Central Asia.
  • When present they may produce a bulge of the lateral nasal wall anterior to the middle turbinate.
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • Bruising can be very widespread at times and sometimes a blood collection called a haematoma can present as a bulge under the skin or close to the repair, caused by small blood vessel bleeding. Article Source
  • The gun made a bulge under his jacket.
  • The girls turquoise eyes bulged with fright behind a diving mask, the ugly rubber mouthpiece of an aqualung clamped between the perfect O of her lips. Black Butterfly
  • About half of all people over 60 have diverticulosis, meaning they develop small pouches along the walls of their colon that bulge outward through weak spots in the wall. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The Wisconsin State Capitol bulged with thousands of union members, including teachers, Thursday protesting Wisconsin Gov. Teachers Union Under Assault, Fights Back In Response To Limiting Bill
  • The brain, too, develops in the first instance from a simple sheet of cells that gradually curls up into a tube that sprouts bulges, which over time differentiate into ever more complex shapes.
  • In the fall of 1944, the commander of the Third Bomb Group flew the first aircraft with the bulged canopy and was delighted with the results.
  • IT might look like the vertical red lines bulge outwards in the middle but they actually do not. The Sun
  • The Christmas stocking bulged with goodies.
  • Cracked wheat is another name, though not entirely accurate - it can also be called bulgur, bulgar, bulger, bulghur or burghal. Archive 2006-09-01
  • At times, sharp clicks and bubbles of noise will suddenly bulge to the top before disappearing back into the fray.
  • Her swimsuit outlined the curves of her body, and there was nothing to fault, no disproportion, no bulge; nothing too much or too little. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The spherically symmetrical zygote then selects and elaborates an axis, visibly breaking symmetry by producing a rhizoidal bulge at about 10 h after fertilization.
  • His boss's neck bulges with 'huge sternocleidomastoid muscles'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chateau, a modern building in Italian style, with two projecting wings and three flights of steps, lay at the foot of an immense green-sward, on which some cows were grazing among groups of large trees set out at regular intervals, while large beds of arbutus, rhododendron, syringas, and guelder roses bulged out their irregular clusters of green along the curve of the gravel path. Madame Bovary
  • There was a neat solid bulge where her flat belly had been.
  • The reason it's ‘unsustainable’ is that the program would need more funds to get through the demographic bulge created by the baby generation.
  • This was a ground-floor room which bulged out on the side of the house looking towards the big lawn and the stables.
  • The gun speedily put the wicked-looking snake out of action, and a bulge in the body indicated the site of the last meal -- the confiding thrush and her fledgeless brood. Tropic Days
  • No bulging rib cages, no collar bones out to here, no sunken eyes or bizarre hipbone bulges.
  • Rolls of fat bulged over his collar.

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